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252 lines
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import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from allauth.account.models import EmailAddress
from InvenTree.helpers import inheritors
from InvenTree.ready import isImportingData
from common.models import NotificationEntry, NotificationMessage
from common.models import InvenTreeUserSetting
import InvenTree.tasks
logger = logging.getLogger('inventree')
class NotificationMethod:
Base class for notification methods
CONTEXT_BUILTIN = ['name', 'message', ]
def __init__(self, obj, category, targets, context) -> None:
# Check if a sending fnc is defined
if (not hasattr(self, 'send')) and (not hasattr(self, 'send_bulk')):
raise NotImplementedError('A NotificationMethod must either define a `send` or a `send_bulk` method')
# No method name is no good
if self.METHOD_NAME in ('', None):
raise NotImplementedError(f'The NotificationMethod {self.__class__} did not provide a METHOD_NAME')
# Define arguments
self.obj = obj
self.category = category
self.targets = targets
self.context = self.check_context(context)
# Gather targets
self.targets = self.get_targets()
def check_context(self, context):
def check(ref, obj):
# the obj is not accesible so we are on the end
if not isinstance(obj, (list, dict, tuple, )):
return ref
# check if the ref exsists
if isinstance(ref, str):
if not obj.get(ref):
return ref
return False
# nested
elif isinstance(ref, (tuple, list)):
if len(ref) == 1:
return check(ref[0], obj)
ret = check(ref[0], obj)
if ret:
return ret
return check(ref[1:], obj[ref[0]])
# other cases -> raise
raise NotImplementedError('This type can not be used as a context reference')
missing = []
for item in (*self.CONTEXT_BUILTIN, *self.CONTEXT_EXTRA):
ret = check(item, context)
if ret:
if missing:
raise NotImplementedError(f'The `context` is missing the following items:\n{missing}')
return context
def get_targets(self):
raise NotImplementedError('The `get_targets` method must be implemented!')
def setup(self):
return True
# def send(self, targets)
# def send_bulk(self)
def cleanup(self):
return True
class SingleNotificationMethod(NotificationMethod):
def send(self, target):
raise NotImplementedError('The `send` method must be overriden!')
class BulkNotificationMethod(NotificationMethod):
def send_bulk(self):
raise NotImplementedError('The `send` method must be overriden!')
class EmailNotification(BulkNotificationMethod):
METHOD_NAME = 'mail'
('template', ),
('template', 'html', ),
('template', 'subject', ),
def get_targets(self):
Return a list of target email addresses,
only for users which allow email notifications
allowed_users = []
for user in self.targets:
allows_emails = InvenTreeUserSetting.get_setting('NOTIFICATION_SEND_EMAILS', user=user)
if allows_emails:
return EmailAddress.objects.filter(
def send_bulk(self):
html_message = render_to_string(self.context['template']['html'], self.context)
targets = self.get_targets().values_list('email', flat=True)
InvenTree.tasks.send_email(self.context['template']['subject'], '', targets, html_message=html_message)
return True
class UIMessageNotification(SingleNotificationMethod):
METHOD_NAME = 'ui_message'
def get_targets(self):
return self.targets
def send(self, target):
return True
def trigger_notifaction(obj, category=None, obj_ref='pk', **kwargs):
Send out a notification
targets = kwargs.get('targets', None)
target_fnc = kwargs.get('target_fnc', None)
target_args = kwargs.get('target_args', [])
target_kwargs = kwargs.get('target_kwargs', {})
context = kwargs.get('context', {})
delivery_methods = kwargs.get('delivery_methods', None)
# Check if data is importing currently
if isImportingData():
# Resolve objekt reference
obj_ref_value = getattr(obj, obj_ref)
# Try with some defaults
if not obj_ref_value:
obj_ref_value = getattr(obj, 'pk')
if not obj_ref_value:
obj_ref_value = getattr(obj, 'id')
if not obj_ref_value:
raise KeyError(f"Could not resolve an object reference for '{str(obj)}' with {obj_ref}, pk, id")
# Check if we have notified recently...
delta = timedelta(days=1)
if NotificationEntry.check_recent(category, obj_ref_value, delta):
logger.info(f"Notification '{category}' has recently been sent for '{str(obj)}' - SKIPPING")
logger.info(f"Gathering users for notification '{category}'")
# Collect possible targets
if not targets:
targets = target_fnc(*target_args, **target_kwargs)
if targets:
logger.info(f"Sending notification '{category}' for '{str(obj)}'")
# Collect possible methods
if delivery_methods is None:
delivery_methods = inheritors(NotificationMethod)
for method in [a for a in delivery_methods if a not in [SingleNotificationMethod, BulkNotificationMethod]]:
logger.info(f"Triggering method '{method.METHOD_NAME}'")
deliver_notification(method, obj, category, targets, context)
except NotImplementedError as error:
raise error
except Exception as error:
# Set delivery flag
NotificationEntry.notify(category, obj_ref_value)
logger.info(f"No possible users for notification '{category}'")
def deliver_notification(cls: NotificationMethod, obj, category: str, targets, context: dict):
# Init delivery method
method = cls(obj, category, targets, context)
if method.targets and len(method.targets) > 0:
# Log start
logger.info(f"Notify users via '{method.METHOD_NAME}' for notification '{category}' for '{str(obj)}'")
# Run setup for delivery method
# Counters for success logs
success = True
success_count = 0
# Select delivery method and execute it
if hasattr(method, 'send_bulk'):
success = method.send_bulk()
success_count = len(method.targets)
elif hasattr(method, 'send'):
for target in method.targets:
if method.send(target):
success_count += 1
success = False
# Run cleanup for delivery method
# Log results
logger.info(f"Notified {success_count} users via '{method.METHOD_NAME}' for notification '{category}' for '{str(obj)}' successfully")
if not success:
logger.info("There were some problems")