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Django views for interacting with common models
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.forms import CheckboxInput, Select
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
from formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView
from InvenTree.views import AjaxUpdateView
from InvenTree.helpers import str2bool
from . import models
from . import forms
from .files import FileManager
class SettingEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing an InvenTree key:value settings object,
(or creating it if the key does not already exist)
model = models.InvenTreeSetting
ajax_form_title = _('Change Setting')
form_class = forms.SettingEditForm
ajax_template_name = "common/edit_setting.html"
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
Add extra context information about the particular setting object.
ctx = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
setting = self.get_object()
ctx['key'] = setting.key
ctx['value'] = setting.value
ctx['name'] = models.InvenTreeSetting.get_setting_name(setting.key)
ctx['description'] = models.InvenTreeSetting.get_setting_description(setting.key)
return ctx
def get_form(self):
Override default get_form behaviour
form = super().get_form()
setting = self.get_object()
choices = setting.choices()
if choices is not None:
form.fields['value'].widget = Select(choices=choices)
elif setting.is_bool():
form.fields['value'].widget = CheckboxInput()
self.object.value = str2bool(setting.value)
form.fields['value'].value = str2bool(setting.value)
name = models.InvenTreeSetting.get_setting_name(setting.key)
if name:
form.fields['value'].label = name
description = models.InvenTreeSetting.get_setting_description(setting.key)
if description:
form.fields['value'].help_text = description
return form
def validate(self, setting, form):
Perform custom validation checks on the form data.
data = form.cleaned_data
value = data.get('value', None)
if setting.choices():
If a set of choices are provided for a given setting,
the provided value must be one of those choices.
choices = [choice[0] for choice in setting.choices()]
if value not in choices:
form.add_error('value', _('Supplied value is not allowed'))
if setting.is_bool():
If a setting is defined as a boolean setting,
the provided value must look somewhat like a boolean value!
if not str2bool(value, test=True) and not str2bool(value, test=False):
form.add_error('value', _('Supplied value must be a boolean'))
class MultiStepFormView(SessionWizardView):
""" Setup basic methods of multi-step form
form_list: list of forms
form_steps_description: description for each form
form_list = []
form_steps_template = []
form_steps_description = []
file_manager = None
media_folder = ''
file_storage = FileSystemStorage(settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Override init method to set media folder """
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def process_media_folder(self):
""" Process media folder """
if self.media_folder:
media_folder_abs = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, self.media_folder)
if not os.path.exists(media_folder_abs):
self.file_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=media_folder_abs)
def get_template_names(self):
""" Select template """
# Get template
template = self.form_steps_template[self.steps.index]
except IndexError:
return self.template_name
return template
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
""" Update context data """
# Retrieve current context
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
# Get form description
description = self.form_steps_description[self.steps.index]
except IndexError:
description = ''
# Add description to form steps
context.update({'description': description})
return context
class FileManagementFormView(MultiStepFormView):
""" Setup form wizard to perform the following steps:
1. Upload tabular data file
2. Match headers to InvenTree fields
3. Edit row data and match InvenTree items
name = None
form_list = [
('upload', forms.UploadFile),
('fields', forms.MatchField),
('items', forms.MatchItem),
form_steps_description = [
_("Upload File"),
_("Match Fields"),
_("Match Items"),
media_folder = 'file_upload/'
extra_context_data = {}
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs)
if self.steps.current in ('fields', 'items'):
# Get columns and row data
self.columns = self.file_manager.columns()
self.rows = self.file_manager.rows()
# Check for stored data
stored_data = self.storage.get_step_data(self.steps.current)
if stored_data:
elif self.steps.current == 'items':
# Set form table data
# Update context
context.update({'rows': self.rows})
context.update({'columns': self.columns})
# Load extra context data
for key, items in self.extra_context_data.items():
context.update({key: items})
return context
def get_file_manager(self, step=None, form=None):
""" Get FileManager instance from uploaded file """
if self.file_manager:
if step is not None:
# Retrieve stored files from upload step
upload_files = self.storage.get_step_files('upload')
if upload_files:
# Get file
file = upload_files.get('upload-file', None)
if file:
self.file_manager = FileManager(file=file, name=self.name)
def get_form_kwargs(self, step=None):
""" Update kwargs to dynamically build forms """
# Always retrieve FileManager instance from uploaded file
if step == 'upload':
# Dynamically build upload form
if self.name:
kwargs = {
'name': self.name
return kwargs
elif step == 'fields':
# Dynamically build match field form
kwargs = {
'file_manager': self.file_manager
return kwargs
elif step == 'items':
# Dynamically build match item form
kwargs = {}
kwargs['file_manager'] = self.file_manager
# Get data from fields step
data = self.storage.get_step_data('fields')
# Process to update columns and rows
self.rows = self.file_manager.rows()
self.columns = self.file_manager.columns()
kwargs['row_data'] = self.rows
return kwargs
return super().get_form_kwargs()
def get_form_table_data(self, form_data):
""" Extract table cell data from form data and fields.
These data are used to maintain state between sessions.
Table data keys are as follows:
col_name_<idx> - Column name at idx as provided in the uploaded file
col_guess_<idx> - Column guess at idx as selected
row_<x>_col<y> - Cell data as provided in the uploaded file
# Map the columns
self.column_names = {}
self.column_selections = {}
self.row_data = {}
for item, value in form_data.items():
# Column names as passed as col_name_<idx> where idx is an integer
# Extract the column names
if item.startswith('col_name_'):
col_id = int(item.replace('col_name_', ''))
except ValueError:
self.column_names[col_id] = value
# Extract the column selections (in the 'select fields' view)
if item.startswith('fields-'):
col_name = item.replace('fields-', '')
except ValueError:
for idx, name in self.column_names.items():
if name == col_name:
self.column_selections[idx] = value
# Extract the row data
if item.startswith('row_'):
# Item should be of the format row_<r>_col_<c>
s = item.split('_')
if len(s) < 4:
# Ignore row/col IDs which are not correct numeric values
row_id = int(s[1])
col_id = int(s[3])
except ValueError:
if row_id not in self.row_data:
self.row_data[row_id] = {}
self.row_data[row_id][col_id] = value
def set_form_table_data(self, form=None):
""" Set the form table data """
if self.column_names:
# Re-construct the column data
self.columns = []
for idx, value in self.column_names.items():
header = ({
'name': value,
'guess': self.column_selections.get(idx, ''),
if self.row_data:
# Re-construct the row data
self.rows = []
# Update the row data
for row_idx, row_key in enumerate(sorted(self.row_data.keys())):
row_data = self.row_data[row_key]
data = []
for idx, item in row_data.items():
column_data = {
'name': self.column_names[idx],
'guess': self.column_selections[idx],
cell_data = {
'cell': item,
'idx': idx,
'column': column_data,
row = {
'index': row_idx,
'data': data,
'errors': {},
# In the item selection step: update row data with mapping to form fields
if form and self.steps.current == 'items':
# Find field keys
field_keys = []
for field in form.fields:
field_key = field.split('-')[0]
if field_key not in field_keys:
# Populate rows
for row in self.rows:
for field_key in field_keys:
# Map row data to field
row[field_key] = field_key + '-' + str(row['index'])
def get_column_index(self, name):
""" Return the index of the column with the given name.
It named column is not found, return -1
idx = list(self.column_selections.values()).index(name)
except ValueError:
idx = -1
return idx
def get_field_selection(self):
""" Once data columns have been selected, attempt to pre-select the proper data from the database.
This function is called once the field selection has been validated.
The pre-fill data are then passed through to the part selection form.
This method is very specific to the type of data found in the file,
therefore overwrite it in the subclass.
def check_field_selection(self, form):
""" Check field matching """
# Are there any missing columns?
missing_columns = []
# Check that all required fields are present
for col in self.file_manager.REQUIRED_HEADERS:
if col not in self.column_selections.values():
# Check that at least one of the part match field is present
part_match_found = False
for col in self.file_manager.ITEM_MATCH_HEADERS:
if col in self.column_selections.values():
part_match_found = True
# If not, notify user
if not part_match_found:
for col in self.file_manager.ITEM_MATCH_HEADERS:
# Track any duplicate column selections
duplicates = []
for col in self.column_names:
if col in self.column_selections:
guess = self.column_selections[col]
guess = None
if guess:
n = list(self.column_selections.values()).count(self.column_selections[col])
if n > 1:
# Store extra context data
self.extra_context_data = {
'missing_columns': missing_columns,
'duplicates': duplicates,
# Data validation
valid = not missing_columns and not duplicates
return valid
def validate(self, step, form):
""" Validate forms """
valid = True
# Get form table data
if step == 'fields':
# Validate user form data
valid = self.check_field_selection(form)
if not valid:
form.add_error(None, _('Fields matching failed'))
elif step == 'items':
return valid
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Perform validations before posting data """
wizard_goto_step = self.request.POST.get('wizard_goto_step', None)
form = self.get_form(data=self.request.POST, files=self.request.FILES)
form_valid = self.validate(self.steps.current, form)
if not form_valid and not wizard_goto_step:
# Re-render same step
return self.render(form)
return super().post(*args, **kwargs)