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import { a as Dc , b as W _ , S as U _ , c as G _ , d as K _ , e as o1 , f as q _ , i as s1 , g as vR , h as xR , j as bR , k as yR , l as X _ , m as CR , n as YC , o as Q _ , t as wR , p as SR , q as kR , r as jR , s as _R , u as IR , v as d , w as a , x as $x , y as qp , z as PR , A as ER , B as MR , C as OR , P as RR , D as Lx , E as DR , F as AR , G as TR , H as NR , I as Y _ , J as je , K as Nn , L as $R , M as LR , N as zR , O as Wt , Q as we , R as Ye , T as dn , U as He , V as vd , W as dr , X as In , Y as Un , Z as on , _ as fa , $ as oi , a0 as dt , a1 as Co , a2 as rc , a3 as pa , a4 as ma , a5 as ph , a6 as zx , a7 as xd , a8 as mn , a9 as FR , aa as H , ab as ZC , ac as BR , ad as Z _ , ae as a1 , af as bd , ag as Ac , ah as HR , ai as J _ , aj as eI , ak as tI , al as Ho , am as VR , an as le , ao as xe , ap as Ft , aq as W , ar as WR , as as JC , at as UR , au as GR , av as KR , aw as si , ax as te , ay as qR , az as ct , aA as Qt , aB as Ie , aC as L , aD as cr , aE as 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dv as iA , dw as lA , dx as cA , dy as uA , dz as dA , dA as fA , dB as Ku , dC as gw , dD as Xo , dE as kI , dF as pA , dG as nb , dH as mA , dI as vw , dJ as hA , dK as gA , dL as vA , dM as jI , dN as xA , dO as bA , dP as yA , dQ as CA , dR as wA , dS as SA , dT as kA , dU as _I , dV as jA , dW as _A , dX as xw , dY as IA , dZ as PA , d _ as EA , d$ as MA , e0 as OA , e1 as RA , e2 as DA , e3 as II , e4 as AA , e5 as TA , e6 as NA , e7 as bw , e8 as Qf , e9 as PI , ea as $A , eb as LA , ec as zA , ed as FA , ee as BA , ef as Vo , eg as HA , eh as VA , ei as WA , ej as UA , ek as GA , el as KA , em as qA , en as XA , eo as QA , ep as YA , eq as ZA , er as JA , es as eT , et as tT , eu as nT , ev as rT , ew as yw , ex as oT , ey as sT , ez as aT , eA as iT , eB as lT , eC as cT , eD as uT , eE as Cw , eF as ww , eG as EI , eH as dT , eI as zo , eJ as qu , eK as wr , eL as fT , eM as pT , eN as MI , eO as OI , eP as mT , eQ as Sw , eR as hT , eS as kw , eT as jw , eU as _w , eV as gT , eW as vT , eX as Iw , eY as Pw , eZ as xT , e _ as bT , e$ as Jp , f0 as yT , f1 as Ew , f2 as Mw , f3 as CT , f4 as wT , f5 as ST , f6 as RI , f7 as kT , f8 as jT , f9 as DI , fa as _T , fb as IT , fc as Ow , fd as PT , fe as Rw , ff as ET , fg as AI , fh as TI , fi as Sd , fj as NI , fk as Ei , fl as $I , fm as Dw , fn as MT , fo as OT , fp as LI , fq as RT , fr as DT , fs as AT , ft as TT , fu as NT , fv as rb , fw as g1 , fx as Aw , fy as tl , fz as $T , fA as LT , fB as zT , fC as zI , fD as ob , fE as FI , fF as sb , fG as BI , fH as FT , fI as Ys , fJ as BT , fK as HI , fL as HT , fM as ab , fN as VI , fO as VT , fP as WT , fQ as UT , fR as GT , fS as KT , fT as qT , fU as XT , fV as em , fW as Ou , fX as Ql , fY as QT , fZ as YT , f _ as ZT , f$ as JT , g0 as eN , g1 as tN , g2 as nN , g3 as rN , g4 as Tw , g5 as oN , g6 as sN , g7 as aN , g8 as iN , g9 as lN , ga as cN , gb as Nw , gc as uN , gd as dN , ge as fN , gf as pN , gg as mN , gh as hN , gi as gN , gj as $w , gk as vN , gl as xN , gm as bN , gn as yN
M$ { R . x } , $ { R . y } h$ { R . width } v$ { R . height } h$ { - R . width } z ` ,fill:u,fillRule:"evenodd",stroke:p,strokeWidth:m,pointerEvents:"none"})]})})}ZI.displayName="MiniMap";var g $ =d.memo(ZI),Wo;(function(e){e.Lines="lines",e.Dots="dots",e.Cross="cross"})(Wo||(Wo={}));function v $ ({color:e,dimensions:t,lineWidth:n}){return a.jsx("path",{stroke:e,strokeWidth:n,d: ` M$ { t [ 0 ] / 2 } 0 V$ { t [ 1 ] } M0 $ { t [ 1 ] / 2 } H$ { t [ 0 ] } ` })}function x $ ({color:e,radius:t}){return a.jsx("circle",{cx:t,cy:t,r:t,fill:e})}const b $ ={[Wo.Dots]:"#91919a",[Wo.Lines]:"#eee",[Wo.Cross]:"#e2e2e2"},y $ ={[Wo.Dots]:1,[Wo.Lines]:1,[Wo.Cross]:6},C $ =e=>({transform:e.transform,patternId: ` pattern - $ { e . rfId } ` });function JI({id:e,variant:t=Wo.Dots,gap:n=20,size:r,lineWidth:o=1,offset:s=2,color:i,style:l,className:u}){const p=d.useRef(null),{transform:m,patternId:h}=qp(C $ ,Lx),g=i||b $ [t],x=r||y $ [t],y=t===Wo.Dots,b=t===Wo.Cross,w=Array.isArray(n)?n:[n,n],S=[w[0]*m[2]||1,w[1]*m[2]||1],j=x*m[2],_=b?[j,j]:S,E=y?[j/s,j/s]:[_[0]/s,_[1]/s];return a.jsxs("svg",{className: $ x(["react-flow__background",u]),style:{...l,position:"absolute",width:"100%",height:"100%",top:0,left:0},ref:p,"data-testid":"rf__background",children:[a.jsx("pattern",{id:h+e,x:m[0]%S[0],y:m[1]%S[1],width:S[0],height:S[1],patternUnits:"userSpaceOnUse",patternTransform: ` translate ( - $ { E [ 0 ] } , - $ { E [ 1 ] } ) ` ,children:y?a.jsx(x $ ,{color:g,radius:j/s}):a.jsx(v $ ,{dimensions:_,color:g,lineWidth:o})}),a.jsx("rect",{x:"0",y:"0",width:"100%",height:"100%",fill: ` url ( # $ { h + e } ) ` })]})}JI.displayName="Background";var w $ =d.memo(JI);const qw=(e,t,n)=>{S $ (n);const r=Y_(e,t);return e5[n].includes(r)},e5={">":[1],">=":[0,1],"=":[0],"<=":[-1,0],"<":[-1],"!=":[-1,1]},Xw=Object.keys(e5),S $ =e=>{if(typeof e!="string")throw new TypeError( ` Invalid operator type , expected string but got $ { typeof e } ` );if(Xw.indexOf(e)===-1)throw new Error( ` Invalid operator , expected one of $ { Xw . join ( "|" ) } ` )};function k $ (){return!!(typeof window<"u"&&window.document&&window.document.createElement)}var j $ =k $ ();const t5=1/60*1e3,_ $ =typeof performance<"u"?()=>performance.now():()=>Date.now(),n5=typeof window<"u"?e=>window.requestAnimationFrame(e):e=>setTimeout(()=>e(_ $ ()),t5);function I $ (e){let t=[],n=[],r=0,o=!1,s=!1;const i=new WeakSet,l={schedule:(u,p=!1,m=!1)=>{const h=m&&o,g=h?t:n;return p&&i.add(u),g.indexOf(u)===-1&&(g.push(u),h&&o&&(r=t.length)),u},cancel:u=>{const p=n.indexOf(u);p!==-1&&n.splice(p,1),i.delete(u)},process:u=>{if(o){s=!0;return}if(o=!0,[t,n]=[n,t],n.length=0,r=t.length,r)for(let p=0;p<r;p++){const m=t[p];m(u),i.has(m)&&(l.schedule(m),e())}o=!1,s&&(s=!1,l.process(u))}};return l}const P $ =40;let b1=!0,Xu=!1,y1=!1;const sc={delta:0,timestamp:0},jd=["read","update","preRender","render","postRender"],Ch=jd.reduce((e,t)=>(e[t]=I $ (()=>Xu=!0),e),{}),E $ =jd.reduce((e,t)=>{const n=Ch[t];return e[t]=(r,o=!1,s=!1)=>(Xu||R $ (),n.schedule(r,o,s)),e},{}),M $ =jd.reduce((e,t)=>(e[t]=Ch[t].cancel,e),{});jd.reduce((e,t)=>(e[t]=()=>Ch[t].process(sc),e),{});const O $ =e=>Ch[e].process(sc),r5=e=>{Xu=!1,sc.delta=b1?t5:Math.max(Math.min(e-sc.timestamp,P $ ),1),sc.timestamp=e,y1=!0,jd.forEach(O $ ),y1=!1,Xu&&(b1=!1,n5(r5))},R $ =()=>{Xu=!0,b1=!0,y1||n5(r5)},Qw=()=>sc;function wh(e){const{viewBox:t="0 0 24 24",d:n,displayName:r,defaultProps:o={}}=e,s=d.Children.toArray(e.path),i=je((l,u)=>a.jsx(Nn,{ref:u,viewBox:t,...o,...l,children:s.length?s:a.jsx("path",{fill:"currentColor",d:n})}));return i.displayName=r,i}function o5(e){const{theme:t}= $ R(),n=LR();return d.useMemo(()=>zR(t.direction,{...n,...e}),[e,t.direction,n])}var D $ =Object.defineProperty,A $ =(e,t,n)=>t in e?D $ (e,t,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:n}):e[t]=n,jn=(e,t,n)=>(A $ (e,typeof t!="symbol"?t+"":t,n),n);function Yw(e){return e.sort((t,n)=>{const r=t.compareDocumentPosition(n);if(r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING||r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY)return-1;if(r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING||r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS)return 1;if(r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED||r&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC)throw Error("Cannot sort the given nodes.");return 0})}var T $ =e=>typeof e=="object"&&"nodeType"i
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2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
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In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function vP(e,t){if(e){if(typeof e=="string")return G1(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);if(n==="Object"&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),n==="Map"||n==="Set")return Array.from(e);if(n==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(n))return G1(e,t)}}function G1(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function fU(e,t){var n=e==null?null:typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(n!=null){var r=[],o=!0,s=!1,i,l;try{for(n=n.call(e);!(o=(i=n.next()).done)&&(r.push(i.value),!(t&&r.length===t));o=!0);}catch(u){s=!0,l=u}finally{try{!o&&n.return!=null&&n.return()}finally{if(s)throw l}}return r}}function pU(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}var mU="file-invalid-type",hU="file-too-large",gU="file-too-small",vU="too-many-files",xU=function(t){t=Array.isArray(t)&&t.length===1?t[0]:t;var n=Array.isArray(t)?"one of ".concat(t.join(", ")):t;return{code:mU,message:"File type must be ".concat(n)}},HS=function(t){return{code:hU,message:"File is larger than ".concat(t," ").concat(t===1?"byte":"bytes")}},VS=function(t){return{code:gU,message:"File is smaller than ".concat(t," ").concat(t===1?"byte":"bytes")}},bU={code:vU,message:"Too many files"};function xP(e,t){var n=e.type==="application/x-moz-file"||iU(e,t);return[n,n?null:xU(t)]}function bP(e,t,n){if(Ii(e.size))if(Ii(t)&&Ii(n)){if(e.size>n)return[!1,HS(n)];if(e.size<t)return[!1,VS(t)]}else{if(Ii(t)&&e.size<t)return[!1,VS(t)];if(Ii(n)&&e.size>n)return[!1,HS(n)]}return[!0,null]}function Ii(e){return e!=null}function yU(e){var t=e.files,n=e.accept,r=e.minSize,o=e.maxSize,s=e.multiple,i=e.maxFiles,l=e.validator;return!s&&t.length>1||s&&i>=1&&t.length>i?!1:t.every(function(u){var p=xP(u,n),m=rd(p,1),h=m[0],g=bP(u,r,o),x=rd(g,1),y=x[0],b=l?l(u):null;return h&&y&&!b})}function dm(e){return typeof e.isPropagationStopped=="function"?e.isPropagationStopped():typeof e.cancelBubble<"u"?e.cancelBubble:!1}function sp(e){return e.dataTransfer?Array.prototype.some.call(e.dataTransfer.types,function(t){return t==="Files"||t==="application/x-moz-file"}):!!e.target&&!!e.target.files}function WS(e){e.preventDefault()}function CU(e){return e.indexOf("MSIE")!==-1||e.indexOf("Trident/")!==-1}function wU(e){return e.indexOf("Edge/")!==-1}function SU(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:window.navigator.userAgent;return CU(e)||wU(e)}function ps(){for(var e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),n=0;n<e;n++)t[n]=arguments[n];return function(r){for(var o=arguments.length,s=new Array(o>1?o-1:0),i=1;i<o;i++)s[i-1]=arguments[i];return t.some(function(l){return!dm(r)&&l&&l.apply(void 0,[r].concat(s)),dm(r)})}}function kU(){return"showOpenFilePicker"in window}function jU(e){if(Ii(e)){var t=Object.entries(e).filter(function(n){var r=rd(n,2),o=r[0],s=r[1],i=!0;return yP(o)||(console.warn('Skipped "'.concat(o,'" because it is not a valid MIME type. Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types for a list of valid MIME types.')),i=!1),(!Array.isArray(s)||!s.every(CP))&&(console.warn('Skipped "'.concat(o,'" because an invalid file extension was provided.')),i=!1),i}).reduce(function(n,r){var o=rd(r,2),s=o[0],i=o[1];return BS(BS({},n),{},gP({},s,i))},{});return[{description:"Files",accept:t}]}return e}function _U(e){if(Ii(e))return Object.entries(e).reduce(function(t,n){var r=rd(n,2),o=r[0],s=r[1];return[].concat(zS(t),[o],zS(s))},[]).filter(function(t){return yP(t)||CP(t)}).join(",")}function IU(e){return e instanceof DOMException&&(e.name==="AbortError"||e.code===e.ABORT_ERR)}function PU(e){return e instanceof DOMException&&(e.name==="SecurityError"||e.code===e.SECURITY_ERR)}function yP(e){return e==="audio/*"||e==="video/*"||e==="image/*"||e==="text/*"||/ \w + \/ [-+. \w ]+/g.test(e)}function CP(e){return/^.* \. [ \w ]+ $ /.test(e)}var EU=["children"],MU=["open"],OU=["refKey","role","onKeyDown","onFocus","onBlur","onClick","onDragEnter","onDragOver","onDragLeave","onDr
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function TU(e){if(typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]!=null||e["@@iterator"]!=null)return Array.from(e)}function NU(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return K1(e)}function Cv(e,t){return zU(e)||LU(e,t)||wP(e,t)|| $ U()}function $ U(){throw new TypeError( ` Invalid attempt to destructure non - iterable instance .
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function wP(e,t){if(e){if(typeof e=="string")return K1(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);if(n==="Object"&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),n==="Map"||n==="Set")return Array.from(e);if(n==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(n))return K1(e,t)}}function K1(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function LU(e,t){var n=e==null?null:typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(n!=null){var r=[],o=!0,s=!1,i,l;try{for(n=n.call(e);!(o=(i=n.next()).done)&&(r.push(i.value),!(t&&r.length===t));o=!0);}catch(u){s=!0,l=u}finally{try{!o&&n.return!=null&&n.return()}finally{if(s)throw l}}return r}}function zU(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}function US(e,t){var n=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var r=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(r=r.filter(function(o){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,o).enumerable})),n.push.apply(n,r)}return n}function bn(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t]!=null?arguments[t]:{};t%2?US(Object(n),!0).forEach(function(r){q1(e,r,n[r])}):Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors?Object.defineProperties(e,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)):US(Object(n)).forEach(function(r){Object.defineProperty(e,r,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n,r))})}return e}function q1(e,t,n){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:n,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=n,e}function fm(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n=FU(e,t),r,o;if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var s=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(o=0;o<s.length;o++)r=s[o],!(t.indexOf(r)>=0)&&Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,r)&&(n[r]=e[r])}return n}function FU(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n={},r=Object.keys(e),o,s;for(s=0;s<r.length;s++)o=r[s],!(t.indexOf(o)>=0)&&(n[o]=e[o]);return n}var Xb=d.forwardRef(function(e,t){var n=e.children,r=fm(e,EU),o=Qb(r),s=o.open,i=fm(o,MU);return d.useImperativeHandle(t,function(){return{open:s}},[s]),H.createElement(d.Fragment,null,n(bn(bn({},i),{},{open:s})))});Xb.displayName="Dropzone";var SP={disabled:!1,getFilesFromEvent:ZW,maxSize:1/0,minSize:0,multiple:!0,maxFiles:0,preventDropOnDocument:!0,noClick:!1,noKeyboard:!1,noDrag:!1,noDragEventsBubbling:!1,validator:null,useFsAccessApi:!0,autoFocus:!1};Xb.defaultProps=SP;Xb.propTypes={children:Jt.func,accept:Jt.objectOf(Jt.arrayOf(Jt.string)),multiple:Jt.bool,preventDropOnDocument:Jt.bool,noClick:Jt.bool,noKeyboard:Jt.bool,noDrag:Jt.bool,noDragEventsBubbling:Jt.bool,minSize:Jt.number,maxSize:Jt.number,maxFiles:Jt.number,disabled:Jt.bool,getFilesFromEvent:Jt.func,onFileDialogCancel:Jt.func,onFileDialogOpen:Jt.func,useFsAccessApi:Jt.bool,autoFocus:Jt.bool,onDragEnter:Jt.func,onDragLeave:Jt.func,onDragOver:Jt.func,onDrop:Jt.func,onDropAccepted:Jt.func,onDropRejected:Jt.func,onError:Jt.func,validator:Jt.func};var X1={isFocused:!1,isFileDialogActive:!1,isDragActive:!1,isDragAccept:!1,isDragReject:!1,acceptedFiles:[],fileRejections:[]};function Qb(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},t=bn(bn({},SP),e),n=t.accept,r=t.disabled,o=t.getFilesFromEvent,s=t.maxSize,i=t.minSize,l=t.multiple,u=t.maxFiles,p=t.onDragEnter,m=t.onDragLeave,h=t.onDragOver,g=t.onDrop,x=t.onDropAccepted,y=t.onDropRejected,b=t.onFileDialogCancel,w=t.onFileDialogOpen,S=t.useFsAccessApi,j=t.autoFocus,_=t.preventDropOnDocument,E=t.noClick,I=t.noKeyboard,M=t.noDrag,R=t.noDragEventsBubbling,D=t.onError,A=t.validator,O=d.useMemo(function(){return _U(n)},[n]),T=d.useMemo(function(){return jU(n)},[n]),X=d.useMemo(function(){return typeof w=="function"?w:GS},[w]),B=d.useMemo(function(){return typeof b=="function"?b:GS},[b]),V=d.useRef(null),U=d.useRef(null),N=d.useReducer(BU,X1), $ =Cv(N,2),q= $ [0],F= $ [1],Q=q.isFocused,Y=q.isFileDialogActive,se=d.useRef(typeof window<"u"&&window.isSecureContext&&S&&kU()),ae=function(){!se.current&&Y&&setTimeout(function(){if(U.current){var De=U.current.files;De.length||(F({type:"closeDialog"}),B())}},300)};d.useEffect(function
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2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
* OverlayScrollbars
* Version : 2.2 . 1
* Copyright ( c ) Rene Haas | KingSora .
* https : //github.com/KingSora
* Released under the MIT license .
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
* /function zt(e,t){if(dg(e))for(let n=0;n<e.length&&t(e[n],n,e)!==!1;n++);else e&&zt(Object.keys(e),n=>t(e[n],n,e));return e}function ur(e,t){const n=ci(t);if(ts(t)||n){let o=n?"":{};if(e){const s=window.getComputedStyle(e,null);o=n?nj(e,s,t):t.reduce((i,l)=>(i[l]=nj(e,s,l),i),o)}return o}e&&zt(ro(t),o=>Qee(e,o,t[o]))}const Fo=(e,t)=>{const{o:n,u:r,_:o}=e;let s=n,i;const l=(m,h)=>{const g=s,x=m,y=h||(r?!r(g,x):g!==x);return(y||o)&&(s=x,i=g),[s,y,i]};return[t?m=>l(t(s,i),m):l,m=>[s,!!m,i]]},Gd=()=>typeof window<"u",jM=Gd()&&Node.ELEMENT_NODE,{toString:Tee,hasOwnProperty:Rv}=Object.prototype,Ca=e=>e===void 0,ug=e=>e===null,Nee=e=>Ca(e)||ug(e)?`${e}`:Tee.call(e).replace(/ ^ \ [ object ( . + ) \ ] $ / , "$1" ) . toLowerCase ( ) , Xa = e => typeof e == "number" , ci = e => typeof e == "string" , my = e => typeof e == "boolean" , es = e => typeof e == "function" , ts = e => Array . isArray ( e ) , ad = e => typeof e == "object" && ! ts ( e ) && ! ug ( e ) , dg = e => { const t = ! ! e && e . length , n = Xa ( t ) && t > - 1 && t % 1 == 0 ; return ts ( e ) || ! es ( e ) && n ? t > 0 && ad ( e ) ? t - 1 in e : ! 0 : ! 1 } , lx = e => { if ( ! e || ! ad ( e ) || Nee ( e ) !== "object" ) return ! 1 ; let t ; const n = "constructor" , r = e [ n ] , o = r && r . prototype , s = Rv . call ( e , n ) , i = o && Rv . call ( o , "isPrototypeOf" ) ; if ( r && ! s && ! i ) return ! 1 ; for ( t in e ) ; return Ca ( t ) || Rv . call ( e , t ) } , Zm = e => { const t = HTMLElement ; return e ? t ? e instanceof t : e . nodeType === jM : ! 1 } , fg = e => { const t = Element ; return e ? t ? e instanceof t : e . nodeType === jM : ! 1 } , hy = ( e , t , n ) => e . indexOf ( t , n ) , Xt = ( e , t , n ) => ( ! n && ! ci ( t ) && dg ( t ) ? Array . prototype . push . apply ( e , t ) : e . push ( t ) , e ) , Zi = e => { const t = Array . from , n = [ ] ; return t && e ? t ( e ) : ( e instanceof Set ? e . forEach ( r => { Xt ( n , r ) } ) : zt ( e , r => { Xt ( n , r ) } ) , n ) } , gy = e => ! ! e && e . length === 0 , As = ( e , t , n ) => { zt ( e , o => o && o . apply ( void 0 , t || [ ] ) ) , ! n && ( e . length = 0 ) } , pg = ( e , t ) => Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e , t ) , ro = e => e ? Object . keys ( e ) : [ ] , Cn = ( e , t , n , r , o , s , i ) => { const l = [ t , n , r , o , s , i ] ; return ( typeof e != "object" || ug ( e ) ) && ! es ( e ) && ( e = { } ) , zt ( l , u => { zt ( ro ( u ) , p => { const m = u [ p ] ; if ( e === m ) return ! 0 ; const h = ts ( m ) ; if ( m && ( lx ( m ) || h ) ) { const g = e [ p ] ; let x = g ; h && ! ts ( g ) ? x = [ ] : ! h && ! lx ( g ) && ( x = { } ) , e [ p ] = Cn ( x , m ) } else e [ p ] = m } ) } ) , e } , vy = e => { for ( const t in e ) return ! 1 ; return ! 0 } , _M = ( e , t , n , r ) => { if ( Ca ( r ) ) return n ? n [ e ] : t ; n && ( ci ( r ) || Xa ( r ) ) && ( n [ e ] = r ) } , lr = ( e , t , n ) => { if ( Ca ( n ) ) return e ? e . getAttribute ( t ) : null ; e && e . setAttribute ( t , n ) } , Mr = ( e , t ) => { e && e . removeAttribute ( t ) } , $i = ( e , t , n , r ) => { if ( n ) { const o = lr ( e , t ) || "" , s = new Set ( o . split ( " " ) ) ; s [ r ? "add" : "delete" ] ( n ) ; const i = Zi ( s ) . join ( " " ) . trim ( ) ; lr ( e , t , i ) } } , $ee = ( e , t , n ) => { const r = lr ( e , t ) || "" ; return new Set ( r . split ( " " ) ) . has ( n ) } , Ko = ( e , t ) => _M ( "scrollLeft" , 0 , e , t ) , na = ( e , t ) => _M ( "scrollTop" , 0 , e , t ) , cx = Gd ( ) && Element . prototype , IM = ( e , t ) => { const n = [ ] , r = t ? fg ( t ) ? t : null : document ; return r ? Xt ( n , r . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) : n } , Lee = ( e , t ) => { const n = t ? fg ( t ) ? t : null : document ; return n ? n . querySelector ( e ) : null } , Jm = ( e , t ) => fg ( e ) ? ( cx . matches || cx . msMatchesSelector ) . call ( e , t ) : ! 1 , xy = e => e ? Zi ( e . childNodes ) : [ ] , la = e => e ? e . parentElement : null , Jl = ( e , t ) => { if ( fg ( e ) ) { const n = cx . closest ; if ( n ) return n . call ( e , t ) ; do { if ( Jm ( e , t ) ) return e ; e = la ( e ) } while ( e ) } return null } , zee = ( e , t , n ) => { const r = e && Jl ( e , t ) , o = e && Lee ( n , r ) , s = Jl ( o , t ) === r ; return r && o ? r === e || o === e || s && Jl ( Jl ( e , n ) , t ) !== r : ! 1 } , by = ( e , t , n ) => { if ( n && e ) { let r = t , o ; dg ( n ) ? ( o = document . createDocumentFragment ( ) , zt ( n , s => { s === r && ( r = s . previousSibling ) , o . appendChild ( s ) } ) ) : o = n , t && ( r ? r !== t && ( r = r . nextSibling ) : r = e . firstChild ) , e . insertBefore ( o , r || null ) } } , xo = ( e , t ) => { by ( e , null , t ) } , Fee = ( e , t ) => { by ( la ( e ) , e , t ) } , Jk = ( e , t ) => { by ( la ( e ) , e && e . nextSibling , t ) } , js = e => { if ( dg ( e ) ) zt ( Zi ( e ) , t => js ( t ) ) ; else if ( e ) { const t = la ( e ) ; t && t . removeChild ( e ) } } , Li = e => { const t = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; return e && lr ( t , "class" , e ) , t } , PM = e => { const t = Li ( ) ; return t . innerHTML = e . trim ( ) , zt ( xy ( t ) , n => js ( n ) ) } , ux = e => e . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + e . slice ( 1 ) , Bee = ( ) => Li ( ) . style , Hee = [ "-webkit-" , "-moz-" , "-o-" , "-ms-" ] , Vee = [ "WebKit" , "Moz" , "O" , "MS" , "webkit" , "moz" , "o" , "ms" ] , Dv = { } , Av = { } , Wee = e => { let t = Av [ e ] ; if ( pg ( Av , e ) ) return t ; const n = ux ( e ) , r = Bee ( ) ; return zt ( Hee , o => { const s = o . replace ( /-/g , "" ) ; return ! ( t = [ e , o + e , s + n , ux ( s ) + n ] . find ( l => r [ l ] !== void 0 ) ) } ) , Av [ e ] = t || "" } , Kd = e => { if ( Gd ( ) ) { let t = Dv [ e ] || window [ e ] ; return pg ( Dv , e ) || ( zt ( Vee , n => ( t = t || window [ n + ux ( e ) ] , ! t ) ) , Dv [ e ] = t ) , t } } , Uee = Kd ( "MutationObserver" ) , ej = Kd ( "IntersectionObserver" ) , ec = Kd ( "ResizeObserver" ) , EM = Kd ( " cancel
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
* @ license React
* react - reconciler . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
* /var wge=function(t){var n={},r=d,o=Tp,s=Object.assign;function i(c){for(var f="https:/ / reactjs . org / docs / error - decoder . html ? invariant = "+c,v=1;v<arguments.length;v++)f+=" & args [ ] = "+encodeURIComponent(arguments[v]);return" Minified React error # "+c+" ; visit "+f+" for the full message or use the non - minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings . "}var l=r.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED,u=Symbol.for(" react . element "),p=Symbol.for(" react . portal "),m=Symbol.for(" react . fragment "),h=Symbol.for(" react . strict _mode "),g=Symbol.for(" react . profiler "),x=Symbol.for(" react . provider "),y=Symbol.for(" react . context "),b=Symbol.for(" react . forward _ref "),w=Symbol.for(" react . suspense "),S=Symbol.for(" react . suspense _list "),j=Symbol.for(" react . memo "),_=Symbol.for(" react . lazy "),E=Symbol.for(" react . offscreen "),I=Symbol.iterator;function M(c){return c===null||typeof c!=" object "?null:(c=I&&c[I]||c[" @ @ iterator "],typeof c==" function "?c:null)}function R(c){if(c==null)return null;if(typeof c==" function ")return c.displayName||c.name||null;if(typeof c==" string ")return c;switch(c){case m:return" Fragment ";case p:return" Portal ";case g:return" Profiler ";case h:return" StrictMode ";case w:return" Suspense ";case S:return" SuspenseList "}if(typeof c==" object ")switch(c.$$typeof){case y:return(c.displayName||" Context ")+" . Consumer ";case x:return(c._context.displayName||" Context ")+" . Provider ";case b:var f=c.render;return c=c.displayName,c||(c=f.displayName||f.name||" ",c=c!==" "?" ForwardRef ( "+c+" ) ":" ForwardRef "),c;case j:return f=c.displayName||null,f!==null?f:R(c.type)||" Memo ";case _:f=c._payload,c=c._init;try{return R(c(f))}catch{}}return null}function D(c){var f=c.type;switch(c.tag){case 24:return" Cache ";case 9:return(f.displayName||" Context ")+" . Consumer ";case 10:return(f._context.displayName||" Context ")+" . Provider ";case 18:return" DehydratedFragment ";case 11:return c=f.render,c=c.displayName||c.name||" ",f.displayName||(c!==" "?" ForwardRef ( "+c+" ) ":" ForwardRef ");case 7:return" Fragment ";case 5:return f;case 4:return" Portal ";case 3:return" Root ";case 6:return" Text ";case 16:return R(f);case 8:return f===h?" StrictMode ":" Mode ";case 22:return" Offscreen ";case 12:return" Profiler ";case 21:return" Scope ";case 13:return" Suspense ";case 19:return" SuspenseList ";case 25:return" TracingMarker ";case 1:case 0:case 17:case 2:case 14:case 15:if(typeof f==" function ")return f.displayName||f.name||null;if(typeof f==" string " ) return f } return null } function A ( c ) { var f = c , v = c ; if ( c . alternate ) for ( ; f . return ; ) f = f . return ; else { c = f ; do f = c , f . flags & 4098 && ( v = f . return ) , c = f . return ; while ( c ) } return f . tag === 3 ? v : null } function O ( c ) { if ( A ( c ) !== c ) throw Error ( i ( 188 ) ) } function T ( c ) { var f = c . alternate ; if ( ! f ) { if ( f = A ( c ) , f === null ) throw Error ( i ( 188 ) ) ; return f !== c ? null : c } for ( var v = c , C = f ; ; ) { var k = v . return ; if ( k === null ) break ; var P = k . alternate ; if ( P === null ) { if ( C = k . return , C !== null ) { v = C ; continue } break } if ( k . child === P . child ) { for ( P = k . child ; P ; ) { if ( P === v ) return O ( k ) , c ; if ( P === C ) return O ( k ) , f ; P = P . sibling } throw Error ( i ( 188 ) ) } if ( v . return !== C . return ) v = k , C = P ; else { for ( var z = ! 1 , ne = k . child ; ne ; ) { if ( ne === v ) { z = ! 0 , v = k , C = P ; break } if ( ne === C ) { z = ! 0 , C = k , v = P ; break } ne = ne . sibling } if ( ! z ) { for ( ne = P . child ; ne ; ) { if ( ne === v ) { z = ! 0 , v = P , C = k ; break } if ( ne === C ) { z = ! 0 , C = P , v = k ; break } ne = ne . sibling } if ( ! z ) throw Error ( i ( 189 ) ) } } if ( v . alternate !== C ) throw Error ( i ( 190 ) ) } if ( v . tag !== 3 ) throw Error ( i ( 188 ) ) ; return v . stateNode . current === v ? c : f } function X ( c ) { return c = T ( c ) , c !== null ? B ( c ) : null } function B ( c ) { if ( c . tag === 5 || c . tag === 6 ) return c ; for ( c = c . child ; c !== null ; ) { var f = B ( c ) ; if ( f !== null ) return f ; c = c . sibling } return null } function V ( c ) { if ( c . tag === 5 || c . tag === 6 ) return c ; for ( c = c . child ; c !== null ; ) { if ( c . tag !== 4 ) { var f = V ( c ) ; if ( f !== null ) return f } c = c . sibling } return null } var U = Array . isArray , N = t . getPublicInstance , $ = t . getRootHostContext , q = t . getChildHostContext , F = t . prepareForCommit , Q = t . resetAfterCommit , Y = t . createInstance , se = t . appendInitialChild , ae = t . finalizeInitialChildren , re = t . prepareUpdate , G = t . shouldSetTextContent , K = t . createTextInstance , ee = t . scheduleTimeout , ce = t . cancelTimeout , J = t . noTimeout , ie = t . isPrimaryRenderer , de = t . supportsMutation , ge = t . supportsPersistence , Ce = t . supportsHydrat
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
` +Zc+c}var Jc=!1;function eu(c,f){if(!c||Jc)return"";Jc=!0;var v=Error.prepareStackTrace;Error.prepareStackTrace=void 0;try{if(f)if(f=function(){throw Error()},Object.defineProperty(f.prototype,"props",{set:function(){throw Error()}}),typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect.construct){try{Reflect.construct(f,[])}catch(Ee){var C=Ee}Reflect.construct(c,[],f)}else{try{f.call()}catch(Ee){C=Ee}c.call(f.prototype)}else{try{throw Error()}catch(Ee){C=Ee}c()}}catch(Ee){if(Ee&&C&&typeof Ee.stack=="string"){for(var k=Ee.stack.split( `
` ),P=C.stack.split( `
` ),z=k.length-1,ne=P.length-1;1<=z&&0<=ne&&k[z]!==P[ne];)ne--;for(;1<=z&&0<=ne;z--,ne--)if(k[z]!==P[ne]){if(z!==1||ne!==1)do if(z--,ne--,0>ne||k[z]!==P[ne]){var pe= `
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
` +k[z].replace(" at new "," at ");return c.displayName&&pe.includes("<anonymous>")&&(pe=pe.replace("<anonymous>",c.displayName)),pe}while(1<=z&&0<=ne);break}}}finally{Jc=!1,Error.prepareStackTrace=v}return(c=c?c.displayName||c.name:"")?hi(c):""}var Bg=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,_a=[],rt=-1;function Mt(c){return{current:c}}function kt(c){0>rt||(c.current=_a[rt],_a[rt]=null,rt--)}function Ot(c,f){rt++,_a[rt]=c.current,c.current=f}var rr={},rn=Mt(rr),An=Mt(!1),gr=rr;function vl(c,f){var v=c.type.contextTypes;if(!v)return rr;var C=c.stateNode;if(C&&C.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext===f)return C.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;var k={},P;for(P in v)k[P]=f[P];return C&&(c=c.stateNode,c.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext=f,c.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext=k),k}function jr(c){return c=c.childContextTypes,c!=null}function nf(){kt(An),kt(rn)}function h2(c,f,v){if(rn.current!==rr)throw Error(i(168));Ot(rn,f),Ot(An,v)}function g2(c,f,v){var C=c.stateNode;if(f=f.childContextTypes,typeof C.getChildContext!="function")return v;C=C.getChildContext();for(var k in C)if(!(k in f))throw Error(i(108,D(c)||"Unknown",k));return s({},v,C)}function rf(c){return c=(c=c.stateNode)&&c.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext||rr,gr=rn.current,Ot(rn,c),Ot(An,An.current),!0}function v2(c,f,v){var C=c.stateNode;if(!C)throw Error(i(169));v?(c=g2(c,f,gr),C.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext=c,kt(An),kt(rn),Ot(rn,c)):kt(An),Ot(An,v)}var Oo=Math.clz32?Math.clz32:P7,_7=Math.log,I7=Math.LN2;function P7(c){return c>>>=0,c===0?32:31-(_7(c)/I7|0)|0}var of=64,sf=4194304;function tu(c){switch(c&-c){case 1:return 1;case 2:return 2;case 4:return 4;case 8:return 8;case 16:return 16;case 32:return 32;case 64:case 128:case 256:case 512:case 1024:case 2048:case 4096:case 8192:case 16384:case 32768:case 65536:case 131072:case 262144:case 524288:case 1048576:case 2097152:return c&4194240;case 4194304:case 8388608:case 16777216:case 33554432:case 67108864:return c&130023424;case 134217728:return 134217728;case 268435456:return 268435456;case 536870912:return 536870912;case 1073741824:return 1073741824;default:return c}}function af(c,f){var v=c.pendingLanes;if(v===0)return 0;var C=0,k=c.suspendedLanes,P=c.pingedLanes,z=v&268435455;if(z!==0){var ne=z&~k;ne!==0?C=tu(ne):(P&=z,P!==0&&(C=tu(P)))}else z=v&~k,z!==0?C=tu(z):P!==0&&(C=tu(P));if(C===0)return 0;if(f!==0&&f!==C&&!(f&k)&&(k=C&-C,P=f&-f,k>=P||k===16&&(P&4194240)!==0))return f;if(C&4&&(C|=v&16),f=c.entangledLanes,f!==0)for(c=c.entanglements,f&=C;0<f;)v=31-Oo(f),k=1<<v,C|=c[v],f&=~k;return C}function E7(c,f){switch(c){case 1:case 2:case 4:return f+250;case 8:case 16:case 32:case 64:case 128:case 256:case 512:case 1024:case 2048:case 4096:case 8192:case 16384:case 32768:case 65536:case 131072:case 262144:case 524288:case 1048576:case 2097152:return f+5e3;case 4194304:case 8388608:case 16777216:case 33554432:case 67108864:return-1;case 134217728:case 268435456:case 536870912:case 1073741824:return-1;default:return-1}}function M7(c,f){for(var v=c.suspendedLanes,C=c.pingedLanes,k=c.expirationTimes,P=c.pendingLanes;0<P;){var z=31-Oo(P),ne=1<<z,pe=k[z];pe===-1?(!(ne&v)||ne&C)&&(k[z]=E7(ne,f)):pe<=f&&(c.expiredLanes|=ne),P&=~ne}}function Hg(c){return c=c.pendingLanes&-1073741825,c!==0?c:c&1073741824?1073741824:0}function x2(){var c=of;return of<<=1,!(of&4194240)&&(of=64),c}function Vg(c){for(var f=[],v=0;31>v;v++)f.push(c);return f}function nu(c,f,v){c.pendingLanes|=f,f!==536870912&&(c.suspendedLanes=0,c.pingedLanes=0),c=c.eventTimes,f=31-Oo(f),c[f]=v}function O7(c,f){var v=c.pendingLanes&~f;c.pendingLanes=f,c.suspendedLanes=0,c.pingedLanes=0,c.expiredLanes&=f,c.mutableReadLanes&=f,c.entangledLanes&=f,f=c.entanglements;var C=c.eventTimes;for(c=c.expirationTimes;0<v;){var k=31-Oo(v),P=1<<k;f[k]=0,C[k]=-1,c[k]=-1,v&=~P}}function Wg(c,f){var v=c.entangledLanes|=f;for(c=c.entanglements;v;){var C=31-Oo(v),k=1<<C;k&f|c[C]&f&&(c[C]|=f),v&=~k}}var Nt=0;function b2(c){return c&=-c,1<c?4<c?c&268435455?16:536870912:4:1}var Ug=o.unstable_scheduleCallback,y2=o.unstable_cancelCallback,
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
Error generating stack : ` +P.message+ `
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
` +P.stack}return{value:c,source:f,stack:k,digest:null}}function y0(c,f,v){return{value:c,source:null,stack:v??null,digest:f??null}}function C0(c,f){try{console.error(f.value)}catch(v){setTimeout(function(){throw v})}}var q7=typeof WeakMap=="function"?WeakMap:Map;function iC(c,f,v){v=Hs(-1,v),v.tag=3,v.payload={element:null};var C=f.value;return v.callback=function(){zf||(zf=!0,B0=C),C0(c,f)},v}function lC(c,f,v){v=Hs(-1,v),v.tag=3;var C=c.type.getDerivedStateFromError;if(typeof C=="function"){var k=f.value;v.payload=function(){return C(k)},v.callback=function(){C0(c,f)}}var P=c.stateNode;return P!==null&&typeof P.componentDidCatch=="function"&&(v.callback=function(){C0(c,f),typeof C!="function"&&(Ea===null?Ea=new Set([this]):Ea.add(this));var z=f.stack;this.componentDidCatch(f.value,{componentStack:z!==null?z:""})}),v}function cC(c,f,v){var C=c.pingCache;if(C===null){C=c.pingCache=new q7;var k=new Set;C.set(f,k)}else k=C.get(f),k===void 0&&(k=new Set,C.set(f,k));k.has(v)||(k.add(v),c=lR.bind(null,c,f,v),f.then(c,c))}function uC(c){do{var f;if((f=c.tag===13)&&(f=c.memoizedState,f=f!==null?f.dehydrated!==null:!0),f)return c;c=c.return}while(c!==null);return null}function dC(c,f,v,C,k){return c.mode&1?(c.flags|=65536,c.lanes=k,c):(c===f?c.flags|=65536:(c.flags|=128,v.flags|=131072,v.flags&=-52805,v.tag===1&&(v.alternate===null?v.tag=17:(f=Hs(-1,1),f.tag=2,Pa(v,f,1))),v.lanes|=1),c)}var X7=l.ReactCurrentOwner,_r=!1;function vr(c,f,v,C){f.child=c===null?L2(f,null,v,C):Sl(f,c.child,v,C)}function fC(c,f,v,C,k){v=v.render;var P=f.ref;return wl(f,k),C=m0(c,f,v,C,P,k),v=h0(),c!==null&&!_r?(f.updateQueue=c.updateQueue,f.flags&=-2053,c.lanes&=~k,Vs(c,f,k)):(cn&&v&&Xg(f),f.flags|=1,vr(c,f,C,k),f.child)}function pC(c,f,v,C,k){if(c===null){var P=v.type;return typeof P=="function"&&!K0(P)&&P.defaultProps===void 0&&v.compare===null&&v.defaultProps===void 0?(f.tag=15,f.type=P,mC(c,f,P,C,k)):(c=Uf(v.type,null,C,f,f.mode,k),c.ref=f.ref,c.return=f,f.child=c)}if(P=c.child,!(c.lanes&k)){var z=P.memoizedProps;if(v=v.compare,v=v!==null?v:pf,v(z,C)&&c.ref===f.ref)return Vs(c,f,k)}return f.flags|=1,c=Da(P,C),c.ref=f.ref,c.return=f,f.child=c}function mC(c,f,v,C,k){if(c!==null){var P=c.memoizedProps;if(pf(P,C)&&c.ref===f.ref)if(_r=!1,f.pendingProps=C=P,(c.lanes&k)!==0)c.flags&131072&&(_r=!0);else return f.lanes=c.lanes,Vs(c,f,k)}return w0(c,f,v,C,k)}function hC(c,f,v){var C=f.pendingProps,k=C.children,P=c!==null?c.memoizedState:null;if(C.mode==="hidden")if(!(f.mode&1))f.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},Ot(Pl,Gr),Gr|=v;else{if(!(v&1073741824))return c=P!==null?P.baseLanes|v:v,f.lanes=f.childLanes=1073741824,f.memoizedState={baseLanes:c,cachePool:null,transitions:null},f.updateQueue=null,Ot(Pl,Gr),Gr|=c,null;f.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},C=P!==null?P.baseLanes:v,Ot(Pl,Gr),Gr|=C}else P!==null?(C=P.baseLanes|v,f.memoizedState=null):C=v,Ot(Pl,Gr),Gr|=C;return vr(c,f,k,v),f.child}function gC(c,f){var v=f.ref;(c===null&&v!==null||c!==null&&c.ref!==v)&&(f.flags|=512,f.flags|=2097152)}function w0(c,f,v,C,k){var P=jr(v)?gr:rn.current;return P=vl(f,P),wl(f,k),v=m0(c,f,v,C,P,k),C=h0(),c!==null&&!_r?(f.updateQueue=c.updateQueue,f.flags&=-2053,c.lanes&=~k,Vs(c,f,k)):(cn&&C&&Xg(f),f.flags|=1,vr(c,f,v,k),f.child)}function vC(c,f,v,C,k){if(jr(v)){var P=!0;rf(f)}else P=!1;if(wl(f,k),f.stateNode===null)If(c,f),A2(f,v,C),i0(f,v,C,k),C=!0;else if(c===null){var z=f.stateNode,ne=f.memoizedProps;z.props=ne;var pe=z.context,Ee=v.contextType;typeof Ee=="object"&&Ee!==null?Ee=lo(Ee):(Ee=jr(v)?gr:rn.current,Ee=vl(f,Ee));var qe=v.getDerivedStateFromProps,vt=typeof qe=="function"||typeof z.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate=="function";vt||typeof z.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps!="function"&&typeof z.componentWillReceiveProps!="function"||(ne!==C||pe!==Ee)&&T2(f,z,C,Ee),Ia=!1;var We=f.memoizedState;z.state=We,vf(f,C,z,k),pe=f.memoizedState,ne!==C||We!==pe||An.current||Ia?(typeof qe=="function"&&(a0(f,v,qe,C),pe=f.memoizedState),(ne=Ia||D2(f,v,ne,C,We,pe,Ee))?(vt||typeof z.UNSAFE_componentWillMount!="function"&&typeof z.component
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
` +(C.join(" > ")+ `
No matching component was found for :
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
` )+c.join(" > ")}return null},n.getPublicRootInstance=function(c){if(c=c.current,!c.child)return null;switch(c.child.tag){case 5:return N(c.child.stateNode);default:return c.child.stateNode}},n.injectIntoDevTools=function(c){if(c={bundleType:c.bundleType,version:c.version,rendererPackageName:c.rendererPackageName,rendererConfig:c.rendererConfig,overrideHookState:null,overrideHookStateDeletePath:null,overrideHookStateRenamePath:null,overrideProps:null,overridePropsDeletePath:null,overridePropsRenamePath:null,setErrorHandler:null,setSuspenseHandler:null,scheduleUpdate:null,currentDispatcherRef:l.ReactCurrentDispatcher,findHostInstanceByFiber:mR,findFiberByHostInstance:c.findFiberByHostInstance||hR,findHostInstancesForRefresh:null,scheduleRefresh:null,scheduleRoot:null,setRefreshHandler:null,getCurrentFiber:null,reconcilerVersion:"18.2.0"},typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__>"u")c=!1;else{var f=__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;if(f.isDisabled||!f.supportsFiber)c=!0;else{try{lf=f.inject(c),ss=f}catch{}c=!!f.checkDCE}}return c},n.isAlreadyRendering=function(){return!1},n.observeVisibleRects=function(c,f,v,C){if(! $ e)throw Error(i(363));c=N0(c,f);var k=bt(c,v,C).disconnect;return{disconnect:function(){k()}}},n.registerMutableSourceForHydration=function(c,f){var v=f._getVersion;v=v(f._source),c.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData==null?c.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData=[f,v]:c.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(f,v)},n.runWithPriority=function(c,f){var v=Nt;try{return Nt=c,f()}finally{Nt=v}},n.shouldError=function(){return null},n.shouldSuspend=function(){return!1},n.updateContainer=function(c,f,v,C){var k=f.current,P=ir(),z=Oa(k);return v=qC(v),f.context===null?f.context=v:f.pendingContext=v,f=Hs(P,z),f.payload={element:c},C=C===void 0?null:C,C!==null&&(f.callback=C),c=Pa(k,f,z),c!==null&&(fo(c,k,z,P),gf(c,k,z)),z},n};p7.exports=wge;var Sge=p7.exports;const kge=xd(Sge);var m7={exports:{}},pl={};/**
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
* @ license React
* react - reconciler - constants . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
* / p l . C o n c u r r e n t R o o t = 1 ; p l . C o n t i n u o u s E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 4 ; p l . D e f a u l t E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 1 6 ; p l . D i s c r e t e E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 1 ; p l . I d l e E v e n t P r i o r i t y = 5 3 6 8 7 0 9 1 2 ; p l . L e g a c y R o o t = 0 ; m 7 . e x p o r t s = p l ; v a r h 7 = m 7 . e x p o r t s ; c o n s t D _ = { c h i l d r e n : ! 0 , r e f : ! 0 , k e y : ! 0 , s t y l e : ! 0 , f o r w a r d e d R e f : ! 0 , u n s t a b l e _ a p p l y C a c h e : ! 0 , u n s t a b l e _ a p p l y D r a w H i t F r o m C a c h e : ! 0 } ; l e t A _ = ! 1 , T _ = ! 1 ; c o n s t f 2 = " . r e a c t - k o n v a - e v e n t " , j g e = ` R e a c t K o n v a : Y o u h a v e a K o n v a n o d e w i t h d r a g g a b l e = t r u e a n d p o s i t i o n d e f i n e d b u t n o o n D r a g M o v e o r o n D r a g E n d e v e n t s a r e h a n d l e d .
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
Position of a node will be changed during drag & drop , so you should update state of the react app as well .
Consider to add onDragMove or onDragEnd events .
For more info see : https : //github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/256
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
` ,_ge= ` ReactKonva : You are using "zIndex" attribute for a Konva node .
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
react - konva may get confused with ordering . Just define correct order of elements in your render function of a component .
For more info see : https : //github.com/konvajs/react-konva/issues/194
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
` ,Ige={};function Lg(e,t,n=Ige){if(!A_&&"zIndex"in t&&(console.warn(_ge),A_=!0),!T_&&t.draggable){var r=t.x!==void 0||t.y!==void 0,o=t.onDragEnd||t.onDragMove;r&&!o&&(console.warn(jge),T_=!0)}for(var s in n)if(!D_[s]){var i=s.slice(0,2)==="on",l=n[s]!==t[s];if(i&&l){var u=s.substr(2).toLowerCase();u.substr(0,7)==="content"&&(u="content"+u.substr(7,1).toUpperCase()+u.substr(8)),e.off(u,n[s])}var p=!t.hasOwnProperty(s);p&&e.setAttr(s,void 0)}var m=t._useStrictMode,h={},g=!1;const x={};for(var s in t)if(!D_[s]){var i=s.slice(0,2)==="on",y=n[s]!==t[s];if(i&&y){var u=s.substr(2).toLowerCase();u.substr(0,7)==="content"&&(u="content"+u.substr(7,1).toUpperCase()+u.substr(8)),t[s]&&(x[u]=t[s])}!i&&(t[s]!==n[s]||m&&t[s]!==e.getAttr(s))&&(g=!0,h[s]=t[s])}g&&(e.setAttrs(h),mi(e));for(var u in x)e.on(u+f2,x[u])}function mi(e){if(!zN.Konva.autoDrawEnabled){var t=e.getLayer()||e.getStage();t&&t.batchDraw()}}const g7={},Pge={};gd.Node.prototype._applyProps=Lg;function Ege(e,t){if(typeof t=="string"){console.error( ` Do not use plain text as child of Konva . Node . You are using text : $ { t } ` );return}e.add(t),mi(e)}function Mge(e,t,n){let r=gd[e];r||(console.error( ` Konva has no node with the type $ { e } . Group will be used instead . If you use minimal version of react - konva , just import required nodes into Konva : "import " konva / lib / shapes / $ { e } " If you want to render DOM elements as part of canvas tree take a look into this demo: https://konvajs.github.io/docs/react/DOM_Portal.html`),r=gd.Group);const o={},s={};for(var i in t){var l=i.slice(0,2)===" on ";l?s[i]=t[i]:o[i]=t[i]}const u=new r(o);return Lg(u,s),u}function Oge(e,t,n){console.error(`Text components are not supported for now in ReactKonva. Your text is: " $ { e } "`)}function Rge(e,t,n){return!1}function Dge(e){return e}function Age(){return null}function Tge(){return null}function Nge(e,t,n,r){return Pge}function $ge(){}function Lge(e){}function zge(e,t){return!1}function Fge(){return g7}function Bge(){return g7}const Hge=setTimeout,Vge=clearTimeout,Wge=-1;function Uge(e,t){return!1}const Gge=!1,Kge=!0,qge=!0;function Xge(e,t){t.parent===e?t.moveToTop():e.add(t),mi(e)}function Qge(e,t){t.parent===e?t.moveToTop():e.add(t),mi(e)}function v7(e,t,n){t._remove(),e.add(t),t.setZIndex(n.getZIndex()),mi(e)}function Yge(e,t,n){v7(e,t,n)}function Zge(e,t){t.destroy(),t.off(f2),mi(e)}function Jge(e,t){t.destroy(),t.off(f2),mi(e)}function e0e(e,t,n){console.error(`Text components are not yet supported in ReactKonva. You text is: " $ { n } "`)}function t0e(e,t,n){}function n0e(e,t,n,r,o){Lg(e,o,r)}function r0e(e){e.hide(),mi(e)}function o0e(e){}function s0e(e,t){(t.visible==null||t.visible)&&e.show()}function a0e(e,t){}function i0e(e){}function l0e(){}const c0e=()=>h7.DefaultEventPriority,u0e=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,appendChild:Xge,appendChildToContainer:Qge,appendInitialChild:Ege,cancelTimeout:Vge,clearContainer:i0e,commitMount:t0e,commitTextUpdate:e0e,commitUpdate:n0e,createInstance:Mge,createTextInstance:Oge,detachDeletedInstance:l0e,finalizeInitialChildren:Rge,getChildHostContext:Bge,getCurrentEventPriority:c0e,getPublicInstance:Dge,getRootHostContext:Fge,hideInstance:r0e,hideTextInstance:o0e,idlePriority:Tp.unstable_IdlePriority,insertBefore:v7,insertInContainerBefore:Yge,isPrimaryRenderer:Gge,noTimeout:Wge,now:Tp.unstable_now,prepareForCommit:Age,preparePortalMount:Tge,prepareUpdate:Nge,removeChild:Zge,removeChildFromContainer:Jge,resetAfterCommit:$ge,resetTextContent:Lge,run:Tp.unstable_runWithPriority,scheduleTimeout:Hge,shouldDeprioritizeSubtree:zge,shouldSetTextContent:Uge,supportsMutation:qge,unhideInstance:s0e,unhideTextInstance:a0e,warnsIfNotActing:Kge},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:" Module " } ) ) ; var d0e = Object . defineProperty , f0e = Object . defineProperties , p0e = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptors , N _ = Object . getOwnPropertySymbols , m0e = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty , h0e = Object . prototype . propertyIsEnumerable , $ _ = ( e , t , n ) => t in e ? d0e ( e , t , { enumerable : ! 0 , configurable : ! 0 , writable : ! 0 , value : n } ) : e [ t ] = n , L _ = ( e , t ) => { for ( var n in t || ( t = { } ) ) m0e . call ( t , n ) && $ _ ( e , n , t [ n ] ) ; if ( N _ ) for ( var n of N _ ( t ) ) h0e . cal
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
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2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
< / s v g > ` . r e p l a c e A l l ( " b l a c k " , e ) , q 0 e = e = > { c o n s t { . . . t } = e , { m a s k C o l o r S t r i n g : n , s t a g e C o o r d i n a t e s : r , s t a g e D i m e n s i o n s : o , s t a g e S c a l e : s } = W ( K 0 e ) , [ i , l ] = d . u s e S t a t e ( n u l l ) , [ u , p ] = d . u s e S t a t e ( 0 ) , m = d . u s e R e f ( n u l l ) , h = d . u s e C a l l b a c k ( ( ) = > { p ( u + 1 ) , s e t T i m e o u t ( h , 5 0 0 ) } , [ u ] ) ; r e t u r n d . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { i f ( i ) r e t u r n ; c o n s t g = n e w I m a g e ; g . o n l o a d = ( ) = > { l ( g ) } , g . s r c = B _ ( n ) } , [ i , n ] ) , d . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { i & & ( i . s r c = B _ ( n ) ) } , [ i , n ] ) , d . u s e E f f e c t ( ( ) = > { c o n s t g = s e t I n t e r v a l ( ( ) = > p ( x = > ( x + 1 ) % 5 ) , 5 0 ) ; r e t u r n ( ) = > c l e a r I n t e r v a l ( g ) } , [ ] ) , ! i | | ! M l ( r . x ) | | ! M l ( r . y ) | | ! M l ( s ) | | ! M l ( o . w i d t h ) | | ! M l ( o . h e i g h t ) ? n u l l : a . j s x ( O s , { r e f : m , o f f s e t X : r . x / s , o f f s e t Y : r . y / s , h e i g h t : o . h e i g h t / s , w i d t h : o . w i d t h / s , f i l l P a t t e r n I m a g e : i , f i l l P a t t e r n O f f s e t Y : M l ( u ) ? u : 0 , f i l l P a t t e r n R e p e a t : " r e p e a t " , f i l l P a t t e r n S c a l e : { x : 1 / s , y : 1 / s } , l i s t e n i n g : ! 0 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : " s o u r c e - i n " , . . . t } ) } , X 0 e = d . m e m o ( q 0 e ) , Q 0 e = l e ( [ S n ] , e = > ( { o b j e c t s : e . l a y e r S t a t e . o b j e c t s } ) , { m e m o i z e O p t i o n s : { r e s u l t E q u a l i t y C h e c k : F t } } ) , Y 0 e = e = > { c o n s t { . . . t } = e , { o b j e c t s : n } = W ( Q 0 e ) ; r e t u r n a . j s x ( M s , { l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , . . . t , c h i l d r e n : n . f i l t e r ( Z N ) . m a p ( ( r , o ) = > a . j s x ( f h , { p o i n t s : r . p o i n t s , s t r o k e : " r g b ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) " , s t r o k e W i d t h : r . s t r o k e W i d t h * 2 , t e n s i o n : 0 , l i n e C a p : " r o u n d " , l i n e J o i n : " r o u n d " , s h a d o w F o r S t r o k e E n a b l e d : ! 1 , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : r . t o o l = = = " b r u s h " ? " s o u r c e - o v e r " : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , o ) ) } ) } , Z 0 e = d . m e m o ( Y 0 e ) ; v a r _ i = d , J 0 e = f u n c t i o n ( t , n , r ) { c o n s t o = _ i . u s e R e f ( " l o a d i n g " ) , s = _ i . u s e R e f ( ) , [ i , l ] = _ i . u s e S t a t e ( 0 ) , u = _ i . u s e R e f ( ) , p = _ i . u s e R e f ( ) , m = _ i . u s e R e f ( ) ; r e t u r n ( u . c u r r e n t ! = = t | | p . c u r r e n t ! = = n | | m . c u r r e n t ! = = r ) & & ( o . c u r r e n t = " l o a d i n g " , s . c u r r e n t = v o i d 0 , u . c u r r e n t = t , p . c u r r e n t = n , m . c u r r e n t = r ) , _ i . u s e L a y o u t E f f e c t ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { i f ( ! t ) r e t u r n ; v a r h = d o c u m e n t . c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( " i m g " ) ; f u n c t i o n g ( ) { o . c u r r e n t = " l o a d e d " , s . c u r r e n t = h , l ( M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) ) } f u n c t i o n x ( ) { o . c u r r e n t = " f a i l e d " , s . c u r r e n t = v o i d 0 , l ( M a t h . r a n d o m ( ) ) } r e t u r n h . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " l o a d " , g ) , h . a d d E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " e r r o r " , x ) , n & & ( h . c r o s s O r i g i n = n ) , r & & ( h . r e f e r r e r P o l i c y = r ) , h . s r c = t , f u n c t i o n ( ) { h . r e m o v e E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " l o a d " , g ) , h . r e m o v e E v e n t L i s t e n e r ( " e r r o r " , x ) } } , [ t , n , r ] ) , [ s . c u r r e n t , o . c u r r e n t ] } ; c o n s t e v e = x d ( J 0 e ) , t v e = ( { c a n v a s I m a g e : e } ) = > { c o n s t [ t , n , r , o ] = H o ( " c o l o r s " , [ " b a s e . 4 0 0 " , " b a s e . 5 0 0 " , " b a s e . 7 0 0 " , " b a s e . 9 0 0 " ] ) , s = s a ( t , n ) , i = s a ( r , o ) , { t : l } = Z ( ) ; r e t u r n a . j s x s ( M s , { c h i l d r e n : [ a . j s x ( O s , { x : e . x , y : e . y , w i d t h : e . w i d t h , h e i g h t : e . h e i g h t , f i l l : s } ) , a . j s x ( w 0 e , { x : e . x , y : e . y , w i d t h : e . w i d t h , h e i g h t : e . h e i g h t , a l i g n : " c e n t e r " , v e r t i c a l A l i g n : " m i d d l e " , f o n t F a m i l y : ' " I n t e r V a r i a b l e " , s a n s - s e r i f ' , f o n t S i z e : e . w i d t h / 1 6 , f o n t S t y l e : " 6 0 0 " , t e x t : l ( " c o m m o n . i m a g e F a i l e d T o L o a d " ) , f i l l : i } ) ] } ) } , n v e = d . m e m o ( t v e ) , r v e = e = > { c o n s t { x : t , y : n , i m a g e N a m e : r } = e . c a n v a s I m a g e , { c u r r e n t D a t a : o , i s E r r o r : s } = t o ( r ? ? $ r . s k i p T o k e n ) , [ i , l ] = e v e ( ( o = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : o . i m a g e _ u r l ) ? ? " " , J N . g e t ( ) ? " u s e - c r e d e n t i a l s " : " a n o n y m o u s " ) ; r e t u r n s | | l = = = " f a i l e d " ? a . j s x ( n v e , { c a n v a s I m a g e : e . c a n v a s I m a g e } ) : a . j s x ( C 7 , { x : t , y : n , i m a g e : i , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 } ) } , S 7 = d . m e m o ( r v e ) , o v e = l e ( [ S n ] , e = > { c o n s t { l a y e r S t a t e : { o b j e c t s : t } } = e ; r e t u r n { o b j e c t s : t } } , { m e m o i z e O p t i o n s : { r e s u l t E q u a l i t y C h e c k : F t } } ) , s v e = ( ) = > { c o n s t { o b j e c t s : e } = W ( o v e ) ; r e t u r n e ? a . j s x ( M s , { n a m e : " o u t p a i n t i n g - o b j e c t s " , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , c h i l d r e n : e . m a p ( ( t , n ) = > { i f ( e 9 ( t ) ) r e t u r n a . j s x ( S 7 , { c a n v a s I m a g e : t } , n ) ; i f ( t 9 ( t ) ) { c o n s t r = a . j s x ( f h , { p o i n t s : t . p o i n t s , s t r o k e : t . c o l o r ? F i ( t . c o l o r ) : " r g b ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) " , s t r o k e W i d t h : t . s t r o k e W i d t h * 2 , t e n s i o n : 0 , l i n e C a p : " r o u n d " , l i n e J o i n : " r o u n d " , s h a d o w F o r S t r o k e E n a b l e d : ! 1 , l i s t e n i n g : ! 1 , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : t . t o o l = = = " b r u s h " ? " s o u r c e - o v e r " : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , n ) ; r e t u r n t . c l i p ? a . j s x ( M s , { c l i p X : t . c l i p . x , c l i p Y : t . c l i p . y , c l i p W i d t h : t . c l i p . w i d t h , c l i p H e i g h t : t . c l i p . h e i g h t , c h i l d r e n : r } , n ) : r } e l s e { i f ( n 9 ( t ) ) r e t u r n a . j s x ( O s , { x : t . x , y : t . y , w i d t h : t . w i d t h , h e i g h t : t . h e i g h t , f i l l : F i ( t . c o l o r ) } , n ) ; i f ( r 9 ( t ) ) r e t u r n a . j s x ( O s , { x : t . x , y : t . y , w i d t h : t . w i d t h , h e i g h t : t . h e i g h t , f i l l : " r g b ( 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 , 2 5 5 ) " , g l o b a l C o m p o s i t e O p e r a t i o n : " d e s t i n a t i o n - o u t " } , n ) } } ) } ) : n u l l } , a v e = d . m e m o ( s v e ) , i v e = l e ( [ S n ] , e = > { c o n s t { l a y e r S t a t e : t , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g I m a g e : n , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g O u t l i n e : r , b o u n d i n g B o x C o o r d i n a t e s : o , b o u n d i n g B o x D i m e n s i o n s : s } = e , { s e l e c t e d I m a g e I n d e x : i , i m a g e s : l , b o u n d i n g B o x : u } = t . s t a g i n g A r e a ; r e t u r n { c u r r e n t S t a g i n g A r e a I m a g e : l . l e n g t h > 0 & & i ! = = v o i d 0 ? l [ i ] : v o i d 0 , i s O n F i r s t I m a g e : i = = = 0 , i s O n L a s t I m a g e : i = = = l . l e n g t h - 1 , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g I m a g e : n , s h o u l d S h o w S t a g i n g O u t l i n e : r , x : ( u = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : u . x ) ? ? o . x , y : ( u = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : u . y ) ? ? o . y , w i d t h : ( u = = n u l l ? v o i d 0 : u . w i d t h ) ? ? s . w i d t h , h e
2023-10-02 23:31:35 +00:00
$ { s }
2023-10-05 05:29:16 +00:00
\ ` \` \` ` ) , n ( { title : "Error Copied" } ) } , [ e , n ] ) , o = d . useMemo ( ( ) => h1e ( { user : "invoke-ai" , repo : "InvokeAI" , template : "BUG_REPORT.yml" , title : ` [bug]: ${ e . name } : ${ e . message } ` } ) , [ e . message , e . name ] ) ; return a . jsx ( L , { layerStyle : "body" , sx : { w : "100vw" , h : "100vh" , alignItems : "center" , justifyContent : "center" , p : 4 } , children : a . jsxs ( L , { layerStyle : "first" , sx : { flexDir : "column" , borderRadius : "base" , justifyContent : "center" , gap : 8 , p : 16 } , children : [ a . jsx ( cr , { children : "Something went wrong" } ) , a . jsx ( L , { layerStyle : "second" , sx : { px : 8 , py : 4 , borderRadius : "base" , gap : 4 , justifyContent : "space-between" , alignItems : "center" } , children : a . jsxs ( ve , { sx : { fontWeight : 600 , color : "error.500" , _dark : { color : "error.400" } } , children : [ e . name , ": " , e . message ] } ) } ) , a . jsxs ( L , { sx : { gap : 4 } , children : [ a . jsx ( at , { leftIcon : a . jsx ( xoe , { } ) , onClick : t , children : "Reset UI" } ) , a . jsx ( at , { leftIcon : a . jsx ( Hc , { } ) , onClick : r , children : "Copy Error" } ) , a . jsx ( Oh , { href : o , isExternal : ! 0 , children : a . jsx ( at , { leftIcon : a . jsx ( py , { } ) , children : "Create Issue" } ) } ) ] } ) ] } ) } ) } , S1e = d . memo ( w1e ) , k1e = le ( [ xe ] , ( { hotkeys : e } ) => { const { shift : t , ctrl : n , meta : r } = e ; return { shift : t , ctrl : n , meta : r } } , { memoizeOptions : { resultEqualityCheck : Ft } } ) , j1e = ( ) => { const e = te ( ) , { shift : t , ctrl : n , meta : r } = W ( k1e ) , { queueBack : o , isDisabled : s , isLoading : i } = W8 ( ) ; et ( [ "ctrl+enter" , "meta+enter" ] , o , { enabled : ( ) => ! s && ! i , preventDefault : ! 0 , enableOnFormTags : [ "input" , "textarea" , "select" ] } , [ o , s , i ] ) ; const { queueFront : l , isDisabled : u , isLoading : p } = q8 ( ) ; return et ( [ "ctrl+shift+enter" , "meta+shift+enter" ] , l , { enabled : ( ) => ! u && ! p , preventDefault : ! 0 , enableOnFormTags : [ "input" , "textarea" , "select" ] } , [ l , u , p ] ) , et ( "*" , ( ) => { Hp ( "shift" ) ? ! t && e ( Nr ( ! 0 ) ) : t && e ( Nr ( ! 1 ) ) , Hp ( "ctrl" ) ? ! n && e ( Vw ( ! 0 ) ) : n && e ( Vw ( ! 1 ) ) , Hp ( "meta" ) ? ! r && e ( Ww ( ! 0 ) ) : r && e ( Ww ( ! 1 ) ) } , { keyup : ! 0 , keydown : ! 0 } , [ t , n , r ] ) , et ( "1" , ( ) => { e ( Xs ( "txt2img" ) ) } ) , et ( "2" , ( ) => { e ( Xs ( "img2img" ) ) } ) , et ( "3" , ( ) => { e ( Xs ( "unifiedCanvas" ) ) } ) , et ( "4" , ( ) => { e ( Xs ( "nodes" ) ) } ) , et ( "5" , ( ) => { e ( Xs ( "modelManager" ) ) } ) , null } , _1e = d . memo ( j1e ) , I1e = e => { const t = te ( ) , { recallAllParameters : n } = Sg ( ) , r = sl ( ) , { currentData : o } = to ( ( e == null ? void 0 : e . imageName ) ? ? $r . skipToken ) , { currentData : s } = $9 ( ( e == null ? void 0 : e . imageName ) ? ? $r . skipToken ) , i = d . useCallback ( ( ) => { o && ( t ( hI ( o ) ) , t ( Xs ( "unifiedCanvas" ) ) , r ( { title : L9 ( "toast.sentToUnifiedCanvas" ) , status : "info" , duration : 2500 , isClosable : ! 0 } ) ) } , [ t , r , o ] ) , l = d . useCallback ( ( ) => { o && t ( vh ( o ) ) } , [ t , o ] ) , u = d . useCallback ( ( ) => { s && n ( s . metadata ) } , [ s ] ) ; return d . useEffect ( ( ) => { e && e . action === "sendToCanvas" && i ( ) } , [ e , i ] ) , d . useEffect ( ( ) => { e && e . action === "sendToImg2Img" && l ( ) } , [ e , l ] ) , d . useEffect ( ( ) => { e && e . action === "useAllParameters" && u ( ) } , [ e , u ] ) , { handleSendToCanvas : i , handleSendToImg2Img : l , handleUseAllMetadata : u } } , P1e = e => ( I1e ( e . selectedImage ) , null ) , E1e = d . memo ( P1e ) , M1e = { } , O1e = ( { config : e = M1e , selectedImage : t } ) => { const n = W ( SM ) , r = pP ( "system" ) , o = te ( ) , s = d . useCallback ( ( ) => ( localStorage . clear ( ) , location . reload ( ) , ! 1 ) , [ ] ) ; d . useEffect ( ( ) => { yt . changeLanguage ( n ) } , [ n ] ) , d . useEffect ( ( ) => { II ( e ) && ( r . info ( { config : e } , "Received config" ) , o ( z9 ( e ) ) ) } , [ o , e , r ] ) , d . useEffect ( ( ) => { o ( F9 ( ) ) } , [ o ] ) ; const i = Jh ( B9 ) ; return a . jsxs ( p1e , { onReset : s , FallbackComponent : S1e , children : [ a . jsx ( Ja , { w : "100vw" , h : "100vh" , position : "relative" , overflow : "hidden" , children : a . jsx ( sG , { children : a . jsxs ( Ja , { sx : { gap : 4 , p : 4 , gridAutoRows : "min-content auto" , w : "full" , h : "full" } , children : [ i || a . jsx ( Aee , { } ) , a . jsx ( L , { sx : { gap : 4 , w : "full" , h : "full" } , children : a . jsx ( d1e , { } ) } ) ] } ) } ) } ) , a . jsx ( CJ , { } ) , a . jsx ( vJ , { } ) , a . jsx ( qW , { } ) , a . jsx ( _1e , { } ) , a . jsx ( E1e , { selectedImage : t } ) ] } ) } , $1e = d . memo ( O1e ) ; export { $1e as default } ;