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Django views for interacting with Part app
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.utils import IntegrityError
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.urls import reverse
from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from django.forms import HiddenInput
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib import messages
from moneyed import CURRENCIES
from djmoney.contrib.exchange.models import convert_money
from PIL import Image
import requests
import os
import io
from rapidfuzz import fuzz
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from .models import PartCategory, Part, PartRelated
from .models import PartParameterTemplate
from .models import PartCategoryParameterTemplate
from .models import BomItem
from .models import PartSellPriceBreak, PartInternalPriceBreak
from common.models import InvenTreeSetting
from company.models import SupplierPart
from common.files import FileManager
from common.views import FileManagementFormView, FileManagementAjaxView
from common.forms import UploadFileForm, MatchFieldForm
from stock.models import StockItem, StockLocation
import common.settings as inventree_settings
from . import forms as part_forms
from . import settings as part_settings
from .bom import MakeBomTemplate, ExportBom, IsValidBOMFormat
from order.models import PurchaseOrderLineItem
from .admin import PartResource
from InvenTree.views import AjaxView, AjaxCreateView, AjaxUpdateView, AjaxDeleteView
from InvenTree.views import QRCodeView
from InvenTree.views import InvenTreeRoleMixin
from InvenTree.helpers import DownloadFile, str2bool
class PartIndex(InvenTreeRoleMixin, ListView):
""" View for displaying list of Part objects
model = Part
template_name = 'part/category.html'
context_object_name = 'parts'
def get_queryset(self):
return Part.objects.all().select_related('category')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(PartIndex, self).get_context_data(**kwargs).copy()
# View top-level categories
children = PartCategory.objects.filter(parent=None)
context['children'] = children
context['category_count'] = PartCategory.objects.count()
context['part_count'] = Part.objects.count()
return context
class PartRelatedCreate(AjaxCreateView):
""" View for creating a new PartRelated object
- The view only makes sense if a Part object is passed to it
model = PartRelated
form_class = part_forms.CreatePartRelatedForm
ajax_form_title = _("Add Related Part")
ajax_template_name = "modal_form.html"
def get_initial(self):
""" Set parent part as part_1 field """
initials = {}
part_id = self.request.GET.get('part', None)
if part_id:
initials['part_1'] = Part.objects.get(pk=part_id)
except (Part.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
return initials
def get_form(self):
""" Create a form to upload a new PartRelated
- Hide the 'part_1' field (parent part)
- Display parts which are not yet related
form = super(AjaxCreateView, self).get_form()
form.fields['part_1'].widget = HiddenInput()
# Get parent part
parent_part = self.get_initial()['part_1']
# Get existing related parts
related_parts = [related_part[1].pk for related_part in parent_part.get_related_parts()]
# Build updated choice list excluding
# - parts already related to parent part
# - the parent part itself
updated_choices = []
for choice in form.fields["part_2"].choices:
if (choice[0] not in related_parts) and (choice[0] != parent_part.pk):
# Update choices for related part
form.fields['part_2'].choices = updated_choices
except KeyError:
return form
class PartRelatedDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
""" View for deleting a PartRelated object """
model = PartRelated
ajax_form_title = _("Delete Related Part")
context_object_name = "related"
# Explicit role requirement
role_required = 'part.change'
class PartSetCategory(AjaxUpdateView):
""" View for settings the part category for multiple parts at once """
ajax_template_name = 'part/set_category.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Set Part Category')
form_class = part_forms.SetPartCategoryForm
role_required = 'part.change'
category = None
parts = []
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Respond to a GET request to this view """
self.request = request
if 'parts[]' in request.GET:
self.parts = Part.objects.filter(id__in=request.GET.getlist('parts[]'))
self.parts = []
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form=self.get_form(), context=self.get_context_data())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Respond to a POST request to this view """
self.parts = []
for item in request.POST:
if item.startswith('part_id_'):
pk = item.replace('part_id_', '')
part = Part.objects.get(pk=pk)
except (Part.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
self.category = None
if 'part_category' in request.POST:
pk = request.POST['part_category']
self.category = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=pk)
except (PartCategory.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
self.category = None
valid = self.category is not None
data = {
'form_valid': valid,
'success': _('Set category for {n} parts').format(n=len(self.parts))
if valid:
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, data=data, form=self.get_form(), context=self.get_context_data())
def set_category(self):
for part in self.parts:
def get_context_data(self):
""" Return context data for rendering in the form """
ctx = {}
ctx['parts'] = self.parts
ctx['categories'] = PartCategory.objects.all()
ctx['category'] = self.category
return ctx
class PartImport(FileManagementFormView):
''' Part: Upload file, match to fields and import parts(using multi-Step form) '''
permission_required = 'part.add'
class PartFileManager(FileManager):
name = 'part'
form_steps_template = [
form_steps_description = [
_("Upload File"),
_("Match Fields"),
_("Match References"),
form_field_map = {
'name': 'name',
'description': 'description',
'keywords': 'keywords',
'ipn': 'ipn',
'revision': 'revision',
'link': 'link',
'default_expiry': 'default_expiry',
'minimum_stock': 'minimum_stock',
'units': 'units',
'notes': 'notes',
'category': 'category',
'default_location': 'default_location',
'default_supplier': 'default_supplier',
'variant_of': 'variant_of',
'active': 'active',
'base_cost': 'base_cost',
'multiple': 'multiple',
'assembly': 'assembly',
'component': 'component',
'is_template': 'is_template',
'purchaseable': 'purchaseable',
'salable': 'salable',
'trackable': 'trackable',
'virtual': 'virtual',
'stock': 'stock',
file_manager_class = PartFileManager
def get_field_selection(self):
""" Fill the form fields for step 3 """
# fetch available elements
self.allowed_items = {}
self.matches = {}
self.allowed_items['Category'] = PartCategory.objects.all()
self.matches['Category'] = ['name__contains']
self.allowed_items['default_location'] = StockLocation.objects.all()
self.matches['default_location'] = ['name__contains']
self.allowed_items['default_supplier'] = SupplierPart.objects.all()
self.matches['default_supplier'] = ['SKU__contains']
self.allowed_items['variant_of'] = Part.objects.all()
self.matches['variant_of'] = ['name__contains']
# setup
# collect submitted column indexes
col_ids = {}
for col in self.file_manager.HEADERS:
index = self.get_column_index(col)
if index >= 0:
col_ids[col] = index
# parse all rows
for row in self.rows:
# check each submitted column
for idx in col_ids:
data = row['data'][col_ids[idx]]['cell']
if idx in self.file_manager.OPTIONAL_MATCH_HEADERS:
exact_match = self.allowed_items[idx].get(**{a: data for a in self.matches[idx]})
except (ValueError, self.allowed_items[idx].model.DoesNotExist, self.allowed_items[idx].model.MultipleObjectsReturned):
exact_match = None
row['match_options_' + idx] = self.allowed_items[idx]
row['match_' + idx] = exact_match
# general fields
row[idx.lower()] = data
def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
""" Create items """
items = self.get_clean_items()
import_done = 0
import_error = []
# Create Part instances
for part_data in items.values():
# set related parts
optional_matches = {}
for idx in self.file_manager.OPTIONAL_MATCH_HEADERS:
if idx.lower() in part_data:
optional_matches[idx] = self.allowed_items[idx].get(pk=int(part_data[idx.lower()]))
except (ValueError, self.allowed_items[idx].model.DoesNotExist, self.allowed_items[idx].model.MultipleObjectsReturned):
optional_matches[idx] = None
optional_matches[idx] = None
# add part
new_part = Part(
name=part_data.get('name', ''),
description=part_data.get('description', ''),
keywords=part_data.get('keywords', None),
IPN=part_data.get('ipn', None),
revision=part_data.get('revision', None),
link=part_data.get('link', None),
default_expiry=part_data.get('default_expiry', 0),
minimum_stock=part_data.get('minimum_stock', 0),
units=part_data.get('units', None),
notes=part_data.get('notes', None),
active=str2bool(part_data.get('active', True)),
base_cost=part_data.get('base_cost', 0),
multiple=part_data.get('multiple', 1),
assembly=str2bool(part_data.get('assembly', part_settings.part_assembly_default())),
component=str2bool(part_data.get('component', part_settings.part_component_default())),
is_template=str2bool(part_data.get('is_template', part_settings.part_template_default())),
purchaseable=str2bool(part_data.get('purchaseable', part_settings.part_purchaseable_default())),
salable=str2bool(part_data.get('salable', part_settings.part_salable_default())),
trackable=str2bool(part_data.get('trackable', part_settings.part_trackable_default())),
virtual=str2bool(part_data.get('virtual', part_settings.part_virtual_default())),
# add stock item if set
if part_data.get('stock', None):
stock = StockItem(
quantity=int(part_data.get('stock', 1)),
import_done += 1
except ValidationError as _e:
import_error.append(', '.join(set(_e.messages)))
# Set alerts
if import_done:
alert = f"<strong>{_('Part-Import')}</strong><br>{_('Imported {n} parts').format(n=import_done)}"
messages.success(self.request, alert)
if import_error:
error_text = '\n'.join([f'<li><strong>x{import_error.count(a)}</strong>: {a}</li>' for a in set(import_error)])
messages.error(self.request, f"<strong>{_('Some errors occured:')}</strong><br><ul>{error_text}</ul>")
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('part-index'))
class PartImportAjax(FileManagementAjaxView, PartImport):
ajax_form_steps_template = [
def validate(self, obj, form, **kwargs):
return PartImport.validate(self, self.steps.current, form, **kwargs)
class PartDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
""" Detail view for Part object
context_object_name = 'part'
queryset = Part.objects.all().select_related('category')
template_name = 'part/detail.html'
form_class = part_forms.PartPriceForm
# Add in some extra context information based on query params
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
Provide extra context data to template
context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
part = self.get_object()
ctx = part.get_context_data(self.request)
# Pricing information
ctx = self.get_pricing(self.get_quantity())
ctx['form'] = self.form_class(initial=self.get_initials())
return context
def get_quantity(self):
""" Return set quantity in decimal format """
return Decimal(self.request.POST.get('quantity', 1))
def get_part(self):
return self.get_object()
def get_pricing(self, quantity=1, currency=None):
""" returns context with pricing information """
ctx = PartPricing.get_pricing(self, quantity, currency)
part = self.get_part()
default_currency = inventree_settings.currency_code_default()
# Stock history
if part.total_stock > 1:
price_history = []
stock = part.stock_entries(include_variants=False, in_stock=True).\
order_by('purchase_order__issue_date').prefetch_related('purchase_order', 'supplier_part')
for stock_item in stock:
if None in [stock_item.purchase_price, stock_item.quantity]:
# convert purchase price to current currency - only one currency in the graph
price = convert_money(stock_item.purchase_price, default_currency)
line = {
'price': price.amount,
'qty': stock_item.quantity
# Supplier Part Name # TODO use in graph
if stock_item.supplier_part:
line['name'] = stock_item.supplier_part.pretty_name
if stock_item.supplier_part.unit_pricing and price:
line['price_diff'] = price.amount - stock_item.supplier_part.unit_pricing
line['price_part'] = stock_item.supplier_part.unit_pricing
# set date for graph labels
if stock_item.purchase_order:
line['date'] = stock_item.purchase_order.issue_date.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
line['date'] = stock_item.tracking_info.first().date.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
ctx['price_history'] = price_history
# BOM Information for Pie-Chart
if part.has_bom:
# get internal price setting
use_internal = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('PART_BOM_USE_INTERNAL_PRICE', False)
ctx_bom_parts = []
# iterate over all bom-items
for item in part.bom_items.all():
ctx_item = {'name': str(item.sub_part)}
price, qty = item.sub_part.get_price_range(quantity, internal=use_internal), item.quantity
price_min, price_max = 0, 0
if price: # check if price available
price_min = str((price[0] * qty) / quantity)
if len(set(price)) == 2: # min and max-price present
price_max = str((price[1] * qty) / quantity)
ctx['bom_pie_max'] = True # enable showing max prices in bom
ctx_item['max_price'] = price_min
ctx_item['min_price'] = price_max if price_max else price_min
# add to global context
ctx['bom_parts'] = ctx_bom_parts
# Sale price history
sale_items = PurchaseOrderLineItem.objects.filter(part__part=part).order_by('order__issue_date').\
prefetch_related('order', ).all()
if sale_items:
sale_history = []
for sale_item in sale_items:
# check for not fully defined elements
if None in [sale_item.purchase_price, sale_item.quantity]:
price = convert_money(sale_item.purchase_price, default_currency)
line = {
'price': price.amount if price else 0,
'qty': sale_item.quantity,
# set date for graph labels
if sale_item.order.issue_date:
line['date'] = sale_item.order.issue_date.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
elif sale_item.order.creation_date:
line['date'] = sale_item.order.creation_date.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')
line['date'] = _('None')
ctx['sale_history'] = sale_history
return ctx
def get_initials(self):
""" returns initials for form """
return {'quantity': self.get_quantity()}
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.object = self.get_object()
kwargs['object'] = self.object
ctx = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
return self.get(request, context=ctx)
class PartDetailFromIPN(PartDetail):
slug_field = 'IPN'
slug_url_kwarg = 'slug'
def get_object(self):
""" Return Part object which IPN field matches the slug value """
queryset = self.get_queryset()
# Get slug
slug = self.kwargs.get(self.slug_url_kwarg)
if slug is not None:
slug_field = self.get_slug_field()
# Filter by the slug value
queryset = queryset.filter(**{slug_field: slug})
# Get unique part from queryset
part = queryset.get()
# Return Part object
return part
except queryset.model.MultipleObjectsReturned:
except queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
return None
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Attempt to match slug to a Part, else redirect to PartIndex view """
self.object = self.get_object()
if not self.object:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('part-index'))
return super(PartDetailFromIPN, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
class PartQRCode(QRCodeView):
""" View for displaying a QR code for a Part object """
ajax_form_title = _("Part QR Code")
role_required = 'part.view'
def get_qr_data(self):
""" Generate QR code data for the Part """
part = Part.objects.get(id=self.pk)
return part.format_barcode()
except Part.DoesNotExist:
return None
class PartImageDownloadFromURL(AjaxUpdateView):
View for downloading an image from a provided URL
model = Part
ajax_template_name = 'image_download.html'
form_class = part_forms.PartImageDownloadForm
ajax_form_title = _('Download Image')
def validate(self, part, form):
Validate that the image data are correct.
- Try to download the image!
# First ensure that the normal validation routines pass
if not form.is_valid():
# We can now extract a valid URL from the form data
url = form.cleaned_data.get('url', None)
# Download the file
response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
# Look at response header, reject if too large
content_length = response.headers.get('Content-Length', '0')
content_length = int(content_length)
except (ValueError):
# If we cannot extract meaningful length, just assume it's "small enough"
content_length = 0
# TODO: Factor this out into a configurable setting
MAX_IMG_LENGTH = 10 * 1024 * 1024
if content_length > MAX_IMG_LENGTH:
form.add_error('url', _('Image size exceeds maximum allowable size for download'))
self.response = response
# Check for valid response code
if not response.status_code == 200:
form.add_error('url', _('Invalid response: {code}').format(code=response.status_code))
response.raw.decode_content = True
self.image = Image.open(response.raw).convert()
form.add_error('url', _("Supplied URL is not a valid image file"))
def save(self, part, form, **kwargs):
Save the downloaded image to the part
fmt = self.image.format
if not fmt:
fmt = 'PNG'
buffer = io.BytesIO()
self.image.save(buffer, format=fmt)
# Construct a simplified name for the image
filename = f"part_{part.pk}_image.{fmt.lower()}"
class PartImageSelect(AjaxUpdateView):
""" View for selecting Part image from existing images. """
model = Part
ajax_template_name = 'part/select_image.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Select Part Image')
fields = [
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
part = self.get_object()
form = self.get_form()
img = request.POST.get('image', '')
img = os.path.basename(img)
data = {}
if img:
img_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'part_images', img)
# Ensure that the image already exists
if os.path.exists(img_path):
part.image = os.path.join('part_images', img)
data['success'] = _('Updated part image')
if 'success' not in data:
data['error'] = _('Part image not found')
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data)
class BomDuplicate(AjaxUpdateView):
View for duplicating BOM from a parent item.
model = Part
context_object_name = 'part'
ajax_form_title = _('Duplicate BOM')
ajax_template_name = 'part/bom_duplicate.html'
form_class = part_forms.BomDuplicateForm
def get_form(self):
form = super().get_form()
# Limit choices to parents of the current part
parents = self.get_object().get_ancestors()
form.fields['parent'].queryset = parents
return form
def get_initial(self):
initials = super().get_initial()
parents = self.get_object().get_ancestors()
if parents.count() == 1:
initials['parent'] = parents[0]
return initials
def validate(self, part, form):
confirm = str2bool(form.cleaned_data.get('confirm', False))
if not confirm:
form.add_error('confirm', _('Confirm duplication of BOM from parent'))
def save(self, part, form):
Duplicate BOM from the specified parent
parent = form.cleaned_data.get('parent', None)
clear = str2bool(form.cleaned_data.get('clear', True))
if parent:
part.copy_bom_from(parent, clear=clear)
class BomValidate(AjaxUpdateView):
Modal form view for validating a part BOM
model = Part
ajax_form_title = _("Validate BOM")
ajax_template_name = 'part/bom_validate.html'
context_object_name = 'part'
form_class = part_forms.BomValidateForm
def get_context(self):
return {
'part': self.get_object(),
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
form = self.get_form()
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, context=self.get_context())
def validate(self, part, form, **kwargs):
confirm = str2bool(form.cleaned_data.get('validate', False))
if not confirm:
form.add_error('validate', _('Confirm that the BOM is valid'))
def save(self, part, form, **kwargs):
Mark the BOM as validated
def get_data(self):
return {
'success': _('Validated Bill of Materials')
class BomUpload(InvenTreeRoleMixin, FileManagementFormView):
""" View for uploading a BOM file, and handling BOM data importing.
The BOM upload process is as follows:
1. (Client) Select and upload BOM file
2. (Server) Verify that supplied file is a file compatible with tablib library
3. (Server) Introspect data file, try to find sensible columns / values / etc
4. (Server) Send suggestions back to the client
5. (Client) Makes choices based on suggestions:
- Accept automatic matching to parts found in database
- Accept suggestions for 'partial' or 'fuzzy' matches
- Create new parts in case of parts not being available
6. (Client) Sends updated dataset back to server
7. (Server) Check POST data for validity, sanity checking, etc.
8. (Server) Respond to POST request
- If data are valid, proceed to 9.
- If data not valid, return to 4.
9. (Server) Send confirmation form to user
- Display the actions which will occur
- Provide final "CONFIRM" button
10. (Client) Confirm final changes
11. (Server) Apply changes to database, update BOM items.
During these steps, data are passed between the server/client as JSON objects.
role_required = ('part.change', 'part.add')
class BomFileManager(FileManager):
# Fields which are absolutely necessary for valid upload
# Fields which are used for part matching (only one of them is needed)
# Fields which would be helpful but are not required
name = 'order'
form_list = [
('upload', UploadFileForm),
('fields', MatchFieldForm),
('items', part_forms.BomMatchItemForm),
form_steps_template = [
form_steps_description = [
_("Upload File"),
_("Match Fields"),
_("Match Parts"),
form_field_map = {
'item_select': 'part',
'quantity': 'quantity',
'overage': 'overage',
'reference': 'reference',
'note': 'note',
file_manager_class = BomFileManager
def get_part(self):
""" Get part or return 404 """
return get_object_or_404(Part, pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs):
""" Handle context data for order """
context = super().get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs)
part = self.get_part()
context.update({'part': part})
return context
def get_allowed_parts(self):
""" Return a queryset of parts which are allowed to be added to this BOM.
return self.get_part().get_allowed_bom_items()
def get_field_selection(self):
""" Once data columns have been selected, attempt to pre-select the proper data from the database.
This function is called once the field selection has been validated.
The pre-fill data are then passed through to the part selection form.
self.allowed_items = self.get_allowed_parts()
# Fields prefixed with "Part_" can be used to do "smart matching" against Part objects in the database
k_idx = self.get_column_index('Part_ID')
p_idx = self.get_column_index('Part_Name')
i_idx = self.get_column_index('Part_IPN')
q_idx = self.get_column_index('Quantity')
r_idx = self.get_column_index('Reference')
o_idx = self.get_column_index('Overage')
n_idx = self.get_column_index('Note')
for row in self.rows:
Iterate through each row in the uploaded data,
and see if we can match the row to a "Part" object in the database.
There are three potential ways to match, based on the uploaded data:
a) Use the PK (primary key) field for the part, uploaded in the "Part_ID" field
b) Use the IPN (internal part number) field for the part, uploaded in the "Part_IPN" field
c) Use the name of the part, uploaded in the "Part_Name" field
- If using the Part_ID field, we can do an exact match against the PK field
- If using the Part_IPN field, we can do an exact match against the IPN field
- If using the Part_Name field, we can use fuzzy string matching to match "close" values
We also extract other information from the row, for the other non-matched fields:
- Quantity
- Reference
- Overage
- Note
# Initially use a quantity of zero
quantity = Decimal(0)
# Initially we do not have a part to reference
exact_match_part = None
# A list of potential Part matches
part_options = self.allowed_items
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "quantity"
if q_idx >= 0:
q_val = row['data'][q_idx]['cell']
if q_val:
# Delete commas
q_val = q_val.replace(',', '')
# Attempt to extract a valid quantity from the field
quantity = Decimal(q_val)
# Store the 'quantity' value
row['quantity'] = quantity
except (ValueError, InvalidOperation):
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "PK"
if k_idx >= 0:
pk = row['data'][k_idx]['cell']
if pk:
# Attempt Part lookup based on PK value
exact_match_part = self.allowed_items.get(pk=pk)
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
exact_match_part = None
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Part IPN" and no exact match found yet
if i_idx >= 0 and not exact_match_part:
part_ipn = row['data'][i_idx]['cell']
if part_ipn:
part_matches = [part for part in self.allowed_items if part.IPN and part_ipn.lower() == str(part.IPN.lower())]
# Check for single match
if len(part_matches) == 1:
exact_match_part = part_matches[0]
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Part Name" and no exact match found yet
if p_idx >= 0 and not exact_match_part:
part_name = row['data'][p_idx]['cell']
row['part_name'] = part_name
matches = []
for part in self.allowed_items:
ratio = fuzz.partial_ratio(part.name + part.description, part_name)
matches.append({'part': part, 'match': ratio})
# Sort matches by the 'strength' of the match ratio
if len(matches) > 0:
matches = sorted(matches, key=lambda item: item['match'], reverse=True)
part_options = [m['part'] for m in matches]
# Supply list of part options for each row, sorted by how closely they match the part name
row['item_options'] = part_options
# Unless found, the 'item_match' is blank
row['item_match'] = None
if exact_match_part:
# If there is an exact match based on PK or IPN, use that
row['item_match'] = exact_match_part
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Overage" field
if o_idx >= 0:
row['overage'] = row['data'][o_idx]['cell']
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Reference" field
if r_idx >= 0:
row['reference'] = row['data'][r_idx]['cell']
# Check if there is a column corresponding to "Note" field
if n_idx >= 0:
row['note'] = row['data'][n_idx]['cell']
def done(self, form_list, **kwargs):
""" Once all the data is in, process it to add BomItem instances to the part """
self.part = self.get_part()
items = self.get_clean_items()
# Clear BOM
# Generate new BOM items
for bom_item in items.values():
part = Part.objects.get(pk=int(bom_item.get('part')))
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
quantity = bom_item.get('quantity')
overage = bom_item.get('overage', '')
reference = bom_item.get('reference', '')
note = bom_item.get('note', '')
# Create a new BOM item
item = BomItem(
except IntegrityError:
# BomItem already exists
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('part-detail', kwargs={'pk': self.kwargs['pk']}))
class PartExport(AjaxView):
""" Export a CSV file containing information on multiple parts """
role_required = 'part.view'
def get_parts(self, request):
""" Extract part list from the POST parameters.
Parts can be supplied as:
- Part category
- List of part PK values
# Filter by part category
cat_id = request.GET.get('category', None)
part_list = None
if cat_id is not None:
category = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=cat_id)
part_list = category.get_parts()
except (ValueError, PartCategory.DoesNotExist):
# Backup - All parts
if part_list is None:
part_list = Part.objects.all()
# Also optionally filter by explicit list of part IDs
part_ids = request.GET.get('parts', '')
parts = []
for pk in part_ids.split(','):
except ValueError:
if len(parts) > 0:
part_list = part_list.filter(pk__in=parts)
# Prefetch related fields to reduce DB hits
part_list = part_list.prefetch_related(
return part_list
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
parts = self.get_parts(request)
dataset = PartResource().export(queryset=parts)
csv = dataset.export('csv')
return DownloadFile(csv, 'InvenTree_Parts.csv')
class BomUploadTemplate(AjaxView):
Provide a BOM upload template file for download.
- Generates a template file in the provided format e.g. ?format=csv
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
export_format = request.GET.get('format', 'csv')
return MakeBomTemplate(export_format)
class BomDownload(AjaxView):
Provide raw download of a BOM file.
- File format should be passed as a query param e.g. ?format=csv
role_required = 'part.view'
model = Part
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
part = get_object_or_404(Part, pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
export_format = request.GET.get('file_format', 'csv')
cascade = str2bool(request.GET.get('cascade', False))
parameter_data = str2bool(request.GET.get('parameter_data', False))
stock_data = str2bool(request.GET.get('stock_data', False))
supplier_data = str2bool(request.GET.get('supplier_data', False))
manufacturer_data = str2bool(request.GET.get('manufacturer_data', False))
levels = request.GET.get('levels', None)
if levels is not None:
levels = int(levels)
if levels <= 0:
levels = None
except ValueError:
levels = None
if not IsValidBOMFormat(export_format):
export_format = 'csv'
return ExportBom(part,
def get_data(self):
return {
'info': 'Exported BOM'
class BomExport(AjaxView):
""" Provide a simple form to allow the user to select BOM download options.
model = Part
form_class = part_forms.BomExportForm
ajax_form_title = _("Export Bill of Materials")
role_required = 'part.view'
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, self.form_class())
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# Extract POSTed form data
fmt = request.POST.get('file_format', 'csv').lower()
cascade = str2bool(request.POST.get('cascading', False))
levels = request.POST.get('levels', None)
parameter_data = str2bool(request.POST.get('parameter_data', False))
stock_data = str2bool(request.POST.get('stock_data', False))
supplier_data = str2bool(request.POST.get('supplier_data', False))
manufacturer_data = str2bool(request.POST.get('manufacturer_data', False))
part = Part.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
part = None
# Format a URL to redirect to
if part:
url = reverse('bom-download', kwargs={'pk': part.pk})
url = ''
url += '?file_format=' + fmt
url += '&cascade=' + str(cascade)
url += '¶meter_data=' + str(parameter_data)
url += '&stock_data=' + str(stock_data)
url += '&supplier_data=' + str(supplier_data)
url += '&manufacturer_data=' + str(manufacturer_data)
if levels:
url += '&levels=' + str(levels)
data = {
'form_valid': part is not None,
'url': url,
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, self.form_class(), data=data)
class PartDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
""" View to delete a Part object """
model = Part
ajax_template_name = 'part/partial_delete.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Confirm Part Deletion')
context_object_name = 'part'
success_url = '/part/'
def get_data(self):
return {
'danger': _('Part was deleted'),
class PartPricing(AjaxView):
""" View for inspecting part pricing information """
model = Part
ajax_template_name = "part/part_pricing.html"
ajax_form_title = _("Part Pricing")
form_class = part_forms.PartPriceForm
role_required = ['sales_order.view', 'part.view']
def get_quantity(self):
""" Return set quantity in decimal format """
return Decimal(self.request.POST.get('quantity', 1))
def get_part(self):
return Part.objects.get(id=self.kwargs['pk'])
except Part.DoesNotExist:
return None
def get_pricing(self, quantity=1, currency=None):
""" returns context with pricing information """
if quantity <= 0:
quantity = 1
# TODO - Capacity for price comparison in different currencies
currency = None
# Currency scaler
scaler = Decimal(1.0)
part = self.get_part()
ctx = {
'part': part,
'quantity': quantity,
'currency': currency,
if part is None:
return ctx
# Supplier pricing information
if part.supplier_count > 0:
buy_price = part.get_supplier_price_range(quantity)
if buy_price is not None:
min_buy_price, max_buy_price = buy_price
min_buy_price /= scaler
max_buy_price /= scaler
min_unit_buy_price = round(min_buy_price / quantity, 3)
max_unit_buy_price = round(max_buy_price / quantity, 3)
min_buy_price = round(min_buy_price, 3)
max_buy_price = round(max_buy_price, 3)
if min_buy_price:
ctx['min_total_buy_price'] = min_buy_price
ctx['min_unit_buy_price'] = min_unit_buy_price
if max_buy_price:
ctx['max_total_buy_price'] = max_buy_price
ctx['max_unit_buy_price'] = max_unit_buy_price
# BOM pricing information
if part.bom_count > 0:
use_internal = InvenTreeSetting.get_setting('PART_BOM_USE_INTERNAL_PRICE', False)
bom_price = part.get_bom_price_range(quantity, internal=use_internal)
purchase_price = part.get_bom_price_range(quantity, purchase=True)
if bom_price is not None:
min_bom_price, max_bom_price = bom_price
min_bom_price /= scaler
max_bom_price /= scaler
if min_bom_price:
ctx['min_total_bom_price'] = round(min_bom_price, 3)
ctx['min_unit_bom_price'] = round(min_bom_price / quantity, 3)
if max_bom_price:
ctx['max_total_bom_price'] = round(max_bom_price, 3)
ctx['max_unit_bom_price'] = round(max_bom_price / quantity, 3)
if purchase_price is not None:
min_bom_purchase_price, max_bom_purchase_price = purchase_price
min_bom_purchase_price /= scaler
max_bom_purchase_price /= scaler
if min_bom_purchase_price:
ctx['min_total_bom_purchase_price'] = round(min_bom_purchase_price, 3)
ctx['min_unit_bom_purchase_price'] = round(min_bom_purchase_price / quantity, 3)
if max_bom_purchase_price:
ctx['max_total_bom_purchase_price'] = round(max_bom_purchase_price, 3)
ctx['max_unit_bom_purchase_price'] = round(max_bom_purchase_price / quantity, 3)
# internal part pricing information
internal_part_price = part.get_internal_price(quantity)
if internal_part_price is not None:
ctx['total_internal_part_price'] = round(internal_part_price, 3)
ctx['unit_internal_part_price'] = round(internal_part_price / quantity, 3)
# part pricing information
part_price = part.get_price(quantity)
if part_price is not None:
ctx['total_part_price'] = round(part_price, 3)
ctx['unit_part_price'] = round(part_price / quantity, 3)
return ctx
def get_initials(self):
""" returns initials for form """
return {'quantity': self.get_quantity()}
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
init = self.get_initials()
qty = self.get_quantity()
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, self.form_class(initial=init), context=self.get_pricing(qty))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
currency = None
quantity = self.get_quantity()
# Retain quantity value set by user
form = self.form_class(initial=self.get_initials())
# TODO - How to handle pricing in different currencies?
currency = None
# check if data is set
data = self.data
except AttributeError:
data = {}
# Always mark the form as 'invalid' (the user may wish to keep getting pricing data)
data['form_valid'] = False
return self.renderJsonResponse(request, form, data=data, context=self.get_pricing(quantity, currency))
class PartParameterTemplateCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a new PartParameterTemplate
model = PartParameterTemplate
form_class = part_forms.EditPartParameterTemplateForm
ajax_form_title = _('Create Part Parameter Template')
class PartParameterTemplateEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
View for editing a PartParameterTemplate
model = PartParameterTemplate
form_class = part_forms.EditPartParameterTemplateForm
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Part Parameter Template')
class PartParameterTemplateDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
""" View for deleting an existing PartParameterTemplate """
model = PartParameterTemplate
ajax_form_title = _("Delete Part Parameter Template")
class CategoryDetail(InvenTreeRoleMixin, DetailView):
""" Detail view for PartCategory """
model = PartCategory
context_object_name = 'category'
queryset = PartCategory.objects.all().prefetch_related('children')
template_name = 'part/category.html'
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CategoryDetail, self).get_context_data(**kwargs).copy()
context['part_count'] = kwargs['object'].partcount()
except KeyError:
context['part_count'] = 0
# Get current category
category = kwargs.get('object', None)
if category:
cascade = kwargs.get('cascade', True)
# Prefetch parts parameters
parts_parameters = category.prefetch_parts_parameters(cascade=cascade)
# Get table headers (unique parameters names)
context['headers'] = category.get_unique_parameters(cascade=cascade,
# Insert part information
context['headers'].insert(0, 'description')
context['headers'].insert(0, 'part')
# Get parameters data
context['parameters'] = category.get_parts_parameters(cascade=cascade,
# Insert "starred" information
context['starred'] = category.is_starred_by(self.request.user)
context['starred_directly'] = context['starred'] and category.is_starred_by(
return context
class CategoryEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
Update view to edit a PartCategory
model = PartCategory
form_class = part_forms.EditCategoryForm
ajax_template_name = 'modal_form.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Part Category')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(CategoryEdit, self).get_context_data(**kwargs).copy()
context['category'] = self.get_object()
return context
def get_form(self):
""" Customize form data for PartCategory editing.
Limit the choices for 'parent' field to those which make sense
form = super(AjaxUpdateView, self).get_form()
category = self.get_object()
# Remove any invalid choices for the parent category part
parent_choices = PartCategory.objects.all()
parent_choices = parent_choices.exclude(id__in=category.getUniqueChildren())
form.fields['parent'].queryset = parent_choices
return form
class CategoryDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
Delete view to delete a PartCategory
model = PartCategory
ajax_template_name = 'part/category_delete.html'
ajax_form_title = _('Delete Part Category')
context_object_name = 'category'
success_url = '/part/'
def get_data(self):
return {
'danger': _('Part category was deleted'),
class CategoryParameterTemplateCreate(AjaxCreateView):
""" View for creating a new PartCategoryParameterTemplate """
model = PartCategoryParameterTemplate
form_class = part_forms.EditCategoryParameterTemplateForm
ajax_form_title = _('Create Category Parameter Template')
def get_initial(self):
""" Get initial data for Category """
initials = super().get_initial()
category_id = self.kwargs.get('pk', None)
if category_id:
initials['category'] = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=category_id)
except (PartCategory.DoesNotExist, ValueError):
return initials
def get_form(self):
""" Create a form to upload a new CategoryParameterTemplate
- Hide the 'category' field (parent part)
- Display parameter templates which are not yet related
form = super(AjaxCreateView, self).get_form()
form.fields['category'].widget = HiddenInput()
if form.is_valid():
form.cleaned_data['category'] = self.kwargs.get('pk', None)
# Get selected category
category = self.get_initial()['category']
# Get existing parameter templates
parameters = [template.parameter_template.pk
for template in category.get_parameter_templates()]
# Exclude templates already linked to category
updated_choices = []
for choice in form.fields["parameter_template"].choices:
if (choice[0] not in parameters):
# Update choices for parameter templates
form.fields['parameter_template'].choices = updated_choices
except KeyError:
return form
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
""" Capture the POST request
- If the add_to_all_categories object is set, link parameter template to
all categories
- If the add_to_same_level_categories object is set, link parameter template to
same level categories
form = self.get_form()
valid = form.is_valid()
if valid:
add_to_same_level_categories = form.cleaned_data['add_to_same_level_categories']
add_to_all_categories = form.cleaned_data['add_to_all_categories']
selected_category = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=int(self.kwargs['pk']))
parameter_template = form.cleaned_data['parameter_template']
default_value = form.cleaned_data['default_value']
categories = PartCategory.objects.all()
if add_to_same_level_categories and not add_to_all_categories:
# Get level
level = selected_category.level
# Filter same level categories
categories = categories.filter(level=level)
if add_to_same_level_categories or add_to_all_categories:
# Add parameter template and default value to categories
for category in categories:
# Skip selected category (will be processed in the post call)
if category.pk != selected_category.pk:
cat_template = PartCategoryParameterTemplate.objects.create(category=category,
except IntegrityError:
# Parameter template is already linked to category
return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)
class CategoryParameterTemplateEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
""" View for editing a PartCategoryParameterTemplate """
model = PartCategoryParameterTemplate
form_class = part_forms.EditCategoryParameterTemplateForm
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Category Parameter Template')
def get_object(self):
self.object = self.model.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pid'])
return None
return self.object
def get_form(self):
""" Create a form to upload a new CategoryParameterTemplate
- Hide the 'category' field (parent part)
- Display parameter templates which are not yet related
form = super(AjaxUpdateView, self).get_form()
form.fields['category'].widget = HiddenInput()
form.fields['add_to_all_categories'].widget = HiddenInput()
form.fields['add_to_same_level_categories'].widget = HiddenInput()
if form.is_valid():
form.cleaned_data['category'] = self.kwargs.get('pk', None)
# Get selected category
category = PartCategory.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs.get('pk', None))
# Get selected template
selected_template = self.get_object().parameter_template
# Get existing parameter templates
parameters = [template.parameter_template.pk
for template in category.get_parameter_templates()
if template.parameter_template.pk != selected_template.pk]
# Exclude templates already linked to category
updated_choices = []
for choice in form.fields["parameter_template"].choices:
if (choice[0] not in parameters):
# Update choices for parameter templates
form.fields['parameter_template'].choices = updated_choices
# Set initial choice to current template
form.fields['parameter_template'].initial = selected_template
except KeyError:
return form
class CategoryParameterTemplateDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
""" View for deleting an existing PartCategoryParameterTemplate """
model = PartCategoryParameterTemplate
ajax_form_title = _("Delete Category Parameter Template")
def get_object(self):
self.object = self.model.objects.get(pk=self.kwargs['pid'])
return None
return self.object
class PartSalePriceBreakCreate(AjaxCreateView):
View for creating a sale price break for a part
model = PartSellPriceBreak
form_class = part_forms.EditPartSalePriceBreakForm
ajax_form_title = _('Add Price Break')
def get_data(self):
return {
'success': _('Added new price break')
def get_part(self):
part = Part.objects.get(id=self.request.GET.get('part'))
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
part = None
if part is None:
part = Part.objects.get(id=self.request.POST.get('part'))
except (ValueError, Part.DoesNotExist):
part = None
return part
def get_form(self):
form = super(AjaxCreateView, self).get_form()
form.fields['part'].widget = HiddenInput()
return form
def get_initial(self):
initials = super(AjaxCreateView, self).get_initial()
initials['part'] = self.get_part()
default_currency = inventree_settings.currency_code_default()
currency = CURRENCIES.get(default_currency, None)
if currency is not None:
initials['price'] = [1.0, currency]
return initials
class PartSalePriceBreakEdit(AjaxUpdateView):
""" View for editing a sale price break """
model = PartSellPriceBreak
form_class = part_forms.EditPartSalePriceBreakForm
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Price Break')
def get_form(self):
form = super().get_form()
form.fields['part'].widget = HiddenInput()
return form
class PartSalePriceBreakDelete(AjaxDeleteView):
""" View for deleting a sale price break """
model = PartSellPriceBreak
ajax_form_title = _("Delete Price Break")
ajax_template_name = "modal_delete_form.html"
class PartInternalPriceBreakCreate(PartSalePriceBreakCreate):
""" View for creating a internal price break for a part """
model = PartInternalPriceBreak
form_class = part_forms.EditPartInternalPriceBreakForm
ajax_form_title = _('Add Internal Price Break')
permission_required = 'roles.sales_order.add'
class PartInternalPriceBreakEdit(PartSalePriceBreakEdit):
""" View for editing a internal price break """
model = PartInternalPriceBreak
form_class = part_forms.EditPartInternalPriceBreakForm
ajax_form_title = _('Edit Internal Price Break')
permission_required = 'roles.sales_order.change'
class PartInternalPriceBreakDelete(PartSalePriceBreakDelete):
""" View for deleting a internal price break """
model = PartInternalPriceBreak
ajax_form_title = _("Delete Internal Price Break")
permission_required = 'roles.sales_order.delete'