Oliver aa39582d89
Report printing refactor ()
* Adds a new "generic" ReportTemplate model

* expose API endpoints

* Update model / migrations / serializer

* Add new mixin class to existing database models

* - Add detail view for report template
- Revert filters field behaviour

* Filter report list by provided item IDs

- Greatly simplify filtering logic compared to existing implemetation
- Expose to API schema

* Create data migration for converting *old* report templates

* Ignore internal reports for data migration

* Add report mixin to StockLocation model

* Provide model choices in admin interface

* Offload context data generation to the model classes

* Remove old report template models

* Refactor JS code in CUI

* Fix for API filtering

* Add data migration to delete old models

* Remove dead URL

* Updates

* Construct sample report templates on app start

* Bump API version

* Typo fix

* Fix incorrect context calls

* Add new LabelTemplate model

- ReportTemplate and LabelTemplate share common base
- Refactor previous migration

* Expose to admin interface

* Add in extra context from existing label models

* Add migration to create LabelTemplate instances from existing labels

* Add API endpoints for listing and updating LabelTemplate objects

* Adjust 'upload_to' path

* Refactor label printing

* Move default label templates

* Update API endpoints

* Update migrations

* Handle LookupError in migration

* Redirect the "label" API endpoint

* Add new model for handling result of template printing

* Refactor LabelPrinting mixin

* Unlink "labels" app entirely

* Fix typo

* Record 'plugin' used to generate a particular output

* Fix imports

* Generate label print response

- Still not good yet

* Refactoring label printing in CUI

* add "items" count to TemplateOutput model

* Fix for InvenTreeLabelSheetPlugin

* Remove old "label" app

* Make request object optional

* Fix filename generation

* Add help text for "model_type"

* Simplify TemplateTable

* Tweak TemplateTable

* Get template editor to display template data again

* Stringify template name

- Important, otherwise you get a TypeError instead of TemplateDoesNotExist

* Add hooks to reset plugin state

* fix context for StockLocation model

* Tweak log messages

* Fix incorrect serializer

* Cleanup TemplateTable

* Fix broken import

* Filter by target model type

* Remove manual file operations

* Update old migrations

- Remove references to functions that no longer exist

* Refactor asset / snippet uploading

* Update comments

* Retain original filename when editing templatese

* Cleanup

* Refactor model type filter to use new hook

* Add placeholder actions for printing labels and reports

* Improve hookiness

* Add new ReportOutput class

* Report printing works from PUI now!

* More inspired filename pattern for generated reports

* Fix template preview window

- Use new "output" response field across the board

* Remove outdated task

* Update data migration to use raw SQL

- If the 'labels' app is no longer available, this will fail
- So, use raw SQL instead

* Add more API endpoint defs

* Adds placeholder API endpoint for label printing

* Expose plugin field to the printing endpoint

* Adds plugin model type

* Hook to print labels

* Refactor action dropdown items

* Refactor report printing for CUI

* Refactor label print for CUI

- Still needs to handle custom printing options for plugin

* Fix migration

* Update ModelType dict

* playwright test fix

* Unit test fixes

* Fix model ruleset associations

* Fix for report.js

* Add support for "dynamic" fields in

* Add in custom fields based on plugin

* Refactoring

* Reset plugin on form close

* Set custom timeout values

* Update migration

- Not atomic

* Cleanup

* Implement more printing actions

* Reduce timeout

* Unit test updates

* Fix part serializers

* Label printing works in CUI again

* js linting

* Update <ActionDropdown>

* Fix for label printing API endpoint

* Fix filterselectdrawer

* Improve button rendering

* Allow printing from StockLocationTable

* Add aria-labels to modal form fields

* Add test for printing stock item labels from table

* Add test for report printing

* Add unit testing for report template editing / preview

* Message refactor

* Refactor InvenTreeReportMixin class

* Update playwright test

* Update 'verbose_name' for a number of models

* Additional admin filtering

* Playwright test updates

* Run checks against new python lib branch

(temporary, will be reverted)

* remove old app reference

* fix testing ref

* fix app init

* remove old tests

* Revert custom target branch

* Expose label and report output objects to API

* refactor

* fix a few tests

* factor plugin_ref out

* fix options testing

* Update table field header

* re-enable full options testing

* fix missing plugin matching

* disable call assert

* Add custom related field for PluginConfig

- Uses 'key' rather than 'pk'
- Revert label print plugin to use slug

* Add support for custom pk field in metadata

* switch to labels for testing

* re-align report testing code

* disable version check

* fix url

* Implement lazy loading

* Allow blank plugin for printing

- Uses the builtin label printer if not specified

* Add printing actions for StockItem

* Fix for metadata helper

* Use key instead of pk in printing actions

* Support non-standard pk values in RelatedModelField

* pass context data to report serializers

* disable template / item discovery

* fix call

* Tweak unit test

* Run python checks against specific branch

* Add task for running docs server

- Option to compile schema as part of task

* Custom branch no longer needed

* Starting on documentation updates

* fix tests for reports

* fix label testing

* Update template context variables

* Refactor report context documentation

* Documentation cleanup

* Docs cleanup

* Include sample report files

* Fix links

* Link cleanup

* Integrate plugin example code into docs

* Code cleanup

* Fix type annotation

* Revert deleted variable

* remove templatetype

* remove unused imports

* extend context testing

* test if plg can print

* re-enable version check

* Update unit tests

* Fix test

* Adjust unit test

* Add debug statement to test

* Fix unit test

- Labels get printed against LabelTemplate items, duh

* Unit test update

* Unit test updates

* Test update

* Patch fix for <PartColumn> component

* Fix ReportSerialierBase class

- Re-initialize field options if not already set

* Fix unit test for sqlite

* Fix kwargs for non-blocking label printing

* Update playwright tests

* Tweak unit test


Co-authored-by: Matthias Mair <>
2024-05-22 10:17:01 +10:00

302 lines
9.0 KiB

# Project
site_name: InvenTree Documentation
site_description: InvenTree - Open Source Inventory Management
site_author: InvenTree
# Repository
repo_name: inventree/inventree
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# Navigation
- InvenTree:
- InvenTree:
- Features:
- FAQ:
- Core Concepts:
- Terminology: concepts/
- Physical Units: concepts/
- Development:
- Contributing: develop/
- Devcontainer: develop/
- React Frontend: develop/
- Credits:
- Privacy:
- Release Notes: releases/
- Security:
- Install:
- Introduction: start/
- Configuration: start/
- Docker:
- Introduction: start/
- Installation: start/
- Bare Metal:
- Introduction: start/
- Installer: start/
- Production: start/
- Development: start/
- Serving Files: start/
- Data Backup: start/
- Migrating Data: start/
- Advanced Topics: start/
- Parts:
- Parts: part/
- Creating Parts: part/
- Part Views: part/
- Tracking: part/
- Parameters: part/
- Templates: part/
- Tests: part/
- Pricing: part/
- Scheduling: part/
- Stocktake: part/
- Notifications: part/
- Stock:
- Stock Items: stock/
- Stock Status: stock/
- Stock Tracking: stock/
- Adjusting Stock: stock/
- Stock Expiry: stock/
- Stock Ownership: stock/
- Test Results: stock/
- Build:
- Build Orders: build/
- Build Outputs: build/
- Allocating Stock: build/
- Example Build Order: build/
- Bill of Materials: build/
- Importing BOM Data: build/
- Exporting BOM Data: build/
- Orders:
- Companies: order/
- Purchase Orders: order/
- Sales Orders: order/
- Return Orders: order/
- Project Codes: order/
- Report:
- Templates: report/
- Template Rendering: report/
- Template Editor: report/
- Reports: report/
- Labels: report/
- Context Variables: report/
- Helper Functions: report/
- Barcodes: report/
- Sample Templates: report/
- Admin:
- Global Settings: settings/
- User Settings: settings/
- Reference Patterns: settings/
- Admin Interface: settings/
- User Permissions: settings/
- Single Sign on: settings/
- Multi Factor Authentication: settings/
- Export Data: settings/
- Import Data: settings/
- Error Logs: settings/
- Email: settings/
- Background Tasks: settings/
- Currency Support: settings/
- App:
- InvenTree App: app/
- Connect: app/
- Navigation: app/
- Search: app/
- Barcodes: app/
- Parts: app/
- Stock: app/
- Purchase Orders: app/
- Sales Orders: app/
- Settings: app/
- Privacy: app/
- Translation: app/
- Suggestions: app/
- Extend:
- InvenTree API:
- Overview: api/
- API Schema: api/
- Model Metadata: api/
- Download Data: api/
- Bulk Delete: api/
- Interactive API: api/
- Python Interface:
- Overview: api/python/
- Currency Support: api/python/
- Examples: api/python/
- Barcodes:
- Overview: barcodes/
- Internal Barcodes: barcodes/
- External Barcodes: barcodes/
- Custom Barcodes: barcodes/
- Plugins:
- Overview: extend/
- Installation: extend/plugins/
- Developing a Plugin: extend/
- Model Metadata: extend/plugins/
- Tags: extend/plugins/
- Plugin Mixins:
- Action Mixin: extend/plugins/
- API Mixin: extend/plugins/
- App Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Barcode Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Currency Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Event Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Label Printing Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Locate Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Navigation Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Panel Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Report Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Schedule Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Settings Mixin: extend/plugins/
- URL Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Validation Mixin: extend/plugins/
- Machines:
- Overview: extend/machines/
- Label Printer: extend/machines/
- Themes: extend/
- Third-Party: extend/
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