2023-01-08 08:09:04 +00:00
Installer user interaction
import platform
from pathlib import Path
from tkinter . filedialog import askdirectory
from rich import box , print
from rich . console import Console
from rich . panel import Panel
from rich . prompt import Confirm
from rich . style import Style
from rich . text import Text
console = Console ( width = 80 )
OS = platform . uname ( ) . system
ARCH = platform . uname ( ) . machine
def welcome ( ) :
console . rule ( )
print (
Panel (
2023-01-09 05:13:01 +00:00
title = " [bold wheat1]Welcome to the InvokeAI Installer " ,
2023-01-08 08:09:04 +00:00
renderable = Text (
" Some of the installation steps take a long time to run. Please be patient. If the script appears to hang for more than 10 minutes, please interrupt with control-C and retry. " ,
justify = " center " ,
) ,
box = box . DOUBLE ,
width = 80 ,
expand = False ,
padding = ( 1 , 2 ) ,
style = Style ( bgcolor = " grey23 " , color = " orange1 " ) ,
2023-01-09 05:13:01 +00:00
subtitle = f " [bold grey39] { OS } - { ARCH } " ,
2023-01-08 08:09:04 +00:00
console . line ( )
def dest_path ( init_path = None ) - > Path :
Prompt the user for the destination path and create the path
: param init_path : a filesystem path , defaults to None
: type init_path : str , optional
: return : absolute path to the created installation directory
: rtype : Path
dest = init_path
dest_confirmed = False
while not dest_confirmed :
console . line ( )
if dest is not None :
dest = Path ( dest ) . expanduser ( ) . resolve ( )
print ( f " InvokeAI will be installed at { dest } " )
dest_confirmed = Confirm . ask ( f " Continue? " )
if not dest_confirmed :
print ( f " Please select the destination directory for the installation " )
resp = askdirectory ( initialdir = dest )
if resp == ( ) :
dest = Path ( resp ) . expanduser ( ) . resolve ( )
if dest . exists ( ) :
print ( f " :exclamation: Directory { dest } already exists. " )
dest_confirmed = Confirm . ask (
" :question: Are you sure you want to (re)install in this location? " , default = " y "
try :
dest . mkdir ( exist_ok = True , parents = True )
return dest
except PermissionError as exc :
print (
f " Failed to create directory { dest } due to insufficient permissions " ,
style = Style ( color = " red " ) ,
highlight = True ,
except OSError as exc :
console . print_exception ( exc )
if Confirm . ask ( " Would you like to try again? " ) :
dest_path ( init_path )
else :
console . rule ( " Goodbye! " )