mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:33:04 +00:00
* Fix for build line table - Prefill source location correctly * Refactor API filtering for BomList - Make use of RestFilter class * Add "external stock" field to BomItem serializer * Simplify custom filtering * Add "structural" column to part table * Update BOM tables: - Display indication of "external stock" * Annotate "external_stock" to part serializer - Update PartTable [PUI] * Annotate BuildLine serializer too * BuildLine endpoint - filter available stock based on source build order - If build order is specified, and has a source location, use that to filter available stock! * Add message above build line table * Update BuildLineTable * Bump API version
657 lines
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657 lines
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"""JSON API for the Build app."""
from django.db.models import F, Q
from django.urls import include, path
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError
from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend
from django_filters import rest_framework as rest_filters
from InvenTree.api import AttachmentMixin, APIDownloadMixin, ListCreateDestroyAPIView, MetadataView
from generic.states.api import StatusView
from InvenTree.helpers import str2bool, isNull, DownloadFile
from InvenTree.status_codes import BuildStatus, BuildStatusGroups
from InvenTree.mixins import CreateAPI, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI, ListCreateAPI
import common.models
import build.admin
import build.serializers
from build.models import Build, BuildLine, BuildItem, BuildOrderAttachment
import part.models
from users.models import Owner
from InvenTree.filters import SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER_ALIAS
class BuildFilter(rest_filters.FilterSet):
"""Custom filterset for BuildList API endpoint."""
class Meta:
"""Metaclass options"""
model = Build
fields = [
status = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Status')
active = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Build is active', method='filter_active')
def filter_active(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter the queryset to either include or exclude orders which are active."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(status__in=BuildStatusGroups.ACTIVE_CODES)
return queryset.exclude(status__in=BuildStatusGroups.ACTIVE_CODES)
overdue = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Build is overdue', method='filter_overdue')
def filter_overdue(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter the queryset to either include or exclude orders which are overdue."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(Build.OVERDUE_FILTER)
return queryset.exclude(Build.OVERDUE_FILTER)
assigned_to_me = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='assigned_to_me', method='filter_assigned_to_me')
def filter_assigned_to_me(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by orders which are assigned to the current user."""
value = str2bool(value)
# Work out who "me" is!
owners = Owner.get_owners_matching_user(self.request.user)
if value:
return queryset.filter(responsible__in=owners)
return queryset.exclude(responsible__in=owners)
assigned_to = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='responsible', method='filter_responsible')
def filter_responsible(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by orders which are assigned to the specified owner."""
owners = list(Owner.objects.filter(pk=value))
# if we query by a user, also find all ownerships through group memberships
if len(owners) > 0 and owners[0].label() == 'user':
owners = Owner.get_owners_matching_user(User.objects.get(pk=owners[0].owner_id))
return queryset.filter(responsible__in=owners)
# Exact match for reference
reference = rest_filters.CharFilter(
label='Filter by exact reference',
project_code = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
has_project_code = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='has_project_code', method='filter_has_project_code')
def filter_has_project_code(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether or not the order has a project code"""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(project_code=None)
return queryset.filter(project_code=None)
class BuildList(APIDownloadMixin, ListCreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for accessing a list of Build objects.
- GET: Return list of objects (with filters)
- POST: Create a new Build object
queryset = Build.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildSerializer
filterset_class = BuildFilter
ordering_fields = [
ordering_field_aliases = {
'reference': ['reference_int', 'reference'],
'project_code': ['project_code__code'],
ordering = '-reference'
search_fields = [
def get_queryset(self):
"""Override the queryset filtering, as some of the fields don't natively play nicely with DRF."""
queryset = super().get_queryset().select_related('part')
queryset = build.serializers.BuildSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset)
return queryset
def download_queryset(self, queryset, export_format):
"""Download the queryset data as a file."""
dataset = build.admin.BuildResource().export(queryset=queryset)
filedata = dataset.export(export_format)
filename = f"InvenTree_BuildOrders.{export_format}"
return DownloadFile(filedata, filename)
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
"""Custom query filtering for the BuildList endpoint."""
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
params = self.request.query_params
# exclude parent tree
exclude_tree = params.get('exclude_tree', None)
if exclude_tree is not None:
build = Build.objects.get(pk=exclude_tree)
queryset = queryset.exclude(
pk__in=[bld.pk for bld in build.get_descendants(include_self=True)]
except (ValueError, Build.DoesNotExist):
# Filter by "ancestor" builds
ancestor = params.get('ancestor', None)
if ancestor is not None:
ancestor = Build.objects.get(pk=ancestor)
descendants = ancestor.get_descendants(include_self=True)
queryset = queryset.filter(
parent__pk__in=[b.pk for b in descendants]
except (ValueError, Build.DoesNotExist):
# Filter by 'date range'
min_date = params.get('min_date', None)
max_date = params.get('max_date', None)
if min_date is not None and max_date is not None:
queryset = Build.filterByDate(queryset, min_date, max_date)
return queryset
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Add extra context information to the endpoint serializer."""
part_detail = str2bool(self.request.GET.get('part_detail', None))
except AttributeError:
part_detail = None
kwargs['part_detail'] = part_detail
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
class BuildDetail(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""API endpoint for detail view of a Build object."""
queryset = Build.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildSerializer
def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Only allow deletion of a BuildOrder if the build status is CANCELLED"""
build = self.get_object()
if build.status != BuildStatus.CANCELLED:
raise ValidationError({
"non_field_errors": [_("Build must be cancelled before it can be deleted")]
return super().destroy(request, *args, **kwargs)
class BuildUnallocate(CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for unallocating stock items from a build order.
- The BuildOrder object is specified by the URL
- "output" (StockItem) can optionally be specified
- "bom_item" can optionally be specified
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildUnallocationSerializer
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Add extra context information to the endpoint serializer."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['build'] = Build.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('pk', None))
except Exception:
ctx['request'] = self.request
return ctx
class BuildLineFilter(rest_filters.FilterSet):
"""Custom filterset for the BuildLine API endpoint."""
class Meta:
"""Meta information for the BuildLineFilter class."""
model = BuildLine
fields = [
# Fields on related models
consumable = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('Consumable'), field_name='bom_item__consumable')
optional = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('Optional'), field_name='bom_item__optional')
tracked = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('Tracked'), field_name='bom_item__sub_part__trackable')
allocated = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('Allocated'), method='filter_allocated')
def filter_allocated(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether each BuildLine is fully allocated"""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(allocated__gte=F('quantity'))
return queryset.filter(allocated__lt=F('quantity'))
available = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('Available'), method='filter_available')
def filter_available(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether there is sufficient stock available for each BuildLine:
To determine this, we need to know:
- The quantity required for each BuildLine
- The quantity available for each BuildLine
- The quantity allocated for each BuildLine
flt = Q(quantity__lte=F('total_available_stock') + F('allocated'))
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(flt)
return queryset.exclude(flt)
class BuildLineEndpoint:
"""Mixin class for BuildLine API endpoints."""
queryset = BuildLine.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildLineSerializer
def get_source_build(self) -> Build:
"""Return the source Build object for the BuildLine queryset.
This source build is used to filter the available stock for each BuildLine.
- If this is a "detail" view, use the build associated with the line
- If this is a "list" view, use the build associated with the request
raise NotImplementedError("get_source_build must be implemented in the child class")
def get_queryset(self):
"""Override queryset to select-related and annotate"""
queryset = super().get_queryset()
source_build = self.get_source_build()
queryset = build.serializers.BuildLineSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset, build=source_build)
return queryset
class BuildLineList(BuildLineEndpoint, ListCreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for accessing a list of BuildLine objects"""
filterset_class = BuildLineFilter
ordering_fields = [
ordering_field_aliases = {
'part': 'bom_item__sub_part__name',
'reference': 'bom_item__reference',
'unit_quantity': 'bom_item__quantity',
'consumable': 'bom_item__consumable',
'optional': 'bom_item__optional',
search_fields = [
def get_source_build(self) -> Build:
"""Return the target build for the BuildLine queryset."""
build_id = self.request.query_params.get('build', None)
if build_id:
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id)
return build
except (Build.DoesNotExist, AttributeError, ValueError):
return None
class BuildLineDetail(BuildLineEndpoint, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""API endpoint for detail view of a BuildLine object."""
def get_source_build(self) -> Build:
"""Return the target source location for the BuildLine queryset."""
return None
class BuildOrderContextMixin:
"""Mixin class which adds build order as serializer context variable."""
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Add extra context information to the endpoint serializer."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['request'] = self.request
ctx['to_complete'] = True
ctx['build'] = Build.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('pk', None))
except Exception:
return ctx
class BuildOutputCreate(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for creating new build output(s)."""
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildOutputCreateSerializer
class BuildOutputScrap(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for scrapping build output(s)."""
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildOutputScrapSerializer
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Add extra context information to the endpoint serializer."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['to_complete'] = False
return ctx
class BuildOutputComplete(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for completing build outputs."""
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildOutputCompleteSerializer
class BuildOutputDelete(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for deleting multiple build outputs."""
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Add extra context information to the endpoint serializer."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['to_complete'] = False
return ctx
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildOutputDeleteSerializer
class BuildFinish(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for marking a build as finished (completed)."""
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildCompleteSerializer
class BuildAutoAllocate(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for 'automatically' allocating stock against a build order.
- Only looks at 'untracked' parts
- If stock exists in a single location, easy!
- If user decides that stock items are "fungible", allocate against multiple stock items
- If the user wants to, allocate substite parts if the primary parts are not available.
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildAutoAllocationSerializer
class BuildAllocate(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint to allocate stock items to a build order.
- The BuildOrder object is specified by the URL
- Items to allocate are specified as a list called "items" with the following options:
- bom_item: pk value of a given BomItem object (must match the part associated with this build)
- stock_item: pk value of a given StockItem object
- quantity: quantity to allocate
- output: StockItem (build order output) to allocate stock against (optional)
queryset = Build.objects.none()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildAllocationSerializer
class BuildCancel(BuildOrderContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for cancelling a BuildOrder."""
queryset = Build.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildCancelSerializer
class BuildItemDetail(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""API endpoint for detail view of a BuildItem object."""
queryset = BuildItem.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildItemSerializer
class BuildItemFilter(rest_filters.FilterSet):
"""Custom filterset for the BuildItemList API endpoint"""
class Meta:
"""Metaclass option"""
model = BuildItem
fields = [
part = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
build = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
tracked = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Tracked', method='filter_tracked')
def filter_tracked(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter the queryset based on whether build items are tracked"""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(install_into=None)
return queryset.filter(install_into=None)
class BuildItemList(ListCreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for accessing a list of BuildItem objects.
- GET: Return list of objects
- POST: Create a new BuildItem object
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildItemSerializer
filterset_class = BuildItemFilter
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Returns a BuildItemSerializer instance based on the request."""
params = self.request.query_params
for key in ['part_detail', 'location_detail', 'stock_detail', 'build_detail']:
if key in params:
kwargs[key] = str2bool(params.get(key, False))
except AttributeError:
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
def get_queryset(self):
"""Override the queryset method, to allow filtering by stock_item.part."""
queryset = BuildItem.objects.all()
queryset = queryset.select_related(
return queryset
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
"""Custom query filtering for the BuildItem list."""
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
params = self.request.query_params
# Filter by output target
output = params.get('output', None)
if output:
if isNull(output):
queryset = queryset.filter(install_into=None)
queryset = queryset.filter(install_into=output)
return queryset
filter_backends = [
class BuildAttachmentList(AttachmentMixin, ListCreateDestroyAPIView):
"""API endpoint for listing (and creating) BuildOrderAttachment objects."""
queryset = BuildOrderAttachment.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildAttachmentSerializer
filterset_fields = [
class BuildAttachmentDetail(AttachmentMixin, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""Detail endpoint for a BuildOrderAttachment object."""
queryset = BuildOrderAttachment.objects.all()
serializer_class = build.serializers.BuildAttachmentSerializer
build_api_urls = [
# Attachments
path('attachment/', include([
path('<int:pk>/', BuildAttachmentDetail.as_view(), name='api-build-attachment-detail'),
path('', BuildAttachmentList.as_view(), name='api-build-attachment-list'),
# Build lines
path('line/', include([
path('<int:pk>/', BuildLineDetail.as_view(), name='api-build-line-detail'),
path('', BuildLineList.as_view(), name='api-build-line-list'),
# Build Items
path('item/', include([
path('<int:pk>/', include([
path('metadata/', MetadataView.as_view(), {'model': BuildItem}, name='api-build-item-metadata'),
path('', BuildItemDetail.as_view(), name='api-build-item-detail'),
path('', BuildItemList.as_view(), name='api-build-item-list'),
# Build Detail
path('<int:pk>/', include([
path('allocate/', BuildAllocate.as_view(), name='api-build-allocate'),
path('auto-allocate/', BuildAutoAllocate.as_view(), name='api-build-auto-allocate'),
path('complete/', BuildOutputComplete.as_view(), name='api-build-output-complete'),
path('create-output/', BuildOutputCreate.as_view(), name='api-build-output-create'),
path('delete-outputs/', BuildOutputDelete.as_view(), name='api-build-output-delete'),
path('scrap-outputs/', BuildOutputScrap.as_view(), name='api-build-output-scrap'),
path('finish/', BuildFinish.as_view(), name='api-build-finish'),
path('cancel/', BuildCancel.as_view(), name='api-build-cancel'),
path('unallocate/', BuildUnallocate.as_view(), name='api-build-unallocate'),
path('metadata/', MetadataView.as_view(), {'model': Build}, name='api-build-metadata'),
path('', BuildDetail.as_view(), name='api-build-detail'),
# Build order status code information
path('status/', StatusView.as_view(), {StatusView.MODEL_REF: BuildStatus}, name='api-build-status-codes'),
# Build List
path('', BuildList.as_view(), name='api-build-list'),