2024-02-02 17:18:47 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2022 Lincoln D. Stein (https://github.com/lstein)
# Before running stable-diffusion on an internet-isolated machine,
# run this script from one with internet connectivity. The
# two machines must share a common .cache directory.
This is the npyscreen frontend to the model installation application .
It is currently named model_install2 . py , but will ultimately replace model_install . py .
import argparse
import curses
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from argparse import Namespace
from shutil import get_terminal_size
from typing import Any , Dict , List , Optional , Set
import npyscreen
import torch
from npyscreen import widget
from invokeai . app . services . config import InvokeAIAppConfig
from invokeai . app . services . model_install import ModelInstallService
from invokeai . backend . install . install_helper import InstallHelper , InstallSelections , UnifiedModelInfo
from invokeai . backend . model_manager import ModelType
from invokeai . backend . util import choose_precision , choose_torch_device
from invokeai . backend . util . logging import InvokeAILogger
from invokeai . frontend . install . widgets import (
CenteredTitleText ,
CyclingForm ,
MultiSelectColumns ,
SingleSelectColumns ,
TextBox ,
WindowTooSmallException ,
set_min_terminal_size ,
warnings . filterwarnings ( " ignore " , category = UserWarning ) # noqa: E402
config = InvokeAIAppConfig . get_config ( )
logger = InvokeAILogger . get_logger ( " ModelInstallService " )
logger . setLevel ( " WARNING " )
# logger.setLevel('DEBUG')
# build a table mapping all non-printable characters to None
# for stripping control characters
# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/92438/stripping-non-printable-characters-from-a-string-in-python
NOPRINT_TRANS_TABLE = { i : None for i in range ( 0 , sys . maxunicode + 1 ) if not chr ( i ) . isprintable ( ) }
# maximum number of installed models we can display before overflowing vertically
def make_printable ( s : str ) - > str :
""" Replace non-printable characters in a string. """
return s . translate ( NOPRINT_TRANS_TABLE )
class addModelsForm ( CyclingForm , npyscreen . FormMultiPage ) :
""" Main form for interactive TUI. """
# for responsive resizing set to False, but this seems to cause a crash!
# for persistence
current_tab = 0
def __init__ ( self , parentApp : npyscreen . NPSAppManaged , name : str , multipage : bool = False , * * keywords : Any ) :
self . multipage = multipage
self . subprocess = None
super ( ) . __init__ ( parentApp = parentApp , name = name , * * keywords )
def create ( self ) - > None :
self . installer = self . parentApp . install_helper . installer
self . model_labels = self . _get_model_labels ( )
self . keypress_timeout = 10
self . counter = 0
self . subprocess_connection = None
window_width , window_height = get_terminal_size ( )
# npyscreen has no typing hints
self . nextrely - = 1 # type: ignore
self . add_widget_intelligent (
npyscreen . FixedText ,
value = " Use ctrl-N and ctrl-P to move to the <N>ext and <P>revious fields. Cursor keys navigate, and <space> selects. " ,
editable = False ,
color = " CAUTION " ,
self . nextrely + = 1 # type: ignore
self . tabs = self . add_widget_intelligent (
SingleSelectColumns ,
values = [
" MAINS " ,
" LORAS " ,
] ,
value = [ self . current_tab ] ,
columns = 7 ,
max_height = 2 ,
relx = 8 ,
scroll_exit = True ,
self . tabs . on_changed = self . _toggle_tables
top_of_table = self . nextrely # type: ignore
self . starter_pipelines = self . add_starter_pipelines ( )
bottom_of_table = self . nextrely # type: ignore
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . pipeline_models = self . add_pipeline_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . Main , window_width = window_width , exclude = self . starter_models
# self.pipeline_models['autoload_pending'] = True
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . controlnet_models = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . ControlNet ,
window_width = window_width ,
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . t2i_models = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . T2IAdapter ,
window_width = window_width ,
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . ipadapter_models = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . IPAdapter ,
window_width = window_width ,
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . lora_models = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . Lora ,
window_width = window_width ,
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = top_of_table
self . ti_models = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = ModelType . TextualInversion ,
window_width = window_width ,
bottom_of_table = max ( bottom_of_table , self . nextrely )
self . nextrely = bottom_of_table + 1
self . nextrely + = 1
back_label = " BACK "
cancel_label = " CANCEL "
current_position = self . nextrely
if self . multipage :
self . back_button = self . add_widget_intelligent (
npyscreen . ButtonPress ,
name = back_label ,
when_pressed_function = self . on_back ,
else :
self . nextrely = current_position
self . cancel_button = self . add_widget_intelligent (
npyscreen . ButtonPress , name = cancel_label , when_pressed_function = self . on_cancel
self . nextrely = current_position
label = " APPLY CHANGES "
self . nextrely = current_position
self . done = self . add_widget_intelligent (
npyscreen . ButtonPress ,
name = label ,
relx = window_width - len ( label ) - 15 ,
when_pressed_function = self . on_done ,
# This restores the selected page on return from an installation
for _i in range ( 1 , self . current_tab + 1 ) :
self . tabs . h_cursor_line_down ( 1 )
self . _toggle_tables ( [ self . current_tab ] )
############# diffusers tab ##########
def add_starter_pipelines ( self ) - > dict [ str , npyscreen . widget ] :
""" Add widgets responsible for selecting diffusers models """
widgets : Dict [ str , npyscreen . widget ] = { }
all_models = self . all_models # master dict of all models, indexed by key
model_list = [ x for x in self . starter_models if all_models [ x ] . type in [ " main " , " vae " ] ]
model_labels = [ self . model_labels [ x ] for x in model_list ]
widgets . update (
label1 = self . add_widget_intelligent (
CenteredTitleText ,
name = " Select from a starter set of Stable Diffusion models from HuggingFace and Civitae. " ,
editable = False ,
labelColor = " CAUTION " ,
self . nextrely - = 1
# if user has already installed some initial models, then don't patronize them
# by showing more recommendations
show_recommended = len ( self . installed_models ) == 0
checked = [
model_list . index ( x )
for x in model_list
if ( show_recommended and all_models [ x ] . recommended ) or all_models [ x ] . installed
widgets . update (
models_selected = self . add_widget_intelligent (
MultiSelectColumns ,
columns = 1 ,
name = " Install Starter Models " ,
values = model_labels ,
value = checked ,
max_height = len ( model_list ) + 1 ,
relx = 4 ,
scroll_exit = True ,
) ,
models = model_list ,
self . nextrely + = 1
return widgets
############# Add a set of model install widgets ########
def add_model_widgets (
self ,
model_type : ModelType ,
window_width : int = 120 ,
install_prompt : Optional [ str ] = None ,
exclude : Optional [ Set [ str ] ] = None ,
) - > dict [ str , npyscreen . widget ] :
""" Generic code to create model selection widgets """
if exclude is None :
exclude = set ( )
widgets : Dict [ str , npyscreen . widget ] = { }
all_models = self . all_models
model_list = sorted (
[ x for x in all_models if all_models [ x ] . type == model_type and x not in exclude ] ,
key = lambda x : all_models [ x ] . name or " " ,
model_labels = [ self . model_labels [ x ] for x in model_list ]
show_recommended = len ( self . installed_models ) == 0
truncated = False
if len ( model_list ) > 0 :
max_width = max ( [ len ( x ) for x in model_labels ] )
columns = window_width / / ( max_width + 8 ) # 8 characters for "[x] " and padding
columns = min ( len ( model_list ) , columns ) or 1
prompt = (
or f " Select the desired { model_type . value . title ( ) } models to install. Unchecked models will be purged from disk. "
widgets . update (
label1 = self . add_widget_intelligent (
CenteredTitleText ,
name = prompt ,
editable = False ,
labelColor = " CAUTION " ,
if len ( model_labels ) > MAX_OTHER_MODELS :
model_labels = model_labels [ 0 : MAX_OTHER_MODELS ]
truncated = True
widgets . update (
models_selected = self . add_widget_intelligent (
MultiSelectColumns ,
columns = columns ,
name = f " Install { model_type } Models " ,
values = model_labels ,
value = [
model_list . index ( x )
for x in model_list
if ( show_recommended and all_models [ x ] . recommended ) or all_models [ x ] . installed
] ,
max_height = len ( model_list ) / / columns + 1 ,
relx = 4 ,
scroll_exit = True ,
) ,
models = model_list ,
if truncated :
widgets . update (
warning_message = self . add_widget_intelligent (
npyscreen . FixedText ,
value = f " Too many models to display (max= { MAX_OTHER_MODELS } ). Some are not displayed. " ,
editable = False ,
color = " CAUTION " ,
self . nextrely + = 1
widgets . update (
download_ids = self . add_widget_intelligent (
TextBox ,
name = " Additional URLs, or HuggingFace repo_ids to install (Space separated. Use shift-control-V to paste): " ,
max_height = 6 ,
scroll_exit = True ,
editable = True ,
return widgets
### Tab for arbitrary diffusers widgets ###
def add_pipeline_widgets (
self ,
model_type : ModelType = ModelType . Main ,
window_width : int = 120 ,
* * kwargs ,
) - > dict [ str , npyscreen . widget ] :
""" Similar to add_model_widgets() but adds some additional widgets at the bottom
to support the autoload directory """
widgets = self . add_model_widgets (
model_type = model_type ,
window_width = window_width ,
install_prompt = f " Installed { model_type . value . title ( ) } models. Unchecked models in the InvokeAI root directory will be deleted. Enter URLs, paths or repo_ids to import. " ,
* * kwargs ,
return widgets
def resize ( self ) - > None :
super ( ) . resize ( )
if s := self . starter_pipelines . get ( " models_selected " ) :
if model_list := self . starter_pipelines . get ( " models " ) :
s . values = [ self . model_labels [ x ] for x in model_list ]
def _toggle_tables ( self , value : List [ int ] ) - > None :
selected_tab = value [ 0 ]
widgets = [
self . starter_pipelines ,
self . pipeline_models ,
self . controlnet_models ,
self . t2i_models ,
self . ipadapter_models ,
self . lora_models ,
self . ti_models ,
for group in widgets :
for _k , v in group . items ( ) :
try :
v . hidden = True
v . editable = False
except Exception :
for _k , v in widgets [ selected_tab ] . items ( ) :
try :
v . hidden = False
if not isinstance ( v , ( npyscreen . FixedText , npyscreen . TitleFixedText , CenteredTitleText ) ) :
v . editable = True
except Exception :
self . __class__ . current_tab = selected_tab # for persistence
self . display ( )
def _get_model_labels ( self ) - > dict [ str , str ] :
""" Return a list of trimmed labels for all models. """
window_width , window_height = get_terminal_size ( )
checkbox_width = 4
spacing_width = 2
result = { }
models = self . all_models
label_width = max ( [ len ( models [ x ] . name or " " ) for x in self . starter_models ] )
description_width = window_width - label_width - checkbox_width - spacing_width
for key in self . all_models :
description = models [ key ] . description
description = (
description [ 0 : description_width - 3 ] + " ... "
if description and len ( description ) > description_width
else description
if description
else " "
result [ key ] = f " %- { label_width } s %s " % ( models [ key ] . name , description )
return result
def _get_columns ( self ) - > int :
window_width , window_height = get_terminal_size ( )
cols = 4 if window_width > 240 else 3 if window_width > 160 else 2 if window_width > 80 else 1
return min ( cols , len ( self . installed_models ) )
def confirm_deletions ( self , selections : InstallSelections ) - > bool :
remove_models = selections . remove_models
if remove_models :
model_names = [ self . all_models [ x ] . name or " " for x in remove_models ]
mods = " \n " . join ( model_names )
is_ok = npyscreen . notify_ok_cancel (
f " These unchecked models will be deleted from disk. Continue? \n --------- \n { mods } "
assert isinstance ( is_ok , bool ) # npyscreen doesn't have return type annotations
return is_ok
else :
return True
def all_models ( self ) - > Dict [ str , UnifiedModelInfo ] :
# npyscreen doesn't having typing hints
return self . parentApp . install_helper . all_models # type: ignore
def starter_models ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
return self . parentApp . install_helper . _starter_models # type: ignore
def installed_models ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
return self . parentApp . install_helper . _installed_models # type: ignore
def on_back ( self ) - > None :
self . parentApp . switchFormPrevious ( )
self . editing = False
def on_cancel ( self ) - > None :
self . parentApp . setNextForm ( None )
self . parentApp . user_cancelled = True
self . editing = False
def on_done ( self ) - > None :
self . marshall_arguments ( )
if not self . confirm_deletions ( self . parentApp . install_selections ) :
self . parentApp . setNextForm ( None )
self . parentApp . user_cancelled = False
self . editing = False
def marshall_arguments ( self ) - > None :
Assemble arguments and store as attributes of the application :
. starter_models : dict of model names to install from INITIAL_CONFIGURE . yaml
True = > Install
False = > Remove
. scan_directory : Path to a directory of models to scan and import
. autoscan_on_startup : True if invokeai should scan and import at startup time
. import_model_paths : list of URLs , repo_ids and file paths to import
selections = self . parentApp . install_selections
all_models = self . all_models
# Defined models (in INITIAL_CONFIG.yaml or models.yaml) to add/remove
ui_sections = [
self . starter_pipelines ,
self . pipeline_models ,
self . controlnet_models ,
self . t2i_models ,
self . ipadapter_models ,
self . lora_models ,
self . ti_models ,
for section in ui_sections :
if " models_selected " not in section :
selected = { section [ " models " ] [ x ] for x in section [ " models_selected " ] . value }
models_to_install = [ x for x in selected if not self . all_models [ x ] . installed ]
models_to_remove = [ x for x in section [ " models " ] if x not in selected and self . all_models [ x ] . installed ]
selections . remove_models . extend ( models_to_remove )
selections . install_models . extend ( [ all_models [ x ] for x in models_to_install ] )
# models located in the 'download_ids" section
for section in ui_sections :
if downloads := section . get ( " download_ids " ) :
models = [ UnifiedModelInfo ( source = x ) for x in downloads . value . split ( ) ]
selections . install_models . extend ( models )
class AddModelApplication ( npyscreen . NPSAppManaged ) : # type: ignore
def __init__ ( self , opt : Namespace , install_helper : InstallHelper ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . program_opts = opt
self . user_cancelled = False
self . install_selections = InstallSelections ( )
self . install_helper = install_helper
def onStart ( self ) - > None :
npyscreen . setTheme ( npyscreen . Themes . DefaultTheme )
self . main_form = self . addForm (
" MAIN " ,
addModelsForm ,
name = " Install Stable Diffusion Models " ,
cycle_widgets = False ,
def list_models ( installer : ModelInstallService , model_type : ModelType ) :
""" Print out all models of type model_type. """
models = installer . record_store . search_by_attr ( model_type = model_type )
print ( f " Installed models of type ` { model_type } `: " )
for model in models :
path = ( config . models_path / model . path ) . resolve ( )
2024-02-06 02:55:11 +00:00
print ( f " { model . name : 40 } { model . base . value : 5 } { model . type . value : 8 } { model . format . value : 12 } { path } " )
2024-02-02 17:18:47 +00:00
# --------------------------------------------------------
def select_and_download_models ( opt : Namespace ) - > None :
""" Prompt user for install/delete selections and execute. """
precision = " float32 " if opt . full_precision else choose_precision ( torch . device ( choose_torch_device ( ) ) )
# unsure how to avoid a typing complaint in the next line: config.precision is an enumerated Literal
config . precision = precision # type: ignore
install_helper = InstallHelper ( config , logger )
installer = install_helper . installer
if opt . list_models :
list_models ( installer , opt . list_models )
elif opt . add or opt . delete :
selections = InstallSelections (
install_models = [ UnifiedModelInfo ( source = x ) for x in ( opt . add or [ ] ) ] , remove_models = opt . delete or [ ]
install_helper . add_or_delete ( selections )
elif opt . default_only :
selections = InstallSelections ( install_models = [ install_helper . default_model ( ) ] )
install_helper . add_or_delete ( selections )
elif opt . yes_to_all :
selections = InstallSelections ( install_models = install_helper . recommended_models ( ) )
install_helper . add_or_delete ( selections )
# this is where the TUI is called
else :
if not set_min_terminal_size ( MIN_COLS , MIN_LINES ) :
raise WindowTooSmallException (
" Could not increase terminal size. Try running again with a larger window or smaller font size. "
installApp = AddModelApplication ( opt , install_helper )
try :
installApp . run ( )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print ( " Aborted... " )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
install_helper . add_or_delete ( installApp . install_selections )
# -------------------------------------
def main ( ) - > None :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = " InvokeAI model downloader " )
parser . add_argument (
" --add " ,
nargs = " * " ,
help = " List of URLs, local paths or repo_ids of models to install " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --delete " ,
nargs = " * " ,
help = " List of names of models to delete. Use type:name to disambiguate, as in `controlnet:my_model` " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --full-precision " ,
dest = " full_precision " ,
action = argparse . BooleanOptionalAction ,
type = bool ,
default = False ,
help = " use 32-bit weights instead of faster 16-bit weights " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --yes " ,
" -y " ,
dest = " yes_to_all " ,
action = " store_true " ,
help = ' answer " yes " to all prompts ' ,
parser . add_argument (
" --default_only " ,
action = " store_true " ,
help = " Only install the default model " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --list-models " ,
choices = [ x . value for x in ModelType ] ,
help = " list installed models " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --root_dir " ,
dest = " root " ,
type = str ,
default = None ,
help = " path to root of install directory " ,
opt = parser . parse_args ( )
invoke_args = [ ]
if opt . root :
invoke_args . extend ( [ " --root " , opt . root ] )
if opt . full_precision :
invoke_args . extend ( [ " --precision " , " float32 " ] )
config . parse_args ( invoke_args )
logger = InvokeAILogger ( ) . get_logger ( config = config )
if not config . model_conf_path . exists ( ) :
logger . info ( " Your InvokeAI root directory is not set up. Calling invokeai-configure. " )
from invokeai . frontend . install . invokeai_configure import invokeai_configure
invokeai_configure ( )
sys . exit ( 0 )
try :
select_and_download_models ( opt )
except AssertionError as e :
logger . error ( e )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
curses . nocbreak ( )
curses . echo ( )
curses . endwin ( )
logger . info ( " Goodbye! Come back soon. " )
except WindowTooSmallException as e :
logger . error ( str ( e ) )
except widget . NotEnoughSpaceForWidget as e :
if str ( e ) . startswith ( " Height of 1 allocated " ) :
logger . error ( " Insufficient vertical space for the interface. Please make your window taller and try again " )
input ( " Press any key to continue... " )
except Exception as e :
if str ( e ) . startswith ( " addwstr " ) :
logger . error (
" Insufficient horizontal space for the interface. Please make your window wider and try again. "
else :
print ( f " An exception has occurred: { str ( e ) } Details: " )
print ( traceback . format_exc ( ) , file = sys . stderr )
input ( " Press any key to continue... " )
# -------------------------------------
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )