2024-04-04 02:21:16 +02:00

83 lines
1.7 KiB

exclude = [
src = ["src/backend/InvenTree"]
# line-length = 120
"" = ["D104"]
select = ["A", "B", "C4", "D", "I", "N"]
# Things that should be enabled in the future:
# - LOG
# - DJ # for Django stuff
# - S # for security stuff (bandit)
ignore = [
# - N802 - function name should be lowercase
# - N806 - variable should be lowercase
# - N812 - lowercase imported as non-lowercase
# - D417 Missing argument descriptions in the docstring
# TODO These should be followed up and fixed
# - B904 Within an `except` clause, raise exceptions
# Remove fast
"A001", "A002","A003","B018"
convention = "google"
split-on-trailing-comma = false
combine-as-imports = false
section-order = [
"django" = ["django"]
quote-style = "single"
indent-style = "space"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = true
line-ending = "auto"
source = ["src/backend/InvenTree/*", "src/backend/*", "docs/*"]
ignore = "D018,H006,H008,H020,H021,H023,H025,H030,H031,T002"
src_paths=["src/backend/InvenTree", ]
skip_glob ="*/migrations/*.py"