Matthias Mair e461a2c1ef
Development improvements (#3413)
* rename .env to make sure it is not loaded by default

* make sure migrations are run before import

* Add more messaget to setup_test

* add comments to setup-dev

* Add flag to setup-dev for setting up test data

* add flag to setup-test to also run development setup

* extend contributing with the flags

* change flag to tests

* Add option helptexts

* A nicer starter

* add 3 liner

* Revert "rename .env to make sure it is not loaded by default"

This reverts commit 95fa0bbc53.
2022-07-29 14:58:54 +10:00

565 lines
16 KiB

"""Tasks for automating certain actions and interacting with InvenTree from the CLI."""
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from invoke import task
def apps():
"""Returns a list of installed apps."""
return [
def content_excludes():
"""Returns a list of content types to exclude from import/export."""
excludes = [
output = ""
for e in excludes:
output += f"--exclude {e} "
return output
def localDir() -> Path:
"""Returns the directory of *THIS* file.
Used to ensure that the various scripts always run
in the correct directory.
return Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
def managePyDir():
"""Returns the directory of the file."""
return localDir().joinpath('InvenTree')
def managePyPath():
"""Return the path of the file."""
return managePyDir().joinpath('')
def manage(c, cmd, pty: bool = False):
"""Runs a given command against django's "" script.
c: Command line context.
cmd: Django command to run.
pty (bool, optional): Run an interactive session. Defaults to False.
"""'cd "{path}" && python3 {cmd}'.format(
), pty=pty)
# Install tasks
def plugins(c):
"""Installs all plugins as specified in 'plugins.txt'."""
from InvenTree.InvenTree.config import get_plugin_file
plugin_file = get_plugin_file()
print(f"Installing plugin packages from '{plugin_file}'")
# Install the plugins"pip3 install --disable-pip-version-check -U -r '{plugin_file}'")
def install(c):
"""Installs required python packages."""
print("Installing required python packages from 'requirements.txt'")
# Install required Python packages with PIP'pip3 install --upgrade pip')'pip3 install --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check -U -r requirements.txt')
@task(help={'tests': 'Set up test dataset at the end'})
def setup_dev(c, tests=False):
"""Sets up everything needed for the dev enviroment."""
print("Installing required python packages from 'requirements-dev.txt'")
# Install required Python packages with PIP'pip3 install -U -r requirements-dev.txt')
# Install pre-commit hook
print("Installing pre-commit for checks before git commits...")'pre-commit install')
# Update all the hooks'pre-commit autoupdate')
print("pre-commit set up is done...")
# Set up test-data if flag is set
if tests:
# Setup / maintenance tasks
def superuser(c):
"""Create a superuser/admin account for the database."""
manage(c, 'createsuperuser', pty=True)
def rebuild_models(c):
"""Rebuild database models with MPTT structures."""
manage(c, "rebuild_models", pty=True)
def rebuild_thumbnails(c):
"""Rebuild missing image thumbnails."""
manage(c, "rebuild_thumbnails", pty=True)
def clean_settings(c):
"""Clean the setting tables of old settings."""
manage(c, "clean_settings")
@task(help={'mail': 'mail of the user whos MFA should be disabled'})
def remove_mfa(c, mail=''):
"""Remove MFA for a user."""
if not mail:
print('You must provide a users mail')
manage(c, f"remove_mfa {mail}")
def static(c):
"""Copies required static files to the STATIC_ROOT directory, as per Django requirements."""
manage(c, "prerender")
manage(c, "collectstatic --no-input")
def translate_stats(c):
"""Collect translation stats.
The file generated from this is needed for the UI.
path = Path('InvenTree', 'script', '')'python3 {path}')
@task(post=[translate_stats, static])
def translate(c):
"""Rebuild translation source files. Advanced use only!
Note: This command should not be used on a local install,
it is performed as part of the InvenTree translation toolchain.
# Translate applicable .py / .html / .js files
manage(c, "makemessages --all -e py,html,js --no-wrap")
manage(c, "compilemessages")
@task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails])
def migrate(c):
"""Performs database migrations.
This is a critical step if the database schema have been altered!
print("Running InvenTree database migrations...")
manage(c, "makemigrations")
manage(c, "migrate --noinput")
manage(c, "migrate --run-syncdb")
manage(c, "check")
print("InvenTree database migrations completed!")
@task(pre=[install, migrate, static, clean_settings, translate_stats])
def update(c):
"""Update InvenTree installation.
This command should be invoked after source code has been updated,
e.g. downloading new code from GitHub.
The following tasks are performed, in order:
- install
- migrate
- static
- clean_settings
- translate_stats
# Recompile the translation files (.mo)
# We do not run 'invoke translate' here, as that will touch the source (.po) files too!
manage(c, 'compilemessages', pty=True)
# Data tasks
'filename': "Output filename (default = 'data.json')",
'overwrite': "Overwrite existing files without asking first (default = off/False)",
'include_permissions': "Include user and group permissions in the output file (filename) (default = off/False)",
'delete_temp': "Delete temporary files (containing permissions) at end of run. Note that this will delete temporary files from previous runs as well. (default = off/False)"
def export_records(c, filename='data.json', overwrite=False, include_permissions=False, delete_temp=False):
"""Export all database records to a file.
Write data to the file defined by filename.
If --overwrite is not set, the user will be prompted about overwriting an existing files.
If --include-permissions is not set, the file defined by filename will have permissions specified for a user or group removed.
If --delete-temp is not set, the temporary file (which includes permissions) will not be deleted. This file is named filename.tmp
For historical reasons, calling this function without any arguments will thus result in two files:
- data.json: does not include permissions
- data.json.tmp: includes permissions
If you want the script to overwrite any existing files without asking, add argument -o / --overwrite.
If you only want one file, add argument - d / --delete-temp.
If you want only one file, with permissions, then additionally add argument -i / --include-permissions
# Get an absolute path to the file
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = localDir().joinpath(filename).resolve()
print(f"Exporting database records to file '{filename}'")
if filename.exists() and overwrite is False:
response = input("Warning: file already exists. Do you want to overwrite? [y/N]: ")
response = str(response).strip().lower()
if response not in ['y', 'yes']:
print("Cancelled export operation")
tmpfile = f"{filename}.tmp"
cmd = f"dumpdata --indent 2 --output '{tmpfile}' {content_excludes()}"
# Dump data to temporary file
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
print("Running data post-processing step...")
# Post-process the file, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group
with open(tmpfile, "r") as f_in:
data = json.loads(
if include_permissions is False:
for entry in data:
if "model" in entry:
# Clear out any permissions specified for a group
if entry["model"] == "":
entry["fields"]["permissions"] = []
# Clear out any permissions specified for a user
if entry["model"] == "auth.user":
entry["fields"]["user_permissions"] = []
# Write the processed data to file
with open(filename, "w") as f_out:
f_out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
print("Data export completed")
if delete_temp is True:
print("Removing temporary file")
@task(help={'filename': 'Input filename', 'clear': 'Clear existing data before import'}, post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails])
def import_records(c, filename='data.json', clear=False):
"""Import database records from a file."""
# Get an absolute path to the supplied filename
if not os.path.isabs(filename):
filename = localDir().joinpath(filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print(f"Error: File '{filename}' does not exist")
if clear:
delete_data(c, force=True)
print(f"Importing database records from '{filename}'")
# Pre-process the data, to remove any "permissions" specified for a user or group
tmpfile = f"{filename}.tmp.json"
with open(filename, "r") as f_in:
data = json.loads(
for entry in data:
if "model" in entry:
# Clear out any permissions specified for a group
if entry["model"] == "":
entry["fields"]["permissions"] = []
# Clear out any permissions specified for a user
if entry["model"] == "auth.user":
entry["fields"]["user_permissions"] = []
# Write the processed data to the tmp file
with open(tmpfile, "w") as f_out:
f_out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=2))
cmd = f"loaddata '{tmpfile}' -i {content_excludes()}"
manage(c, cmd, pty=True)
print("Data import completed")
def delete_data(c, force=False):
"""Delete all database records!
Warning: This will REALLY delete all records in the database!!
print("Deleting all data from InvenTree database...")
if force:
manage(c, 'flush --noinput')
manage(c, 'flush')
@task(post=[rebuild_models, rebuild_thumbnails])
def import_fixtures(c):
"""Import fixture data into the database.
This command imports all existing test fixture data into the database.
- Intended for testing / development only!
- Running this command may overwrite existing database data!!
- Don't say you were not warned...
fixtures = [
# Build model
# Common models
# Company model
# Order model
# Part model
# Stock model
# Users
command = 'loaddata ' + ' '.join(fixtures)
manage(c, command, pty=True)
# Execution tasks
def wait(c):
"""Wait until the database connection is ready."""
return manage(c, "wait_for_db")
@task(pre=[wait], help={'address': 'Server address:port (default='})
def server(c, address=""):
"""Launch a (deveopment) server using Django's in-built webserver.
Note: This is *not* sufficient for a production installation.
manage(c, "runserver {address}".format(address=address), pty=True)
def worker(c):
"""Run the InvenTree background worker process."""
manage(c, 'qcluster', pty=True)
# Testing tasks
def render_js_files(c):
"""Render templated javascript files (used for static testing)."""
manage(c, "test InvenTree.ci_render_js")
@task(post=[translate_stats, static, server])
def test_translations(c):
"""Add a fictional language to test if each component is ready for translations."""
import django
from django.conf import settings
# setup django
base_path = Path.cwd()
new_base_path = pathlib.Path('InvenTree').resolve()
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'InvenTree.settings')
# Add language
print("Add dummy language...")
manage(c, "makemessages -e py,html,js --no-wrap -l xx")
# change translation
print("Fill in dummy translations...")
file_path = pathlib.Path(settings.LOCALE_PATHS[0], 'xx', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po')
new_file_path = str(file_path) + '_new'
# complie regex
reg = re.compile(
r"[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}" + # match any single letter and number # noqa: W504
r"(?![^{\(\<]*[}\)\>])" + # that is not inside curly brackets, brackets or a tag # noqa: W504
r"(?<![^\%][^\(][)][a-z])" + # that is not a specially formatted variable with singles # noqa: W504
r"(?![^\\][\n])" # that is not a newline
last_string = ''
# loop through input file lines
with open(file_path, "rt") as file_org:
with open(new_file_path, "wt") as file_new:
for line in file_org:
if line.startswith('msgstr "'):
# write output -> replace regex matches with x in the read in (multi)string
file_new.write(f'msgstr "{reg.sub("x", last_string[7:-2])}"\n')
last_string = "" # reset (multi)string
elif line.startswith('msgid "'):
last_string = last_string + line # a new translatable string starts -> start append
if last_string:
last_string = last_string + line # a string is beeing read in -> continue appending
# change out translation files
file_path.rename(str(file_path) + '_old')
# compile languages
print("Compile languages ...")
manage(c, "compilemessages")
# reset cwd
# set env flag
os.environ['TEST_TRANSLATIONS'] = 'True'
def test(c, database=None):
"""Run unit-tests for InvenTree codebase."""
# Run sanity check on the django install
manage(c, 'check')
# Run coverage tests
manage(c, 'test', pty=True)
@task(pre=[update], help={'dev': 'Set up development enviroment at the end'})
def setup_test(c, dev=False):
"""Setup a testing enviroment."""
# Remove old data directory
print("Removing old data ...")'rm inventree-data -r')
# Get test data
print("Starting to clone demo dataset ...")'git clone inventree-data')
# Make sure migrations are done - might have just deleted sqlite database
print("Running migrations ...")
# Load data
print("Loading data ...")
import_records(c, filename='inventree-data/inventree_data.json', clear=True)
print("Done setting up test enviroment...")
# Set up development setup if flag is set
if dev:
def coverage(c):
"""Run code-coverage of the InvenTree codebase, using the 'coverage' code-analysis tools.
Generates a code coverage report (available in the htmlcov directory)
# Run sanity check on the django install
manage(c, 'check')
# Run coverage tests'coverage run {manage} test {apps}'.format(
apps=' '.join(apps())
# Generate coverage report'coverage html')