2021-02-04 00:01:16 +11:00

57 lines
1.9 KiB

dist: xenial
- mysql
- postgresql
language: python
- 3.6
- 3.7
- sqlite3
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install gettext
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
- sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
- pip3 install invoke
- pip3 install mysqlclient
- pip3 install psycopg2
- invoke install
- invoke migrate
- cd InvenTree && python3 manage.py createsuperuser --username InvenTreeAdmin --email admin@inventree.com --noinput && cd ..
- psql -c 'create database inventree_test_db;' -U postgres
- mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE inventree_test_db;'
- cd InvenTree && python3 manage.py makemigrations && cd ..
- python3 ci/check_migration_files.py
# Run unit testing / code coverage tests
- invoke coverage
# Run unit test for SQL database backend
- cd InvenTree && python3 manage.py test --settings=InvenTree.ci_mysql && cd ..
# Run unit test for PostgreSQL database backend
- cd InvenTree && python3 manage.py test --settings=InvenTree.ci_postgresql && cd ..
- invoke translate
- invoke style
# Create an empty database and fill it with test data
- rm inventree_default_db.sqlite3
- invoke migrate
- invoke import-fixtures
# Export database records
- invoke export-records -f data.json
# Create a new empty database and import the saved data
- rm inventree_default_db.sqlite3
- invoke migrate
- invoke import-records -f data.json
# Run linting checks on migration files (django-migration-linter)
# Run subset of linting checks on *ALL* migration files
# Run strict migration file checks on *NEW* migrations (old ones are what they are)
- cd InvenTree && python manage.py lintmigrations 79ddea50f507e34195bad635008419daac0d7a5f -q ok ignore --no-cache && cd ..
- coveralls