2021-04-11 13:22:16 +10:00

352 lines
7.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from invoke import ctask as task
from shutil import copyfile
import os
import sys
def apps():
Returns a list of installed apps
return [
def localDir():
Returns the directory of *THIS* file.
Used to ensure that the various scripts always run
in the correct directory.
return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def managePyDir():
Returns the directory of the file
return os.path.join(localDir(), 'InvenTree')
def managePyPath():
Return the path of the file
return os.path.join(managePyDir(), '')
def manage(c, cmd, pty=False):
Runs a given command against django's "" script.
c - Command line context
cmd - django command to run
"""'cd {path} && python3 {cmd}'.format(
), pty=pty)
def install(c):
Installs required python packages
# Install required Python packages with PIP'pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt')
# If a config.yaml file does not exist, copy from the template!
CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(localDir(), 'InvenTree', 'config.yaml')
CONFIG_TEMPLATE_FILE = os.path.join(localDir(), 'InvenTree', 'config_template.yaml')
if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
print("Config file 'config.yaml' does not exist - copying from template.")
def shell(c):
Open a python shell with access to the InvenTree database models.
manage(c, 'shell', pty=True)
def worker(c):
Run the InvenTree background worker process
manage(c, 'qcluster', pty=True)
def superuser(c):
Create a superuser (admin) account for the database.
manage(c, 'createsuperuser', pty=True)
def check(c):
Check validity of django codebase
manage(c, "check")
def wait(c):
Wait until the database connection is ready
manage(c, "wait_for_db")
def migrate(c):
Performs database migrations.
This is a critical step if the database schema have been altered!
print("Running InvenTree database migrations...")
manage(c, "makemigrations")
manage(c, "migrate")
manage(c, "migrate --run-syncdb")
manage(c, "check")
print("InvenTree database migrations completed!")
def static(c):
Copies required static files to the STATIC_ROOT directory,
as per Django requirements.
manage(c, "collectstatic --no-input")
@task(pre=[install, migrate, static])
def update(c):
Update InvenTree installation.
This command should be invoked after source code has been updated,
e.g. downloading new code from GitHub.
The following tasks are performed, in order:
- install
- migrate
- static
def translate(c):
Regenerate translation files.
Run this command after added new translatable strings,
or after adding translations for existing strings.
# Translate applicable .py / .html / .js files
manage(c, "makemessages -e py -e html -e js")
manage(c, "compilemessages")
path = os.path.join('InvenTree', 'script', '')'python {path}')
def style(c):
Run PEP style checks against InvenTree sourcecode
print("Running PEP style checks...")'flake8 InvenTree')
def test(c, database=None):
Run unit-tests for InvenTree codebase.
# Run sanity check on the django install
manage(c, 'check')
# Run coverage tests
manage(c, 'test', pty=True)
def coverage(c):
Run code-coverage of the InvenTree codebase,
using the 'coverage' code-analysis tools.
Generates a code coverage report (available in the htmlcov directory)
# Run sanity check on the django install
manage(c, 'check')
# Run coverage tests'coverage run {manage} test {apps}'.format(
apps=' '.join(apps())
# Generate coverage report'coverage html')
@task(help={'filename': "Output filename (default = 'data.json')"})
def export_records(c, filename='data.json'):
Export all database records to a file
# Get an absolute path to the file
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = os.path.join(localDir(), filename)
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
print(f"Exporting database records to file '{filename}'")
if os.path.exists(filename):
response = input("Warning: file already exists. Do you want to overwrite? [y/N]: ")
response = str(response).strip().lower()
if response not in ['y', 'yes']:
print("Cancelled export operation")
cmd = f'dumpdata --exclude contenttypes --exclude auth.permission --indent 2 --output {filename}'
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
@task(help={'filename': 'Input filename'})
def import_records(c, filename='data.json'):
Import database records from a file
# Get an absolute path to the supplied filename
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = os.path.join(localDir(), filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' does not exist")
print(f"Importing database records from '{filename}'")
cmd = f'loaddata {filename}'
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
def import_fixtures(c):
Import fixture data into the database.
This command imports all existing test fixture data into the database.
- Intended for testing / development only!
- Running this command may overwrite existing database data!!
- Don't say you were not warned...
fixtures = [
# Build model
# Common models
# Company model
# Order model
# Part model
# Stock model
command = 'loaddata ' + ' '.join(fixtures)
manage(c, command, pty=True)
def backup(c):
Create a backup of database models and uploaded media files.
Backup files will be written to the 'backup_dir' file specified in 'config.yaml'
manage(c, 'dbbackup')
manage(c, 'mediabackup')
def restore(c):
Restores database models and media files.
Backup files are read from the 'backup_dir' file specified in 'config.yaml'
manage(c, 'dbrestore')
manage(c, 'mediarestore')
@task(help={'address': 'Server address:port (default='})
def server(c, address=""):
Launch a (deveopment) server using Django's in-built webserver.
Note: This is *not* sufficient for a production installation.
manage(c, "runserver {address}".format(address=address), pty=True)