Two important mixins are provided to facilitate working with metadata and gallery boards.
### `WithMetadata`
Inherit from this class (in addition to `BaseInvocation`) to add a `metadata` input to your node. When you do this, you can access the metadata dict from `self.metadata` in the `invoke()` function.
The dict will be populated via the node's input, and you can add any metadata you'd like to it. When you call ``, if the metadata dict has any data, it be automatically embedded in the image.
### `WithBoard`
Inherit from this class (in addition to `BaseInvocation`) to add a `board` input to your node. This renders as a drop-down to select a board. The user's selection will be accessible from `self.board` in the `invoke()` function.
When you call ``, if a board was selected, the image will added to that board as it is saved.