2022-02-13 23:32:55 +01:00

728 lines
22 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.urls import reverse
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission
from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import UniqueConstraint, Q
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete
import logging
from InvenTree.ready import canAppAccessDatabase
logger = logging.getLogger("inventree")
class RuleSet(models.Model):
A RuleSet is somewhat like a superset of the django permission class,
in that in encapsulates a bunch of permissions.
There are *many* apps models used within InvenTree,
so it makes sense to group them into "roles".
These roles translate (roughly) to the menu options available.
Each role controls permissions for a number of database tables,
which are then handled using the normal django permissions approach.
('admin', _('Admin')),
('part_category', _('Part Categories')),
('part', _('Parts')),
('stock_location', _('Stock Locations')),
('stock', _('Stock Items')),
('build', _('Build Orders')),
('purchase_order', _('Purchase Orders')),
('sales_order', _('Sales Orders')),
choice[0] for choice in RULESET_CHOICES
'view', 'add', 'change', 'delete',
'admin': [
'part_category': [
'part': [
'stock_location': [
'stock': [
'build': [
'purchase_order': [
'sales_order': [
# Database models we ignore permission sets for
# Core django models (not user configurable)
# Models which currently do not require permissions
# Third-party tables
# Django-q
('part', 'partparameter'),
('part', 'bomitem'),
class Meta:
unique_together = (
('name', 'group'),
name = models.CharField(
help_text=_('Permission set')
group = models.ForeignKey(
blank=False, null=False,
can_view = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('View'), default=True, help_text=_('Permission to view items'))
can_add = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Add'), default=False, help_text=_('Permission to add items'))
can_change = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Change'), default=False, help_text=_('Permissions to edit items'))
can_delete = models.BooleanField(verbose_name=_('Delete'), default=False, help_text=_('Permission to delete items'))
def check_table_permission(cls, user, table, permission):
Check if the provided user has the specified permission against the table
# If the table does *not* require permissions
if table in cls.RULESET_IGNORE:
return True
# Work out which roles touch the given table
for role in cls.RULESET_NAMES:
if table in cls.RULESET_MODELS[role]:
if check_user_role(user, role, permission):
return True
# Check for children models which inherits from parent role
for (parent, child) in cls.RULESET_CHANGE_INHERIT:
# Get child model name
parent_child_string = f'{parent}_{child}'
if parent_child_string == table:
# Check if parent role has change permission
if check_user_role(user, parent, 'change'):
return True
# Print message instead of throwing an error
name = getattr(user, 'name',"User '{name}' failed permission check for {table}.{permission}")
return False
def get_model_permission_string(model, permission):
Construct the correctly formatted permission string,
given the app_model name, and the permission type.
model, app = split_model(model)
return "{app}.{perm}_{model}".format(
def __str__(self, debug=False):
""" Ruleset string representation """
if debug: # pragma: no cover
# Makes debugging easier
return f'{str(}: {} | ' \
f'v: {str(self.can_view).ljust(5)} | a: {str(self.can_add).ljust(5)} | ' \
f'c: {str(self.can_change).ljust(5)} | d: {str(self.can_delete).ljust(5)}'
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
# It does not make sense to be able to change / create something,
# but not be able to view it!
if self.can_add or self.can_change or self.can_delete:
self.can_view = True
if self.can_add or self.can_delete:
self.can_change = True
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
# Update the group too!
def get_models(self):
Return the database tables / models that this ruleset covers.
return self.RULESET_MODELS.get(, [])
def split_model(model):
"""get modelname and app from modelstring"""
*app, model = model.split('_')
# handle models that have
if len(app) > 1:
app = '_'.join(app)
app = app[0]
return model, app
def split_permission(app, perm):
"""split permission string into permission and model"""
permission_name, *model = perm.split('_')
# handle models that have underscores
if len(model) > 1:
app += '_' + '_'.join(model[:-1])
perm = permission_name + '_' + model[-1:][0]
model = model[-1:][0]
return perm, model
def update_group_roles(group, debug=False):
Iterates through all of the RuleSets associated with the group,
and ensures that the correct permissions are either applied or removed from the group.
This function is called under the following conditions:
a) Whenever the InvenTree database is launched
b) Whenver the group object is updated
The RuleSet model has complete control over the permissions applied to any group.
if not canAppAccessDatabase(allow_test=True):
return # pragma: no cover
# List of permissions already associated with this group
group_permissions = set()
# Iterate through each permission already assigned to this group,
# and create a simplified permission key string
for p in group.permissions.all():
(permission, app, model) = p.natural_key()
permission_string = '{app}.{perm}'.format(
# List of permissions which must be added to the group
permissions_to_add = set()
# List of permissions which must be removed from the group
permissions_to_delete = set()
def add_model(name, action, allowed):
Add a new model to the pile:
name - The name of the model e.g. part_part
action - The permission action e.g. view
allowed - Whether or not the action is allowed
if action not in ['view', 'add', 'change', 'delete']:
raise ValueError("Action {a} is invalid".format(a=action))
permission_string = RuleSet.get_model_permission_string(model, action)
if allowed:
# An 'allowed' action is always preferenced over a 'forbidden' action
if permission_string in permissions_to_delete:
# A forbidden action will be ignored if we have already allowed it
if permission_string not in permissions_to_add:
# Get all the rulesets associated with this group
for r in RuleSet.RULESET_CHOICES:
rulename = r[0]
ruleset = RuleSet.objects.get(group=group, name=rulename)
except RuleSet.DoesNotExist:
# Create the ruleset with default values (if it does not exist)
ruleset = RuleSet.objects.create(group=group, name=rulename)
# Which database tables does this RuleSet touch?
models = ruleset.get_models()
for model in models:
# Keep track of the available permissions for each model
add_model(model, 'view', ruleset.can_view)
add_model(model, 'add', ruleset.can_add)
add_model(model, 'change', ruleset.can_change)
add_model(model, 'delete', ruleset.can_delete)
def get_permission_object(permission_string):
Find the permission object in the database,
from the simplified permission string
permission_string - a simplified permission_string e.g. 'part.view_partcategory'
Returns the permission object in the database associated with the permission string
(app, perm) = permission_string.split('.')
perm, model = split_permission(app, perm)
content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label=app, model=model)
permission = Permission.objects.get(content_type=content_type, codename=perm)
except ContentType.DoesNotExist: # pragma: no cover
logger.warning(f"Error: Could not find permission matching '{permission_string}'")
permission = None
return permission
# Add any required permissions to the group
for perm in permissions_to_add:
# Ignore if permission is already in the group
if perm in group_permissions:
permission = get_permission_object(perm)
if permission:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
print(f"Adding permission {perm} to group {}")
# Remove any extra permissions from the group
for perm in permissions_to_delete:
# Ignore if the permission is not already assigned
if perm not in group_permissions:
permission = get_permission_object(perm)
if permission:
if debug: # pragma: no cover
print(f"Removing permission {perm} from group {}")
# Enable all action permissions for certain children models
# if parent model has 'change' permission
for (parent, child) in RuleSet.RULESET_CHANGE_INHERIT:
parent_change_perm = f'{parent}.change_{parent}'
parent_child_string = f'{parent}_{child}'
# Check if parent change permission exists
if parent_change_perm in group_permissions:
# Add child model permissions
for action in ['add', 'change', 'delete']:
child_perm = f'{parent}.{action}_{child}'
# Check if child permission not already in group
if child_perm not in group_permissions:
# Create permission object
add_model(parent_child_string, action, ruleset.can_delete)
# Add to group
permission = get_permission_object(child_perm)
if permission:
print(f"Adding permission {child_perm} to group {}")
@receiver(post_save, sender=Group, dispatch_uid='create_missing_rule_sets')
def create_missing_rule_sets(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Called *after* a Group object is saved.
As the linked RuleSet instances are saved *before* the Group,
then we can now use these RuleSet values to update the
group permissions.
def check_user_role(user, role, permission):
Check if a user has a particular role:permission combination.
If the user is a superuser, this will return True
if user.is_superuser:
return True
for group in user.groups.all():
for rule in group.rule_sets.all():
if == role:
if permission == 'add' and rule.can_add:
return True
if permission == 'change' and rule.can_change:
return True
if permission == 'view' and rule.can_view:
return True
if permission == 'delete' and rule.can_delete:
return True
# No matching permissions found
return False
class Owner(models.Model):
The Owner class is a proxy for a Group or User instance.
Owner can be associated to any InvenTree model (part, stock, build, etc.)
owner_type: Model type (Group or User)
owner_id: Group or User instance primary key
owner: Returns the Group or User instance combining the owner_type and owner_id fields
def get_owners_matching_user(cls, user):
Return all "owner" objects matching the provided user:
A) An exact match for the user
B) Any groups that the user is a part of
user_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='auth', model='user')
group_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='auth', model='group')
owners = []
owners.append(cls.objects.get(, owner_type=user_type))
for group in user.groups.all():
owner = cls.objects.get(, owner_type=group_type)
return owners
def get_api_url():
return reverse('api-owner-list')
class Meta:
# Ensure all owners are unique
constraints = [
UniqueConstraint(fields=['owner_type', 'owner_id'],
owner_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True)
owner_id = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True, blank=True)
owner = GenericForeignKey('owner_type', 'owner_id')
def __str__(self):
""" Defines the owner string representation """
return f'{self.owner} ({})'
def name(self):
Return the 'name' of this owner
return str(self.owner)
def label(self):
Return the 'type' label of this owner i.e. 'user' or 'group'
return str(
def create(cls, obj):
""" Check if owner exist then create new owner entry """
# Check for existing owner
existing_owner = cls.get_owner(obj)
if not existing_owner:
# Create new owner
return cls.objects.create(owner=obj)
except IntegrityError: # pragma: no cover
return None
return existing_owner
def get_owner(cls, user_or_group):
""" Get owner instance for a group or user """
user_model = get_user_model()
owner = None
content_type_id = 0
content_type_id_list = [ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Group).id,
# If instance type is obvious: set content type
if type(user_or_group) is Group:
content_type_id = content_type_id_list[0]
elif type(user_or_group) is get_user_model():
content_type_id = content_type_id_list[1]
if content_type_id:
owner = Owner.objects.get(,
except Owner.DoesNotExist:
# Check whether user_or_group is a Group instance
group = Group.objects.get(
except Group.DoesNotExist:
group = None
if group:
owner = Owner.objects.get(,
except Owner.DoesNotExist:
return owner
# Check whether user_or_group is a User instance
user = user_model.objects.get(
except user_model.DoesNotExist:
user = None
if user:
owner = Owner.objects.get(,
except Owner.DoesNotExist:
return owner
return owner
def get_related_owners(self, include_group=False):
Get all owners "related" to an owner.
This method is useful to retrieve all "user-type" owners linked to a "group-type" owner
user_model = get_user_model()
related_owners = None
if type(self.owner) is Group:
users = user_model.objects.filter(
if include_group:
# Include "group-type" owner in the query
query = Q(owner_id__in=users, owner_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(user_model).id) | \
Q(, owner_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Group).id)
query = Q(owner_id__in=users, owner_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(user_model).id)
related_owners = Owner.objects.filter(query)
elif type(self.owner) is user_model:
related_owners = [self]
return related_owners
@receiver(post_save, sender=Group, dispatch_uid='create_owner')
@receiver(post_save, sender=get_user_model(), dispatch_uid='create_owner')
def create_owner(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Callback function to create a new owner instance
after either a new group or user instance is saved.
@receiver(post_delete, sender=Group, dispatch_uid='delete_owner')
@receiver(post_delete, sender=get_user_model(), dispatch_uid='delete_owner')
def delete_owner(sender, instance, **kwargs):
Callback function to delete an owner instance
after either a new group or user instance is deleted.
owner = Owner.get_owner(instance)