You may personalize the generated images to provide your own styles or objects by training a new LDM checkpoint and introducing a new vocabulary to the fixed model as a (.pt) embeddings file. Alternatively, you may use or train HuggingFace Concepts embeddings files (.bin) from and its associated notebooks.
To train, prepare a folder that contains images sized at 512x512 and execute the following:
**WINDOWS**: As the default backend is not available on Windows, if you're using that platform, set the environment variable `PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND=gloo`
For .pt files it's also possible to train multiple tokens (modify the placeholder string in `configs/stable-diffusion/v1-finetune.yaml`) and combine LDM checkpoints using:
Credit goes to rinongal and the repository located at Please see the repository and associated paper for details and limitations.