2019-04-18 23:28:46 +10:00

255 lines
7.2 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from InvenTree.views import AjaxUpdateView, AjaxDeleteView, AjaxCreateView
from part.models import Part
from .models import StockItem, StockLocation
from .forms import EditStockLocationForm
from .forms import CreateStockItemForm
from .forms import EditStockItemForm
from .forms import MoveStockItemForm
from .forms import StocktakeForm
class StockIndex(ListView):
StockIndex view loads all StockLocation and StockItem object
model = StockItem
template_name = 'stock/location.html'
context_obect_name = 'locations'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(StockIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs).copy()
# Return all top-level locations
locations = StockLocation.objects.filter(parent=None)
context['locations'] = locations
context['items'] = StockItem.objects.all()
return context
class StockLocationDetail(DetailView):
Detailed view of a single StockLocation object
context_object_name = 'location'
template_name = 'stock/location.html'
queryset = StockLocation.objects.all()
model = StockLocation
class StockItemDetail(DetailView):
Detailed view of a single StockItem object
context_object_name = 'item'
template_name = 'stock/item.html'
queryset = StockItem.objects.all()
model = StockItem
class StockLocationEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing details of a StockLocation.
This view is used with the EditStockLocationForm to deliver a modal form to the web view
model = StockLocation
form_class = EditStockLocationForm
template_name = 'stock/location_edit.html'
context_object_name = 'location'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = 'Edit Stock Location'
class StockItemEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing details of a single StockItem
model = StockItem
form_class = EditStockItemForm
# template_name = 'stock/item_edit.html'
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = 'Edit Stock Item'
class StockLocationCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a new StockLocation
A parent location (another StockLocation object) can be passed as a query parameter
model = StockLocation
form_class = EditStockLocationForm
template_name = 'stock/location_create.html'
context_object_name = 'location'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = 'Create new Stock Location'
def get_initial(self):
initials = super(StockLocationCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
loc_id = self.request.GET.get('location', None)
if loc_id:
initials['parent'] = get_object_or_404(StockLocation, pk=loc_id)
return initials
class StockItemCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a new StockItem
Parameters can be pre-filled by passing query items:
- part: The part of which the new StockItem is an instance
- location: The location of the new StockItem
model = StockItem
form_class = CreateStockItemForm
template_name = 'stock/item_create.html'
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = 'Create new Stock Item'
def get_initial(self):
# Is the client attempting to copy an existing stock item?
item_to_copy = self.request.GET.get('copy', None)
if item_to_copy:
original = StockItem.objects.get(pk=item_to_copy)
initials = model_to_dict(original)
self.ajax_form_title = "Copy Stock Item"
except StockItem.DoesNotExist:
initials = super(StockItemCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
initials = super(StockItemCreate, self).get_initial().copy()
part_id = self.request.GET.get('part', None)
loc_id = self.request.GET.get('location', None)
if part_id:
part = get_object_or_404(Part, pk=part_id)
if part:
initials['part'] = get_object_or_404(Part, pk=part_id)
initials['location'] = part.default_location
initials['supplier_part'] = part.default_supplier
if loc_id:
initials['location'] = get_object_or_404(StockLocation, pk=loc_id)
return initials
class StockLocationDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
View to delete a StockLocation
Presents a deletion confirmation form to the user
model = StockLocation
success_url = '/stock'
template_name = 'stock/location_delete.html'
context_object_name = 'location'
ajax_form_title = 'Delete Stock Location'
class StockItemDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
View to delete a StockItem
Presents a deletion confirmation form to the user
model = StockItem
success_url = '/stock/'
template_name = 'stock/item_delete.html'
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_form_title = 'Delete Stock Item'
class StockItemMove(AjaxUpdateView):
View to move a StockItem from one location to another
Performs some data validation to prevent illogical stock moves
model = StockItem
template_name = 'modal_form.html'
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_form_title = 'Move Stock Item'
form_class = MoveStockItemForm
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.form_class(request.POST, instance=self.get_object())
if form.is_valid():
obj = self.get_object()
loc_id = form['location'].value()
if loc_id:
loc = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=form['location'].value())
if str( == str(
form.errors['location'] = ['Item is already in this location']
obj.move(loc, form['note'].value(), request.user)
form.errors['location'] = ['Cannot move to an empty location']
except StockLocation.DoesNotExist:
form.errors['location'] = ['Location does not exist']
data = {
'form_valid': form.is_valid() and len(form.errors) == 0,
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data)
class StockItemStocktake(AjaxUpdateView):
View to perform stocktake on a single StockItem
Updates the quantity, which will also create a new StockItemTracking item
model = StockItem
template_name = 'modal_form.html'
context_object_name = 'item'
ajax_form_title = 'Item stocktake'
form_class = StocktakeForm
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.form_class(request.POST, instance=self.get_object())
if form.is_valid():
obj = self.get_object()
obj.stocktake(['quantity'], request.user)
data = {
'form_valid': form.is_valid()
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data)