diff --git a/ldm/dream/image_util.py b/ldm/dream/image_util.py
index fa14ec897b..e389fd50e3 100644
--- a/ldm/dream/image_util.py
+++ b/ldm/dream/image_util.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from math import sqrt, floor, ceil
 from PIL import Image
 class InitImageResizer():
@@ -51,4 +52,22 @@ class InitImageResizer():
         return new_image
+def make_grid(image_list, rows=None, cols=None):
+    image_cnt = len(image_list)
+    if None in (rows, cols):
+        rows = floor(sqrt(image_cnt))  # try to make it square
+        cols = ceil(image_cnt / rows)
+    width = image_list[0].width
+    height = image_list[0].height
+    grid_img = Image.new('RGB', (width * cols, height * rows))
+    i = 0
+    for r in range(0, rows):
+        for c in range(0, cols):
+            if i >= len(image_list):
+                break
+            grid_img.paste(image_list[i], (c * width, r * height))
+            i = i + 1
+    return grid_img
diff --git a/ldm/dream/pngwriter.py b/ldm/dream/pngwriter.py
index f7838a58bf..f6b1762883 100644
--- a/ldm/dream/pngwriter.py
+++ b/ldm/dream/pngwriter.py
@@ -2,97 +2,42 @@
 Two helper classes for dealing with PNG images and their path names.
 PngWriter -- Converts Images generated by T2I into PNGs, finds
              appropriate names for them, and writes prompt metadata
-             into the PNG. Intended to be subclassable in order to
-             create more complex naming schemes, including using the
-             prompt for file/directory names.
+             into the PNG.
 PromptFormatter -- Utility for converting a Namespace of prompt parameters
              back into a formatted prompt string with command-line switches.
 import os
 import re
-from math import sqrt, floor, ceil
-from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
+from PIL import PngImagePlugin
 # -------------------image generation utils-----
 class PngWriter:
-    def __init__(self, outdir, prompt=None):
+    def __init__(self, outdir):
         self.outdir = outdir
-        self.prompt = prompt
-        self.filepath = None
-        self.files_written = []
         os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
-    def write_image(self, image, seed, upscaled=False):
-        self.filepath = self.unique_filename(
-            seed, upscaled, self.filepath
-        )   # will increment name in some sensible way
-        try:
-            prompt = f'{self.prompt} -S{seed}'
-            self.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, prompt, self.filepath)
-        except IOError as e:
-            print(e)
-        if not upscaled:
-            self.files_written.append([self.filepath, seed])
+    # gives the next unique prefix in outdir
+    def unique_prefix(self):
+        # sort reverse alphabetically until we find max+1
+        dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(self.outdir), reverse=True)
+        # find the first filename that matches our pattern or return 000000.0.png
+        existing_name = next(
+            (f for f in dirlist if re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', f)),
+            '0000000.0.png',
+        )
+        basecount = int(existing_name.split('.', 1)[0]) + 1
+        return f'{basecount:06}'
-    def unique_filename(self, seed, upscaled=False, previouspath=None):
-        revision = 1
-        if previouspath is None:
-            # sort reverse alphabetically until we find max+1
-            dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(self.outdir), reverse=True)
-            # find the first filename that matches our pattern or return 000000.0.png
-            filename = next(
-                (f for f in dirlist if re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', f)),
-                '0000000.0.png',
-            )
-            basecount = int(filename.split('.', 1)[0])
-            basecount += 1
-            filename = f'{basecount:06}.{seed}.png'
-            return os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
-        else:
-            basename = os.path.basename(previouspath)
-            x = re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', basename)
-            if not x:
-                return self.unique_filename(seed, upscaled, previouspath)
-            basecount = int(x.groups()[0])
-            series = 0
-            finished = False
-            while not finished:
-                series += 1
-                filename = f'{basecount:06}.{seed}.png'
-                path = os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
-                if os.path.exists(path) and upscaled:
-                    break
-                finished = not os.path.exists(path)
-            return os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
-    def save_image_and_prompt_to_png(self, image, prompt, path):
+    # saves image named _image_ to outdir/name, writing metadata from prompt
+    # returns full path of output
+    def save_image_and_prompt_to_png(self, image, prompt, name):
+        path = os.path.join(self.outdir, name)
         info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
         info.add_text('Dream', prompt)
         image.save(path, 'PNG', pnginfo=info)
-    def make_grid(self, image_list, rows=None, cols=None):
-        image_cnt = len(image_list)
-        if None in (rows, cols):
-            rows = floor(sqrt(image_cnt))  # try to make it square
-            cols = ceil(image_cnt / rows)
-        width  = image_list[0].width
-        height = image_list[0].height
-        grid_img = Image.new('RGB', (width * cols, height * rows))
-        i = 0
-        for r in range(0, rows):
-            for c in range(0, cols):
-                if i>=len(image_list):
-                    break
-                grid_img.paste(image_list[i], (c * width, r * height))
-                i = i + 1
-        return grid_img
+        return path
 class PromptFormatter:
diff --git a/ldm/dream/server.py b/ldm/dream/server.py
index 346e114a2b..6a667f616b 100644
--- a/ldm/dream/server.py
+++ b/ldm/dream/server.py
@@ -88,24 +88,24 @@ class DreamServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
         images_generated = 0    # helps keep track of when upscaling is started
         images_upscaled = 0     # helps keep track of when upscaling is completed
-        pngwriter = PngWriter(
-            "./outputs/img-samples/", config['prompt'], 1
-        )
+        pngwriter = PngWriter("./outputs/img-samples/")
+        prefix = pngwriter.unique_prefix()
         # if upscaling is requested, then this will be called twice, once when
         # the images are first generated, and then again when after upscaling
         # is complete. The upscaling replaces the original file, so the second
         # entry should not be inserted into the image list.
         def image_done(image, seed, upscaled=False):
-            pngwriter.write_image(image, seed, upscaled)
+            name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
+            path = pngwriter.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{prompt} -S{seed}', name)
             # Append post_data to log, but only once!
             if not upscaled:
-                current_image = pngwriter.files_written[-1]
                 with open("./outputs/img-samples/dream_web_log.txt", "a") as log:
-                    log.write(f"{current_image[0]}: {json.dumps(config)}\n")
+                    log.write(f"{path}: {json.dumps(config)}\n")
-                    {'event':'result', 'files':current_image, 'config':config}
+                    {'event': 'result', 'url': path, 'seed': seed, 'config': config}
                 ) + '\n',"utf-8"))
             # control state of the "postprocessing..." message
@@ -129,22 +129,24 @@ class DreamServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                     ) + '\n',"utf-8"))
-        # TODO: refactor PngWriter:
-        # it doesn't need to know if batch_size > 1, just if this is _part of a batch_
-        step_writer = PngWriter('./outputs/intermediates/', prompt, 2)
+        step_writer = PngWriter('./outputs/intermediates/')
+        step_index = 1
         def image_progress(sample, step):
             if self.canceled.is_set():
                 self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps({'event':'canceled'}) + '\n', 'utf-8'))
                 raise CanceledException
-            url = None
+            path = None
             # since rendering images is moderately expensive, only render every 5th image
             # and don't bother with the last one, since it'll render anyway
+            nonlocal step_index
             if progress_images and step % 5 == 0 and step < steps - 1:
                 image = self.model._sample_to_image(sample)
-                step_writer.write_image(image, seed) # TODO PngWriter to return path
-                url = step_writer.filepath
+                name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.{step_index}.png'
+                metadata = f'{prompt} -S{seed} [intermediate]'
+                path = step_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, metadata, name)
+                step_index += 1
-                {'event':'step', 'step':step + 1, 'url': url}
+                {'event': 'step', 'step': step + 1, 'url': path}
             ) + '\n',"utf-8"))
diff --git a/ldm/simplet2i.py b/ldm/simplet2i.py
index b83280471d..d969ac5e23 100644
--- a/ldm/simplet2i.py
+++ b/ldm/simplet2i.py
@@ -171,10 +171,14 @@ class T2I:
         Optional named arguments are the same as those passed to T2I and prompt2image()
         results = self.prompt2image(prompt, **kwargs)
-        pngwriter = PngWriter(outdir, prompt)
-        for r in results:
-            pngwriter.write_image(r[0], r[1])
-        return pngwriter.files_written
+        pngwriter = PngWriter(outdir)
+        prefix = pngwriter.unique_prefix()
+        outputs = []
+        for image, seed in results:
+            name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
+            path = pngwriter.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{prompt} -S{seed}', name)
+            outputs.append([path, seed])
+        return outputs
     def txt2img(self, prompt, **kwargs):
         outdir = kwargs.pop('outdir', 'outputs/img-samples')
@@ -349,10 +353,7 @@ class T2I:
                                 f'Error running RealESRGAN - Your image was not upscaled.\n{e}'
                         if image_callback is not None:
-                            if save_original:
-                                image_callback(image, seed)
-                            else:
-                                image_callback(image, seed, upscaled=True)
+                            image_callback(image, seed, upscaled=True)
                         else: # no callback passed, so we simply replace old image with rescaled one
                             result[0] = image
diff --git a/scripts/dream.py b/scripts/dream.py
index 0014fb6d4d..50be6dfa7c 100755
--- a/scripts/dream.py
+++ b/scripts/dream.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import time
 import ldm.dream.readline
 from ldm.dream.pngwriter import PngWriter, PromptFormatter
 from ldm.dream.server import DreamServer, ThreadingDreamServer
+from ldm.dream.image_util import make_grid
 def main():
     """Initialize command-line parsers and the diffusion model"""
@@ -203,24 +204,40 @@ def main_loop(t2i, outdir, prompt_as_dir, parser, infile):
         # Here is where the images are actually generated!
-            file_writer = PngWriter(current_outdir, normalized_prompt)
-            callback    = file_writer.write_image if individual_images else None
-            image_list  = t2i.prompt2image(image_callback=callback, **vars(opt))
-            results = (
-                file_writer.files_written if individual_images else image_list
-            )
+            file_writer = PngWriter(current_outdir)
+            prefix = file_writer.unique_prefix()
+            seeds = set()
+            results = []
+            grid_images = dict() # seed -> Image, only used if `do_grid`
+            def image_writer(image, seed, upscaled=False):
+                if do_grid:
+                    grid_images[seed] = image
+                else:
+                    if upscaled and opt.save_original:
+                        filename = f'{prefix}.{seed}.postprocessed.png'
+                    else:
+                        filename = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
+                    path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{normalized_prompt} -S{seed}', filename)
+                    if (not upscaled) or opt.save_original:
+                        # only append to results if we didn't overwrite an earlier output
+                        results.append([path, seed])
-            if do_grid and len(results) > 0:
-                grid_img = file_writer.make_grid([r[0] for r in results])
-                filename = file_writer.unique_filename(results[0][1])
-                seeds = [a[1] for a in results]
-                results = [[filename, seeds]]
-                metadata_prompt = f'{normalized_prompt} -S{results[0][1]}'
-                file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(
+                seeds.add(seed)
+            t2i.prompt2image(image_callback=image_writer, **vars(opt))
+            if do_grid and len(grid_images) > 0:
+                grid_img = make_grid(list(grid_images.values()))
+                first_seed = next(iter(seeds))
+                filename = f'{prefix}.{first_seed}.png'
+                # TODO better metadata for grid images
+                metadata_prompt = f'{normalized_prompt} -S{first_seed}'
+                path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(
                     grid_img, metadata_prompt, filename
+                results = [[path, seeds]]
-            last_seeds = [r[1] for r in results]
+            last_seeds = list(seeds)
         except AssertionError as e:
diff --git a/static/dream_web/index.js b/static/dream_web/index.js
index 5ef75a34a3..4b1c8ac2ec 100644
--- a/static/dream_web/index.js
+++ b/static/dream_web/index.js
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ async function generateSubmit(form) {
                 if (data.event === 'result') {
                     noOutputs = false;
-                    appendOutput(data.files[0],data.files[1],data.config);
+                    appendOutput(data.url, data.seed, data.config);
                     progressEle.setAttribute('value', 0);
                     progressEle.setAttribute('max', totalSteps);
                     progressImageEle.src = BLANK_IMAGE_URL;