Lukas cb537780dc
Make modals/forms more reactive (#5897)
* First draft for refactoring the api forms including modals

* Fix merging errors

* Fix deepsource

* Fix jsdoc

* trigger: deepsource

* Try to improve performance by not passing the whole definition down

* First draft for switching to react-hook-form

* Fix warning log in console with i18n when locale is not loaded

* Fix: deepsource

* Fixed RelatedModelField initial value loading and disable submit if form is not 'dirty'

* Make field state hookable to state

* Added nested object field to PUI form framework

* Fix ts errors while integrating the new forms api into a few places

* Fix: deepsource

* Fix some values were not present in the submit data if the field is hidden

* Handle error while loading locales

* Fix: deepsource
2023-11-21 00:00:44 +11:00

68 lines
2.2 KiB

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