"nodesDesc":"A node based system for the generation of images is under development currently. Stay tuned for updates about this amazing feature.",
"postProcessing":"Post Processing",
"postProcessDesc1":"Invoke AI offers a wide variety of post processing features. Image Upscaling and Face Restoration are already available in the WebUI. You can access them from the Advanced Options menu of the Text To Image and Image To Image tabs. You can also process images directly, using the image action buttons above the current image display or in the viewer.",
"postProcessDesc2":"A dedicated UI will be released soon to facilitate more advanced post processing workflows.",
"postProcessDesc3":"The Invoke AI Command Line Interface offers various other features including Embiggen.",
"trainingDesc1":"A dedicated workflow for training your own embeddings and checkpoints using Textual Inversion and Dreambooth from the web interface.",
"trainingDesc2":"InvokeAI already supports training custom embeddings using Textual Inversion using the main script.",
"statusProcessingCanceled":"Processing Canceled",
"statusProcessingComplete":"Processing Complete",
"statusGeneratingTextToImage":"Generating Text To Image",
"statusGeneratingImageToImage":"Generating Image To Image",
"selectAndAdd":"Select and Add Models Listed Below",
"noModelsFound":"No Models Found",
"deleteModel":"Delete Model",
"deleteConfig":"Delete Config",
"deleteMsg1":"Are you sure you want to delete this model entry from InvokeAI?",
"deleteMsg2":"This will not delete the model checkpoint file from your disk. You can readd them if you wish to.",
"formMessageDiffusersModelLocation":"Diffusers Model Location",
"formMessageDiffusersModelLocationDesc":"Please enter at least one.",
"formMessageDiffusersVAELocation":"VAE Location",
"formMessageDiffusersVAELocationDesc":"If not provided, InvokeAI will look for the VAE file inside the model location given above.",
"convertToDiffusers":"Convert To Diffusers",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText1":"This model will be converted to the 🧨 Diffusers format.",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText2":"This process will replace your Model Manager entry with the Diffusers version of the same model.",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText3":"Your checkpoint file on the disk will NOT be deleted or modified in anyway. You can add your checkpoint to the Model Manager again if you want to.",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText4":"This is a one time process only. It might take around 30s-60s depending on the specifications of your computer.",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText5":"Please make sure you have enough disk space. Models generally vary between 4GB-7GB in size.",
"convertToDiffusersHelpText6":"Do you wish to convert this model?",
"convertToDiffusersSaveLocation":"Save Location",
"inpainting":"v1 Inpainting",
"customConfig":"Custom Config",
"pathToCustomConfig":"Path To Custom Config",
"modelConverted":"Model Converted",
"sameFolder":"Same folder",
"invokeRoot":"InvokeAI folder",
"customSaveLocation":"Custom Save Location",
"modelsMerged":"Models Merged",
"mergeModels":"Merge Models",
"modelOne":"Model 1",
"modelTwo":"Model 2",
"modelThree":"Model 3",
"mergedModelName":"Merged Model Name",
"mergedModelSaveLocation":"Save Location",
"mergedModelCustomSaveLocation":"Custom Path",
"invokeAIFolder":"Invoke AI Folder",
"ignoreMismatch":"Ignore Mismatches Between Selected Models",
"modelMergeHeaderHelp1":"You can merge upto three different models to create a blend that suits your needs.",
"modelMergeHeaderHelp2":"Only Diffusers are available for merging. If you want to merge a checkpoint model, please convert it to Diffusers first.",
"modelMergeAlphaHelp":"Alpha controls blend strength for the models. Lower alpha values lead to lower influence of the second model.",
"modelMergeInterpAddDifferenceHelp":"In this mode, Model 3 is first subtracted from Model 2. The resulting version is blended with Model 1 with the alpha rate set above.",
"resetWebUIDesc1":"Resetting the web UI only resets the browser's local cache of your images and remembered settings. It does not delete any images from disk.",
"resetWebUIDesc2":"If images aren't showing up in the gallery or something else isn't working, please try resetting before submitting an issue on GitHub.",
"resetComplete":"Web UI has been reset. Refresh the page to reload."
"tempFoldersEmptied":"Temp Folder Emptied",
"uploadFailed":"Upload failed",
"uploadFailedMultipleImagesDesc":"Multiple images pasted, may only upload one image at a time",
"uploadFailedUnableToLoadDesc":"Unable to load file",
"downloadImageStarted":"Image Download Started",
"imageCopied":"Image Copied",
"imageLinkCopied":"Image Link Copied",
"imageNotLoaded":"No Image Loaded",
"imageNotLoadedDesc":"No image found to send to image to image module",
"imageSavedToGallery":"Image Saved to Gallery",
"canvasMerged":"Canvas Merged",
"sentToImageToImage":"Sent To Image To Image",
"sentToUnifiedCanvas":"Sent to Unified Canvas",
"parametersSet":"Parameters Set",
"parametersNotSet":"Parameters Not Set",
"parametersNotSetDesc":"No metadata found for this image.",
"parametersFailed":"Problem loading parameters",
"parametersFailedDesc":"Unable to load init image.",
"seedSet":"Seed Set",
"seedNotSet":"Seed Not Set",
"seedNotSetDesc":"Could not find seed for this image.",
"promptSet":"Prompt Set",
"promptNotSet":"Prompt Not Set",
"promptNotSetDesc":"Could not find prompt for this image.",
"upscalingFailed":"Upscaling Failed",
"faceRestoreFailed":"Face Restoration Failed",
"metadataLoadFailed":"Failed to load metadata",
"initialImageSet":"Initial Image Set",
"initialImageNotSet":"Initial Image Not Set",
"initialImageNotSetDesc":"Could not load initial image"
"prompt":"This is the prompt field. Prompt includes generation objects and stylistic terms. You can add weight (token importance) in the prompt as well, but CLI commands and parameters will not work.",
"gallery":"Gallery displays generations from the outputs folder as they're created. Settings are stored within files and accesed by context menu.",
"other":"These options will enable alternative processing modes for Invoke. 'Seamless tiling' will create repeating patterns in the output. 'High resolution' is generation in two steps with img2img: use this setting when you want a larger and more coherent image without artifacts. It will take longer than usual txt2img.",
"seed":"Seed value affects the initial noise from which the image is formed. You can use the already existing seeds from previous images. 'Noise Threshold' is used to mitigate artifacts at high CFG values (try the 0-10 range), and Perlin to add Perlin noise during generation: both serve to add variation to your outputs.",
"variations":"Try a variation with a value between 0.1 and 1.0 to change the result for a given seed. Interesting variations of the seed are between 0.1 and 0.3.",
"upscale":"Use ESRGAN to enlarge the image immediately after generation.",
"faceCorrection":"Face correction with GFPGAN or Codeformer: the algorithm detects faces in the image and corrects any defects. High value will change the image more, resulting in more attractive faces. Codeformer with a higher fidelity preserves the original image at the expense of stronger face correction.",
"imageToImage":"Image to Image loads any image as initial, which is then used to generate a new one along with the prompt. The higher the value, the more the result image will change. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 are possible, the recommended range is .25-.75",
"boundingBox":"The bounding box is the same as the Width and Height settings for Text to Image or Image to Image. Only the area in the box will be processed.",
"seamCorrection":"Controls the handling of visible seams that occur between generated images on the canvas.",
"infillAndScaling":"Manage infill methods (used on masked or erased areas of the canvas) and scaling (useful for small bounding box sizes)."
"clearCanvasHistoryMessage":"Clearing the canvas history leaves your current canvas intact, but irreversibly clears the undo and redo history.",
"clearCanvasHistoryConfirm":"Are you sure you want to clear the canvas history?",
"emptyTempImageFolder":"Empty Temp Image Folder",
"emptyFolder":"Empty Folder",
"emptyTempImagesFolderMessage":"Emptying the temp image folder also fully resets the Unified Canvas. This includes all undo/redo history, images in the staging area, and the canvas base layer.",
"emptyTempImagesFolderConfirm":"Are you sure you want to empty the temp folder?",