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from dataclasses import dataclass
import torch
from einops import rearrange
from torch import Tensor, nn
class AutoEncoderParams:
resolution: int
in_channels: int
ch: int
out_ch: int
ch_mult: list[int]
num_res_blocks: int
z_channels: int
scale_factor: float
shift_factor: float
def swish(x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return x * torch.sigmoid(x)
class AttnBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels: int):
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.norm = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=in_channels, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
self.q = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1)
self.k = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1)
self.v = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1)
self.proj_out = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1)
def attention(self, h_: Tensor) -> Tensor:
h_ = self.norm(h_)
q = self.q(h_)
k = self.k(h_)
v = self.v(h_)
b, c, h, w = q.shape
q = rearrange(q, "b c h w -> b 1 (h w) c").contiguous()
k = rearrange(k, "b c h w -> b 1 (h w) c").contiguous()
v = rearrange(v, "b c h w -> b 1 (h w) c").contiguous()
h_ = nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v)
return rearrange(h_, "b 1 (h w) c -> b c h w", h=h, w=w, c=c, b=b)
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return x + self.proj_out(self.attention(x))
class ResnetBlock(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int):
self.in_channels = in_channels
out_channels = in_channels if out_channels is None else out_channels
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.norm1 = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=in_channels, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
self.norm2 = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=out_channels, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
if self.in_channels != self.out_channels:
self.nin_shortcut = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
def forward(self, x):
h = x
h = self.norm1(h)
h = swish(h)
h = self.conv1(h)
h = self.norm2(h)
h = swish(h)
h = self.conv2(h)
if self.in_channels != self.out_channels:
x = self.nin_shortcut(x)
return x + h
class Downsample(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels: int):
# no asymmetric padding in torch conv, must do it ourselves
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=0)
def forward(self, x: Tensor):
pad = (0, 1, 0, 1)
x = nn.functional.pad(x, pad, mode="constant", value=0)
x = self.conv(x)
return x
class Upsample(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels: int):
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, x: Tensor):
x = nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2.0, mode="nearest")
x = self.conv(x)
return x
class Encoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
resolution: int,
in_channels: int,
ch: int,
ch_mult: list[int],
num_res_blocks: int,
z_channels: int,
super().__init__() = ch
self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
self.resolution = resolution
self.in_channels = in_channels
# downsampling
self.conv_in = nn.Conv2d(in_channels,, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
curr_res = resolution
in_ch_mult = (1,) + tuple(ch_mult)
self.in_ch_mult = in_ch_mult
self.down = nn.ModuleList()
block_in =
for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
block = nn.ModuleList()
attn = nn.ModuleList()
block_in = ch * in_ch_mult[i_level]
block_out = ch * ch_mult[i_level]
for _ in range(self.num_res_blocks):
block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_out))
block_in = block_out
down = nn.Module()
down.block = block
down.attn = attn
if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1:
down.downsample = Downsample(block_in)
curr_res = curr_res // 2
# middle
self.mid = nn.Module()
self.mid.block_1 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in)
self.mid.attn_1 = AttnBlock(block_in)
self.mid.block_2 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in)
# end
self.norm_out = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=block_in, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(block_in, 2 * z_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# downsampling
hs = [self.conv_in(x)]
for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks):
h = self.down[i_level].block[i_block](hs[-1])
if len(self.down[i_level].attn) > 0:
h = self.down[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1:
# middle
h = hs[-1]
h = self.mid.block_1(h)
h = self.mid.attn_1(h)
h = self.mid.block_2(h)
# end
h = self.norm_out(h)
h = swish(h)
h = self.conv_out(h)
return h
class Decoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(
ch: int,
out_ch: int,
ch_mult: list[int],
num_res_blocks: int,
in_channels: int,
resolution: int,
z_channels: int,
super().__init__() = ch
self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
self.resolution = resolution
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.ffactor = 2 ** (self.num_resolutions - 1)
# compute in_ch_mult, block_in and curr_res at lowest res
block_in = ch * ch_mult[self.num_resolutions - 1]
curr_res = resolution // 2 ** (self.num_resolutions - 1)
self.z_shape = (1, z_channels, curr_res, curr_res)
# z to block_in
self.conv_in = nn.Conv2d(z_channels, block_in, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
# middle
self.mid = nn.Module()
self.mid.block_1 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in)
self.mid.attn_1 = AttnBlock(block_in)
self.mid.block_2 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_in)
# upsampling
self.up = nn.ModuleList()
for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
block = nn.ModuleList()
attn = nn.ModuleList()
block_out = ch * ch_mult[i_level]
for _ in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1):
block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in, out_channels=block_out))
block_in = block_out
up = nn.Module()
up.block = block
up.attn = attn
if i_level != 0:
up.upsample = Upsample(block_in)
curr_res = curr_res * 2
self.up.insert(0, up) # prepend to get consistent order
# end
self.norm_out = nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=block_in, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(block_in, out_ch, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
def forward(self, z: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# z to block_in
h = self.conv_in(z)
# middle
h = self.mid.block_1(h)
h = self.mid.attn_1(h)
h = self.mid.block_2(h)
# upsampling
for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1):
h = self.up[i_level].block[i_block](h)
if len(self.up[i_level].attn) > 0:
h = self.up[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
if i_level != 0:
h = self.up[i_level].upsample(h)
# end
h = self.norm_out(h)
h = swish(h)
h = self.conv_out(h)
return h
class DiagonalGaussian(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, sample: bool = True, chunk_dim: int = 1):
self.sample = sample
self.chunk_dim = chunk_dim
def forward(self, z: Tensor) -> Tensor:
mean, logvar = torch.chunk(z, 2, dim=self.chunk_dim)
if self.sample:
std = torch.exp(0.5 * logvar)
return mean + std * torch.randn_like(mean)
return mean
class AutoEncoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, params: AutoEncoderParams):
self.encoder = Encoder(
self.decoder = Decoder(
self.reg = DiagonalGaussian()
self.scale_factor = params.scale_factor
self.shift_factor = params.shift_factor
def encode(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
z = self.reg(self.encoder(x))
z = self.scale_factor * (z - self.shift_factor)
return z
def decode(self, z: Tensor) -> Tensor:
z = z / self.scale_factor + self.shift_factor
return self.decoder(z)
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return self.decode(self.encode(x))