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# Copyright (c) 2022 Kyle Schouviller (https://github.com/kyle0654)
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from argparse import ArgumentParser
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import base64
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from datetime import datetime, timezone
import glob
import json
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import os
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from pathlib import Path
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from queue import Empty, Queue
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import shlex
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from threading import Thread
import time
from flask_socketio import SocketIO, join_room, leave_room
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from ldm.dream.args import Args
from ldm.dream.generator import embiggen
from PIL import Image
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from ldm.dream.pngwriter import PngWriter
from ldm.dream.server import CanceledException
from ldm.generate import Generate
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from server.models import DreamResult, JobRequest, PaginatedItems, ProgressType, Signal
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class JobQueueService:
__queue: Queue = Queue()
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def push(self, dreamRequest: DreamResult):
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def get(self, timeout: float = None) -> DreamResult:
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return self.__queue.get(timeout= timeout)
class SignalQueueService:
__queue: Queue = Queue()
def push(self, signal: Signal):
def get(self) -> Signal:
return self.__queue.get(block=False)
class SignalService:
__socketio: SocketIO
__queue: SignalQueueService
def __init__(self, socketio: SocketIO, queue: SignalQueueService):
self.__socketio = socketio
self.__queue = queue
def on_join(data):
room = data['room']
self.__socketio.emit("test", "something", room=room)
def on_leave(data):
room = data['room']
self.__socketio.on_event('join_room', on_join)
self.__socketio.on_event('leave_room', on_leave)
def __process(self):
# preload the model
print('Started signal queue processor')
while True:
signal = self.__queue.get()
self.__socketio.emit(signal.event, signal.data, room=signal.room, broadcast=signal.broadcast)
except Empty:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Signal queue processor stopped')
def emit(self, signal: Signal):
# TODO: Name this better?
# TODO: Logging and signals should probably be event based (multiple listeners for an event)
class LogService:
__location: str
__logFile: str
def __init__(self, location:str, file:str):
self.__location = location
self.__logFile = file
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def log(self, dreamResult: DreamResult, seed = None, upscaled = False):
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with open(os.path.join(self.__location, self.__logFile), "a") as log:
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log.write(f"{dreamResult.id}: {dreamResult.to_json()}\n")
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class ImageStorageService:
__location: str
__pngWriter: PngWriter
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__legacyParser: ArgumentParser
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def __init__(self, location):
self.__location = location
self.__pngWriter = PngWriter(self.__location)
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self.__legacyParser = Args() # TODO: inject this?
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def __getName(self, dreamId: str, postfix: str = '') -> str:
return f'{dreamId}{postfix}.png'
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def save(self, image, dreamResult: DreamResult, postfix: str = '') -> str:
name = self.__getName(dreamResult.id, postfix)
meta = dreamResult.to_json() # TODO: make all methods consistent with writing metadata. Standardize metadata.
path = self.__pngWriter.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, dream_prompt=meta, metadata=None, name=name)
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return path
def path(self, dreamId: str, postfix: str = '') -> str:
name = self.__getName(dreamId, postfix)
path = os.path.join(self.__location, name)
return path
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# Returns true if found, false if not found or error
def delete(self, dreamId: str, postfix: str = '') -> bool:
path = self.path(dreamId, postfix)
if (os.path.exists(path)):
return True
return False
def getMetadata(self, dreamId: str, postfix: str = '') -> DreamResult:
path = self.path(dreamId, postfix)
image = Image.open(path)
text = image.text
if text.__contains__('Dream'):
dreamMeta = text.get('Dream')
j = json.loads(dreamMeta)
return DreamResult.from_json(j)
except ValueError:
# Try to parse command-line format (legacy metadata format)
opt = self.__parseLegacyMetadata(dreamMeta)
optd = opt.__dict__
if (not 'width' in optd) or (optd.get('width') is None):
optd['width'] = image.width
if (not 'height' in optd) or (optd.get('height') is None):
optd['height'] = image.height
if (not 'steps' in optd) or (optd.get('steps') is None):
optd['steps'] = 10 # No way around this unfortunately - seems like it wasn't storing this previously
optd['time'] = os.path.getmtime(path) # Set timestamp manually (won't be exactly correct though)
return DreamResult.from_json(optd)
return None
return None
def __parseLegacyMetadata(self, command: str) -> DreamResult:
# before splitting, escape single quotes so as not to mess
# up the parser
command = command.replace("'", "\\'")
elements = shlex.split(command)
except ValueError as e:
return None
# rearrange the arguments to mimic how it works in the Dream bot.
switches = ['']
switches_started = False
for el in elements:
if el[0] == '-' and not switches_started:
switches_started = True
if switches_started:
switches[0] += el
switches[0] += ' '
switches[0] = switches[0][: len(switches[0]) - 1]
opt = self.__legacyParser.parse_cmd(switches)
return opt
except SystemExit:
return None
def list_files(self, page: int, perPage: int) -> PaginatedItems:
files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(self.__location,'*.png')), key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
count = len(files)
startId = page * perPage
pageCount = int(count / perPage) + 1
endId = min(startId + perPage, count)
items = [] if startId >= count else files[startId:endId]
items = list(map(lambda f: Path(f).stem, items))
return PaginatedItems(items, page, pageCount, perPage, count)
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class GeneratorService:
__model: Generate
__queue: JobQueueService
__imageStorage: ImageStorageService
__intermediateStorage: ImageStorageService
__log: LogService
__thread: Thread
__cancellationRequested: bool = False
__signal_service: SignalService
def __init__(self, model: Generate, queue: JobQueueService, imageStorage: ImageStorageService, intermediateStorage: ImageStorageService, log: LogService, signal_service: SignalService):
self.__model = model
self.__queue = queue
self.__imageStorage = imageStorage
self.__intermediateStorage = intermediateStorage
self.__log = log
self.__signal_service = signal_service
# Create the background thread
self.__thread = Thread(target=self.__process, name = "GeneratorService")
self.__thread.daemon = True
# Request cancellation of the current job
def cancel(self):
self.__cancellationRequested = True
# TODO: Consider moving this to its own service if there's benefit in separating the generator
def __process(self):
# preload the model
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# TODO: support multiple models
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print('Preloading model')
tic = time.time()
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print(f'>> model loaded in', '%4.2fs' % (time.time() - tic))
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print('Started generation queue processor')
while True:
dreamRequest = self.__queue.get()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Generation queue processor stopped')
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def __on_start(self, jobRequest: JobRequest):
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def __on_image_result(self, jobRequest: JobRequest, image, seed, upscaled=False):
dreamResult = jobRequest.newDreamResult()
dreamResult.seed = seed
dreamResult.has_upscaled = upscaled
dreamResult.iterations = 1
# TODO: Separate status of GFPGAN?
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self.__imageStorage.save(image, dreamResult)
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# TODO: handle upscaling logic better (this is appending data to log, but only on first generation)
if not upscaled:
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# Send result signal
self.__signal_service.emit(Signal.image_result(jobRequest.id, dreamResult.id, dreamResult))
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upscaling_requested = dreamResult.enable_upscale or dreamResult.enable_gfpgan
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# Report upscaling status
# TODO: this is very coupled to logic inside the generator. Fix that.
if upscaling_requested and any(result.has_upscaled for result in jobRequest.results):
progressType = ProgressType.UPSCALING_STARTED if len(jobRequest.results) < 2 * jobRequest.iterations else ProgressType.UPSCALING_DONE
upscale_count = sum(1 for i in jobRequest.results if i.has_upscaled)
self.__signal_service.emit(Signal.image_progress(jobRequest.id, dreamResult.id, upscale_count, jobRequest.iterations, progressType))
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def __on_progress(self, jobRequest: JobRequest, sample, step):
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if self.__cancellationRequested:
self.__cancellationRequested = False
raise CanceledException
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# TODO: Progress per request will be easier once the seeds (and ids) can all be pre-generated
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hasProgressImage = False
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s = str(len(jobRequest.results))
if jobRequest.progress_images and step % 5 == 0 and step < jobRequest.steps - 1:
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image = self.__model._sample_to_image(sample)
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# TODO: clean this up, use a pre-defined dream result
result = DreamResult()
result.parse_json(jobRequest.__dict__, new_instance=False)
self.__intermediateStorage.save(image, result, postfix=f'.{s}.{step}')
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hasProgressImage = True
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self.__signal_service.emit(Signal.image_progress(jobRequest.id, f'{jobRequest.id}.{s}', step, jobRequest.steps, ProgressType.GENERATION, hasProgressImage))
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def __generate(self, jobRequest: JobRequest):
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# TODO: handle this file a file service for init images
initimgfile = None # TODO: support this on the model directly?
if (jobRequest.enable_init_image):
if jobRequest.initimg is not None:
with open("./img2img-tmp.png", "wb") as f:
initimg = jobRequest.initimg.split(",")[1] # Ignore mime type
initimgfile = "./img2img-tmp.png"
# Use previous seed if set to -1
initSeed = jobRequest.seed
if initSeed == -1:
initSeed = self.__model.seed
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# Zero gfpgan strength if the model doesn't exist
# TODO: determine if this could be at the top now? Used to cause circular import
from ldm.gfpgan.gfpgan_tools import gfpgan_model_exists
if not gfpgan_model_exists:
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jobRequest.enable_gfpgan = False
# Signal start
# Generate in model
# TODO: Split job generation requests instead of fitting all parameters here
# TODO: Support no generation (just upscaling/gfpgan)
upscale = None if not jobRequest.enable_upscale else jobRequest.upscale
gfpgan_strength = 0 if not jobRequest.enable_gfpgan else jobRequest.gfpgan_strength
if not jobRequest.enable_generate:
# If not generating, check if we're upscaling or running gfpgan
if not upscale and not gfpgan_strength:
# Invalid settings (TODO: Add message to help user)
raise CanceledException()
image = Image.open(initimgfile)
# TODO: support progress for upscale?
image_list = [[image,0]],
upscale = upscale,
strength = gfpgan_strength,
save_original = False,
image_callback = lambda image, seed, upscaled=False: self.__on_image_result(jobRequest, image, seed, upscaled))
# Generating - run the generation
init_img = None if (not jobRequest.enable_img2img or jobRequest.strength == 0) else initimgfile
prompt = jobRequest.prompt,
init_img = init_img, # TODO: ensure this works
strength = None if init_img is None else jobRequest.strength,
fit = None if init_img is None else jobRequest.fit,
iterations = jobRequest.iterations,
cfg_scale = jobRequest.cfg_scale,
width = jobRequest.width,
height = jobRequest.height,
seed = jobRequest.seed,
steps = jobRequest.steps,
variation_amount = jobRequest.variation_amount,
with_variations = jobRequest.with_variations,
gfpgan_strength = gfpgan_strength,
upscale = upscale,
sampler_name = jobRequest.sampler_name,
seamless = jobRequest.seamless,
embiggen = jobRequest.embiggen,
embiggen_tiles = jobRequest.embiggen_tiles,
step_callback = lambda sample, step: self.__on_progress(jobRequest, sample, step),
image_callback = lambda image, seed, upscaled=False: self.__on_image_result(jobRequest, image, seed, upscaled))
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except CanceledException:
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2022-09-16 20:35:34 +00:00
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# Remove the temp file
if (initimgfile is not None):