2021-04-08 22:04:26 -04:00

300 lines
8.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.contrib import admin
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
from import_export.resources import ModelResource
from import_export.fields import Field
import import_export.widgets as widgets
from .models import PartCategory, Part
from .models import PartAttachment, PartStar, PartRelated
from .models import BomItem
from .models import PartParameterTemplate, PartParameter
from .models import PartCategoryParameterTemplate
from .models import PartTestTemplate
from .models import PartSellPriceBreak
from stock.models import StockLocation
from company.models import SupplierPart
class PartResource(ModelResource):
""" Class for managing Part data import/export """
# ForeignKey fields
category = Field(attribute='category', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(PartCategory))
default_location = Field(attribute='default_location', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(StockLocation))
default_supplier = Field(attribute='default_supplier', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(SupplierPart))
category_name = Field(attribute='category__name', readonly=True)
variant_of = Field(attribute='variant_of', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(Part))
suppliers = Field(attribute='supplier_count', readonly=True)
# Extra calculated meta-data (readonly)
in_stock = Field(attribute='total_stock', readonly=True, widget=widgets.IntegerWidget())
on_order = Field(attribute='on_order', readonly=True, widget=widgets.IntegerWidget())
used_in = Field(attribute='used_in_count', readonly=True, widget=widgets.IntegerWidget())
allocated = Field(attribute='allocation_count', readonly=True, widget=widgets.IntegerWidget())
building = Field(attribute='quantity_being_built', readonly=True, widget=widgets.IntegerWidget())
class Meta:
model = Part
skip_unchanged = True
report_skipped = False
clean_model_instances = True
exclude = [
'bom_checksum', 'bom_checked_by', 'bom_checked_date',
'lft', 'rght', 'tree_id', 'level',
def get_queryset(self):
""" Prefetch related data for quicker access """
query = super().get_queryset()
query = query.prefetch_related(
return query
class PartAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
resource_class = PartResource
list_display = ('full_name', 'description', 'total_stock', 'category')
list_filter = ('active', 'assembly', 'is_template', 'virtual')
search_fields = ('name', 'description', 'category__name', 'category__description', 'IPN')
class PartCategoryResource(ModelResource):
""" Class for managing PartCategory data import/export """
parent = Field(attribute='parent', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(PartCategory))
parent_name = Field(attribute='parent__name', readonly=True)
default_location = Field(attribute='default_location', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(StockLocation))
class Meta:
model = PartCategory
skip_unchanged = True
report_skipped = False
clean_model_instances = True
exclude = [
# Exclude MPTT internal model fields
'lft', 'rght', 'tree_id', 'level',
def after_import(self, dataset, result, using_transactions, dry_run, **kwargs):
super().after_import(dataset, result, using_transactions, dry_run, **kwargs)
# Rebuild the PartCategory tree(s)
class PartCategoryAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
resource_class = PartCategoryResource
list_display = ('name', 'pathstring', 'description')
search_fields = ('name', 'description')
class PartRelatedAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
''' Class to manage PartRelated objects '''
class PartAttachmentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('part', 'attachment', 'comment')
class PartStarAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('part', 'user')
class PartTestTemplateAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('part', 'test_name', 'required')
class BomItemResource(ModelResource):
""" Class for managing BomItem data import/export """
level = Field(attribute='level', readonly=True)
bom_id = Field(attribute='pk')
# ID of the parent part
parent_part_id = Field(attribute='part', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(Part))
# IPN of the parent part
parent_part_ipn = Field(attribute='part__IPN', readonly=True)
# Name of the parent part
parent_part_name = Field(attribute='part__name', readonly=True)
# ID of the sub-part
part_id = Field(attribute='sub_part', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(Part))
# IPN of the sub-part
part_ipn = Field(attribute='sub_part__IPN', readonly=True)
# Name of the sub-part
part_name = Field(attribute='sub_part__name', readonly=True)
# Description of the sub-part
part_description = Field(attribute='sub_part__description', readonly=True)
# Is the sub-part itself an assembly?
sub_assembly = Field(attribute='sub_part__assembly', readonly=True)
def dehydrate_quantity(self, item):
Special consideration for the 'quantity' field on data export.
We do not want a spreadsheet full of "1.0000" (we'd rather "1")
return float(item.quantity)
def before_export(self, queryset, *args, **kwargs):
self.is_importing = kwargs.get('importing', False)
def get_fields(self, **kwargs):
If we are exporting for the purposes of generating
a 'bom-import' template, there are some fields which
we are not interested in.
fields = super().get_fields(**kwargs)
# If we are not generating an "import" template,
# just return the complete list of fields
if not self.is_importing:
return fields
# Otherwise, remove some fields we are not interested in
idx = 0
to_remove = [
while idx < len(fields):
if fields[idx].column_name.lower() in to_remove:
del fields[idx]
idx += 1
return fields
class Meta:
model = BomItem
skip_unchanged = True
report_skipped = False
clean_model_instances = True
exclude = [
class BomItemAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
resource_class = BomItemResource
list_display = ('part', 'sub_part', 'quantity')
search_fields = ('part__name', 'part__description', 'sub_part__name', 'sub_part__description')
class ParameterTemplateAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'units')
class ParameterResource(ModelResource):
""" Class for managing PartParameter data import/export """
part = Field(attribute='part', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(Part))
part_name = Field(attribute='part__name', readonly=True)
template = Field(attribute='template', widget=widgets.ForeignKeyWidget(PartParameterTemplate))
template_name = Field(attribute='template__name', readonly=True)
class Meta:
model = PartParameter
skip_unchanged = True
report_skipped = False
clean_model_instance = True
class ParameterAdmin(ImportExportModelAdmin):
resource_class = ParameterResource
list_display = ('part', 'template', 'data')
class PartCategoryParameterAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class PartSellPriceBreakAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class Meta:
model = PartSellPriceBreak
list_display = ('part', 'quantity', 'price',), PartAdmin), PartCategoryAdmin), PartRelatedAdmin), PartAttachmentAdmin), PartStarAdmin), BomItemAdmin), ParameterTemplateAdmin), ParameterAdmin), PartCategoryParameterAdmin), PartTestTemplateAdmin), PartSellPriceBreakAdmin)