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Registry for loading and managing multiple plugins at run-time
- Holds the class and the object that contains all code to maintain plugin states
- Manages setup and teardown of plugin class instances
import importlib
import pathlib
import logging
from typing import OrderedDict
from importlib import reload
from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.utils import OperationalError, ProgrammingError
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.urls import clear_url_caches
from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.text import slugify
from importlib import metadata
import importlib_metadata as metadata
# TODO remove when python minimum is 3.8
from maintenance_mode.core import maintenance_mode_on
from maintenance_mode.core import get_maintenance_mode, set_maintenance_mode
from .integration import IntegrationPluginBase
from .helpers import handle_error, log_error, get_plugins, IntegrationPluginError
logger = logging.getLogger('inventree')
class PluginsRegistry:
The PluginsRegistry class
def __init__(self) -> None:
# plugin registry
self.plugins = {}
self.plugins_inactive = {}
self.plugin_modules = [] # Holds all discovered plugins
self.errors = {} # Holds discovering errors
# flags
self.is_loading = False
self.apps_loading = True # Marks if apps were reloaded yet
self.git_is_modern = True # Is a modern version of git available
# integration specific
self.installed_apps = [] # Holds all added plugin_paths
# mixins
self.mixins_settings = {}
def call_plugin_function(self, slug, func, *args, **kwargs):
Call a member function (named by 'func') of the plugin named by 'slug'.
As this is intended to be run by the background worker,
we do not perform any try/except here.
Instead, any error messages are returned to the worker.
plugin = self.plugins[slug]
plugin_func = getattr(plugin, func)
return plugin_func(*args, **kwargs)
# region public functions
# region loading / unloading
def load_plugins(self):
Load and activate all IntegrationPlugins
if not settings.PLUGINS_ENABLED:
# Plugins not enabled, do nothing
logger.info('Start loading plugins')
# Set maintanace mode
_maintenance = bool(get_maintenance_mode())
if not _maintenance:
registered_successful = False
blocked_plugin = None
retry_counter = settings.PLUGIN_RETRY
while not registered_successful:
# We are using the db so for migrations etc we need to try this block
registered_successful = True
except (OperationalError, ProgrammingError): # pragma: no cover
# Exception if the database has not been migrated yet
logger.info('Database not accessible while loading plugins')
except IntegrationPluginError as error:
logger.error(f'[PLUGIN] Encountered an error with {error.path}:\n{error.message}')
log_error({error.path: error.message}, 'load')
blocked_plugin = error.path # we will not try to load this app again
# Initialize apps without any integration plugins
# We do not want to end in an endless loop
retry_counter -= 1
if retry_counter <= 0:
if settings.PLUGIN_TESTING:
print('[PLUGIN] Max retries, breaking loading')
# TODO error for server status
if settings.PLUGIN_TESTING:
print(f'[PLUGIN] Above error occured during testing - {retry_counter}/{settings.PLUGIN_RETRY} retries left')
# now the loading will re-start up with init
# Remove maintenance mode
if not _maintenance:
logger.info('Finished loading plugins')
def unload_plugins(self):
Unload and deactivate all IntegrationPlugins
if not settings.PLUGINS_ENABLED:
# Plugins not enabled, do nothing
logger.info('Start unloading plugins')
# Set maintanace mode
_maintenance = bool(get_maintenance_mode())
if not _maintenance:
# remove all plugins from registry
# deactivate all integrations
# remove maintenance
if not _maintenance:
logger.info('Finished unloading plugins')
def reload_plugins(self):
Safely reload IntegrationPlugins
# Do not reload whe currently loading
if self.is_loading:
logger.info('Start reloading plugins')
with maintenance_mode_on():
logger.info('Finished reloading plugins')
def collect_plugins(self):
Collect integration plugins from all possible ways of loading
if not settings.PLUGINS_ENABLED:
# Plugins not enabled, do nothing
self.plugin_modules = [] # clear
# Collect plugins from paths
for plugin in settings.PLUGIN_DIRS:
modules = get_plugins(importlib.import_module(plugin), IntegrationPluginBase)
if modules:
[self.plugin_modules.append(item) for item in modules]
# Check if not running in testing mode and apps should be loaded from hooks
if (not settings.PLUGIN_TESTING) or (settings.PLUGIN_TESTING and settings.PLUGIN_TESTING_SETUP):
# Collect plugins from setup entry points
for entry in metadata.entry_points().get('inventree_plugins', []):
plugin = entry.load()
plugin.is_package = True
except Exception as error:
handle_error(error, do_raise=False, log_name='discovery')
# Log collected plugins
logger.info(f'Collected {len(self.plugin_modules)} plugins!')
logger.info(", ".join([a.__module__ for a in self.plugin_modules]))
# endregion
# region registry functions
def with_mixin(self, mixin: str):
Returns reference to all plugins that have a specified mixin enabled
result = []
for plugin in self.plugins.values():
if plugin.mixin_enabled(mixin):
return result
# endregion
# endregion
# region general internal loading /activating / deactivating / deloading
def _init_plugins(self, disabled=None):
Initialise all found plugins
:param disabled: loading path of disabled app, defaults to None
:type disabled: str, optional
:raises error: IntegrationPluginError
from plugin.models import PluginConfig
logger.info('Starting plugin initialisation')
# Initialize integration plugins
for plugin in self.plugin_modules:
# Check if package
was_packaged = getattr(plugin, 'is_package', False)
# Check if activated
# These checks only use attributes - never use plugin supplied functions -> that would lead to arbitrary code execution!!
plug_name = plugin.PLUGIN_NAME
plug_key = plugin.PLUGIN_SLUG if getattr(plugin, 'PLUGIN_SLUG', None) else plug_name
plug_key = slugify(plug_key) # keys are slugs!
plugin_db_setting, _ = PluginConfig.objects.get_or_create(key=plug_key, name=plug_name)
except (OperationalError, ProgrammingError) as error:
# Exception if the database has not been migrated yet - check if test are running - raise if not
if not settings.PLUGIN_TESTING:
raise error
plugin_db_setting = None
# Always activate if testing
if settings.PLUGIN_TESTING or (plugin_db_setting and plugin_db_setting.active):
# Check if the plugin was blocked -> threw an error
if disabled:
# option1: package, option2: file-based
if (plugin.__name__ == disabled) or (plugin.__module__ == disabled):
# Errors are bad so disable the plugin in the database
if not settings.PLUGIN_TESTING:
plugin_db_setting.active = False
# TODO save the error to the plugin
# Add to inactive plugins so it shows up in the ui
self.plugins_inactive[plug_key] = plugin_db_setting
continue # continue -> the plugin is not loaded
# Initialize package
# now we can be sure that an admin has activated the plugin
# TODO check more stuff -> as of Nov 2021 there are not many checks in place
# but we could enhance those to check signatures, run the plugin against a whitelist etc.
logger.info(f'Loading integration plugin {plugin.PLUGIN_NAME}')
plugin = plugin()
except Exception as error:
# log error and raise it -> disable plugin
handle_error(error, log_name='init')
logger.info(f'Loaded integration plugin {plugin.slug}')
plugin.is_package = was_packaged
if plugin_db_setting:
plugin.pk = plugin_db_setting.pk
# safe reference
self.plugins[plugin.slug] = plugin
# save for later reference
self.plugins_inactive[plug_key] = plugin_db_setting
def _activate_plugins(self, force_reload=False):
Run integration functions for all plugins
:param force_reload: force reload base apps, defaults to False
:type force_reload: bool, optional
# activate integrations
plugins = self.plugins.items()
logger.info(f'Found {len(plugins)} active plugins')
self.activate_integration_app(plugins, force_reload=force_reload)
def _deactivate_plugins(self):
Run integration deactivation functions for all plugins
# endregion
# region mixin specific loading ...
def activate_integration_settings(self, plugins):
logger.info('Activating plugin settings')
self.mixins_settings = {}
for slug, plugin in plugins:
if plugin.mixin_enabled('settings'):
plugin_setting = plugin.settings
self.mixins_settings[slug] = plugin_setting
def deactivate_integration_settings(self):
# collect all settings
plugin_settings = {}
for _, plugin_setting in self.mixins_settings.items():
# clear cache
self.mixins_settings = {}
def activate_integration_schedule(self, plugins):
logger.info('Activating plugin tasks')
from common.models import InvenTreeSetting
# List of tasks we have activated
task_keys = []
if settings.PLUGIN_TESTING or InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('ENABLE_PLUGINS_SCHEDULE'):
for slug, plugin in plugins:
if plugin.mixin_enabled('schedule'):
config = plugin.plugin_config()
# Only active tasks for plugins which are enabled
if config and config.active:
task_keys += plugin.get_task_names()
if len(task_keys) > 0:
logger.info(f"Activated {len(task_keys)} scheduled tasks")
# Remove any scheduled tasks which do not match
# This stops 'old' plugin tasks from accumulating
from django_q.models import Schedule
scheduled_plugin_tasks = Schedule.objects.filter(name__istartswith="plugin.")
deleted_count = 0
for task in scheduled_plugin_tasks:
if task.name not in task_keys:
deleted_count += 1
if deleted_count > 0:
logger.info(f"Removed {deleted_count} old scheduled tasks")
except (ProgrammingError, OperationalError):
# Database might not yet be ready
logger.warning("activate_integration_schedule failed, database not ready")
def deactivate_integration_schedule(self):
Deactivate ScheduleMixin
currently nothing is done
def activate_integration_app(self, plugins, force_reload=False):
Activate AppMixin plugins - add custom apps and reload
:param plugins: list of IntegrationPlugins that should be installed
:type plugins: dict
:param force_reload: only reload base apps, defaults to False
:type force_reload: bool, optional
from common.models import InvenTreeSetting
if settings.PLUGIN_TESTING or InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('ENABLE_PLUGINS_APP'):
logger.info('Registering IntegrationPlugin apps')
apps_changed = False
# add them to the INSTALLED_APPS
for slug, plugin in plugins:
if plugin.mixin_enabled('app'):
plugin_path = self._get_plugin_path(plugin)
if plugin_path not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
settings.INSTALLED_APPS += [plugin_path]
self.installed_apps += [plugin_path]
apps_changed = True
# if apps were changed or force loading base apps -> reload
if apps_changed or force_reload:
# first startup or force loading of base apps -> registry is prob false
if self.apps_loading or force_reload:
self.apps_loading = False
# rediscover models/ admin sites
# update urls - must be last as models must be registered for creating admin routes
def _reregister_contrib_apps(self):
"""fix reloading of contrib apps - models and admin
this is needed if plugins were loaded earlier and then reloaded as models and admins rely on imports
those register models and admin in their respective objects (e.g. admin.site for admin)
for plugin_path in self.installed_apps:
app_name = plugin_path.split('.')[-1]
app_config = apps.get_app_config(app_name)
except LookupError:
# the plugin was never loaded correctly
logger.debug(f'{app_name} App was not found during deregistering')
# reload models if they were set
# models_module gets set if models were defined - even after multiple loads
# on a reload the models registery is empty but models_module is not
if app_config.models_module and len(app_config.models) == 0:
# check for all models if they are registered with the site admin
model_not_reg = False
for model in app_config.get_models():
if not admin.site.is_registered(model):
model_not_reg = True
# reload admin if at least one model is not registered
# models are registered with admin in the 'admin.py' file - so we check
# if the app_config has an admin module before trying to laod it
if model_not_reg and hasattr(app_config.module, 'admin'):
def _get_plugin_path(self, plugin):
"""parse plugin path
the input can be eiter:
- a local file / dir
- a package
# for local path plugins
plugin_path = '.'.join(pathlib.Path(plugin.path).relative_to(settings.BASE_DIR).parts)
except ValueError:
# plugin is shipped as package
plugin_path = plugin.PLUGIN_NAME
return plugin_path
def deactivate_integration_app(self):
Deactivate integration app - some magic required
# unregister models from admin
for plugin_path in self.installed_apps:
models = [] # the modelrefs need to be collected as poping an item in a iter is not welcomed
app_name = plugin_path.split('.')[-1]
app_config = apps.get_app_config(app_name)
# check all models
for model in app_config.get_models():
# remove model from admin site
models += [model._meta.model_name]
except LookupError:
# if an error occurs the app was never loaded right -> so nothing to do anymore
logger.debug(f'{app_name} App was not found during deregistering')
# unregister the models (yes, models are just kept in multilevel dicts)
for model in models:
# remove model from general registry
# clear the registry for that app
# so that the import trick will work on reloading the same plugin
# -> the registry is kept for the whole lifecycle
if models and app_name in apps.all_models:
# remove plugin from installed_apps
# reset load flag and reload apps
# update urls to remove the apps from the site admin
def _clean_installed_apps(self):
for plugin in self.installed_apps:
if plugin in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
self.installed_apps = []
def _clean_registry(self):
# remove all plugins from registry
self.plugins = {}
self.plugins_inactive = {}
def _update_urls(self):
from InvenTree.urls import urlpatterns as global_pattern, frontendpatterns as urlpatterns
from plugin.urls import get_plugin_urls
for index, a in enumerate(urlpatterns):
if hasattr(a, 'app_name'):
if a.app_name == 'admin':
urlpatterns[index] = url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls, name='inventree-admin')
elif a.app_name == 'plugin':
urlpatterns[index] = get_plugin_urls()
# replace frontendpatterns
global_pattern[0] = url('', include(urlpatterns))
def _reload_apps(self, force_reload: bool = False):
self.is_loading = True # set flag to disable loop reloading
if force_reload:
# we can not use the built in functions as we need to brute force the registry
apps.app_configs = OrderedDict()
apps.apps_ready = apps.models_ready = apps.loading = apps.ready = False
self._try_reload(apps.populate, settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
self._try_reload(apps.set_installed_apps, settings.INSTALLED_APPS)
self.is_loading = False
def _try_reload(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
wrapper to try reloading the apps
throws an custom error that gets handled by the loading function
cmd(*args, **kwargs)
return True, []
except Exception as error:
# endregion
registry = PluginsRegistry()
def call_function(plugin_name, function_name, *args, **kwargs):
""" Global helper function to call a specific member function of a plugin """
return registry.call_plugin_function(plugin_name, function_name, *args, **kwargs)