feat(installer): port invoke.sh to powershell 5.1 (draft)

This version of powershell is supported on Windows 10 and above
This commit is contained in:
psychedelicious 2024-04-28 18:22:56 +10:00
parent d2856fd88b
commit 10c46c86da

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@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
Launch script for InvokeAI on Windows.
This script activates a virtual environment and provides a menu for user operations.
It assumes the .venv is in the same directory as this script.
Coauthored by Lincoln Stein, Eugene Brodsky, and Joshua Kimsey
Copyright 2023, The InvokeAI Development Team
# Stop on all errors
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Ensure we're in the correct folder in case user's CWD is somewhere else
$scriptdir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
Set-Location $scriptdir
# Activate the virtual environment
& .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
$env:INVOKEAI_ROOT = $scriptdir
function invokeai_update {
# Reset the updates dir
if (Test-Path invokeai-update) {
Remove-Item invokeai-update -Recurse -Force
# The helper downloads the installer to the invokeai-update directory
& invokeai-update-helper invokeai-update
# Use the install dir as a proxy for the update helper having retrieved the installer
if (Test-Path invokeai-update) {
# Must deactivate first to avoid issues with the installer
& .venv\Scripts\Deactivate.ps1
# Run the installer
& .\invokeai-update\InvokeAI-Installer\install.ps1 --root $scriptdir
# Clean up
Remove-Item invokeai-update -Recurse -Force
# Always exit after an update - user must re-run the script to get new options
exit 0
function do_choice {
param ($choice)
switch ($choice) {
1 {
Write-Host "Generate images with a browser-based interface"
& invokeai-web @script:PARAMS
2 {
Write-Host "Open the developer console"
& powershell -NoExit -Command "$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition"
3 {
Write-Host "Check for updates"
4 {
Write-Host "Command-line help"
& invokeai-web --help
default {
Write-Host "Exiting..."
function do_line_input {
Write-Host "What would you like to do?"
Write-Host "1: Generate images using the browser-based interface"
Write-Host "2: Open the developer console"
Write-Host "3: Check for updates"
Write-Host "4: Command-line help"
Write-Host "Q: Quit`n"
Write-Host "To update, download and run the installer from https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/releases/latest.`n"
$choice = Read-Host "Please enter 1-4, Q: [1]"
if (!$choice) { $choice = '1' }
do_choice $choice
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne 'powershell') {
do {
} while ($true)
} else { # in developer console
python --version
Write-Host "Press CTRL+D to exit"
$env:PS1 = "(InvokeAI) \u@\h \w> "