diff --git a/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/migration_3.py b/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/migration_3.py
index 87bbcf856c..48eb1db854 100644
--- a/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/migration_3.py
+++ b/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/migration_3.py
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ from logging import Logger
 from invokeai.app.services.config import InvokeAIAppConfig
 from invokeai.app.services.shared.sqlite_migrator.sqlite_migrator_common import Migration
-from .util.migrate_yaml_config_1 import MigrateModelYamlToDb1
 class Migration3Callback:
     def __init__(self, app_config: InvokeAIAppConfig, logger: Logger) -> None:
@@ -15,7 +13,6 @@ class Migration3Callback:
     def __call__(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
-        self._migrate_model_config_records(cursor)
     def _drop_model_manager_metadata(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
         """Drops the `model_manager_metadata` table."""
@@ -55,12 +52,6 @@ class Migration3Callback:
-    def _migrate_model_config_records(self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor) -> None:
-        """After updating the model config table, we repopulate it."""
-        self._logger.info("Migrating model config records from models.yaml to database")
-        model_record_migrator = MigrateModelYamlToDb1(self._app_config, self._logger, cursor)
-        model_record_migrator.migrate()
 def build_migration_3(app_config: InvokeAIAppConfig, logger: Logger) -> Migration:
diff --git a/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/util/migrate_yaml_config_1.py b/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/util/migrate_yaml_config_1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bba609ba35..0000000000
--- a/invokeai/app/services/shared/sqlite_migrator/migrations/util/migrate_yaml_config_1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2023 Lincoln D. Stein
-"""Migrate from the InvokeAI v2 models.yaml format to the v3 sqlite format."""
-import json
-import sqlite3
-from logging import Logger
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Optional
-from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
-from pydantic import TypeAdapter
-from invokeai.app.services.config import InvokeAIAppConfig
-from invokeai.app.services.model_records import (
-    DuplicateModelException,
-    UnknownModelException,
-from invokeai.backend.model_manager.config import (
-    AnyModelConfig,
-    BaseModelType,
-    ModelConfigFactory,
-    ModelType,
-from invokeai.backend.model_manager.hash import ModelHash
-ModelsValidator = TypeAdapter(AnyModelConfig)
-class MigrateModelYamlToDb1:
-    """
-    Migrate the InvokeAI models.yaml format (VERSION 3.0.0) to SQL3 database format (VERSION 3.5.0).
-    The class has one externally useful method, migrate(), which scans the
-    currently models.yaml file and imports all its entries into invokeai.db.
-    Use this way:
-      from invokeai.backend.model_manager/migrate_to_db import MigrateModelYamlToDb
-      MigrateModelYamlToDb().migrate()
-    """
-    config: InvokeAIAppConfig
-    logger: Logger
-    cursor: sqlite3.Cursor
-    def __init__(self, config: InvokeAIAppConfig, logger: Logger, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor = None) -> None:
-        self.config = config
-        self.logger = logger
-        self.cursor = cursor
-    def get_yaml(self) -> DictConfig:
-        """Fetch the models.yaml DictConfig for this installation."""
-        yaml_path = self.config.model_conf_path
-        omegaconf = OmegaConf.load(yaml_path)
-        assert isinstance(omegaconf, DictConfig)
-        return omegaconf
-    def migrate(self) -> None:
-        """Do the migration from models.yaml to invokeai.db."""
-        try:
-            yaml = self.get_yaml()
-        except OSError:
-            return
-        for model_key, stanza in yaml.items():
-            if model_key == "__metadata__":
-                assert (
-                    stanza["version"] == "3.0.0"
-                ), f"This script works on version 3.0.0 yaml files, but your configuration points to a {stanza['version']} version"
-                continue
-            base_type, model_type, model_name = str(model_key).split("/")
-            try:
-                hash = ModelHash().hash(self.config.models_path / stanza.path)
-            except OSError:
-                self.logger.warning(f"The model at {stanza.path} is not a valid file or directory. Skipping migration.")
-                continue
-            stanza["base"] = BaseModelType(base_type)
-            stanza["type"] = ModelType(model_type)
-            stanza["name"] = model_name
-            stanza["original_hash"] = hash
-            stanza["current_hash"] = hash
-            new_key = hash  # deterministic key assignment
-            # special case for ip adapters, which need the new `image_encoder_model_id` field
-            if stanza["type"] == ModelType.IPAdapter:
-                try:
-                    stanza["image_encoder_model_id"] = self._get_image_encoder_model_id(
-                        self.config.models_path / stanza.path
-                    )
-                except OSError:
-                    self.logger.warning(f"Could not determine image encoder for {stanza.path}. Skipping.")
-                    continue
-            new_config: AnyModelConfig = ModelsValidator.validate_python(stanza)  # type: ignore # see https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic/discussions/7094
-            try:
-                if original_record := self._search_by_path(stanza.path):
-                    key = original_record.key
-                    self.logger.info(f"Updating model {model_name} with information from models.yaml using key {key}")
-                    self._update_model(key, new_config)
-                else:
-                    self.logger.info(f"Adding model {model_name} with key {new_key}")
-                    self._add_model(new_key, new_config)
-            except DuplicateModelException:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Model {model_name} is already in the database")
-            except UnknownModelException:
-                self.logger.warning(f"Model at {stanza.path} could not be found in database")
-    def _search_by_path(self, path: Path) -> Optional[AnyModelConfig]:
-        self.cursor.execute(
-            """--sql
-            SELECT config FROM model_config
-            WHERE path=?;
-            """,
-            (str(path),),
-        )
-        results = [ModelConfigFactory.make_config(json.loads(x[0])) for x in self.cursor.fetchall()]
-        return results[0] if results else None
-    def _update_model(self, key: str, config: AnyModelConfig) -> None:
-        record = ModelConfigFactory.make_config(config, key=key)  # ensure it is a valid config obect
-        json_serialized = record.model_dump_json()  # and turn it into a json string.
-        self.cursor.execute(
-            """--sql
-            UPDATE model_config
-            SET
-                config=?
-            WHERE id=?;
-            """,
-            (json_serialized, key),
-        )
-        if self.cursor.rowcount == 0:
-            raise UnknownModelException("model not found")
-    def _add_model(self, key: str, config: AnyModelConfig) -> None:
-        record = ModelConfigFactory.make_config(config, key=key)  # ensure it is a valid config obect.
-        json_serialized = record.model_dump_json()  # and turn it into a json string.
-        try:
-            self.cursor.execute(
-                """--sql
-                INSERT INTO model_config (
-                   id,
-                   original_hash,
-                   config
-                  )
-                VALUES (?,?,?);
-                """,
-                (
-                    key,
-                    record.hash,
-                    json_serialized,
-                ),
-            )
-        except sqlite3.IntegrityError as exc:
-            raise DuplicateModelException(f"{record.name}: model is already in database") from exc
-    def _get_image_encoder_model_id(self, model_path: Path) -> str:
-        with open(model_path / "image_encoder.txt") as f:
-            encoder = f.read()
-        return encoder.strip()