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"""JSON API for the Stock app."""
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import F, Q
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.urls import include, path, re_path
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django_filters import rest_framework as rest_filters
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.serializers import ValidationError
import common.models
import common.settings
import stock.serializers as StockSerializers
from build.models import Build
from build.serializers import BuildSerializer
from company.models import Company, SupplierPart
from company.serializers import CompanySerializer
from generic.states.api import StatusView
from InvenTree.api import (APIDownloadMixin, AttachmentMixin,
ListCreateDestroyAPIView, MetadataView)
from InvenTree.filters import (ORDER_FILTER, SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER,
from InvenTree.helpers import (DownloadFile, extract_serial_numbers, isNull,
str2bool, str2int)
from InvenTree.mixins import (CreateAPI, CustomRetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI,
ListAPI, ListCreateAPI, RetrieveAPI,
from InvenTree.status_codes import StockHistoryCode, StockStatus
from order.models import (PurchaseOrder, ReturnOrder, SalesOrder,
from order.serializers import (PurchaseOrderSerializer, ReturnOrderSerializer,
from part.models import BomItem, Part, PartCategory
from part.serializers import PartBriefSerializer
from stock.admin import LocationResource, StockItemResource
from stock.models import (StockItem, StockItemAttachment, StockItemTestResult,
StockItemTracking, StockLocation)
class StockDetail(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""API detail endpoint for Stock object.
Return a single StockItem object
Update a StockItem
Remove a StockItem
queryset = StockItem.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemSerializer
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Annotate queryset."""
queryset = super().get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
queryset = StockSerializers.StockItemSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset)
return queryset
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['user'] = getattr(self.request, 'user', None)
return ctx
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set context before returning serializer."""
kwargs['part_detail'] = True
kwargs['location_detail'] = True
kwargs['supplier_part_detail'] = True
kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
class StockItemContextMixin:
"""Mixin class for adding StockItem object to serializer context."""
queryset = StockItem.objects.none()
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
context = super().get_serializer_context()
context['request'] = self.request
context['item'] = StockItem.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('pk', None))
except Exception:
return context
class StockItemSerialize(StockItemContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for serializing a stock item."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.SerializeStockItemSerializer
class StockItemInstall(StockItemContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for installing a particular stock item into this stock item.
- stock_item.part must be in the BOM for this part
- stock_item must currently be "in stock"
- stock_item must be serialized (and not belong to another item)
serializer_class = StockSerializers.InstallStockItemSerializer
class StockItemUninstall(StockItemContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for removing (uninstalling) items from this item."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.UninstallStockItemSerializer
class StockItemConvert(StockItemContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for converting a stock item to a variant part"""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.ConvertStockItemSerializer
class StockItemReturn(StockItemContextMixin, CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for returning a stock item from a customer"""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.ReturnStockItemSerializer
class StockAdjustView(CreateAPI):
"""A generic class for handling stocktake actions.
Subclasses exist for:
- StockCount: count stock items
- StockAdd: add stock items
- StockRemove: remove stock items
- StockTransfer: transfer stock items
queryset = StockItem.objects.none()
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
context = super().get_serializer_context()
context['request'] = self.request
return context
class StockChangeStatus(StockAdjustView):
"""API endpoint to change the status code of multiple StockItem objects."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockChangeStatusSerializer
class StockCount(StockAdjustView):
"""Endpoint for counting stock (performing a stocktake)."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockCountSerializer
class StockAdd(StockAdjustView):
"""Endpoint for adding a quantity of stock to an existing StockItem."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockAddSerializer
class StockRemove(StockAdjustView):
"""Endpoint for removing a quantity of stock from an existing StockItem."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockRemoveSerializer
class StockTransfer(StockAdjustView):
"""API endpoint for performing stock movements."""
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockTransferSerializer
class StockAssign(CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for assigning stock to a particular customer."""
queryset = StockItem.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockAssignmentSerializer
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['request'] = self.request
return ctx
class StockMerge(CreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for merging multiple stock items."""
queryset = StockItem.objects.none()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockMergeSerializer
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['request'] = self.request
return ctx
class StockLocationList(APIDownloadMixin, ListCreateAPI):
"""API endpoint for list view of StockLocation objects.
- GET: Return list of StockLocation objects
- POST: Create a new StockLocation
queryset = StockLocation.objects.all().prefetch_related(
serializer_class = StockSerializers.LocationSerializer
def download_queryset(self, queryset, export_format):
"""Download the filtered queryset as a data file"""
dataset = LocationResource().export(queryset=queryset)
filedata = dataset.export(export_format)
filename = f"InvenTree_Locations.{export_format}"
return DownloadFile(filedata, filename)
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return annotated queryset for the StockLocationList endpoint"""
queryset = super().get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
queryset = StockSerializers.LocationSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset)
return queryset
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
"""Custom filtering: - Allow filtering by "null" parent to retrieve top-level stock locations."""
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
params = self.request.query_params
loc_id = params.get('parent', None)
cascade = str2bool(params.get('cascade', False))
depth = str2int(params.get('depth', None))
# Do not filter by location
if loc_id is None:
# Look for top-level locations
elif isNull(loc_id):
# If we allow "cascade" at the top-level, this essentially means *all* locations
if not cascade:
queryset = queryset.filter(parent=None)
if cascade and depth is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(level__lte=depth)
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=loc_id)
# All sub-locations to be returned too?
if cascade:
parents = location.get_descendants(include_self=True)
if depth is not None:
parents = parents.filter(level__lte=location.level + depth)
parent_ids = [p.id for p in parents]
queryset = queryset.filter(parent__in=parent_ids)
queryset = queryset.filter(parent=location)
except (ValueError, StockLocation.DoesNotExist):
# Exclude StockLocation tree
exclude_tree = params.get('exclude_tree', None)
if exclude_tree is not None:
loc = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=exclude_tree)
queryset = queryset.exclude(
pk__in=[subloc.pk for subloc in loc.get_descendants(include_self=True)]
except (ValueError, StockLocation.DoesNotExist):
return queryset
filter_backends = SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER
filterset_fields = [
search_fields = [
ordering_fields = [
ordering = [
class StockLocationTree(ListAPI):
"""API endpoint for accessing a list of StockLocation objects, ready for rendering as a tree."""
queryset = StockLocation.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.LocationTreeSerializer
filter_backends = ORDER_FILTER
# Order by tree level (top levels first) and then name
ordering = ['level', 'name']
class StockFilter(rest_filters.FilterSet):
"""FilterSet for StockItem LIST API."""
class Meta:
"""Metaclass options for this filterset"""
model = StockItem
# Simple filter filters
fields = [
# Relationship filters
manufacturer = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(label='Manufacturer', queryset=Company.objects.filter(is_manufacturer=True), field_name='manufacturer_part__manufacturer')
supplier = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(label='Supplier', queryset=Company.objects.filter(is_supplier=True), field_name='supplier_part__supplier')
# Part name filters
name = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part name (case insensitive)', field_name='part__name', lookup_expr='iexact')
name_contains = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part name contains (case insensitive)', field_name='part__name', lookup_expr='icontains')
name_regex = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part name (regex)', field_name='part__name', lookup_expr='iregex')
# Part IPN filters
IPN = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part IPN (case insensitive)', field_name='part__IPN', lookup_expr='iexact')
IPN_contains = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part IPN contains (case insensitive)', field_name='part__IPN', lookup_expr='icontains')
IPN_regex = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Part IPN (regex)', field_name='part__IPN', lookup_expr='iregex')
# Part attribute filters
assembly = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label="Assembly", field_name='part__assembly')
active = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label="Active", field_name='part__active')
min_stock = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Minimum stock', field_name='quantity', lookup_expr='gte')
max_stock = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Maximum stock', field_name='quantity', lookup_expr='lte')
status = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Status Code', method='filter_status')
def filter_status(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by integer status code"""
return queryset.filter(status=value)
allocated = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Is Allocated', method='filter_allocated')
def filter_allocated(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether or not the stock item is 'allocated'"""
if str2bool(value):
# Filter StockItem with either build allocations or sales order allocations
return queryset.filter(Q(sales_order_allocations__isnull=False) | Q(allocations__isnull=False))
# Filter StockItem without build allocations or sales order allocations
return queryset.filter(Q(sales_order_allocations__isnull=True) & Q(allocations__isnull=True))
expired = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Expired', method='filter_expired')
def filter_expired(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether or not the stock item has expired"""
if not common.settings.stock_expiry_enabled():
return queryset
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(StockItem.EXPIRED_FILTER)
return queryset.exclude(StockItem.EXPIRED_FILTER)
external = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label=_('External Location'), method='filter_external')
def filter_external(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether or not the stock item is located in an external location"""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(location__external=True)
return queryset.exclude(location__external=True)
in_stock = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='In Stock', method='filter_in_stock')
def filter_in_stock(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by if item is in stock."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER)
return queryset.exclude(StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER)
available = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Available', method='filter_available')
def filter_available(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether the StockItem is "available" or not.
Here, "available" means that the allocated quantity is less than the total quantity
if str2bool(value):
# The 'quantity' field is greater than the calculated 'allocated' field
# Note that the item must also be "in stock"
return queryset.filter(StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER).filter(Q(quantity__gt=F('allocated')))
# The 'quantity' field is less than (or equal to) the calculated 'allocated' field
return queryset.filter(Q(quantity__lte=F('allocated')))
batch = rest_filters.CharFilter(label="Batch code filter (case insensitive)", lookup_expr='iexact')
batch_regex = rest_filters.CharFilter(label="Batch code filter (regex)", field_name='batch', lookup_expr='iregex')
is_building = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label="In production")
# Serial number filtering
serial_gte = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Serial number GTE', field_name='serial_int', lookup_expr='gte')
serial_lte = rest_filters.NumberFilter(label='Serial number LTE', field_name='serial_int', lookup_expr='lte')
serial = rest_filters.CharFilter(label='Serial number', field_name='serial', lookup_expr='exact')
serialized = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Has serial number', method='filter_serialized')
def filter_serialized(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether the StockItem has a serial number (or not)."""
q = Q(serial=None) | Q(serial='')
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(q)
return queryset.filter(q)
has_batch = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Has batch code', method='filter_has_batch')
def filter_has_batch(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether the StockItem has a batch code (or not)."""
q = Q(batch=None) | Q(batch='')
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(q)
return queryset.filter(q)
tracked = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Tracked', method='filter_tracked')
def filter_tracked(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by whether this stock item is *tracked*.
Meaning either:
- It has a serial number
- It has a batch code
q_batch = Q(batch=None) | Q(batch='')
q_serial = Q(serial=None) | Q(serial='')
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(q_batch & q_serial)
return queryset.filter(q_batch & q_serial)
installed = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Installed in other stock item', method='filter_installed')
def filter_installed(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter stock items by "belongs_to" field being empty."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(belongs_to=None)
return queryset.filter(belongs_to=None)
has_installed_items = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Has installed items', method='filter_has_installed')
def filter_has_installed(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter stock items by "belongs_to" field being empty."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(installed_items__gt=0)
return queryset.filter(installed_items=0)
sent_to_customer = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Sent to customer', method='filter_sent_to_customer')
def filter_sent_to_customer(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by sent to customer."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(customer=None)
return queryset.filter(customer=None)
depleted = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Depleted', method='filter_depleted')
def filter_depleted(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by depleted items."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.filter(quantity__lte=0)
return queryset.exclude(quantity__lte=0)
has_purchase_price = rest_filters.BooleanFilter(label='Has purchase price', method='filter_has_purchase_price')
def filter_has_purchase_price(self, queryset, name, value):
"""Filter by having a purchase price."""
if str2bool(value):
return queryset.exclude(purchase_price=None)
return queryset.filter(purchase_price=None)
ancestor = rest_filters.ModelChoiceFilter(
def filter_ancestor(self, queryset, name, ancestor):
"""Filter based on ancestor stock item"""
return queryset.filter(
# Update date filters
updated_before = rest_filters.DateFilter(label='Updated before', field_name='updated', lookup_expr='lte')
updated_after = rest_filters.DateFilter(label='Updated after', field_name='updated', lookup_expr='gte')
class StockList(APIDownloadMixin, ListCreateDestroyAPIView):
"""API endpoint for list view of Stock objects.
- GET: Return a list of all StockItem objects (with optional query filters)
- POST: Create a new StockItem
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemSerializer
queryset = StockItem.objects.all()
filterset_class = StockFilter
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set context before returning serializer.
Extra detail may be provided to the serializer via query parameters:
- part_detail: Include detail about the StockItem's part
- location_detail: Include detail about the StockItem's location
- supplier_part_detail: Include detail about the StockItem's supplier_part
- tests: Include detail about the StockItem's test results
params = self.request.query_params
for key in ['part_detail', 'location_detail', 'supplier_part_detail', 'tests']:
kwargs[key] = str2bool(params.get(key, False))
except AttributeError:
kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
def get_serializer_context(self):
"""Extend serializer context."""
ctx = super().get_serializer_context()
ctx['user'] = getattr(self.request, 'user', None)
return ctx
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a new StockItem object via the API.
We override the default 'create' implementation.
If a location is *not* specified, but the linked *part* has a default location,
we can pre-fill the location automatically.
user = request.user
# Copy the request data, to side-step "mutability" issues
data = OrderedDict()
# Update with cleaned input data
quantity = data.get('quantity', None)
if quantity is None:
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': _('Quantity is required'),
part = Part.objects.get(pk=data.get('part', None))
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
raise ValidationError({
'part': _('Valid part must be supplied'),
# Set default location (if not provided)
if 'location' not in data:
location = part.get_default_location()
if location:
data['location'] = location.pk
# An expiry date was *not* specified - try to infer it!
if 'expiry_date' not in data and part.default_expiry > 0:
data['expiry_date'] = datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days=part.default_expiry)
# Attempt to extract serial numbers from submitted data
serials = None
# Check if a set of serial numbers was provided
serial_numbers = data.get('serial_numbers', '')
# Check if the supplier_part has a package size defined, which is not 1
if 'supplier_part' in data and data['supplier_part'] is not None:
supplier_part = SupplierPart.objects.get(pk=data.get('supplier_part', None))
except (ValueError, SupplierPart.DoesNotExist):
raise ValidationError({
'supplier_part': _('The given supplier part does not exist'),
if supplier_part.base_quantity() != 1:
# Skip this check if pack size is 1 - makes no difference
# use_pack_size = True -> Multiply quantity by pack size
# use_pack_size = False -> Use quantity as is
if 'use_pack_size' not in data:
raise ValidationError({
'use_pack_size': _('The supplier part has a pack size defined, but flag use_pack_size not set'),
if bool(data.get('use_pack_size')):
quantity = data['quantity'] = supplier_part.base_quantity(quantity)
# Divide purchase price by pack size, to save correct price per stock item
data['purchase_price'] = float(data['purchase_price']) / float(supplier_part.pack_quantity_native)
# Now remove the flag from data, so that it doesn't interfere with saving
# Do this regardless of results above
if 'use_pack_size' in data:
# Assign serial numbers for a trackable part
if serial_numbers:
if not part.trackable:
raise ValidationError({
'serial_numbers': [_("Serial numbers cannot be supplied for a non-trackable part")]
# If serial numbers are specified, check that they match!
serials = extract_serial_numbers(
# Determine if any of the specified serial numbers are invalid
# Note "invalid" means either they already exist, or do not pass custom rules
invalid = []
errors = []
for serial in serials:
part.validate_serial_number(serial, raise_error=True)
except DjangoValidationError as exc:
# Catch raised error to extract specific error information
if exc.message not in errors:
if len(errors) > 0:
msg = _("The following serial numbers already exist or are invalid")
msg += " : "
msg += ",".join([str(e) for e in invalid])
raise ValidationError({
'serial_numbers': errors + [msg]
except DjangoValidationError as e:
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': e.messages,
'serial_numbers': e.messages,
if serials is not None:
"""If the stock item is going to be serialized, set the quantity to 1."""
data['quantity'] = 1
# De-serialize the provided data
serializer = self.get_serializer(data=data)
with transaction.atomic():
# Create an initial StockItem object
item = serializer.save()
if serials:
# Assign the first serial number to the "master" item
item.serial = serials[0]
# Save the item (with user information)
if serials:
for serial in serials[1:]:
# Create a duplicate stock item with the next serial number
item.pk = None
item.serial = serial
response_data = {
'quantity': quantity,
'serial_numbers': serials,
response_data = serializer.data
return Response(response_data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=self.get_success_headers(serializer.data))
def download_queryset(self, queryset, export_format):
"""Download this queryset as a file.
Uses the APIDownloadMixin mixin class
dataset = StockItemResource().export(queryset=queryset)
filedata = dataset.export(export_format)
filename = 'InvenTree_StockItems_{date}.{fmt}'.format(
return DownloadFile(filedata, filename)
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Override the 'list' method, as the StockLocation objects are very expensive to serialize.
So, we fetch and serialize the required StockLocation objects only as required.
queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset)
if page is not None:
serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True)
serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True)
data = serializer.data
Determine the response type based on the request.
a) For HTTP requests (e.g. via the browsable API) return a DRF response
b) For AJAX requests, simply return a JSON rendered response.
Note: b) is about 100x quicker than a), because the DRF framework adds a lot of cruft
if page is not None:
return self.get_paginated_response(data)
elif request.is_ajax():
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
return Response(data)
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Annotate queryset before returning."""
queryset = super().get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
queryset = StockSerializers.StockItemSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset)
return queryset
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
"""Custom filtering for the StockItem queryset."""
params = self.request.query_params
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
if common.settings.stock_expiry_enabled():
# Filter by 'expiry date'
expired_date_lte = params.get('expiry_date_lte', None)
if expired_date_lte is not None:
date_lte = datetime.fromisoformat(expired_date_lte)
queryset = queryset.filter(expiry_date__lte=date_lte)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
expiry_date_gte = params.get('expiry_date_gte', None)
if expiry_date_gte is not None:
date_gte = datetime.fromisoformat(expiry_date_gte)
queryset = queryset.filter(expiry_date__gte=date_gte)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
# Filter by 'stale' status
stale = params.get('stale', None)
if stale is not None:
stale = str2bool(stale)
# How many days to account for "staleness"?
stale_days = common.models.InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('STOCK_STALE_DAYS')
if stale_days > 0:
stale_date = datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days=stale_days)
stale_filter = StockItem.IN_STOCK_FILTER & ~Q(expiry_date=None) & Q(expiry_date__lt=stale_date)
if stale:
queryset = queryset.filter(stale_filter)
queryset = queryset.exclude(stale_filter)
# Exclude stock item tree
exclude_tree = params.get('exclude_tree', None)
if exclude_tree is not None:
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=exclude_tree)
queryset = queryset.exclude(
pk__in=[it.pk for it in item.get_descendants(include_self=True)]
except (ValueError, StockItem.DoesNotExist):
# Filter by "part tree" - only allow parts within a given variant tree
part_tree = params.get('part_tree', None)
if part_tree is not None:
part = Part.objects.get(pk=part_tree)
if part.tree_id is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(part__tree_id=part.tree_id)
except Exception:
# Exclude StockItems which are already allocated to a particular SalesOrder
exclude_so_allocation = params.get('exclude_so_allocation', None)
if exclude_so_allocation is not None:
order = SalesOrder.objects.get(pk=exclude_so_allocation)
# Grab all the active SalesOrderAllocations for this order
allocations = SalesOrderAllocation.objects.filter(
line.pk for line in order.lines.all()
# Exclude any stock item which is already allocated to the sales order
queryset = queryset.exclude(
a.item.pk for a in allocations
except (ValueError, SalesOrder.DoesNotExist):
# Does the client wish to filter by the Part ID?
part_id = params.get('part', None)
if part_id:
part = Part.objects.get(pk=part_id)
# Do we wish to filter *just* for this part, or also for parts *under* this one?
include_variants = str2bool(params.get('include_variants', True))
if include_variants:
# Filter by any parts "under" the given part
parts = part.get_descendants(include_self=True)
queryset = queryset.filter(part__in=parts)
queryset = queryset.filter(part=part)
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
raise ValidationError({"part": "Invalid Part ID specified"})
# Does the client wish to filter by stock location?
loc_id = params.get('location', None)
cascade = str2bool(params.get('cascade', True))
if loc_id is not None:
# Filter by 'null' location (i.e. top-level items)
if isNull(loc_id):
if not cascade:
queryset = queryset.filter(location=None)
# If '?cascade=true' then include items which exist in sub-locations
if cascade:
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=loc_id)
queryset = queryset.filter(location__in=location.getUniqueChildren())
queryset = queryset.filter(location=loc_id)
except (ValueError, StockLocation.DoesNotExist):
# Does the client wish to filter by part category?
cat_id = params.get('category', None)
if cat_id:
category = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=cat_id)
queryset = queryset.filter(part__category__in=category.getUniqueChildren())
except (ValueError, PartCategory.DoesNotExist):
raise ValidationError({"category": "Invalid category id specified"})
# Does the client wish to filter by BomItem
bom_item_id = params.get('bom_item', None)
if bom_item_id is not None:
bom_item = BomItem.objects.get(pk=bom_item_id)
queryset = queryset.filter(bom_item.get_stock_filter())
except (ValueError, BomItem.DoesNotExist):
# Filter by company (either manufacturer or supplier)
company = params.get('company', None)
if company is not None:
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(supplier_part__supplier=company) | Q(supplier_part__manufacturer_part__manufacturer=company))
return queryset
ordering_field_aliases = {
'location': 'location__pathstring',
'SKU': 'supplier_part__SKU',
'stock': ['quantity', 'serial_int', 'serial'],
ordering_fields = [
ordering = [
search_fields = [
class StockAttachmentList(AttachmentMixin, ListCreateDestroyAPIView):
"""API endpoint for listing (and creating) a StockItemAttachment (file upload)."""
queryset = StockItemAttachment.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemAttachmentSerializer
filter_backends = SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER
filterset_fields = [
class StockAttachmentDetail(AttachmentMixin, RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""Detail endpoint for StockItemAttachment."""
queryset = StockItemAttachment.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemAttachmentSerializer
class StockItemTestResultDetail(RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""Detail endpoint for StockItemTestResult."""
queryset = StockItemTestResult.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemTestResultSerializer
class StockItemTestResultList(ListCreateDestroyAPIView):
"""API endpoint for listing (and creating) a StockItemTestResult object."""
queryset = StockItemTestResult.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockItemTestResultSerializer
filter_backends = SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER
filterset_fields = [
ordering = 'date'
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
"""Filter by build or stock_item."""
params = self.request.query_params
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
# Filter by 'build'
build = params.get('build', None)
if build is not None:
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build)
queryset = queryset.filter(stock_item__build=build)
except (ValueError, Build.DoesNotExist):
# Filter by stock item
item = params.get('stock_item', None)
if item is not None:
item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=item)
items = [item]
# Do we wish to also include test results for 'installed' items?
include_installed = str2bool(params.get('include_installed', False))
if include_installed:
# Include items which are installed "underneath" this item
# Note that this function is recursive!
installed_items = item.get_installed_items(cascade=True)
items += list(installed_items)
queryset = queryset.filter(stock_item__in=items)
except (ValueError, StockItem.DoesNotExist):
return queryset
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set context before returning serializer."""
kwargs['user_detail'] = str2bool(self.request.query_params.get('user_detail', False))
except Exception:
kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
def perform_create(self, serializer):
"""Create a new test result object.
Also, check if an attachment was uploaded alongside the test result,
and save it to the database if it were.
# Capture the user information
test_result = serializer.save()
test_result.user = self.request.user
class StockTrackingDetail(RetrieveAPI):
"""Detail API endpoint for StockItemTracking model."""
queryset = StockItemTracking.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockTrackingSerializer
class StockTrackingList(ListAPI):
"""API endpoint for list view of StockItemTracking objects.
StockItemTracking objects are read-only
(they are created by internal model functionality)
- GET: Return list of StockItemTracking objects
queryset = StockItemTracking.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.StockTrackingSerializer
def get_serializer(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set context before returning serializer."""
kwargs['item_detail'] = str2bool(self.request.query_params.get('item_detail', False))
except Exception:
kwargs['user_detail'] = str2bool(self.request.query_params.get('user_detail', False))
except Exception:
kwargs['context'] = self.get_serializer_context()
return self.serializer_class(*args, **kwargs)
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""List all stock tracking entries."""
queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset())
page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset)
if page is not None:
serializer = self.get_serializer(page, many=True)
serializer = self.get_serializer(queryset, many=True)
data = serializer.data
# Attempt to add extra context information to the historical data
for item in data:
deltas = item['deltas']
if not deltas:
deltas = {}
# Add part detail
if 'part' in deltas:
part = Part.objects.get(pk=deltas['part'])
serializer = PartBriefSerializer(part)
deltas['part_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add location detail
if 'location' in deltas:
location = StockLocation.objects.get(pk=deltas['location'])
serializer = StockSerializers.LocationSerializer(location)
deltas['location_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add stockitem detail
if 'stockitem' in deltas:
stockitem = StockItem.objects.get(pk=deltas['stockitem'])
serializer = StockSerializers.StockItemSerializer(stockitem)
deltas['stockitem_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add customer detail
if 'customer' in deltas:
customer = Company.objects.get(pk=deltas['customer'])
serializer = CompanySerializer(customer)
deltas['customer_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add PurchaseOrder detail
if 'purchaseorder' in deltas:
order = PurchaseOrder.objects.get(pk=deltas['purchaseorder'])
serializer = PurchaseOrderSerializer(order)
deltas['purchaseorder_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add SalesOrder detail
if 'salesorder' in deltas:
order = SalesOrder.objects.get(pk=deltas['salesorder'])
serializer = SalesOrderSerializer(order)
deltas['salesorder_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add ReturnOrder detail
if 'returnorder' in deltas:
order = ReturnOrder.objects.get(pk=deltas['returnorder'])
serializer = ReturnOrderSerializer(order)
deltas['returnorder_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
# Add BuildOrder detail
if 'buildorder' in deltas:
order = Build.objects.get(pk=deltas['buildorder'])
serializer = BuildSerializer(order)
deltas['buildorder_detail'] = serializer.data
except Exception:
if page is not None:
return self.get_paginated_response(data)
if request.is_ajax():
return JsonResponse(data, safe=False)
return Response(data)
def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a new StockItemTracking object.
Here we override the default 'create' implementation,
to save the user information associated with the request object.
# Clean up input data
data = self.clean_data(request.data)
serializer = self.get_serializer(data=data)
# Record the user who created this Part object
item = serializer.save()
item.user = request.user
item.system = False
# quantity field cannot be explicitly adjusted here
item.quantity = item.item.quantity
headers = self.get_success_headers(serializer.data)
return Response(serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers)
filter_backends = SEARCH_ORDER_FILTER
filterset_fields = [
ordering = '-date'
ordering_fields = [
search_fields = [
class LocationDetail(CustomRetrieveUpdateDestroyAPI):
"""API endpoint for detail view of StockLocation object.
- GET: Return a single StockLocation object
- PATCH: Update a StockLocation object
- DELETE: Remove a StockLocation object
queryset = StockLocation.objects.all()
serializer_class = StockSerializers.LocationSerializer
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return annotated queryset for the StockLocationList endpoint"""
queryset = super().get_queryset(*args, **kwargs)
queryset = StockSerializers.LocationSerializer.annotate_queryset(queryset)
return queryset
def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
"""Delete a Stock location instance via the API"""
delete_stock_items = 'delete_stock_items' in request.data and request.data['delete_stock_items'] == '1'
delete_sub_locations = 'delete_sub_locations' in request.data and request.data['delete_sub_locations'] == '1'
return super().destroy(request,
stock_api_urls = [
re_path(r'^location/', include([
re_path(r'^tree/', StockLocationTree.as_view(), name='api-location-tree'),
# Stock location detail endpoints
path(r'<int:pk>/', include([
re_path(r'^metadata/', MetadataView.as_view(), {'model': StockLocation}, name='api-location-metadata'),
re_path(r'^.*$', LocationDetail.as_view(), name='api-location-detail'),
re_path(r'^.*$', StockLocationList.as_view(), name='api-location-list'),
# Endpoints for bulk stock adjustment actions
re_path(r'^count/', StockCount.as_view(), name='api-stock-count'),
re_path(r'^add/', StockAdd.as_view(), name='api-stock-add'),
re_path(r'^remove/', StockRemove.as_view(), name='api-stock-remove'),
re_path(r'^transfer/', StockTransfer.as_view(), name='api-stock-transfer'),
re_path(r'^assign/', StockAssign.as_view(), name='api-stock-assign'),
re_path(r'^merge/', StockMerge.as_view(), name='api-stock-merge'),
re_path(r'^change_status/', StockChangeStatus.as_view(), name='api-stock-change-status'),
# StockItemAttachment API endpoints
re_path(r'^attachment/', include([
path(r'<int:pk>/', StockAttachmentDetail.as_view(), name='api-stock-attachment-detail'),
path('', StockAttachmentList.as_view(), name='api-stock-attachment-list'),
# StockItemTestResult API endpoints
re_path(r'^test/', include([
path(r'<int:pk>/', include([
re_path(r'^metadata/', MetadataView.as_view(), {'model': StockItemTestResult}, name='api-stock-test-result-metadata'),
re_path(r'^.*$', StockItemTestResultDetail.as_view(), name='api-stock-test-result-detail'),
re_path(r'^.*$', StockItemTestResultList.as_view(), name='api-stock-test-result-list'),
# StockItemTracking API endpoints
re_path(r'^track/', include([
path(r'<int:pk>/', StockTrackingDetail.as_view(), name='api-stock-tracking-detail'),
# Stock tracking status code information
re_path(r'status/', StatusView.as_view(), {StatusView.MODEL_REF: StockHistoryCode}, name='api-stock-tracking-status-codes'),
re_path(r'^.*$', StockTrackingList.as_view(), name='api-stock-tracking-list'),
# Detail views for a single stock item
path(r'<int:pk>/', include([
re_path(r'^convert/', StockItemConvert.as_view(), name='api-stock-item-convert'),
re_path(r'^install/', StockItemInstall.as_view(), name='api-stock-item-install'),
re_path(r'^metadata/', MetadataView.as_view(), {'model': StockItem}, name='api-stock-item-metadata'),
re_path(r'^return/', StockItemReturn.as_view(), name='api-stock-item-return'),
re_path(r'^serialize/', StockItemSerialize.as_view(), name='api-stock-item-serialize'),
re_path(r'^uninstall/', StockItemUninstall.as_view(), name='api-stock-item-uninstall'),
re_path(r'^.*$', StockDetail.as_view(), name='api-stock-detail'),
# Stock item status code information
re_path(r'status/', StatusView.as_view(), {StatusView.MODEL_REF: StockStatus}, name='api-stock-status-codes'),
# Anything else
re_path(r'^.*$', StockList.as_view(), name='api-stock-list'),