2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
import { t as pv , r as X8 , i as hv , a as Mc , b as g _ , S as v _ , c as b _ , d as y _ , e as mv , f as x _ , g as gv , h as J8 , j as Z8 , k as eR , l as tR , m as w _ , n as nR , o as rR , p as oR , q as S _ , s as sR , u as aR , v as iR , w as lR , x as cR , y as uR , z as f , A as i , B as tm , C as Rp , D as dR , E as C _ , F as k _ , G as fR , P as ld , H as N1 , I as pR , J as hR , K as mR , L as gR , M as vR , N as bR , O as yR , Q as O2 , R as xR , T as Te , U as je , V as Ct , W as tt , X as cd , Y as Fo , Z as Yr , _ as Br , $ as qn , a0 as fl , a1 as ia , a2 as Ft , a3 as ns , a4 as ec , a5 as za , a6 as nm , a7 as $1 , a8 as ud , a9 as or , aa as wR , ab as F , ac as _ _ , ad as R2 , ae as P _ , af as vv , ag as Dc , ah as SR , ai as j _ , aj as I _ , ak as Tc , al as CR , am as fe , an as Ge , ao as Jt , ap as L , aq as kR , ar as M2 , as as _R , at as PR , au as D2 , av as te , aw as jR , ax as Dn , ay as Bn , az as Re , aA as H , aB as Qs , aC as Ye , aD as Kn , aE as E _ , aF as O _ , aG as R _ , aH as _i , aI as Ds , aJ as z1 , aK as IR , aL as ER , aM as OR , aN as Ml , aO as Su , aP as RR , aQ as MR , aR as DR , aS as TR , aT as AR , aU as T2 , aV as ui , aW as L1 , aX as Mp , aY as rm , aZ as M _ , a _ as os , a$ as D _ , b0 as NR , b1 as Ac , b2 as T _ , b3 as A _ , b4 as Es , b5 as Po , b6 as Cu , b7 as $R , b8 as zR , b9 as LR , ba as BR , bb as B1 , bc as Dp , bd as FR , be as HR , bf as If , bg as Ef , bh as Du , bi as Tu , bj as A2 , bk as Tp , bl as N2 , bm as Ap , bn as $2 , bo as bv , bp as z2 , bq as yv , br as L2 , bs as Np , bt as B2 , bu as mc , bv as F2 , bw as gc , bx as H2 , by as $p , bz as F1 , bA as H1 , bB as N _ , bC as W1 , bD as V1 , bE as WR , bF as VR , bG as om , bH as Kl , bI as UR , bJ as GR , bK as xp , bL as qR , bM as KR , bN as YR , bO as xv , bP as $ _ , bQ as QR , bR as z _ , bS as L _ , bT as ss , bU as W2 , bV as La , bW as XR , bX as wv , bY as JR , bZ as B _ , b _ as V2 , b$ as ZR , c0 as eM , c1 as tM , c2 as nM , c3 as rM , c4 as oM , c5 as U1 , c6 as G1 , c7 as sM , c8 as Ln , c9 as U2 , ca as F _ , cb as aM , cc as iM , cd as lM , ce as cM , cf as uM , cg as dM , ch as fM , ci as pM , cj as hM , ck as H _ , cl as mM , cm as gM , cn as vM , co as bM , cp as yM , cq as xM , cr as wM , cs as SM , ct as CM , cu as kM , cv as so , cw as sr , cx as _M , cy as q1 , cz as dd , cA as fd , cB as PM , cC as G2 , cD as jM , cE as q2 , cF as IM , cG as EM , cH as OM , cI as K2 , cJ as Y2 , cK as na , cL as K1 , cM as Q2 , cN as X2 , cO as sm , cP as RM , cQ as MM , cR as DM , cS as TM , cT as J2 , cU as Z2 , cV as AM , cW as ew , cX as zp , cY as NM , cZ as W _ , c _ as tw , c$ as $M , d0 as zM , d1 as Ss , d2 as LM , d3 as BM , d4 as V _ , d5 as U _ , d6 as FM , d7 as nw , d8 as HM , d9 as WM , da as G _ , db as VM , dc as UM , dd as GM , de as qM , df as KM , dg as YM , dh as QM , di as q _ , dj as XM , dk as K _ , dl as rw , dm as Of , dn as JM , dp as Y1 , dq as Y _ , dr as ZM , ds as e7 , dt as t7 , du as ls , dv as n7 , dw as r7 , dx as o7 , dy as s7 , dz as a7 , dA as i7 , dB as l7 , dC as c7 , dD as u7 , dE as d7 , dF as f7 , dG as p7 , dH as h7 , dI as m7 , dJ as ow , dK as sw , dL as g7 , dM as Q _ , dN as X _ , dO as pd , dP as J _ , dQ as Gi , dR as Z _ , dS as aw , dT as v7 , dU as b7 , dV as e3 , dW as y7 , dX as Q1 , dY as iw , dZ as t3 , d _ as x7 , d$ as lw , e0 as n3 , e1 as Ts , e2 as w7 , e3 as r3 , e4 as cw , e5 as S7 , e6 as C7 , e7 as k7 , e8 as _7 , e9 as P7 , ea as j7 , eb as I7 , ec as E7 , ed as O7 , ee as R7 , ef as M7 , eg as D7 , eh as T7 , ei as A7 , ej as N7 , ek as $7 , el as z7 , em as L7 , en as B7 , eo as F7 , ep as uw , eq as wp , er as H7 , es as Lp , et as o3 , eu as Vu , ev as W7 , ew as V7 , ex as ea , ey as s3 , ez as X1 , eA as hd , eB as U7 , eC as G7 , eD as q7 , eE as Ea , eF as a3 , eG as K7 , eH as Y7 , eI as i3 , eJ as Q7 , eK as X7 , eL as J7 , eM as Z7 , eN as eD , eO as tD , eP as nD , eQ as rD , eR as oD , eS as sD , eT as dw , eU as aD , eV as iD , eW as lD , eX as cD , eY as uD , eZ as dD , e _ as fD , e$ as pD , f0 as u0 , f1 as Js , f2 as d0 , f3 as f0 , f4 as Rf , f5 as fw , f6 as Sv , f7 as hD , f8 as mD , f9 as gD , fa as vD , fb as Bp , fc as l3 , fd as c3 , fe as bD , ff as yD , fg as u3 , fh as d3 , fi as f3 , fj as p3 , fk as h3 , fl as m3 , fm as g3 , fn as v3 , fo as tc , fp as nc , fq as b3 , fr as y3 , fs as xD , ft as x3 , fu as w3 , fv as S3 , fw as C3 , fx as k3 , fy as _3 , fz as J1 , fA as wD , fB as pw , fC as SD , fD as CD , fE as Fp , fF as hw , fG as mw , fH as gw , fI as vw , fJ as kD , fK as _D , fL as PD , fM as jD , fN as ID , fO as ED , fP as OD , fQ as RD , fR as MD } from "./index-190cc92f.js" ; import { u as DD , c as TD , a as Rn , b as rr , I as no , d as Ba , P as Uu , C as AD , e as be , m as am , f as P3 , g as Fa , h as ND , r as Ue , i as $D , j as bw , k as Vt , l as wr } from "./MantineProvider-26d2feb2.js" ; function zD ( e , t ) { if ( e == null ) return { } ; var n = { } , r = Object . keys ( e ) , o , s ; for ( s = 0 ; s < r . length ; s ++ ) o
M$ { O . x } , $ { O . y } h$ { O . width } v$ { O . height } h$ { - O . width } z ` ,fill:d,fillRule:"evenodd",stroke:p,strokeWidth:h,pointerEvents:"none"})]})})}I3.displayName="MiniMap";var wT=f.memo(I3),Cs;(function(e){e.Lines="lines",e.Dots="dots",e.Cross="cross"})(Cs||(Cs={}));function ST({color:e,dimensions:t,lineWidth:n}){return i.jsx("path",{stroke:e,strokeWidth:n,d: ` M$ { t [ 0 ] / 2 } 0 V$ { t [ 1 ] } M0 $ { t [ 1 ] / 2 } H$ { t [ 0 ] } ` })}function CT({color:e,radius:t}){return i.jsx("circle",{cx:t,cy:t,r:t,fill:e})}const kT={[Cs.Dots]:"#91919a",[Cs.Lines]:"#eee",[Cs.Cross]:"#e2e2e2"},_T={[Cs.Dots]:1,[Cs.Lines]:1,[Cs.Cross]:6},PT=e=>({transform:e.transform,patternId: ` pattern - $ { e . rfId } ` });function E3({id:e,variant:t=Cs.Dots,gap:n=20,size:r,lineWidth:o=1,offset:s=2,color:a,style:c,className:d}){const p=f.useRef(null),{transform:h,patternId:m}=Rp(PT,N1),v=a||kT[t],b=r||_T[t],w=t===Cs.Dots,y=t===Cs.Cross,S=Array.isArray(n)?n:[n,n],k=[S[0]*h[2]||1,S[1]*h[2]||1],_=b*h[2],I=y?[_,_]:k,P=w?[_/s,_/s]:[I[0]/s,I[1]/s];return i.jsxs("svg",{className:tm(["react-flow__background",d]),style:{...c,position:"absolute",width:"100%",height:"100%",top:0,left:0},ref:p,"data-testid":"rf__background",children:[i.jsx("pattern",{id:m+e,x:h[0]%k[0],y:h[1]%k[1],width:k[0],height:k[1],patternUnits:"userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform: ` translate ( - $ { P [ 0 ] } , - $ { P [ 1 ] } ) ` ,children:w?i.jsx(CT,{color:v,radius:_/s}):i.jsx(ST,{dimensions:I,color:v,lineWidth:o})}),i.jsx("rect",{x:"0",y:"0",width:"100%",height:"100%",fill: ` url ( # $ { m + e } ) ` })]})}E3.displayName="Background";var jT=f.memo(E3),Au;(function(e){e.Line="line",e.Handle="handle"})(Au||(Au={}));function IT({width:e,prevWidth:t,height:n,prevHeight:r,invertX:o,invertY:s}){const a=e-t,c=n-r,d=[a>0?1:a<0?-1:0,c>0?1:c<0?-1:0];return a&&o&&(d[0]=d[0]*-1),c&&s&&(d[1]=d[1]*-1),d}const O3={width:0,height:0,x:0,y:0},ET={...O3,pointerX:0,pointerY:0,aspectRatio:1};function OT({nodeId:e,position:t,variant:n=Au.Handle,className:r,style:o={},children:s,color:a,minWidth:c=10,minHeight:d=10,maxWidth:p=Number.MAX_VALUE,maxHeight:h=Number.MAX_VALUE,keepAspectRatio:m=!1,shouldResize:v,onResizeStart:b,onResize:w,onResizeEnd:y}){const S=vR(),k=typeof e=="string"?e:S,_=C_(),I=f.useRef(null),P=f.useRef(ET),E=f.useRef(O3),O=bR(),R=n===Au.Line?"right":"bottom-right",M=t??R;f.useEffect(()=>{if(!I.current||!k)return;const Q=k_(I.current),B=M.includes("right")||M.includes("left"),V=M.includes("bottom")||M.includes("top"),q=M.includes("left"),G=M.includes("top"),D=yR().on("start",z=>{const W=_.getState().nodeInternals.get(k),{xSnapped:Y,ySnapped:ie}=O(z);E.current={width:(W==null?void 0:W.width)??0,height:(W==null?void 0:W.height)??0,x:(W==null?void 0:W.position.x)??0,y:(W==null?void 0:W.position.y)??0},P.current={...E.current,pointerX:Y,pointerY:ie,aspectRatio:E.current.width/E.current.height},b==null||b(z,{...E.current})}).on("drag",z=>{const{nodeInternals:W,triggerNodeChanges:Y}=_.getState(),{xSnapped:ie,ySnapped:ye}=O(z),Z=W.get(k);if(Z){const oe=[],{pointerX:K,pointerY:U,width:ae,height:re,x:se,y:pe,aspectRatio:le}=P.current,{x:ge,y:ke,width:xe,height:de}=E.current,Ae=Math.floor(B?ie-K:0),Ee=Math.floor(V?ye-U:0);let $ e=O2(ae+(q?-Ae:Ae),c,p),kt=O2(re+(G?-Ee:Ee),d,h);if(m){const Me= $ e/kt,Pt=B&&V,At=B&&!V,we=V&&!B; $ e=Me<=le&&Pt||we?kt*le: $ e,kt=Me>le&&Pt||At? $ e/le:kt, $ e>=p?( $ e=p,kt=p/le): $ e<=c&&( $ e=c,kt=c/le),kt>=h?(kt=h, $ e=h*le):kt<=d&&(kt=d, $ e=d*le)}const ct= $ e!==xe,on=kt!==de;if(q||G){const Me=q?se-( $ e-ae):se,Pt=G?pe-(kt-re):pe,At=Me!==ge&&ct,we=Pt!==ke&&on;if(At||we){const ht={id:Z.id,type:"position",position:{x:At?Me:ge,y:we?Pt:ke}};oe.push(ht),E.current.x=ht.position.x,E.current.y=ht.position.y}}if(ct||on){const Me={id:k,type:"dimensions",updateStyle:!0,resizing:!0,dimensions:{width: $ e,height:kt}};oe.push(Me),E.current.width= $ e,E.current.height=kt}if(oe.length===0)return;const vt=IT({width:E.current.width,prevWidth:xe,height:E.current.height,prevHeight:de,invertX:q,invertY:G}),bt={...E.current,direction:vt};if((v==null?void 0:v(z,bt))===!1)return;w==null||w(z,bt),Y(oe)}}).on("end",z=>{const W={id:k,type:"dimensions",resizing:!1};y==null||y(z,{...E.current}),_.getState().trigger
` })}function aA(e){cd({condition:e.isOpen&&!!e.isDisabled,message:"Cannot open a disabled accordion item"})}function _u(e){const{isOpen:t,isDisabled:n}=tb(),{reduceMotion:r}=nb(),o=Ct("chakra-accordion__icon",e.className),s=lm(),a={opacity:n?.4:1,transform:t?"rotate(-180deg)":void 0,transition:r?void 0:"transform 0.2s",transformOrigin:"center",...s.icon};return i.jsx(no,{viewBox:"0 0 24 24","aria-hidden":!0,className:o,__css:a,...e,children:i.jsx("path",{fill:"currentColor",d:"M16.59 8.59L12 13.17 7.41 8.59 6 10l6 6 6-6z"})})}_u.displayName="AccordionIcon";var Pu=Te(function(t,n){const{children:r,className:o}=t,{htmlProps:s,...a}=nA(t),d={...lm().container,overflowAnchor:"none"},p=f.useMemo(()=>a,[a]);return i.jsx(QT,{value:p,children:i.jsx(je.div,{ref:n,...s,className:Ct("chakra-accordion__item",o),__css:d,children:typeof r=="function"?r({isExpanded:!!a.isOpen,isDisabled:!!a.isDisabled}):r})})});Pu.displayName="AccordionItem";var qi={ease:[.25,.1,.25,1],easeIn:[.4,0,1,1],easeOut:[0,0,.2,1],easeInOut:[.4,0,.2,1]},fu={scale:{enter:{scale:1},exit:{scale:.95}},fade:{enter:{opacity:1},exit:{opacity:0}},pushLeft:{enter:{x:"100%"},exit:{x:"-30%"}},pushRight:{enter:{x:"-100%"},exit:{x:"30%"}},pushUp:{enter:{y:"100%"},exit:{y:"-30%"}},pushDown:{enter:{y:"-100%"},exit:{y:"30%"}},slideLeft:{position:{left:0,top:0,bottom:0,width:"100%"},enter:{x:0,y:0},exit:{x:"-100%",y:0}},slideRight:{position:{right:0,top:0,bottom:0,width:"100%"},enter:{x:0,y:0},exit:{x:"100%",y:0}},slideUp:{position:{top:0,left:0,right:0,maxWidth:"100vw"},enter:{x:0,y:0},exit:{x:0,y:"-100%"}},slideDown:{position:{bottom:0,left:0,right:0,maxWidth:"100vw"},enter:{x:0,y:0},exit:{x:0,y:"100%"}}};function Pv(e){var t;switch((t=e==null?void 0:e.direction)!=null?t:"right"){case"right":return fu.slideRight;case"left":return fu.slideLeft;case"bottom":return fu.slideDown;case"top":return fu.slideUp;default:return fu.slideRight}}var Yi={enter:{duration:.2,ease:qi.easeOut},exit:{duration:.1,ease:qi.easeIn}},ks={enter:(e,t)=>({...e,delay:typeof t=="number"?t:t==null?void 0:t.enter}),exit:(e,t)=>({...e,delay:typeof t=="number"?t:t==null?void 0:t.exit})},iA=e=>e!=null&&parseInt(e.toString(),10)>0,Pw={exit:{height:{duration:.2,ease:qi.ease},opacity:{duration:.3,ease:qi.ease}},enter:{height:{duration:.3,ease:qi.ease},opacity:{duration:.4,ease:qi.ease}}},lA={exit:({animateOpacity:e,startingHeight:t,transition:n,transitionEnd:r,delay:o})=>{var s;return{...e&&{opacity:iA(t)?1:0},height:t,transitionEnd:r==null?void 0:r.exit,transition:(s=n==null?void 0:n.exit)!=null?s:ks.exit(Pw.exit,o)}},enter:({animateOpacity:e,endingHeight:t,transition:n,transitionEnd:r,delay:o})=>{var s;return{...e&&{opacity:1},height:t,transitionEnd:r==null?void 0:r.enter,transition:(s=n==null?void 0:n.enter)!=null?s:ks.enter(Pw.enter,o)}}},cm=f.forwardRef((e,t)=>{const{in:n,unmountOnExit:r,animateOpacity:o=!0,startingHeight:s=0,endingHeight:a="auto",style:c,className:d,transition:p,transitionEnd:h,...m}=e,[v,b]=f.useState(!1);f.useEffect(()=>{const _=setTimeout(()=>{b(!0)});return()=>clearTimeout(_)},[]),cd({condition:Number(s)>0&&!!r,message:"startingHeight and unmountOnExit are mutually exclusive. You can't use them together"});const w=parseFloat(s.toString())>0,y={startingHeight:s,endingHeight:a,animateOpacity:o,transition:v?p:{enter:{duration:0}},transitionEnd:{enter:h==null?void 0:h.enter,exit:r?h==null?void 0:h.exit:{...h==null?void 0:h.exit,display:w?"block":"none"}}},S=r?n:!0,k=n||r?"enter":"exit";return i.jsx(Fo,{initial:!1,custom:y,children:S&&i.jsx(Yr.div,{ref:t,...m,className:Ct("chakra-collapse",d),style:{overflow:"hidden",display:"block",...c},custom:y,variants:lA,initial:r?"exit":!1,animate:k,exit:"exit"})})});cm.displayName="Collapse";var cA={enter:({transition:e,transitionEnd:t,delay:n}={})=>{var r;return{opacity:1,transition:(r=e==null?void 0:e.enter)!=null?r:ks.enter(Yi.enter,n),transitionEnd:t==null?void 0:t.enter}},exit:({transition:e,transitionEnd:t,delay:n}={})=>{var r;return{opacity:0,transition:(r=e==null?void 0:e.exit)!=null?r:ks.exit(Yi.exit,n),transitionEnd:t==null?void 0:t.exi
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2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
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2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
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2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
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In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function QP(e,t){if(e){if(typeof e=="string")return Yv(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);if(n==="Object"&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),n==="Map"||n==="Set")return Array.from(e);if(n==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(n))return Yv(e,t)}}function Yv(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function wF(e,t){var n=e==null?null:typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(n!=null){var r=[],o=!0,s=!1,a,c;try{for(n=n.call(e);!(o=(a=n.next()).done)&&(r.push(a.value),!(t&&r.length===t));o=!0);}catch(d){s=!0,c=d}finally{try{!o&&n.return!=null&&n.return()}finally{if(s)throw c}}return r}}function SF(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}var CF="file-invalid-type",kF="file-too-large",_F="file-too-small",PF="too-many-files",jF=function(t){t=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length===1?t[0]:t;var n=Array.isArray(t)?"one of ".concat(t.join(", ")):t;return{code:CF,message:"File type must be ".concat(n)}},mS=function(t){return{code:kF,message:"File is larger than ".concat(t," ").concat(t===1?"byte":"bytes")}},gS=function(t){return{code:_F,message:"File is smaller than ".concat(t," ").concat(t===1?"byte":"bytes")}},IF={code:PF,message:"Too many files"};function XP(e,t){var n=e.type==="application/x-moz-file"||gF(e,t);return[n,n?null:jF(t)]}function JP(e,t,n){if(Vi(e.size))if(Vi(t)&&Vi(n)){if(e.size>n)return[!1,mS(n)];if(e.size<t)return[!1,gS(t)]}else{if(Vi(t)&&e.size<t)return[!1,gS(t)];if(Vi(n)&&e.size>n)return[!1,mS(n)]}return[!0,null]}function Vi(e){return e!=null}function EF(e){var t=e.files,n=e.accept,r=e.minSize,o=e.maxSize,s=e.multiple,a=e.maxFiles,c=e.validator;return!s&&t.length>1||s&&a>=1&&t.length>a?!1:t.every(function(d){var p=XP(d,n),h=ed(p,1),m=h[0],v=JP(d,r,o),b=ed(v,1),w=b[0],y=c?c(d):null;return m&&w&&!y})}function Jp(e){return typeof e.isPropagationStopped=="function"?e.isPropagationStopped():typeof e.cancelBubble<"u"?e.cancelBubble:!1}function zf(e){return e.dataTransfer?Array.prototype.some.call(e.dataTransfer.types,function(t){return t==="Files"||t==="application/x-moz-file"}):!!e.target&&!!e.target.files}function vS(e){e.preventDefault()}function OF(e){return e.indexOf("MSIE")!==-1||e.indexOf("Trident/")!==-1}function RF(e){return e.indexOf("Edge/")!==-1}function MF(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:window.navigator.userAgent;return OF(e)||RF(e)}function Gs(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),n=0;n<e;n++)t[n]=arguments[n];return function(r){for(var o=arguments.length,s=new Array(o>1?o-1:0),a=1;a<o;a++)s[a-1]=arguments[a];return t.some(function(c){return!Jp(r)&&c&&c.apply(void 0,[r].concat(s)),Jp(r)})}}function DF(){return"showOpenFilePicker"in window}function TF(e){if(Vi(e)){var t=Object.entries(e).filter(function(n){var r=ed(n,2),o=r[0],s=r[1],a=!0;return ZP(o)||(console.warn('Skipped "'.concat(o,'" because it is not a valid MIME type. Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types for a list of valid MIME types.')),a=!1),(!Array.isArray(s)||!s.every(e6))&&(console.warn('Skipped "'.concat(o,'" because an invalid file extension was provided.')),a=!1),a}).reduce(function(n,r){var o=ed(r,2),s=o[0],a=o[1];return hS(hS({},n),{},YP({},s,a))},{});return[{description:"Files",accept:t}]}return e}function AF(e){if(Vi(e))return Object.entries(e).reduce(function(t,n){var r=ed(n,2),o=r[0],s=r[1];return[].concat(fS(t),[o],fS(s))},[]).filter(function(t){return ZP(t)||e6(t)}).join(",")}function NF(e){return e instanceof DOMException&&(e.name==="AbortError"||e.code===e.ABORT_ERR)}function $ F(e){return e instanceof DOMException&&(e.name==="SecurityError"||e.code===e.SECURITY_ERR)}function ZP(e){return e==="audio/*"||e==="video/*"||e==="image/*"||e==="text/*"||/ \w + \/ [-+. \w ]+/g.test(e)}function e6(e){return/^.* \. [ \w ]+ $ /.test(e)}var zF=["children"],LF=["open"],BF=["refKey","role","onKeyDown","onFocus","onBlur","onClick","onDragEnter","onDragOver","onDragLeave","onDr
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function VF(e){if(typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]!=null||e["@@iterator"]!=null)return Array.from(e)}function UF(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return Qv(e)}function M0(e,t){return KF(e)||qF(e,t)||t6(e,t)||GF()}function GF(){throw new TypeError( ` Invalid attempt to destructure non - iterable instance .
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function t6(e,t){if(e){if(typeof e=="string")return Qv(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);if(n==="Object"&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),n==="Map"||n==="Set")return Array.from(e);if(n==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(n))return Qv(e,t)}}function Qv(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function qF(e,t){var n=e==null?null:typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(n!=null){var r=[],o=!0,s=!1,a,c;try{for(n=n.call(e);!(o=(a=n.next()).done)&&(r.push(a.value),!(t&&r.length===t));o=!0);}catch(d){s=!0,c=d}finally{try{!o&&n.return!=null&&n.return()}finally{if(s)throw c}}return r}}function KF(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}function bS(e,t){var n=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(r=r.filter(function(o){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,o).enumerable})),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function fr(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]!=null?arguments[t]:{};t%2?bS(Object(n),!0).forEach(function(r){Xv(e,r,n[r])}):Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors?Object.defineProperties(e,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)):bS(Object(n)).forEach(function(r){Object.defineProperty(e,r,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,r))})}return e}function Xv(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}function Zp(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n=YF(e,t),r,o;if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var s=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(o=0;o<s.length;o++)r=s[o],!(t.indexOf(r)>=0)&&Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,r)&&(n[r]=e[r])}return n}function YF(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n={},r=Object.keys(e),o,s;for(s=0;s<r.length;s++)o=r[s],!(t.indexOf(o)>=0)&&(n[o]=e[o]);return n}var Fb=f.forwardRef(function(e,t){var n=e.children,r=Zp(e,zF),o=Hb(r),s=o.open,a=Zp(o,LF);return f.useImperativeHandle(t,function(){return{open:s}},[s]),F.createElement(f.Fragment,null,n(fr(fr({},a),{},{open:s})))});Fb.displayName="Dropzone";var n6={disabled:!1,getFilesFromEvent:iF,maxSize:1/0,minSize:0,multiple:!0,maxFiles:0,preventDropOnDocument:!0,noClick:!1,noKeyboard:!1,noDrag:!1,noDragEventsBubbling:!1,validator:null,useFsAccessApi:!0,autoFocus:!1};Fb.defaultProps=n6;Fb.propTypes={children:zn.func,accept:zn.objectOf(zn.arrayOf(zn.string)),multiple:zn.bool,preventDropOnDocument:zn.bool,noClick:zn.bool,noKeyboard:zn.bool,noDrag:zn.bool,noDragEventsBubbling:zn.bool,minSize:zn.number,maxSize:zn.number,maxFiles:zn.number,disabled:zn.bool,getFilesFromEvent:zn.func,onFileDialogCancel:zn.func,onFileDialogOpen:zn.func,useFsAccessApi:zn.bool,autoFocus:zn.bool,onDragEnter:zn.func,onDragLeave:zn.func,onDragOver:zn.func,onDrop:zn.func,onDropAccepted:zn.func,onDropRejected:zn.func,onError:zn.func,validator:zn.func};var Jv={isFocused:!1,isFileDialogActive:!1,isDragActive:!1,isDragAccept:!1,isDragReject:!1,acceptedFiles:[],fileRejections:[]};function Hb(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},t=fr(fr({},n6),e),n=t.accept,r=t.disabled,o=t.getFilesFromEvent,s=t.maxSize,a=t.minSize,c=t.multiple,d=t.maxFiles,p=t.onDragEnter,h=t.onDragLeave,m=t.onDragOver,v=t.onDrop,b=t.onDropAccepted,w=t.onDropRejected,y=t.onFileDialogCancel,S=t.onFileDialogOpen,k=t.useFsAccessApi,_=t.autoFocus,I=t.preventDropOnDocument,P=t.noClick,E=t.noKeyboard,O=t.noDrag,R=t.noDragEventsBubbling,M=t.onError,T=t.validator,A=f.useMemo(function(){return AF(n)},[n]), $ =f.useMemo(function(){return TF(n)},[n]),Q=f.useMemo(function(){return typeof S=="function"?S:yS},[S]),B=f.useMemo(function(){return typeof y=="function"?y:yS},[y]),V=f.useRef(null),q=f.useRef(null),G=f.useReducer(QF,Jv),D=M0(G,2),z=D[0],W=D[1],Y=z.isFocused,ie=z.isFileDialogActive,ye=f.useRef(typeof window<"u"&&window.isSecureContext&&k&&DF()),Z=function(){!ye.current&&ie&&setTimeout(function(){if(q.current){var Me=q.current.files;Me.length||(W({type:"closeDialog"}),B())}},300)};f.useEffect(functio
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2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
* OverlayScrollbars
* Version : 2.2 . 1
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2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
* /function _n(e,t){if(Rm(e))for(let n=0;n<e.length&&t(e[n],n,e)!==!1;n++);else e&&_n(Object.keys(e),n=>t(e[n],n,e));return e}function ro(e,t){const n=Ii(t);if(Rs(t)||n){let o=n?"":{};if(e){const s=window.getComputedStyle(e,null);o=n?RS(e,s,t):t.reduce((a,c)=>(a[c]=RS(e,s,c),a),o)}return o}e&&_n(Bo(t),o=>MW(e,o,t[o]))}const xs=(e,t)=>{const{o:n,u:r,_:o}=e;let s=n,a;const c=(h,m)=>{const v=s,b=h,w=m||(r?!r(v,b):v!==b);return(w||o)&&(s=b,a=v),[s,w,a]};return[t?h=>c(t(s,a),h):c,h=>[s,!!h,a]]},Md=()=>typeof window<"u",_6=Md()&&Node.ELEMENT_NODE,{toString:vW,hasOwnProperty:$0}=Object.prototype,Ha=e=>e===void 0,Om=e=>e===null,bW=e=>Ha(e)||Om(e)?`${e}`:vW.call(e).replace(/ ^ \ [ object ( . + ) \ ] $ / , "$1" ) . toLowerCase ( ) , pi = e => typeof e == "number" , Ii = e => typeof e == "string" , Kb = e => typeof e == "boolean" , Os = e => typeof e == "function" , Rs = e => Array . isArray ( e ) , td = e => typeof e == "object" && ! Rs ( e ) && ! Om ( e ) , Rm = e => { const t = ! ! e && e . length , n = pi ( t ) && t > - 1 && t % 1 == 0 ; return Rs ( e ) || ! Os ( e ) && n ? t > 0 && td ( e ) ? t - 1 in e : ! 0 : ! 1 } , e1 = e => { if ( ! e || ! td ( e ) || bW ( e ) !== "object" ) return ! 1 ; let t ; const n = "constructor" , r = e [ n ] , o = r && r . prototype , s = $0 . call ( e , n ) , a = o && $0 . call ( o , "isPrototypeOf" ) ; if ( r && ! s && ! a ) return ! 1 ; for ( t in e ) ; return Ha ( t ) || $0 . call ( e , t ) } , eh = e => { const t = HTMLElement ; return e ? t ? e instanceof t : e . nodeType === _6 : ! 1 } , Mm = e => { const t = Element ; return e ? t ? e instanceof t : e . nodeType === _6 : ! 1 } , Yb = ( e , t , n ) => e . indexOf ( t , n ) , Mn = ( e , t , n ) => ( ! n && ! Ii ( t ) && Rm ( t ) ? Array . prototype . push . apply ( e , t ) : e . push ( t ) , e ) , ll = e => { const t = Array . from , n = [ ] ; return t && e ? t ( e ) : ( e instanceof Set ? e . forEach ( r => { Mn ( n , r ) } ) : _n ( e , r => { Mn ( n , r ) } ) , n ) } , Qb = e => ! ! e && e . length === 0 , ca = ( e , t , n ) => { _n ( e , o => o && o . apply ( void 0 , t || [ ] ) ) , ! n && ( e . length = 0 ) } , Dm = ( e , t ) => Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e , t ) , Bo = e => e ? Object . keys ( e ) : [ ] , hr = ( e , t , n , r , o , s , a ) => { const c = [ t , n , r , o , s , a ] ; return ( typeof e != "object" || Om ( e ) ) && ! Os ( e ) && ( e = { } ) , _n ( c , d => { _n ( Bo ( d ) , p => { const h = d [ p ] ; if ( e === h ) return ! 0 ; const m = Rs ( h ) ; if ( h && ( e1 ( h ) || m ) ) { const v = e [ p ] ; let b = v ; m && ! Rs ( v ) ? b = [ ] : ! m && ! e1 ( v ) && ( b = { } ) , e [ p ] = hr ( b , h ) } else e [ p ] = h } ) } ) , e } , Xb = e => { for ( const t in e ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } , P6 = ( e , t , n , r ) => { if ( Ha ( r ) ) return n ? n [ e ] : t ; n && ( Ii ( r ) || pi ( r ) ) && ( n [ e ] = r ) } , to = ( e , t , n ) => { if ( Ha ( n ) ) return e ? e . getAttribute ( t ) : null ; e && e . setAttribute ( t , n ) } , wo = ( e , t ) => { e && e . removeAttribute ( t ) } , Ji = ( e , t , n , r ) => { if ( n ) { const o = to ( e , t ) || "" , s = new Set ( o . split ( " " ) ) ; s [ r ? "add" : "delete" ] ( n ) ; const a = ll ( s ) . join ( " " ) . trim ( ) ; to ( e , t , a ) } } , yW = ( e , t , n ) => { const r = to ( e , t ) || "" ; return new Set ( r . split ( " " ) ) . has ( n ) } , _s = ( e , t ) => P6 ( "scrollLeft" , 0 , e , t ) , ka = ( e , t ) => P6 ( "scrollTop" , 0 , e , t ) , t1 = Md ( ) && Element . prototype , j6 = ( e , t ) => { const n = [ ] , r = t ? Mm ( t ) ? t : null : document ; return r ? Mn ( n , r . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) : n } , xW = ( e , t ) => { const n = t ? Mm ( t ) ? t : null : document ; return n ? n . querySelector ( e ) : null } , th = ( e , t ) => Mm ( e ) ? ( t1 . matches || t1 . msMatchesSelector ) . call ( e , t ) : ! 1 , Jb = e => e ? ll ( e . childNodes ) : [ ] , Aa = e => e ? e . parentElement : null , Ql = ( e , t ) => { if ( Mm ( e ) ) { const n = t1 . closest ; if ( n ) return n . call ( e , t ) ; do { if ( th ( e , t ) ) return e ; e = Aa ( e ) } while ( e ) } return null } , wW = ( e , t , n ) => { const r = e && Ql ( e , t ) , o = e && xW ( n , r ) , s = Ql ( o , t ) === r ; return r && o ? r === e || o === e || s && Ql ( Ql ( e , n ) , t ) !== r : ! 1 } , Zb = ( e , t , n ) => { if ( n && e ) { let r = t , o ; Rm ( n ) ? ( o = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) , _n ( n , s => { s === r && ( r = s . previousSibling ) , o . appendChild ( s ) } ) ) : o = n , t && ( r ? r !== t && ( r = r . nextSibling ) : r = e . firstChild ) , e . insertBefore ( o , r || null ) } } , ts = ( e , t ) => { Zb ( e , null , t ) } , SW = ( e , t ) => { Zb ( Aa ( e ) , e , t ) } , IS = ( e , t ) => { Zb ( Aa ( e ) , e && e . nextSibling , t ) } , oa = e => { if ( Rm ( e ) ) _n ( ll ( e ) , t => oa ( t ) ) ; else if ( e ) { const t = Aa ( e ) ; t && t . removeChild ( e ) } } , Zi = e => { const t = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; return e && to ( t , "class" , e ) , t } , I6 = e => { const t = Zi ( ) ; return t . innerHTML = e . trim ( ) , _n ( Jb ( t ) , n => oa ( n ) ) } , n1 = e => e . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + e . slice ( 1 ) , CW = ( ) => Zi ( ) . style , kW = [ "-webkit-" , "-moz-" , "-o-" , "-ms-" ] , _W = [ "WebKit" , "Moz" , "O" , "MS" , "webkit" , "moz" , "o" , "ms" ] , z0 = { } , L0 = { } , PW = e => { let t = L0 [ e ] ; if ( Dm ( L0 , e ) ) return t ; const n = n1 ( e ) , r = CW ( ) ; return _n ( kW , o => { const s = o . replace ( /-/g , "" ) ; return ! ( t = [ e , o + e , s + n , n1 ( s ) + n ] . find ( c => r [ c ] !== void 0 ) ) } ) , L0 [ e ] = t || "" } , Dd = e => { if ( Md ( ) ) { let t = z0 [ e ] || window [ e ] ; return Dm ( z0 , e ) || ( _n ( _W , n => ( t = t || window [ n + n1 ( e ) ] , ! t ) ) , z0 [ e ] = t ) , t } } , jW = Dd ( "MutationObserver" ) , ES = Dd ( "IntersectionObserver" ) , Xl = Dd ( "ResizeObserver" ) , E6 = Dd ( "cancelAnimationFrame" ) , O
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
Please see https : //github.com/reduxjs/redux-toolkit/pull/2481 for details.
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
See https : //redux-toolkit.js.org/rtk-query/usage/server-side-rendering for new guidance on SSR.`)}}}({queryThunk:Xe,mutationThunk:jt,api:X,serializeQueryArgs:ut,context:he}),Ir=sn.buildInitiateQuery,Xn=sn.buildInitiateMutation;return Nr(X.util,{getRunningOperationPromises:sn.getRunningOperationPromises,getRunningOperationPromise:sn.removalWarning,getRunningMutationThunk:sn.getRunningMutationThunk,getRunningMutationsThunk:sn.getRunningMutationsThunk,getRunningQueryThunk:sn.getRunningQueryThunk,getRunningQueriesThunk:sn.getRunningQueriesThunk}),{name:ps,injectEndpoint:function(It,In){var On,Jn=X;(On=Jn.endpoints)[It]!=null||(On[It]={}),se(In)?Nr(Jn.endpoints[It],{name:It,select:Gt(It,In),initiate:Ir(It,In)},Zt(Xe,It)):In.type===U.mutation&&Nr(Jn.endpoints[It],{name:It,select:un(),initiate:Xn(It)},Zt(jt,It))}}}}},zs=Qe(da())})(tj);ej.exports=tj;var oo=ej.exports;const zV=e=>{const{imageUsage:t,topMessage:n="This image is currently in use in the following features:",bottomMessage:r="If you delete this image, those features will immediately be reset."}=e;return!t||!Su(t)?null:i.jsxs(i.Fragment,{children:[i.jsx(Je,{children:n}),i.jsxs(wb,{sx:{paddingInlineStart:6},children:[t.isInitialImage&&i.jsx(wa,{children:"Image to Image"}),t.isCanvasImage&&i.jsx(wa,{children:"Unified Canvas"}),t.isControlNetImage&&i.jsx(wa,{children:"ControlNet"}),t.isNodesImage&&i.jsx(wa,{children:"Node Editor"})]}),i.jsx(Je,{children:r})]})},nj=f.memo(zV),LV=e=>{const{boardToDelete:t,setBoardToDelete:n}=e,{t:r}=be(),o=L(_=>_.config.canRestoreDeletedImagesFromBin),{currentData:s,isFetching:a}=RR((t==null?void 0:t.board_id)??oo.skipToken),c=f.useMemo(()=>fe([Ye],_=>{const I=(s??[]).map(E=>MR(_,E));return{imageUsageSummary:{isInitialImage:Su(I,E=>E.isInitialImage),isCanvasImage:Su(I,E=>E.isCanvasImage),isNodesImage:Su(I,E=>E.isNodesImage),isControlNetImage:Su(I,E=>E.isControlNetImage)}}}),[s]),[d,{isLoading:p}]=DR(),[h,{isLoading:m}]=TR(),{imageUsageSummary:v}=L(c),b=f.useCallback(()=>{t&&(d(t.board_id),n(void 0))},[t,d,n]),w=f.useCallback(()=>{t&&(h(t.board_id),n(void 0))},[t,h,n]),y=f.useCallback(()=>{n(void 0)},[n]),S=f.useRef(null),k=f.useMemo(()=>m||p||a,[m,p,a]);return t?i.jsx(_d,{isOpen:!!t,onClose:y,leastDestructiveRef:S,isCentered:!0,children:i.jsx(Da,{children:i.jsxs(Pd,{children:[i.jsxs(Ma,{fontSize:"lg",fontWeight:"bold",children:["Delete ",t.board_name]}),i.jsx(Ta,{children:i.jsxs(H,{direction:"column",gap:3,children:[a?i.jsx(xm,{children:i.jsx(H,{sx:{w:"full",h:32}})}):i.jsx(nj,{imageUsage:v,topMessage:"This board contains images used in the following features:",bottomMessage:"Deleting this board and its images will reset any features currently using them."}),i.jsx(Je,{children:"Deleted boards cannot be restored."}),i.jsx(Je,{children:r(o?"gallery.deleteImageBin":"gallery.deleteImagePermanent")})]})}),i.jsx(Ra,{children:i.jsxs(H,{sx:{justifyContent:"space-between",width:"full",gap:2},children:[i.jsx(nn,{ref:S,onClick:y,children:"Cancel"}),i.jsx(nn,{colorScheme:"warning",isLoading:k,onClick:b,children:"Delete Board Only"}),i.jsx(nn,{colorScheme:"error",isLoading:k,onClick:w,children:"Delete Board and Images"})]})})]})})}):null},BV=f.memo(LV),rj=Te((e,t)=>{const{role:n,tooltip:r="",tooltipProps:o,isChecked:s,...a}=e;return i.jsx(wn,{label:r,hasArrow:!0,...o,...o!=null&&o.placement?{placement:o.placement}:{placement:"top"},children:i.jsx(Ca,{ref:t,role:n,colorScheme:s?"accent":"base",...a})})});rj.displayName="IAIIconButton";const Fe=f.memo(rj),FV="My Board",HV=()=>{const[e,{isLoading:t}]=AR(),n=f.useCallback(()=>{e(FV)},[e]);return i.jsx(Fe,{icon:i.jsx(gl,{}),isLoading:t,tooltip:"Add Board","aria-label":"Add Board",onClick:n,size:"sm"})};var eC={path:i.jsxs("g",{stroke:"currentColor",strokeWidth:"1.5",children:[i.jsx("path",{strokeLinecap:"round",fill:"none",d:"M9,9a3,3,0,1,1,4,2.829,1.5,1.5,0,0,0-1,1.415V14.25"}),i.jsx("path",{fill:"currentColor",strokeLinecap:"round",d:"M12,17.25a.375.375,0,1,0,.375.375A.375.375,0,0,0,12,17.25h0"}),i.jsx("circle",{fill:"none",strokeMiterlimit:"10",cx:"12",cy:"12",r:"11.25"})]}),viewBox:"0 0 24 24"},o
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
* @ license React
* react - reconciler . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
* /var Iie=function(t){var n={},r=f,o=wp,s=Object.assign;function a(l){for(var u="https:/ / reactjs . org / docs / error - decoder . html ? invariant = "+l,g=1;g<arguments.length;g++)u+=" & args [ ] = "+encodeURIComponent(arguments[g]);return" Minified React error # "+l+" ; visit "+u+" for the full message or use the non - minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings . "}var c=r.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED,d=Symbol.for(" react . element "),p=Symbol.for(" react . portal "),h=Symbol.for(" react . fragment "),m=Symbol.for(" react . strict _mode "),v=Symbol.for(" react . profiler "),b=Symbol.for(" react . provider "),w=Symbol.for(" react . context "),y=Symbol.for(" react . forward _ref "),S=Symbol.for(" react . suspense "),k=Symbol.for(" react . suspense _list "),_=Symbol.for(" react . memo "),I=Symbol.for(" react . lazy "),P=Symbol.for(" react . offscreen "),E=Symbol.iterator;function O(l){return l===null||typeof l!=" object "?null:(l=E&&l[E]||l[" @ @ iterator "],typeof l==" function "?l:null)}function R(l){if(l==null)return null;if(typeof l==" function ")return l.displayName||l.name||null;if(typeof l==" string ")return l;switch(l){case h:return" Fragment ";case p:return" Portal ";case v:return" Profiler ";case m:return" StrictMode ";case S:return" Suspense ";case k:return" SuspenseList "}if(typeof l==" object ")switch(l.$$typeof){case w:return(l.displayName||" Context ")+" . Consumer ";case b:return(l._context.displayName||" Context ")+" . Provider ";case y:var u=l.render;return l=l.displayName,l||(l=u.displayName||u.name||" ",l=l!==" "?" ForwardRef ( "+l+" ) ":" ForwardRef "),l;case _:return u=l.displayName||null,u!==null?u:R(l.type)||" Memo ";case I:u=l._payload,l=l._init;try{return R(l(u))}catch{}}return null}function M(l){var u=l.type;switch(l.tag){case 24:return" Cache ";case 9:return(u.displayName||" Context ")+" . Consumer ";case 10:return(u._context.displayName||" Context ")+" . Provider ";case 18:return" DehydratedFragment ";case 11:return l=u.render,l=l.displayName||l.name||" ",u.displayName||(l!==" "?" ForwardRef ( "+l+" ) ":" ForwardRef ");case 7:return" Fragment ";case 5:return u;case 4:return" Portal ";case 3:return" Root ";case 6:return" Text ";case 16:return R(u);case 8:return u===m?" StrictMode ":" Mode ";case 22:return" Offscreen ";case 12:return" Profiler ";case 21:return" Scope ";case 13:return" Suspense ";case 19:return" SuspenseList ";case 25:return" TracingMarker ";case 1:case 0:case 17:case 2:case 14:case 15:if(typeof u==" function ")return u.displayName||u.name||null;if(typeof u==" string " ) return u } return null } function T ( l ) { var u = l , g = l ; if ( l . alternate ) for ( ; u . return ; ) u = u . return ; else { l = u ; do u = l , u . flags & 4098 && ( g = u . return ) , l = u . return ; while ( l ) } return u . tag === 3 ? g : null } function A ( l ) { if ( T ( l ) !== l ) throw Error ( a ( 188 ) ) } function $ ( l ) { var u = l . alternate ; if ( ! u ) { if ( u = T ( l ) , u === null ) throw Error ( a ( 188 ) ) ; return u !== l ? null : l } for ( var g = l , x = u ; ; ) { var C = g . return ; if ( C === null ) break ; var j = C . alternate ; if ( j === null ) { if ( x = C . return , x !== null ) { g = x ; continue } break } if ( C . child === j . child ) { for ( j = C . child ; j ; ) { if ( j === g ) return A ( C ) , l ; if ( j === x ) return A ( C ) , u ; j = j . sibling } throw Error ( a ( 188 ) ) } if ( g . return !== x . return ) g = C , x = j ; else { for ( var N = ! 1 , J = C . child ; J ; ) { if ( J === g ) { N = ! 0 , g = C , x = j ; break } if ( J === x ) { N = ! 0 , x = C , g = j ; break } J = J . sibling } if ( ! N ) { for ( J = j . child ; J ; ) { if ( J === g ) { N = ! 0 , g = j , x = C ; break } if ( J === x ) { N = ! 0 , x = j , g = C ; break } J = J . sibling } if ( ! N ) throw Error ( a ( 189 ) ) } } if ( g . alternate !== x ) throw Error ( a ( 190 ) ) } if ( g . tag !== 3 ) throw Error ( a ( 188 ) ) ; return g . stateNode . current === g ? l : u } function Q ( l ) { return l = $ ( l ) , l !== null ? B ( l ) : null } function B ( l ) { if ( l . tag === 5 || l . tag === 6 ) return l ; for ( l = l . child ; l !== null ; ) { var u = B ( l ) ; if ( u !== null ) return u ; l = l . sibling } return null } function V ( l ) { if ( l . tag === 5 || l . tag === 6 ) return l ; for ( l = l . child ; l !== null ; ) { if ( l . tag !== 4 ) { var u = V ( l ) ; if ( u !== null ) return u } l = l . sibling } return null } var q = Array . isArray , G = t . getPublicInstance , D = t . getRootHostContext , z = t . getChildHostContext , W = t . prepareForCommit , Y = t . resetAfterCommit , ie = t . createInstance , ye = t . appendInitialChild , Z = t . finalizeInitialChildren , oe = t . prepareUpdate , K = t . shouldSetTextContent , U = t . createTextInstance , ae = t . scheduleTimeout , re = t . cancelTimeout , se = t . noTimeout , pe = t . isPrimaryRenderer , le = t . supportsMutation , ge = t . supportsPersistence , ke = t . supportsHydration , xe = t . ge
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
` +Et+l}var qt=!1;function en(l,u){if(!l||qt)return"";qt=!0;var g=Error.prepareStackTrace;Error.prepareStackTrace=void 0;try{if(u)if(u=function(){throw Error()},Object.defineProperty(u.prototype,"props",{set:function(){throw Error()}}),typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect.construct){try{Reflect.construct(u,[])}catch(Ne){var x=Ne}Reflect.construct(l,[],u)}else{try{u.call()}catch(Ne){x=Ne}l.call(u.prototype)}else{try{throw Error()}catch(Ne){x=Ne}l()}}catch(Ne){if(Ne&&x&&typeof Ne.stack=="string"){for(var C=Ne.stack.split( `
` ),j=x.stack.split( `
` ),N=C.length-1,J=j.length-1;1<=N&&0<=J&&C[N]!==j[J];)J--;for(;1<=N&&0<=J;N--,J--)if(C[N]!==j[J]){if(N!==1||J!==1)do if(N--,J--,0>J||C[N]!==j[J]){var ue= `
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
` +C[N].replace(" at new "," at ");return l.displayName&&ue.includes("<anonymous>")&&(ue=ue.replace("<anonymous>",l.displayName)),ue}while(1<=N&&0<=J);break}}}finally{qt=!1,Error.prepareStackTrace=g}return(l=l?l.displayName||l.name:"")?Nt(l):""}var Zt=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Ut=[],Le=-1;function yt(l){return{current:l}}function Mt(l){0>Le||(l.current=Ut[Le],Ut[Le]=null,Le--)}function Wt(l,u){Le++,Ut[Le]=l.current,l.current=u}var jn={},Gt=yt(jn),un=yt(!1),sn=jn;function Ir(l,u){var g=l.type.contextTypes;if(!g)return jn;var x=l.stateNode;if(x&&x.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext===u)return x.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;var C={},j;for(j in g)C[j]=u[j];return x&&(l=l.stateNode,l.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext=u,l.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext=C),C}function Xn(l){return l=l.childContextTypes,l!=null}function It(){Mt(un),Mt(Gt)}function In(l,u,g){if(Gt.current!==jn)throw Error(a(168));Wt(Gt,u),Wt(un,g)}function On(l,u,g){var x=l.stateNode;if(u=u.childContextTypes,typeof x.getChildContext!="function")return g;x=x.getChildContext();for(var C in x)if(!(C in u))throw Error(a(108,M(l)||"Unknown",C));return s({},g,x)}function Jn(l){return l=(l=l.stateNode)&&l.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext||jn,sn=Gt.current,Wt(Gt,l),Wt(un,un.current),!0}function mr(l,u,g){var x=l.stateNode;if(!x)throw Error(a(169));g?(l=On(l,u,sn),x.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext=l,Mt(un),Mt(Gt),Wt(Gt,l)):Mt(un),Wt(un,g)}var Tn=Math.clz32?Math.clz32:Sn,An=Math.log,dn=Math.LN2;function Sn(l){return l>>>=0,l===0?32:31-(An(l)/dn|0)|0}var En=64,vn=4194304;function bn(l){switch(l&-l){case 1:return 1;case 2:return 2;case 4:return 4;case 8:return 8;case 16:return 16;case 32:return 32;case 64:case 128:case 256:case 512:case 1024:case 2048:case 4096:case 8192:case 16384:case 32768:case 65536:case 131072:case 262144:case 524288:case 1048576:case 2097152:return l&4194240;case 4194304:case 8388608:case 16777216:case 33554432:case 67108864:return l&130023424;case 134217728:return 134217728;case 268435456:return 268435456;case 536870912:return 536870912;case 1073741824:return 1073741824;default:return l}}function Ke(l,u){var g=l.pendingLanes;if(g===0)return 0;var x=0,C=l.suspendedLanes,j=l.pingedLanes,N=g&268435455;if(N!==0){var J=N&~C;J!==0?x=bn(J):(j&=N,j!==0&&(x=bn(j)))}else N=g&~C,N!==0?x=bn(N):j!==0&&(x=bn(j));if(x===0)return 0;if(u!==0&&u!==x&&!(u&C)&&(C=x&-x,j=u&-u,C>=j||C===16&&(j&4194240)!==0))return u;if(x&4&&(x|=g&16),u=l.entangledLanes,u!==0)for(l=l.entanglements,u&=x;0<u;)g=31-Tn(u),C=1<<g,x|=l[g],u&=~C;return x}function Ot(l,u){switch(l){case 1:case 2:case 4:return u+250;case 8:case 16:case 32:case 64:case 128:case 256:case 512:case 1024:case 2048:case 4096:case 8192:case 16384:case 32768:case 65536:case 131072:case 262144:case 524288:case 1048576:case 2097152:return u+5e3;case 4194304:case 8388608:case 16777216:case 33554432:case 67108864:return-1;case 134217728:case 268435456:case 536870912:case 1073741824:return-1;default:return-1}}function St(l,u){for(var g=l.suspendedLanes,x=l.pingedLanes,C=l.expirationTimes,j=l.pendingLanes;0<j;){var N=31-Tn(j),J=1<<N,ue=C[N];ue===-1?(!(J&g)||J&x)&&(C[N]=Ot(J,u)):ue<=u&&(l.expiredLanes|=J),j&=~J}}function at(l){return l=l.pendingLanes&-1073741825,l!==0?l:l&1073741824?1073741824:0}function wt(){var l=En;return En<<=1,!(En&4194240)&&(En=64),l}function Bt(l){for(var u=[],g=0;31>g;g++)u.push(l);return u}function mt(l,u,g){l.pendingLanes|=u,u!==536870912&&(l.suspendedLanes=0,l.pingedLanes=0),l=l.eventTimes,u=31-Tn(u),l[u]=g}function ot(l,u){var g=l.pendingLanes&~u;l.pendingLanes=u,l.suspendedLanes=0,l.pingedLanes=0,l.expiredLanes&=u,l.mutableReadLanes&=u,l.entangledLanes&=u,u=l.entanglements;var x=l.eventTimes;for(l=l.expirationTimes;0<g;){var C=31-Tn(g),j=1<<C;u[C]=0,x[C]=-1,l[C]=-1,g&=~j}}function Oe(l,u){var g=l.entangledLanes|=u;for(l=l.entanglements;g;){var x=31-Tn(g),C=1<<x;C&u|l[x]&u&&(l[x]|=u),g&=~C}}var Ie=0;function De(l){return l&=-l,1<l?4<l?l&268435455?16:536870912:4:1}var We=o.unstable_scheduleCallback,et=o.unstable_cancelCallback,Dt=o.unsta
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
Error generating stack : ` +j.message+ `
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
` +j.stack}return{value:l,source:u,stack:C,digest:null}}function Tg(l,u,g){return{value:l,source:null,stack:g??null,digest:u??null}}function Ag(l,u){try{console.error(u.value)}catch(g){setTimeout(function(){throw g})}}var I8=typeof WeakMap=="function"?WeakMap:Map;function Bx(l,u,g){g=ha(-1,g),g.tag=3,g.payload={element:null};var x=u.value;return g.callback=function(){yf||(yf=!0,t0=x),Ag(l,u)},g}function Fx(l,u,g){g=ha(-1,g),g.tag=3;var x=l.type.getDerivedStateFromError;if(typeof x=="function"){var C=u.value;g.payload=function(){return x(C)},g.callback=function(){Ag(l,u)}}var j=l.stateNode;return j!==null&&typeof j.componentDidCatch=="function"&&(g.callback=function(){Ag(l,u),typeof x!="function"&&(qa===null?qa=new Set([this]):qa.add(this));var N=u.stack;this.componentDidCatch(u.value,{componentStack:N!==null?N:""})}),g}function Hx(l,u,g){var x=l.pingCache;if(x===null){x=l.pingCache=new I8;var C=new Set;x.set(u,C)}else C=x.get(u),C===void 0&&(C=new Set,x.set(u,C));C.has(g)||(C.add(g),l=H8.bind(null,l,u,g),u.then(l,l))}function Wx(l){do{var u;if((u=l.tag===13)&&(u=l.memoizedState,u=u!==null?u.dehydrated!==null:!0),u)return l;l=l.return}while(l!==null);return null}function Vx(l,u,g,x,C){return l.mode&1?(l.flags|=65536,l.lanes=C,l):(l===u?l.flags|=65536:(l.flags|=128,g.flags|=131072,g.flags&=-52805,g.tag===1&&(g.alternate===null?g.tag=17:(u=ha(-1,1),u.tag=2,Ga(g,u,1))),g.lanes|=1),l)}var E8=c.ReactCurrentOwner,vo=!1;function fo(l,u,g,x){u.child=l===null?vx(u,null,g,x):_l(u,l.child,g,x)}function Ux(l,u,g,x,C){g=g.render;var j=u.ref;return kl(u,C),x=Ig(l,u,g,x,j,C),g=Eg(),l!==null&&!vo?(u.updateQueue=l.updateQueue,u.flags&=-2053,l.lanes&=~C,ma(l,u,C)):(Zn&&g&&cg(u),u.flags|=1,fo(l,u,x,C),u.child)}function Gx(l,u,g,x,C){if(l===null){var j=g.type;return typeof j=="function"&&!i0(j)&&j.defaultProps===void 0&&g.compare===null&&g.defaultProps===void 0?(u.tag=15,u.type=j,qx(l,u,j,x,C)):(l=_f(g.type,null,x,u,u.mode,C),l.ref=u.ref,l.return=u,u.child=l)}if(j=l.child,!(l.lanes&C)){var N=j.memoizedProps;if(g=g.compare,g=g!==null?g:Gd,g(N,x)&&l.ref===u.ref)return ma(l,u,C)}return u.flags|=1,l=Xa(j,x),l.ref=u.ref,l.return=u,u.child=l}function qx(l,u,g,x,C){if(l!==null){var j=l.memoizedProps;if(Gd(j,x)&&l.ref===u.ref)if(vo=!1,u.pendingProps=x=j,(l.lanes&C)!==0)l.flags&131072&&(vo=!0);else return u.lanes=l.lanes,ma(l,u,C)}return Ng(l,u,g,x,C)}function Kx(l,u,g){var x=u.pendingProps,C=x.children,j=l!==null?l.memoizedState:null;if(x.mode==="hidden")if(!(u.mode&1))u.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},Wt(Ol,Ao),Ao|=g;else{if(!(g&1073741824))return l=j!==null?j.baseLanes|g:g,u.lanes=u.childLanes=1073741824,u.memoizedState={baseLanes:l,cachePool:null,transitions:null},u.updateQueue=null,Wt(Ol,Ao),Ao|=l,null;u.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},x=j!==null?j.baseLanes:g,Wt(Ol,Ao),Ao|=x}else j!==null?(x=j.baseLanes|g,u.memoizedState=null):x=g,Wt(Ol,Ao),Ao|=x;return fo(l,u,C,g),u.child}function Yx(l,u){var g=u.ref;(l===null&&g!==null||l!==null&&l.ref!==g)&&(u.flags|=512,u.flags|=2097152)}function Ng(l,u,g,x,C){var j=Xn(g)?sn:Gt.current;return j=Ir(u,j),kl(u,C),g=Ig(l,u,g,x,j,C),x=Eg(),l!==null&&!vo?(u.updateQueue=l.updateQueue,u.flags&=-2053,l.lanes&=~C,ma(l,u,C)):(Zn&&x&&cg(u),u.flags|=1,fo(l,u,g,C),u.child)}function Qx(l,u,g,x,C){if(Xn(g)){var j=!0;Jn(u)}else j=!1;if(kl(u,C),u.stateNode===null)af(l,u),px(u,g,x),wg(u,g,x,C),x=!0;else if(l===null){var N=u.stateNode,J=u.memoizedProps;N.props=J;var ue=N.context,Ne=g.contextType;typeof Ne=="object"&&Ne!==null?Ne=Vo(Ne):(Ne=Xn(g)?sn:Gt.current,Ne=Ir(u,Ne));var gt=g.getDerivedStateFromProps,Qt=typeof gt=="function"||typeof N.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate=="function";Qt||typeof N.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps!="function"&&typeof N.componentWillReceiveProps!="function"||(J!==x||ue!==Ne)&&hx(u,N,x,Ne),Ua=!1;var it=u.memoizedState;N.state=it,Qd(u,x,N,C),ue=u.memoizedState,J!==x||it!==ue||un.current||Ua?(typeof gt=="function"&&(xg(u,g,gt,x),ue=u.memoizedState),(J=Ua||fx(u,g,J,x,it,ue,Ne))?(Qt||typeof N.UNSAFE_componentWillMount!="function"&&typeof N.componentWillMo
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
` +(x.join(" > ")+ `
No matching component was found for :
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
` )+l.join(" > ")}return null},n.getPublicRootInstance=function(l){if(l=l.current,!l.child)return null;switch(l.child.tag){case 5:return G(l.child.stateNode);default:return l.child.stateNode}},n.injectIntoDevTools=function(l){if(l={bundleType:l.bundleType,version:l.version,rendererPackageName:l.rendererPackageName,rendererConfig:l.rendererConfig,overrideHookState:null,overrideHookStateDeletePath:null,overrideHookStateRenamePath:null,overrideProps:null,overridePropsDeletePath:null,overridePropsRenamePath:null,setErrorHandler:null,setSuspenseHandler:null,scheduleUpdate:null,currentDispatcherRef:c.ReactCurrentDispatcher,findHostInstanceByFiber:K8,findFiberByHostInstance:l.findFiberByHostInstance||Y8,findHostInstancesForRefresh:null,scheduleRefresh:null,scheduleRoot:null,setRefreshHandler:null,getCurrentFiber:null,reconcilerVersion:"18.2.0"},typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__>"u")l=!1;else{var u=__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;if(u.isDisabled||!u.supportsFiber)l=!0;else{try{Yn=u.inject(l),gn=u}catch{}l=!!u.checkDCE}}return l},n.isAlreadyRendering=function(){return!1},n.observeVisibleRects=function(l,u,g,x){if(!ct)throw Error(a(363));l=Qg(l,u);var C=At(l,g,x).disconnect;return{disconnect:function(){C()}}},n.registerMutableSourceForHydration=function(l,u){var g=u._getVersion;g=g(u._source),l.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData==null?l.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData=[u,g]:l.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(u,g)},n.runWithPriority=function(l,u){var g=Ie;try{return Ie=l,u()}finally{Ie=g}},n.shouldError=function(){return null},n.shouldSuspend=function(){return!1},n.updateContainer=function(l,u,g,x){var C=u.current,j=eo(),N=Ya(C);return g=j2(g),u.context===null?u.context=g:u.pendingContext=g,u=ha(j,N),u.payload={element:l},x=x===void 0?null:x,x!==null&&(u.callback=x),l=Ga(C,u,N),l!==null&&(qo(l,C,N,j),Yd(l,C,N)),N},n};t8.exports=Iie;var Eie=t8.exports;const Oie=ud(Eie);var n8={exports:{}},wl={};/**
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
* @ license React
* react - reconciler - constants . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
* / w l . C o n c u r r e n t R o o t = 1 ; w l . C o n t i n u o u s E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 4 ; w l . D e f a u l t E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 1 6 ; w l . D i s c r e t e E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 1 ; w l . I d l e E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 5 3 6 8 7 0 9 1 2 ; w l . L e g a c y R o o t = 0 ; n 8 . e x p o r t s = w l ; v a r r 8 = n 8 . e x p o r t s ; c o n s t o _ = { c h i l d r e n : ! 0 , r e f : ! 0 , k e y : ! 0 , s t y l e : ! 0 , f o r w a r d e d R e f : ! 0 , u n s t a b l e _ a p p l y C a c h e : ! 0 , u n s t a b l e _ a p p l y D r a w H i t F r o m C a c h e : ! 0 } ; l e t s _ = ! 1 , a _ = ! 1 ; c o n s t J y = " . r e a c t - k o n v a - e v e n t " , R i e = ` R e a c t K o n v a : Y o u h a v e a K o n v a n o d e w i t h d r a g g a b l e = t r u e a n d p o s i t i o n d e f i n e d b u t n o o n D r a g M o v e o r o n D r a g E n d e v e n t s a r e h a n d l e d .
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
Position of a node will be changed during drag & drop , so you should update state of the react app as well .
Consider to add onDragMove or onDragEnd events .
For more info see : https : //github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/256
` ,Mie= ` ReactKonva : You are using "zIndex" attribute for a Konva node .
react - konva may get confused with ordering . Just define correct order of elements in your render function of a component .
For more info see : https : //github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/194
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
` ,Die={};function lg(e,t,n=Die){if(!s_&&"zIndex"in t&&(console.warn(Mie),s_=!0),!a_&&t.draggable){var r=t.x!==void 0||t.y!==void 0,o=t.onDragEnd||t.onDragMove;r&&!o&&(console.warn(Rie),a_=!0)}for(var s in n)if(!o_[s]){var a=s.slice(0,2)==="on",c=n[s]!==t[s];if(a&&c){var d=s.substr(2).toLowerCase();d.substr(0,7)==="content"&&(d="content"+d.substr(7,1).toUpperCase()+d.substr(8)),e.off(d,n[s])}var p=!t.hasOwnProperty(s);p&&e.setAttr(s,void 0)}var h=t._useStrictMode,m={},v=!1;const b={};for(var s in t)if(!o_[s]){var a=s.slice(0,2)==="on",w=n[s]!==t[s];if(a&&w){var d=s.substr(2).toLowerCase();d.substr(0,7)==="content"&&(d="content"+d.substr(7,1).toUpperCase()+d.substr(8)),t[s]&&(b[d]=t[s])}!a&&(t[s]!==n[s]||h&&t[s]!==e.getAttr(s))&&(v=!0,m[s]=t[s])}v&&(e.setAttrs(m),Di(e));for(var d in b)e.on(d+Jy,b[d])}function Di(e){if(!H7.Konva.autoDrawEnabled){var t=e.getLayer()||e.getStage();t&&t.batchDraw()}}const o8={},Tie={};id.Node.prototype._applyProps=lg;function Aie(e,t){if(typeof t=="string"){console.error( ` Do not use plain text as child of Konva . Node . You are using text : $ { t } ` );return}e.add(t),Di(e)}function Nie(e,t,n){let r=id[e];r||(console.error( ` Konva has no node with the type $ { e } . Group will be used instead . If you use minimal version of react - konva , just import required nodes into Konva : "import " konva / lib / shapes / $ { e } " If you want to render DOM elements as part of canvas tree take a look into this demo: https://konvajs.github.io/docs/react/DOM_Portal.html`),r=id.Group);const o={},s={};for(var a in t){var c=a.slice(0,2)===" on ";c?s[a]=t[a]:o[a]=t[a]}const d=new r(o);return lg(d,s),d}function $ie(e,t,n){console.error(`Text components are not supported for now in ReactKonva. Your text is: " $ { e } "`)}function zie(e,t,n){return!1}function Lie(e){return e}function Bie(){return null}function Fie(){return null}function Hie(e,t,n,r){return Tie}function Wie(){}function Vie(e){}function Uie(e,t){return!1}function Gie(){return o8}function qie(){return o8}const Kie=setTimeout,Yie=clearTimeout,Qie=-1;function Xie(e,t){return!1}const Jie=!1,Zie=!0,ele=!0;function tle(e,t){t.parent===e?t.moveToTop():e.add(t),Di(e)}function nle(e,t){t.parent===e?t.moveToTop():e.add(t),Di(e)}function s8(e,t,n){t._remove(),e.add(t),t.setZIndex(n.getZIndex()),Di(e)}function rle(e,t,n){s8(e,t,n)}function ole(e,t){t.destroy(),t.off(Jy),Di(e)}function sle(e,t){t.destroy(),t.off(Jy),Di(e)}function ale(e,t,n){console.error(`Text components are not yet supported in ReactKonva. You text is: " $ { n } "`)}function ile(e,t,n){}function lle(e,t,n,r,o){lg(e,o,r)}function cle(e){e.hide(),Di(e)}function ule(e){}function dle(e,t){(t.visible==null||t.visible)&&e.show()}function fle(e,t){}function ple(e){}function hle(){}const mle=()=>r8.DefaultEventPriority,gle=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,appendChild:tle,appendChildToContainer:nle,appendInitialChild:Aie,cancelTimeout:Yie,clearContainer:ple,commitMount:ile,commitTextUpdate:ale,commitUpdate:lle,createInstance:Nie,createTextInstance:$ie,detachDeletedInstance:hle,finalizeInitialChildren:zie,getChildHostContext:qie,getCurrentEventPriority:mle,getPublicInstance:Lie,getRootHostContext:Gie,hideInstance:cle,hideTextInstance:ule,idlePriority:wp.unstable_IdlePriority,insertBefore:s8,insertInContainerBefore:rle,isPrimaryRenderer:Jie,noTimeout:Qie,now:wp.unstable_now,prepareForCommit:Bie,preparePortalMount:Fie,prepareUpdate:Hie,removeChild:ole,removeChildFromContainer:sle,resetAfterCommit:Wie,resetTextContent:Vie,run:wp.unstable_runWithPriority,scheduleTimeout:Kie,shouldDeprioritizeSubtree:Uie,shouldSetTextContent:Xie,supportsMutation:ele,unhideInstance:dle,unhideTextInstance:fle,warnsIfNotActing:Zie},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:" Module " } ) ) ; var vle = Object . defineProperty , ble = Object . defineProperties , yle = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors , i _ = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols , xle = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , wle = Object . prototype . propertyIsEnumerable , l _ = ( e , t , n ) => t in e ? vle ( e , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : n } ) : e [ t ] = n , c _ = ( e , t ) => { for ( var n in t || ( t = { } ) ) xle . call ( t , n ) && l _ ( e , n , t [ n ] ) ; if ( i _ ) for ( var n of i _ ( t ) ) wle . cal
2023-07-26 16:25:46 +00:00
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< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,17.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,20)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,22.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,25)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,27.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,30)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-2.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-7.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-10)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-12.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-15)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-17.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-20)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-22.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-25)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-27.5)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
< g transform = "matrix(0.5,0,0,0.5,0,-30)" >
< path d = "M-3.5,63.5L64,-4" style = "fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;" / >
< / g >
2023-07-27 13:37:37 +00:00
< / s v g > ` . r e p l a c e A l l ( " b l a c k " , e ) , Q l e = e = > { c o n s t { . . . t } = e , { m a s k C o l o r S t r i n g : n , s t a g e C o o r d i n a t e s : r , s t a g e D i m e n s i o n s : o , s t a g e S c a l e : s } = L ( Y l e ) , [ a , c ] = f . u s e S t a t e ( n u l l ) , [ d , p ] = f . u s e S t a t e ( 0 ) , h = f . u s e R e f ( n u l l ) , m = f . u s e C a l l b a c k ( ( ) = > { p ( d + 1 ) , s e t T i m e o u t ( m , 5 0 0 ) } , [ d ] ) ; r e t u r n f . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { i f ( a ) r e t u r n ; c o n s t v = n e w I m a g e ; v . o n l o a d = ( ) = > { c ( v ) } , v . s r c = f _ ( n ) } , [ a , n ] ) , f . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { a & & ( a . s r c = f _ ( n ) ) } , [ a , n ] ) , f . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { c o n s t v = s e t I n t e r v a l ( ( ) = > p ( b = > ( b + 1 ) % 5 ) , 5 0 ) ; r e t u r n ( ) = > c l e a r I n t e r v a l ( v ) } , [ ] ) , ! a | | ! D l ( r . x ) | | ! D l ( r . y ) | | ! D l ( s ) | | ! D l ( o . w i d t h ) | | ! D l ( o . h e i g h t ) ? n u l l : i . j s x ( a a , { r e f : h , o f f s e t X : r . x / s , o f f s e t Y : r . y / s , h e i g h t : o . h e i g h t / s , w i d t h : o . w i d t h / s , f i l l P a t t e r n I m a g e : a , f i l l P a t t e r n O f f s e t Y : D l ( d ) ? d : 0 , f i l l P a t t e r n R e p e a t : " r e p e a t " , f i l l P a t t e r n S c a l e : { x : 1 / s , y : 1 / s } , l i s t e n i n g : ! 0 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : " s o u r c e - i n " , . . . t } ) } , X l e = f e ( [ m n ] , e = > ( { o b j e c t s : e . l a y e r S t a t e . o b j e c t s } ) , { m e m o i z e O p t i o n s : { r e s u l t E q u a l i t y C h e c k : J t } } ) , J l e = e = > { c o n s t { . . . t } = e , { o b j e c t s : n } = L ( X l e ) ; r e t u r n i . j s x ( $ a , { l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , . . . t , c h i l d r e n : n . f i l t e r ( t D ) . m a p ( ( r , o ) = > i . j s x ( Z h , { p o i n t s : r . p o i n t s , s t r o k e : " r g b ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) " , s t r o k e W i d t h : r . s t r o k e W i d t h * 2 , t e n s i o n : 0 , l i n e C a p : " r o u n d " , l i n e J o i n : " r o u n d " , s h a d o w F o r S t r o k e E n a b l e d : ! 1 , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : r . t o o l = = = " b r u s h " ? " s o u r c e - o v e r " : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , o ) ) } ) } ; v a r W i = f , Z l e = f u n c t i o n ( t , n , r ) { c o n s t o = W i . u s e R e f ( " l o a d i n g " ) , s = W i . u s e R e f ( ) , [ a , c ] = W i . u s e S t a t e ( 0 ) , d = W i . u s e R e f ( ) , p = W i . u s e R e f ( ) , h = W i . u s e R e f ( ) ; r e t u r n ( d . c u r r e n t ! = = t | | p . c u r r e n t ! = = n | | h . c u r r e n t ! = = r ) & & ( o . c u r r e n t = " l o a d i n g " , s . c u r r e n t = v o i d 0 , d . c u r r e n t = t , p . c u r r e n t = n , h . c u r r e n t = r ) , W i . u s e L a y o u t E f f e c t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( ! t ) r e t u r n ; v a r m = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " i m g " ) ; f u n c t i o n v ( ) { o . c u r r e n t = " l o a d e d " , s . c u r r e n t = m , c ( M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) ) } f u n c t i o n b ( ) { o . c u r r e n t = " f a i l e d " , s . c u r r e n t = v o i d 0 , c ( M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) ) } r e t u r n m . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " l o a d " , v ) , m . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " e r r o r " , b ) , n & & ( m . c r o s s O r i g i n = n ) , r & & ( m . r e f e r r e r P o l i c y = r ) , m . s r c = t , f u n c t i o n ( ) { m . r e m o v e E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " l o a d " , v ) , m . r e m o v e E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " e r r o r " , b ) } } , [ t , n , r ] ) , [ s . c u r r e n t , o . c u r r e n t ] } ; c o n s t e c e = u d ( Z l e ) , d 8 = e = > { c o n s t { w i d t h : t , h e i g h t : n , x : r , y : o , i m a g e N a m e : s } = e . c a n v a s I m a g e , { c u r r e n t D a t a : a , i s E r r o r : c } = o s ( s ? ? o o . s k i p T o k e n ) , [ d ] = e c e ( ( a = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : a . i m a g e _ u r l ) ? ? " " , n D . g e t ( ) ? " u s e - c r e d e n t i a l s " : " a n o n y m o u s " ) ; r e t u r n c ? i . j s x ( a a , { x : r , y : o , w i d t h : t , h e i g h t : n , f i l l : " r e d " } ) : i . j s x ( c 8 , { x : r , y : o , i m a g e : d , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 } ) } , t c e = f e ( [ m n ] , e = > { c o n s t { l a y e r S t a t e : { o b j e c t s : t } } = e ; r e t u r n { o b j e c t s : t } } , { m e m o i z e O p t i o n s : { r e s u l t E q u a l i t y C h e c k : J t } } ) , n c e = ( ) = > { c o n s t { o b j e c t s : e } = L ( t c e ) ; r e t u r n e ? i . j s x ( $ a , { n a m e : " o u t p a i n t i n g - o b j e c t s " , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , c h i l d r e n : e . m a p ( ( t , n ) = > { i f ( O _ ( t ) ) r e t u r n i . j s x ( d 8 , { c a n v a s I m a g e : t } , n ) ; i f ( r D ( t ) ) { c o n s t r = i . j s x ( Z h , { p o i n t s : t . p o i n t s , s t r o k e : t . c o l o r ? n l ( t . c o l o r ) : " r g b ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) " , s t r o k e W i d t h : t . s t r o k e W i d t h * 2 , t e n s i o n : 0 , l i n e C a p : " r o u n d " , l i n e J o i n : " r o u n d " , s h a d o w F o r S t r o k e E n a b l e d : ! 1 , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : t . t o o l = = = " b r u s h " ? " s o u r c e - o v e r " : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , n ) ; r e t u r n t . c l i p ? i . j s x ( $ a , { c l i p X : t . c l i p . x , c l i p Y : t . c l i p . y , c l i p W i d t h : t . c l i p . w i d t h , c l i p H e i g h t : t . c l i p . h e i g h t , c h i l d r e n : r } , n ) : r } e l s e { i f ( o D ( t ) ) r e t u r n i . j s x ( a a , { x : t . x , y : t . y , w i d t h : t . w i d t h , h e i g h t : t . h e i g h t , f i l l : n l ( t . c o l o r ) } , n ) ; i f ( s D ( t ) ) r e t u r n i . j s x ( a a , { x : t . x , y : t . y , w i d t h : t . w i d t h , h e i g h t : t . h e i g h t , f i l l : " r g b ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 ) " , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , n ) } } ) } ) : n u l l } , r c e = f e ( [ m n ] , e = > { c o n s t { l a y e r S t a t e : t , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g I m a g e : n , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g O u t l i n e : r , b o u n d i n g B o x C o o r d i n a t e s : { x : o , y : s } , b o u n d i n g B o x D i m e n s i o n s : { w i d t h : a , h e i g h t : c } } = e , { s e l e c t e d I m a g e I n d e x : d , i m a g e s : p } = t . s t a g i n g A r e a ; r e t u r n { c u r r e n t S t a g i n g A r e a I m a g e : p . l e n g t h > 0 & & d ! = = v o i d 0 ? p [ d ] : v o i d 0 , i s O n F i r s t I m a g e : d = = = 0 , i s O n L a s t I m a g e : d = = = p . l e n g t h - 1 , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g I m a g e : n , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g O u t l i n e : r , x : o , y : s , w i d t h : a , h e i g h t : c } } , { m e m o i z e O p t i o n s : { r e s u l t E q u a l i t y C h e c k : J t } } ) , o c e = e = > { c o n s t { . . . t } = e , { c u r r e n t S t a g i n g A r e a I m a g e : n , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g I m a g e : r , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g O u t l i n e : o , x : s , y : a , w i d t h : c , h e i g h t : d } = L ( r c e ) ; r e t u r n i . j s x s ( $ a , { . . . t , c h i l d r e n : [ r & & n & & i . j s x ( d 8 , { c a n v a s I m a g e : n } ) , o & & i . j s x s ( $ a , { c h i l d r e n : [ i . j s x ( a a , { x : s , y : a , w i d t h : c , h e i g h t : d , s t r o k e W i d t h : 1 , s t r o k e : " w h i t e " , s t r o k e S c a l e E n a b l e d : ! 1 } ) , i . j s x ( a a , { x : s , y : a , w i d t h : c , h e i g h t : d , d a s h : [ 4 , 4 ] , s t r o k e W i d t h : 1 , s t r o k e : " b l a c k " , s t r o k e S c a l e E n a b l e d : ! 1 } ) ] } ) ] } ) } , s c e = f e ( [ m n ] , e = > { c o n s t { l a y e r S t a t e : { s t a g i n g A r e a : { i m a g e s : t , s e l e c t e d I m a g e I n d e x : n , s e s s i o n I d : r } } , s h o u l d S h o w S t a