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Stock database model definitions
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.urls import reverse
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Sum, Q
from django.db.models.functions import Coalesce
from django.core.validators import MinValueValidator
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db.models.signals import pre_delete
from django.dispatch import receiver
from markdownx.models import MarkdownxField
from mptt.models import MPTTModel, TreeForeignKey
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from datetime import datetime
from InvenTree import helpers
from InvenTree.status_codes import StockStatus
from InvenTree.models import InvenTreeTree, InvenTreeAttachment
from InvenTree.fields import InvenTreeURLField
from company import models as CompanyModels
from part import models as PartModels
class StockLocation(InvenTreeTree):
""" Organization tree for StockItem objects
A "StockLocation" can be considered a warehouse, or storage location
Stock locations can be heirarchical as required
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('stock-location-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id})
def format_barcode(self):
""" Return a JSON string for formatting a barcode for this StockLocation object """
return helpers.MakeBarcode(
"id": self.id,
"name": self.name,
"url": reverse('api-location-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}),
def get_stock_items(self, cascade=True):
""" Return a queryset for all stock items under this category.
cascade: If True, also look under sublocations (default = True)
if cascade:
query = StockItem.objects.filter(location__in=self.getUniqueChildren(include_self=True))
query = StockItem.objects.filter(location=self.pk)
return query
def stock_item_count(self, cascade=True):
""" Return the number of StockItem objects which live in or under this category
return self.get_stock_items(cascade).count()
def has_items(self, cascade=True):
""" Return True if there are StockItems existing in this category.
cascade: If True, also search an sublocations (default = True)
return self.stock_item_count(cascade) > 0
def item_count(self):
""" Simply returns the number of stock items in this location.
Required for tree view serializer.
return self.stock_item_count()
@receiver(pre_delete, sender=StockLocation, dispatch_uid='stocklocation_delete_log')
def before_delete_stock_location(sender, instance, using, **kwargs):
# Update each part in the stock location
for item in instance.stock_items.all():
item.location = instance.parent
# Update each child category
for child in instance.children.all():
child.parent = instance.parent
class StockItem(MPTTModel):
A StockItem object represents a quantity of physical instances of a part.
parent: Link to another StockItem from which this StockItem was created
uid: Field containing a unique-id which is mapped to a third-party identifier (e.g. a barcode)
part: Link to the master abstract part that this StockItem is an instance of
supplier_part: Link to a specific SupplierPart (optional)
location: Where this StockItem is located
quantity: Number of stocked units
batch: Batch number for this StockItem
serial: Unique serial number for this StockItem
link: Optional URL to link to external resource
updated: Date that this stock item was last updated (auto)
stocktake_date: Date of last stocktake for this item
stocktake_user: User that performed the most recent stocktake
review_needed: Flag if StockItem needs review
delete_on_deplete: If True, StockItem will be deleted when the stock level gets to zero
status: Status of this StockItem (ref: InvenTree.status_codes.StockStatus)
notes: Extra notes field
build: Link to a Build (if this stock item was created from a build)
purchase_order: Link to a PurchaseOrder (if this stock item was created from a PurchaseOrder)
infinite: If True this StockItem can never be exhausted
sales_order: Link to a SalesOrder object (if the StockItem has been assigned to a SalesOrder)
build_order: Link to a BuildOrder object (if the StockItem has been assigned to a BuildOrder)
# A Query filter which will be re-used in multiple places to determine if a StockItem is actually "in stock"
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
Save this StockItem to the database. Performs a number of checks:
- Unique serial number requirement
- Adds a transaction note when the item is first created.
if not self.pk:
# StockItem has not yet been saved
add_note = True
# StockItem has already been saved
add_note = False
user = kwargs.pop('user', None)
add_note = add_note and kwargs.pop('note', True)
super(StockItem, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if add_note:
# This StockItem is being saved for the first time
'Created stock item',
notes="Created new stock item for part '{p}'".format(p=str(self.part)),
def status_label(self):
return StockStatus.label(self.status)
def serialized(self):
""" Return True if this StockItem is serialized """
return self.serial is not None and self.quantity == 1
def validate_unique(self, exclude=None):
Test that this StockItem is "unique".
If the StockItem is serialized, the same serial number.
cannot exist for the same part (or part tree).
super(StockItem, self).validate_unique(exclude)
if self.serial is not None:
# Query to look for duplicate serial numbers
parts = PartModels.Part.objects.filter(tree_id=self.part.tree_id)
stock = StockItem.objects.filter(part__in=parts, serial=self.serial)
# Exclude myself from the search
if self.pk is not None:
stock = stock.exclude(pk=self.pk)
if stock.exists():
raise ValidationError({"serial": _("StockItem with this serial number already exists")})
def clean(self):
""" Validate the StockItem object (separate to field validation)
The following validation checks are performed:
- The 'part' and 'supplier_part.part' fields cannot point to the same Part object
- The 'part' does not belong to itself
- Quantity must be 1 if the StockItem has a serial number
if self.status == StockStatus.ASSIGNED_TO_OTHER_ITEM and self.belongs_to is None:
raise ValidationError({
'belongs_to': "Belongs_to field must be specified as statis is marked as ASSIGNED_TO_OTHER_ITEM",
'status': 'Status cannot be marked as ASSIGNED_TO_OTHER_ITEM if the belongs_to field is not set',
if self.part.trackable:
# Trackable parts must have integer values for quantity field!
if not self.quantity == int(self.quantity):
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': _('Quantity must be integer value for trackable parts')
except PartModels.Part.DoesNotExist:
# For some reason the 'clean' process sometimes throws errors because self.part does not exist
# It *seems* that this only occurs in unit testing, though.
# Probably should investigate this at some point.
if self.quantity < 0:
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': _('Quantity must be greater than zero')
# The 'supplier_part' field must point to the same part!
if self.supplier_part is not None:
if not self.supplier_part.part == self.part:
raise ValidationError({'supplier_part': _("Part type ('{pf}') must be {pe}").format(
if self.part is not None:
# A part with a serial number MUST have the quantity set to 1
if self.serial is not None:
if self.quantity > 1:
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': _('Quantity must be 1 for item with a serial number'),
'serial': _('Serial number cannot be set if quantity greater than 1')
if self.quantity == 0:
self.quantity = 1
elif self.quantity > 1:
raise ValidationError({
'quantity': _('Quantity must be 1 for item with a serial number')
# Serial numbered items cannot be deleted on depletion
self.delete_on_deplete = False
except PartModels.Part.DoesNotExist:
# This gets thrown if self.supplier_part is null
# TODO - Find a test than can be perfomed...
if self.belongs_to and self.belongs_to.pk == self.pk:
raise ValidationError({
'belongs_to': _('Item cannot belong to itself')
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('stock-item-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id})
def get_part_name(self):
return self.part.full_name
def format_barcode(self):
""" Return a JSON string for formatting a barcode for this StockItem.
Can be used to perform lookup of a stockitem using barcode
Contains the following data:
{ type: 'StockItem', stock_id: <pk>, part_id: <part_pk> }
Voltagile data (e.g. stock quantity) should be looked up using the InvenTree API (as it may change)
return helpers.MakeBarcode(
"id": self.id,
"url": reverse('api-stock-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id}),
uid = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=128, help_text=("Unique identifier field"))
parent = TreeForeignKey(
verbose_name=_('Parent Stock Item'),
blank=True, null=True,
part = models.ForeignKey(
'part.Part', on_delete=models.CASCADE,
verbose_name=_('Base Part'),
related_name='stock_items', help_text=_('Base part'),
'active': True,
'virtual': False
supplier_part = models.ForeignKey(
'company.SupplierPart', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
verbose_name=_('Supplier Part'),
help_text=_('Select a matching supplier part for this stock item')
location = TreeForeignKey(
StockLocation, on_delete=models.DO_NOTHING,
verbose_name=_('Stock Location'),
blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Where is this stock item located?')
belongs_to = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name=_('Installed In'),
related_name='owned_parts', blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Is this item installed in another item?')
customer = models.ForeignKey(
limit_choices_to={'is_customer': True},
serial = models.PositiveIntegerField(
verbose_name=_('Serial Number'),
blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Serial number for this item')
link = InvenTreeURLField(
verbose_name=_('External Link'),
max_length=125, blank=True,
help_text=_("Link to external URL")
batch = models.CharField(
verbose_name=_('Batch Code'),
max_length=100, blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Batch code for this stock item')
quantity = models.DecimalField(
verbose_name=_("Stock Quantity"),
max_digits=15, decimal_places=5, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)],
updated = models.DateField(auto_now=True, null=True)
build = models.ForeignKey(
'build.Build', on_delete=models.SET_NULL,
verbose_name=_('Source Build'),
blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Build for this stock item'),
purchase_order = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name=_('Source Purchase Order'),
blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Purchase order for this stock item')
sales_order = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name=_("Destination Sales Order"),
null=True, blank=True)
build_order = models.ForeignKey(
verbose_name=_("Destination Build Order"),
null=True, blank=True
# last time the stock was checked / counted
stocktake_date = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
stocktake_user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True,
review_needed = models.BooleanField(default=False)
delete_on_deplete = models.BooleanField(default=True, help_text=_('Delete this Stock Item when stock is depleted'))
status = models.PositiveIntegerField(
notes = MarkdownxField(
blank=True, null=True,
help_text=_('Stock Item Notes')
def clearAllocations(self):
Clear all order allocations for this StockItem:
- SalesOrder allocations
- Build allocations
# Delete outstanding SalesOrder allocations
# Delete outstanding BuildOrder allocations
def allocateToCustomer(self, customer, quantity=None, order=None, user=None, notes=None):
Allocate a StockItem to a customer.
This action can be called by the following processes:
- Completion of a SalesOrder
- User manually assigns a StockItem to the customer
customer: The customer (Company) to assign the stock to
quantity: Quantity to assign (if not supplied, total quantity is used)
order: SalesOrder reference
user: User that performed the action
notes: Notes field
if quantity is None:
quantity = self.quantity
if quantity >= self.quantity:
item = self
item = self.splitStock(quantity, None, user)
# Update StockItem fields with new information
item.sales_order = order
item.status = StockStatus.SHIPPED
item.customer = customer
item.location = None
# TODO - Remove any stock item allocations from this stock item
_("Assigned to Customer"),
notes=_("Manually assigned to customer") + " " + customer.name,
# Return the reference to the stock item
return item
# If stock item is incoming, an (optional) ETA field
# expected_arrival = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
infinite = models.BooleanField(default=False)
def is_allocated(self):
Return True if this StockItem is allocated to a SalesOrder or a Build
# TODO - For now this only checks if the StockItem is allocated to a SalesOrder
# TODO - In future, once the "build" is working better, check this too
if self.allocations.count() > 0:
return True
if self.sales_order_allocations.count() > 0:
return True
return False
def build_allocation_count(self):
Return the total quantity allocated to builds
query = self.allocations.aggregate(q=Coalesce(Sum('quantity'), Decimal(0)))
return query['q']
def sales_order_allocation_count(self):
Return the total quantity allocated to SalesOrders
query = self.sales_order_allocations.aggregate(q=Coalesce(Sum('quantity'), Decimal(0)))
return query['q']
def allocation_count(self):
Return the total quantity allocated to builds or orders
return self.build_allocation_count() + self.sales_order_allocation_count()
def unallocated_quantity(self):
Return the quantity of this StockItem which is *not* allocated
return max(self.quantity - self.allocation_count(), 0)
def can_delete(self):
""" Can this stock item be deleted? It can NOT be deleted under the following circumstances:
- Has child StockItems
- Has a serial number and is tracked
- Is installed inside another StockItem
- It has been assigned to a SalesOrder
- It has been assigned to a BuildOrder
if self.child_count > 0:
return False
if self.part.trackable and self.serial is not None:
return False
if self.sales_order is not None:
return False
if self.build_order is not None:
return False
return True
def children(self):
""" Return a list of the child items which have been split from this stock item """
return self.get_descendants(include_self=False)
def child_count(self):
""" Return the number of 'child' items associated with this StockItem.
A child item is one which has been split from this one.
return self.children.count()
def in_stock(self):
# Not 'in stock' if it has been installed inside another StockItem
if self.belongs_to is not None:
return False
# Not 'in stock' if it has been sent to a customer
if self.sales_order is not None:
return False
# Not 'in stock' if it has been allocated to a BuildOrder
if self.build_order is not None:
return False
# Not 'in stock' if the status code makes it unavailable
if self.status in StockStatus.UNAVAILABLE_CODES:
return False
return True
def tracking_info_count(self):
return self.tracking_info.count()
def has_tracking_info(self):
return self.tracking_info_count > 0
def addTransactionNote(self, title, user, notes='', url='', system=True):
""" Generation a stock transaction note for this item.
Brief automated note detailing a movement or quantity change.
track = StockItemTracking.objects.create(
def serializeStock(self, quantity, serials, user, notes='', location=None):
""" Split this stock item into unique serial numbers.
- Quantity can be less than or equal to the quantity of the stock item
- Number of serial numbers must match the quantity
- Provided serial numbers must not already be in use
quantity: Number of items to serialize (integer)
serials: List of serial numbers (list<int>)
user: User object associated with action
notes: Optional notes for tracking
location: If specified, serialized items will be placed in the given location
# Cannot serialize stock that is already serialized!
if self.serialized:
if not self.part.trackable:
raise ValidationError({"part": _("Part is not set as trackable")})
# Quantity must be a valid integer value
quantity = int(quantity)
except ValueError:
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must be integer")})
if quantity <= 0:
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must be greater than zero")})
if quantity > self.quantity:
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity must not exceed available stock quantity ({n})".format(n=self.quantity))})
if not type(serials) in [list, tuple]:
raise ValidationError({"serial_numbers": _("Serial numbers must be a list of integers")})
if any([type(i) is not int for i in serials]):
raise ValidationError({"serial_numbers": _("Serial numbers must be a list of integers")})
if not quantity == len(serials):
raise ValidationError({"quantity": _("Quantity does not match serial numbers")})
# Test if each of the serial numbers are valid
existing = []
for serial in serials:
if self.part.checkIfSerialNumberExists(serial):
if len(existing) > 0:
raise ValidationError({"serial_numbers": _("Serial numbers already exist: ") + str(existing)})
# Create a new stock item for each unique serial number
for serial in serials:
# Create a copy of this StockItem
new_item = StockItem.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
new_item.quantity = 1
new_item.serial = serial
new_item.pk = None
new_item.parent = self
if location:
new_item.location = location
# The item already has a transaction history, don't create a new note
new_item.save(user=user, note=False)
# Copy entire transaction history
# Copy test result history
# Create a new stock tracking item
new_item.addTransactionNote(_('Add serial number'), user, notes=notes)
# Remove the equivalent number of items
self.take_stock(quantity, user, notes=_('Serialized {n} items'.format(n=quantity)))
def copyHistoryFrom(self, other):
""" Copy stock history from another StockItem """
for item in other.tracking_info.all():
item.item = self
item.pk = None
def copyTestResultsFrom(self, other, filters={}):
""" Copy all test results from another StockItem """
for result in other.test_results.all().filter(**filters):
# Create a copy of the test result by nulling-out the pk
result.pk = None
result.stock_item = self
def splitStock(self, quantity, location, user):
""" Split this stock item into two items, in the same location.
Stock tracking notes for this StockItem will be duplicated,
and added to the new StockItem.
quantity: Number of stock items to remove from this entity, and pass to the next
location: Where to move the new StockItem to
The provided quantity will be subtracted from this item and given to the new one.
The new item will have a different StockItem ID, while this will remain the same.
# Do not split a serialized part
if self.serialized:
quantity = Decimal(quantity)
except (InvalidOperation, ValueError):
# Doesn't make sense for a zero quantity
if quantity <= 0:
# Also doesn't make sense to split the full amount
if quantity >= self.quantity:
# Create a new StockItem object, duplicating relevant fields
# Nullify the PK so a new record is created
new_stock = StockItem.objects.get(pk=self.pk)
new_stock.pk = None
new_stock.parent = self
new_stock.quantity = quantity
# Move to the new location if specified, otherwise use current location
if location:
new_stock.location = location
new_stock.location = self.location
# Copy the transaction history of this part into the new one
# Copy the test results of this part to the new one
# Add a new tracking item for the new stock item
"Split from existing stock",
"Split {n} from existing stock item".format(n=quantity))
# Remove the specified quantity from THIS stock item
self.take_stock(quantity, user, 'Split {n} items into new stock item'.format(n=quantity))
# Return a copy of the "new" stock item
return new_stock
def move(self, location, notes, user, **kwargs):
""" Move part to a new location.
If less than the available quantity is to be moved,
a new StockItem is created, with the defined quantity,
and that new StockItem is moved.
The quantity is also subtracted from the existing StockItem.
location: Destination location (cannot be null)
notes: User notes
user: Who is performing the move
quantity: If provided, override the quantity (default = total stock quantity)
quantity = Decimal(kwargs.get('quantity', self.quantity))
except InvalidOperation:
return False
if not self.in_stock:
raise ValidationError(_("StockItem cannot be moved as it is not in stock"))
if quantity <= 0:
return False
if location is None:
# TODO - Raise appropriate error (cannot move to blank location)
return False
elif self.location and (location.pk == self.location.pk) and (quantity == self.quantity):
# TODO - Raise appropriate error (cannot move to same location)
return False
# Test for a partial movement
if quantity < self.quantity:
# We need to split the stock!
# Split the existing StockItem in two
self.splitStock(quantity, location, user)
return True
msg = "Moved to {loc}".format(loc=str(location))
if self.location:
msg += " (from {loc})".format(loc=str(self.location))
self.location = location
return True
def updateQuantity(self, quantity):
""" Update stock quantity for this item.
If the quantity has reached zero, this StockItem will be deleted.
- True if the quantity was saved
- False if the StockItem was deleted
# Do not adjust quantity of a serialized part
if self.serialized:
self.quantity = Decimal(quantity)
except (InvalidOperation, ValueError):
if quantity < 0:
quantity = 0
self.quantity = quantity
if quantity == 0 and self.delete_on_deplete and self.can_delete():
# TODO - Do not actually "delete" stock at this point - instead give it a "DELETED" flag
return False
return True
def stocktake(self, count, user, notes=''):
""" Perform item stocktake.
When the quantity of an item is counted,
record the date of stocktake
count = Decimal(count)
except InvalidOperation:
return False
if count < 0 or self.infinite:
return False
self.stocktake_date = datetime.now().date()
self.stocktake_user = user
if self.updateQuantity(count):
self.addTransactionNote('Stocktake - counted {n} items'.format(n=count),
return True
def add_stock(self, quantity, user, notes=''):
""" Add items to stock
This function can be called by initiating a ProjectRun,
or by manually adding the items to the stock location
# Cannot add items to a serialized part
if self.serialized:
return False
quantity = Decimal(quantity)
except InvalidOperation:
return False
# Ignore amounts that do not make sense
if quantity <= 0 or self.infinite:
return False
if self.updateQuantity(self.quantity + quantity):
self.addTransactionNote('Added {n} items to stock'.format(n=quantity),
return True
def take_stock(self, quantity, user, notes=''):
""" Remove items from stock
# Cannot remove items from a serialized part
if self.serialized:
return False
quantity = Decimal(quantity)
except InvalidOperation:
return False
if quantity <= 0 or self.infinite:
return False
if self.updateQuantity(self.quantity - quantity):
self.addTransactionNote('Removed {n} items from stock'.format(n=quantity),
return True
def __str__(self):
if self.part.trackable and self.serial:
s = '{part} #{sn}'.format(
s = '{n} x {part}'.format(
if self.location:
s += ' @ {loc}'.format(loc=self.location.name)
return s
def getTestResults(self, test=None, result=None, user=None):
Return all test results associated with this StockItem.
Optionally can filter results by:
- Test name
- Test result
- User
results = self.test_results
if test:
# Filter by test name
results = results.filter(test=test)
if result is not None:
# Filter by test status
results = results.filter(result=result)
if user:
# Filter by user
results = results.filter(user=user)
return results
def testResultMap(self, **kwargs):
Return a map of test-results using the test name as the key.
Where multiple test results exist for a given name,
the *most recent* test is used.
This map is useful for rendering to a template (e.g. a test report),
as all named tests are accessible.
results = self.getTestResults(**kwargs).order_by('-date')
result_map = {}
for result in results:
key = helpers.generateTestKey(result.test)
result_map[key] = result
return result_map
def testResultList(self, **kwargs):
Return a list of test-result objects for this StockItem
return self.testResultMap(**kwargs).values()
def requiredTestStatus(self):
Return the status of the tests required for this StockItem.
A dict containing the following items:
- total: Number of required tests
- passed: Number of tests that have passed
- failed: Number of tests that have failed
# All the tests required by the part object
required = self.part.getRequiredTests()
results = self.testResultMap()
total = len(required)
passed = 0
failed = 0
for test in required:
key = helpers.generateTestKey(test.test_name)
if key in results:
result = results[key]
if result.result:
passed += 1
failed += 1
return {
'total': total,
'passed': passed,
'failed': failed,
def required_test_count(self):
return self.part.getRequiredTests().count()
def hasRequiredTests(self):
return self.part.getRequiredTests().count() > 0
def passedAllRequiredTests(self):
status = self.requiredTestStatus()
return status['passed'] >= status['total']
@receiver(pre_delete, sender=StockItem, dispatch_uid='stock_item_pre_delete_log')
def before_delete_stock_item(sender, instance, using, **kwargs):
""" Receives pre_delete signal from StockItem object.
Before a StockItem is deleted, ensure that each child object is updated,
to point to the new parent item.
# Update each StockItem parent field
for child in instance.children.all():
child.parent = instance.parent
# Rebuild the MPTT tree
class StockItemAttachment(InvenTreeAttachment):
Model for storing file attachments against a StockItem object.
def getSubdir(self):
return os.path.join("stock_files", str(self.stock_item.id))
stock_item = models.ForeignKey(
class StockItemTracking(models.Model):
""" Stock tracking entry - breacrumb for keeping track of automated stock transactions
item: Link to StockItem
date: Date that this tracking info was created
title: Title of this tracking info (generated by system)
notes: Associated notes (input by user)
link: Optional URL to external page
user: The user associated with this tracking info
quantity: The StockItem quantity at this point in time
def get_absolute_url(self):
return '/stock/track/{pk}'.format(pk=self.id)
# return reverse('stock-tracking-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.id})
item = models.ForeignKey(StockItem, on_delete=models.CASCADE,
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, editable=False)
title = models.CharField(blank=False, max_length=250, help_text=_('Tracking entry title'))
notes = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=512, help_text=_('Entry notes'))
link = InvenTreeURLField(blank=True, help_text=_('Link to external page for further information'))
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True)
system = models.BooleanField(default=False)
quantity = models.DecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=5, validators=[MinValueValidator(0)], default=1)
# image = models.ImageField(upload_to=func, max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)
# file = models.FileField()
def rename_stock_item_test_result_attachment(instance, filename):
return os.path.join('stock_files', str(instance.stock_item.pk), os.path.basename(filename))
class StockItemTestResult(models.Model):
A StockItemTestResult records results of custom tests against individual StockItem objects.
This is useful for tracking unit acceptance tests, and particularly useful when integrated
with automated testing setups.
Multiple results can be recorded against any given test, allowing tests to be run many times.
stock_item: Link to StockItem
test: Test name (simple string matching)
result: Test result value (pass / fail / etc)
value: Recorded test output value (optional)
attachment: Link to StockItem attachment (optional)
notes: Extra user notes related to the test (optional)
user: User who uploaded the test result
date: Date the test result was recorded
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self):
# If this test result corresponds to a template, check the requirements of the template
key = self.key
templates = self.stock_item.part.getTestTemplates()
for template in templates:
if key == template.key:
if template.requires_value:
if not self.value:
raise ValidationError({
"value": _("Value must be provided for this test"),
if template.requires_attachment:
if not self.attachment:
raise ValidationError({
"attachment": _("Attachment must be uploaded for this test"),
def key(self):
return helpers.generateTestKey(self.test)
stock_item = models.ForeignKey(
test = models.CharField(
blank=False, max_length=100,
help_text=_('Test name')
result = models.BooleanField(
help_text=_('Test result')
value = models.CharField(
blank=True, max_length=500,
help_text=_('Test output value')
attachment = models.FileField(
null=True, blank=True,
help_text=_('Test result attachment'),
notes = models.CharField(
blank=True, max_length=500,
help_text=_("Test notes"),
user = models.ForeignKey(
blank=True, null=True
date = models.DateTimeField(