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from django.test import TestCase
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from .models import StockLocation, StockItem, StockItemTracking
from part.models import Part
class StockTest(TestCase):
Tests to ensure that the stock location tree functions correcly
fixtures = [
def setUp(self):
# Extract some shortcuts from the fixtures
self.home = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Home')
self.bathroom = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Bathroom')
self.diningroom = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Dining Room')
self.office = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Office')
self.drawer1 = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Drawer_1')
self.drawer2 = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Drawer_2')
self.drawer3 = StockLocation.objects.get(name='Drawer_3')
# Create a user
User = get_user_model()
User.objects.create_user('username', 'user@email.com', 'password')
self.client.login(username='username', password='password')
self.user = User.objects.get(username='username')
# Ensure the MPTT objects are correctly rebuild
def test_loc_count(self):
self.assertEqual(StockLocation.objects.count(), 7)
def test_url(self):
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=2)
self.assertEqual(it.get_absolute_url(), '/stock/item/2/')
self.assertEqual(self.home.get_absolute_url(), '/stock/location/1/')
def test_barcode(self):
barcode = self.office.format_barcode()
self.assertIn('"name": "Office"', barcode)
def test_strings(self):
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=1)
self.assertEqual(str(it), '4000 x M2x4 LPHS @ Dining Room')
def test_parent_locations(self):
self.assertEqual(self.office.parent, None)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer1.parent, self.office)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer2.parent, self.office)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer3.parent, self.office)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer3.pathstring, 'Office/Drawer_3')
# Move one of the drawers
self.drawer3.parent = self.home
self.assertNotEqual(self.drawer3.parent, self.office)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer3.pathstring, 'Home/Drawer_3')
def test_children(self):
childs = [item.pk for item in self.office.getUniqueChildren()]
self.assertIn(self.drawer1.id, childs)
self.assertIn(self.drawer2.id, childs)
self.assertNotIn(self.bathroom.id, childs)
def test_items(self):
# Drawer 3 should have three stock items
self.assertEqual(self.drawer3.stock_items.count(), 15)
self.assertEqual(self.drawer3.item_count, 15)
def test_stock_count(self):
part = Part.objects.get(pk=1)
entries = part.stock_entries()
self.assertEqual(entries.count(), 2)
# There should be 9000 screws in stock
self.assertEqual(part.total_stock, 9000)
# There should be 18 widgets in stock
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=25).aggregate(Sum('quantity'))['quantity__sum'], 18)
def test_delete_location(self):
# How many stock items are there?
n_stock = StockItem.objects.count()
# What parts are in drawer 3?
stock_ids = [part.id for part in StockItem.objects.filter(location=self.drawer3.id)]
# Delete location - parts should move to parent location
# There should still be the same number of parts
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.count(), n_stock)
# stock should have moved
for s_id in stock_ids:
s_item = StockItem.objects.get(id=s_id)
self.assertEqual(s_item.location, self.office)
def test_move(self):
""" Test stock movement functions """
# Move 4,000 screws to the bathroom
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=1)
self.assertNotEqual(it.location, self.bathroom)
self.assertTrue(it.move(self.bathroom, 'Moved to the bathroom', None))
self.assertEqual(it.location, self.bathroom)
# There now should be 2 lots of screws in the bathroom
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=1, location=self.bathroom).count(), 2)
# Check that a tracking item was added
track = StockItemTracking.objects.filter(item=it).latest('id')
self.assertEqual(track.item, it)
self.assertIn('Moved to', track.title)
self.assertEqual(track.notes, 'Moved to the bathroom')
def test_self_move(self):
# Try to move an item to its current location (should fail)
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=1)
n = it.tracking_info.count()
self.assertFalse(it.move(it.location, 'Moved to same place', None))
# Ensure tracking info was not added
self.assertEqual(it.tracking_info.count(), n)
def test_partial_move(self):
w1 = StockItem.objects.get(pk=100)
# Move 6 of the units
self.assertTrue(w1.move(self.diningroom, 'Moved', None, quantity=6))
# There should be 4 remaining
self.assertEqual(w1.quantity, 4)
# There should also be a new object still in drawer3
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=25).count(), 4)
widget = StockItem.objects.get(location=self.drawer3.id, part=25, quantity=4)
# Try to move negative units
self.assertFalse(widget.move(self.bathroom, 'Test', None, quantity=-100))
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=25).count(), 4)
# Try to move to a blank location
self.assertFalse(widget.move(None, 'null', None))
def test_split_stock(self):
# Split the 1234 x 2K2 resistors in Drawer_1
N = StockItem.objects.filter(part=3).count()
stock = StockItem.objects.get(id=1234)
stock.splitStock(1000, None, self.user)
self.assertEqual(stock.quantity, 234)
# There should be a new stock item too!
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=3).count(), N + 1)
# Try to split a negative quantity
stock.splitStock(-10, None, self.user)
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=3).count(), N + 1)
stock.splitStock(stock.quantity, None, self.user)
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=3).count(), N + 1)
def test_stocktake(self):
# Perform stocktake
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=2)
self.assertEqual(it.quantity, 5000)
it.stocktake(255, None, notes='Counted items!')
self.assertEqual(it.quantity, 255)
# Check that a tracking item was added
track = StockItemTracking.objects.filter(item=it).latest('id')
self.assertIn('Stocktake', track.title)
self.assertIn('Counted items', track.notes)
n = it.tracking_info.count()
self.assertFalse(it.stocktake(-1, None, 'test negative stocktake'))
# Ensure tracking info was not added
self.assertEqual(it.tracking_info.count(), n)
def test_add_stock(self):
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=2)
n = it.quantity
it.add_stock(45, None, notes='Added some items')
self.assertEqual(it.quantity, n + 45)
# Check that a tracking item was added
track = StockItemTracking.objects.filter(item=it).latest('id')
self.assertIn('Added', track.title)
self.assertIn('Added some items', track.notes)
self.assertFalse(it.add_stock(-10, None))
def test_take_stock(self):
it = StockItem.objects.get(pk=2)
n = it.quantity
it.take_stock(15, None, notes='Removed some items')
self.assertEqual(it.quantity, n - 15)
# Check that a tracking item was added
track = StockItemTracking.objects.filter(item=it).latest('id')
self.assertIn('Removed', track.title)
self.assertIn('Removed some items', track.notes)
# Test that negative quantity does nothing
self.assertFalse(it.take_stock(-10, None))
def test_deplete_stock(self):
w1 = StockItem.objects.get(pk=100)
w2 = StockItem.objects.get(pk=101)
# Take 25 units from w1 (there are only 10 in stock)
w1.take_stock(30, None, notes='Took 30')
# Get from database again
w1 = StockItem.objects.get(pk=100)
self.assertEqual(w1.quantity, 0)
# Take 25 units from w2 (will be deleted)
w2.take_stock(30, None, notes='Took 30')
with self.assertRaises(StockItem.DoesNotExist):
w2 = StockItem.objects.get(pk=101)
def test_serialize_stock_invalid(self):
Test manual serialization of parts.
Each of these tests should fail
# Test serialization of non-serializable part
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=1234)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(5, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], self.user)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(5, [1, 2, 3], self.user)
# Pick a StockItem which can actually be serialized
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=100)
# Try an invalid quantity
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock("k", [], self.user)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(-1, [], self.user)
# Try invalid serial numbers
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(3, [1, 2, 'k'], self.user)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(3, "hello", self.user)
def test_serialize_stock_valid(self):
""" Perform valid stock serializations """
# There are 10 of these in stock
# Item will deplete when deleted
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=100)
item.delete_on_deplete = True
n = StockItem.objects.filter(part=25).count()
self.assertEqual(item.quantity, 10)
item.serializeStock(3, [1, 2, 3], self.user)
self.assertEqual(item.quantity, 7)
# Try to serialize again (with same serial numbers)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(3, [1, 2, 3], self.user)
# Try to serialize too many items
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serializeStock(13, [1, 2, 3], self.user)
# Serialize some more stock
item.serializeStock(5, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], self.user)
self.assertEqual(item.quantity, 2)
# There should be 8 more items now
self.assertEqual(StockItem.objects.filter(part=25).count(), n + 8)
# Serialize the remainder of the stock
item.serializeStock(2, [99, 100], self.user)
class VariantTest(StockTest):
Tests for calculation stock counts against templates / variants
def test_variant_stock(self):
# Check the 'Chair' variant
chair = Part.objects.get(pk=10000)
# No stock items for the variant part itself
self.assertEqual(chair.stock_entries(include_variants=False).count(), 0)
self.assertEqual(chair.stock_entries().count(), 12)
green = Part.objects.get(pk=10003)
self.assertEqual(green.stock_entries(include_variants=False).count(), 0)
self.assertEqual(green.stock_entries().count(), 3)
def test_serial_numbers(self):
# Test serial number functionality for variant / template parts
chair = Part.objects.get(pk=10000)
# Operations on the top-level object
self.assertEqual(chair.getNextSerialNumber(), 23)
# Same operations on a sub-item
variant = Part.objects.get(pk=10003)
self.assertEqual(variant.getNextSerialNumber(), 23)
# Create a new serial number
n = variant.getHighestSerialNumber()
item = StockItem(
# This should fail
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
# This should pass
item.serial = n + 1
# Attempt to create the same serial number but for a variant (should fail!)
item.pk = None
item.part = Part.objects.get(pk=10004)
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
item.serial += 1