|Boolean Primitive Collection | A collection of boolean primitive values|
|Boolean Primitive | A boolean primitive value|
|Canny Processor | Canny edge detection for ControlNet|
|CLIP Skip | Skip layers in clip text_encoder model.|
|Collect | Collects values into a collection|
|Color Correct | Shifts the colors of a target image to match the reference image, optionally using a mask to only color-correct certain regions of the target image.|
|Color Primitive | A color primitive value|
|Compel Prompt | Parse prompt using compel package to conditioning.|
|Conditioning Primitive Collection | A collection of conditioning tensor primitive values|
|Conditioning Primitive | A conditioning tensor primitive value|
|Content Shuffle Processor | Applies content shuffle processing to image|
|ControlNet | Collects ControlNet info to pass to other nodes|
|OpenCV Inpaint | Simple inpaint using opencv.|
|Denoise Latents | Denoises noisy latents to decodable images|
|Divide Integers | Divides two numbers|
|Dynamic Prompt | Parses a prompt using adieyal/dynamicprompts' random or combinatorial generator|
|Upscale (RealESRGAN) | Upscales an image using RealESRGAN.|
|Float Primitive Collection | A collection of float primitive values|
|Float Primitive | A float primitive value|
|Float Range | Creates a range|
|HED (softedge) Processor | Applies HED edge detection to image|
|Blur Image | Blurs an image|
|Extract Image Channel | Gets a channel from an image.|
|Image Primitive Collection | A collection of image primitive values|
|Convert Image Mode | Converts an image to a different mode.|
|Crop Image | Crops an image to a specified box. The box can be outside of the image.|
|Image Hue Adjustment | Adjusts the Hue of an image.|
|Inverse Lerp Image | Inverse linear interpolation of all pixels of an image|
|Image Primitive | An image primitive value|
|Lerp Image | Linear interpolation of all pixels of an image|