Merge branch 'main' into feat/ip-adapter

This commit is contained in:
blessedcoolant 2023-09-16 07:06:46 +12:00
commit 834751e877
18 changed files with 346 additions and 146 deletions

View File

@ -619,56 +619,174 @@
"addNodeToolTip": "Add Node (Shift+A, Space)",
"animatedEdges": "Animated Edges",
"animatedEdgesHelp": "Animate selected edges and edges connected to selected nodes",
"boolean": "Booleans",
"booleanCollection": "Boolean Collection",
"booleanCollectionDescription": "A collection of booleans.",
"booleanDescription": "Booleans are true or false.",
"booleanPolymorphic": "Boolean Polymorphic",
"booleanPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of booleans.",
"cannotConnectInputToInput": "Cannot connect input to input",
"cannotConnectOutputToOutput": "Cannot connect output to output",
"cannotConnectToSelf": "Cannot connect to self",
"clipField": "Clip",
"clipFieldDescription": "Tokenizer and text_encoder submodels.",
"collection": "Collection",
"collectionDescription": "TODO",
"collectionItem": "Collection Item",
"collectionItemDescription": "TODO",
"colorCodeEdges": "Color-Code Edges",
"colorCodeEdgesHelp": "Color-code edges according to their connected fields",
"colorCollectionDescription": "A collection of colors.",
"colorField": "Color",
"colorFieldDescription": "A RGBA color.",
"colorPolymorphic": "Color Polymorphic",
"colorPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of colors.",
"conditioningCollection": "Conditioning Collection",
"conditioningCollectionDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
"conditioningField": "Conditioning",
"conditioningFieldDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
"conditioningPolymorphic": "Conditioning Polymorphic",
"conditioningPolymorphicDescription": "Conditioning may be passed between nodes.",
"connectionWouldCreateCycle": "Connection would create a cycle",
"controlCollection": "Control Collection",
"controlCollectionDescription": "Control info passed between nodes.",
"controlField": "Control",
"controlFieldDescription": "Control info passed between nodes.",
"currentImage": "Current Image",
"currentImageDescription": "Displays the current image in the Node Editor",
"denoiseMaskField": "Denoise Mask",
"denoiseMaskFieldDescription": "Denoise Mask may be passed between nodes",
"doesNotExist": "does not exist",
"downloadWorkflow": "Download Workflow JSON",
"edge": "Edge",
"enum": "Enum",
"enumDescription": "Enums are values that may be one of a number of options.",
"executionStateCompleted": "Completed",
"executionStateError": "Error",
"executionStateInProgress": "In Progress",
"fieldTypesMustMatch": "Field types must match",
"fitViewportNodes": "Fit View",
"float": "Float",
"floatCollection": "Float Collection",
"floatCollectionDescription": "A collection of floats.",
"floatDescription": "Floats are numbers with a decimal point.",
"floatPolymorphic": "Float Polymorphic",
"floatPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of floats.",
"fullyContainNodes": "Fully Contain Nodes to Select",
"fullyContainNodesHelp": "Nodes must be fully inside the selection box to be selected",
"hideGraphNodes": "Hide Graph Overlay",
"hideLegendNodes": "Hide Field Type Legend",
"hideMinimapnodes": "Hide MiniMap",
"imageCollection": "Image Collection",
"imageCollectionDescription": "A collection of images.",
"imageField": "Image",
"imageFieldDescription": "Images may be passed between nodes.",
"imagePolymorphic": "Image Polymorphic",
"imagePolymorphicDescription": "A collection of images.",
"inputFields": "Input Feilds",
"inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection": "Input may only have one connection",
"inputNode": "Input Node",
"integer": "Integer",
"integerCollection": "Integer Collection",
"integerCollectionDescription": "A collection of integers.",
"integerDescription": "Integers are whole numbers, without a decimal point.",
"integerPolymorphic": "Integer Polymorphic",
"integerPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of integers.",
"invalidOutputSchema": "Invalid output schema",
"latentsCollection": "Latents Collection",
"latentsCollectionDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
"latentsField": "Latents",
"latentsFieldDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
"latentsPolymorphic": "Latents Polymorphic",
"latentsPolymorphicDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
"loadingNodes": "Loading Nodes...",
"loadWorkflow": "Load Workflow",
"loRAModelField": "LoRA",
"loRAModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
"mainModelField": "Model",
"mainModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
"maybeIncompatible": "May be Incompatible With Installed",
"mismatchedVersion": "Has Mismatched Version",
"missingCanvaInitImage": "Missing canvas init image",
"missingCanvaInitMaskImages": "Missing canvas init and mask images",
"missingTemplate": "Missing Template",
"noConnectionData": "No connection data",
"noConnectionInProgress": "No connection in progress",
"node": "Node",
"nodeOutputs": "Node Outputs",
"nodeSearch": "Search for nodes",
"nodeTemplate": "Node Template",
"nodeType": "Node Type",
"noFieldsLinearview": "No fields added to Linear View",
"noFieldType": "No field type",
"noImageFoundState": "No initial image found in state",
"noMatchingNodes": "No matching nodes",
"noNodeSelected": "No node selected",
"noOpacity": "Node Opacity",
"noOutputRecorded": "No outputs recorded",
"noOutputSchemaName": "No output schema name found in ref object",
"notes": "Notes",
"notesDescription": "Add notes about your workflow",
"oNNXModelField": "ONNX Model",
"oNNXModelFieldDescription": "ONNX model field.",
"outputFields": "Output Feilds",
"outputNode": "Output node",
"outputSchemaNotFound": "Output schema not found",
"pickOne": "Pick One",
"problemReadingMetadata": "Problem reading metadata from image",
"problemReadingWorkflow": "Problem reading workflow from image",
"problemSettingTitle": "Problem Setting Title",
"reloadNodeTemplates": "Reload Node Templates",
"removeLinearView": "Remove from Linear View",
"resetWorkflow": "Reset Workflow",
"resetWorkflowDesc": "Are you sure you want to reset this workflow?",
"resetWorkflowDesc2": "Resetting the workflow will clear all nodes, edges and workflow details.",
"scheduler": "Scheduler",
"schedulerDescription": "TODO",
"sDXLMainModelField": "SDXL Model",
"sDXLMainModelFieldDescription": "SDXL model field.",
"sDXLRefinerModelField": "Refiner Model",
"sDXLRefinerModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
"showGraphNodes": "Show Graph Overlay",
"showLegendNodes": "Show Field Type Legend",
"showMinimapnodes": "Show MiniMap",
"skipped": "Skipped",
"skippedReservedInput": "Skipped reserved input field",
"skippedReservedOutput": "Skipped reserved output field",
"skippingInputNoTemplate": "Skipping input field with no template",
"skippingReservedFieldType": "Skipping reserved field type",
"skippingUnknownInputType": "Skipping unknown input field type",
"skippingUnknownOutputType": "Skipping unknown output field type",
"snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid",
"snapToGridHelp": "Snap nodes to grid when moved",
"sourceNode": "Source node",
"string": "String",
"stringCollection": "String Collection",
"stringCollectionDescription": "A collection of strings.",
"stringDescription": "Strings are text.",
"stringPolymorphic": "String Polymorphic",
"stringPolymorphicDescription": "A collection of strings.",
"unableToLoadWorkflow": "Unable to Validate Workflow",
"unableToParseEdge": "Unable to parse edge",
"unableToParseNode": "Unable to parse node",
"unableToValidateWorkflow": "Unable to Validate Workflow",
"uNetField": "UNet",
"uNetFieldDescription": "UNet submodel.",
"unhandledInputProperty": "Unhandled input property",
"unhandledOutputProperty": "Unhandled output property",
"unknownField": "Unknown Field",
"unknownNode": "Unknown Node",
"unknownTemplate": "Unknown Template",
"unkownInvocation": "Unknown Invocation type",
"updateApp": "Update App",
"vaeField": "Vae",
"vaeFieldDescription": "Vae submodel.",
"vaeModelField": "VAE",
"vaeModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
"validateConnections": "Validate Connections and Graph",
"validateConnectionsHelp": "Prevent invalid connections from being made, and invalid graphs from being invoked",
"version": "Version",
"versionUnknown": " Version Unknown",
"workflow": "Workflow",
"workflowAuthor": "Author",
"workflowContact": "Contact",
@ -680,15 +798,7 @@
"workflowValidation": "Workflow Validation Error",
"workflowVersion": "Version",
"zoomInNodes": "Zoom In",
"zoomOutNodes": "Zoom Out",
"executionStateError": "Error",
"executionStateCompleted": "Completed",
"executionStateInProgress": "In Progress",
"versionUnknown": " Version Unknown",
"unknownNode": "Unknown Node",
"version": "Version",
"updateApp": "Update App",
"unknownTemplate": "Unknown Template"
"zoomOutNodes": "Zoom Out"
"parameters": {
"aspectRatio": "Ratio",
@ -853,8 +963,14 @@
"useSlidersForAll": "Use Sliders For All Options"
"toast": {
"addedToBoard": "Added to board",
"baseModelChangedCleared": "Base model changed, cleared",
"canceled": "Processing Canceled",
"canvasCopiedClipboard": "Canvas Copied to Clipboard",
"canvasDownloaded": "Canvas Downloaded",
"canvasMerged": "Canvas Merged",
"canvasSavedGallery": "Canvas Saved to Gallery",
"canvasSentControlnetAssets": "Canvas Sent to ControlNet & Assets",
"connected": "Connected to Server",
"disconnected": "Disconnected from Server",
"downloadImageStarted": "Image Download Started",
@ -863,10 +979,18 @@
"imageLinkCopied": "Image Link Copied",
"imageNotLoaded": "No Image Loaded",
"imageNotLoadedDesc": "Could not find image",
"imageSaved": "Image Saved",
"imageSavedToGallery": "Image Saved to Gallery",
"imageSavingFailed": "Image Saving Failed",
"imageUploaded": "Image Uploaded",
"imageUploadFailed": "Image Upload Failed",
"incompatibleSubmodel": "incompatible submodel",
"initialImageNotSet": "Initial Image Not Set",
"initialImageNotSetDesc": "Could not load initial image",
"initialImageSet": "Initial Image Set",
"loadedWithWarnings": "Workflow Loaded with Warnings",
"maskSavedAssets": "Mask Saved to Assets",
"maskSentControlnetAssets": "Mask Sent to ControlNet & Assets",
"metadataLoadFailed": "Failed to load metadata",
"modelAdded": "Model Added: {{modelName}}",
"modelAddedSimple": "Model Added",
@ -887,8 +1011,20 @@
"parametersNotSet": "Parameters Not Set",
"parametersNotSetDesc": "No metadata found for this image.",
"parametersSet": "Parameters Set",
"problemCopyingCanvas": "Problem Copying Canvas",
"problemCopyingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
"problemCopyingImage": "Unable to Copy Image",
"problemCopyingImageLink": "Unable to Copy Image Link",
"problemDownloadingCanvas": "Problem Downloading Canvas",
"problemDownloadingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
"problemImportingMask": "Problem Importing Mask",
"problemImportingMaskDesc": "Unable to export mask",
"problemMergingCanvas": "Problem Merging Canvas",
"problemMergingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
"problemSavingCanvas": "Problem Saving Canvas",
"problemSavingCanvasDesc": "Unable to export base layer",
"problemSavingMask": "Problem Saving Mask",
"problemSavingMaskDesc": "Unable to export mask",
"promptNotSet": "Prompt Not Set",
"promptNotSetDesc": "Could not find prompt for this image.",
"promptSet": "Prompt Set",
@ -898,11 +1034,16 @@
"sentToImageToImage": "Sent To Image To Image",
"sentToUnifiedCanvas": "Sent to Unified Canvas",
"serverError": "Server Error",
"setCanvasInitialImage": "Set as canvas initial image",
"setControlImage": "Set as control image",
"setInitialImage": "Set as initial image",
"setNodeField": "Set as node field",
"tempFoldersEmptied": "Temp Folder Emptied",
"uploadFailed": "Upload failed",
"uploadFailedInvalidUploadDesc": "Must be single PNG or JPEG image",
"uploadFailedUnableToLoadDesc": "Unable to load file",
"upscalingFailed": "Upscaling Failed"
"upscalingFailed": "Upscaling Failed",
"workflowLoaded": "Workflow Loaded"
"tooltip": {
"feature": {

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { $logger } from 'app/logging/logger';
import { getBaseLayerBlob } from 'features/canvas/util/getBaseLayerBlob';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { copyBlobToClipboard } from 'features/canvas/util/copyBlobToClipboard';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasCopiedToClipboardListener = () => {
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ export const addCanvasCopiedToClipboardListener = () => {
moduleLog.error('Problem getting base layer blob');
title: 'Problem Copying Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemCopyingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemCopyingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ export const addCanvasCopiedToClipboardListener = () => {
title: 'Canvas Copied to Clipboard',
title: t('toast.canvasCopiedClipboard'),
status: 'success',

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { $logger } from 'app/logging/logger';
import { downloadBlob } from 'features/canvas/util/downloadBlob';
import { getBaseLayerBlob } from 'features/canvas/util/getBaseLayerBlob';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasDownloadedAsImageListener = () => {
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ export const addCanvasDownloadedAsImageListener = () => {
moduleLog.error('Problem getting base layer blob');
title: 'Problem Downloading Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemDownloadingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemDownloadingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -29,7 +30,9 @@ export const addCanvasDownloadedAsImageListener = () => {
downloadBlob(blob, 'canvas.png');
dispatch(addToast({ title: 'Canvas Downloaded', status: 'success' }));
addToast({ title: t('toast.canvasDownloaded'), status: 'success' })

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { controlNetImageChanged } from 'features/controlNet/store/controlNetSlic
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasImageToControlNetListener = () => {
@ -19,8 +20,8 @@ export const addCanvasImageToControlNetListener = () => {
log.error('Problem getting base layer blob');
title: 'Problem Saving Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemSavingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemSavingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ export const addCanvasImageToControlNetListener = () => {
crop_visible: true,
postUploadAction: {
type: 'TOAST',
toastOptions: { title: 'Canvas Sent to ControlNet & Assets' },
toastOptions: { title: t('toast.canvasSentControlnetAssets') },

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { getCanvasData } from 'features/canvas/util/getCanvasData';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasMaskSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
@ -30,8 +31,8 @@ export const addCanvasMaskSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
log.error('Problem getting mask layer blob');
title: 'Problem Saving Mask',
description: 'Unable to export mask',
title: t('toast.problemSavingMask'),
description: t('toast.problemSavingMaskDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ export const addCanvasMaskSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
crop_visible: true,
postUploadAction: {
type: 'TOAST',
toastOptions: { title: 'Mask Saved to Assets' },
toastOptions: { title: t('toast.maskSavedAssets') },

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { controlNetImageChanged } from 'features/controlNet/store/controlNetSlic
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasMaskToControlNetListener = () => {
@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ export const addCanvasMaskToControlNetListener = () => {
log.error('Problem getting mask layer blob');
title: 'Problem Importing Mask',
description: 'Unable to export mask',
title: t('toast.problemImportingMask'),
description: t('toast.problemImportingMaskDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ export const addCanvasMaskToControlNetListener = () => {
crop_visible: true,
postUploadAction: {
type: 'TOAST',
toastOptions: { title: 'Mask Sent to ControlNet & Assets' },
toastOptions: { title: t('toast.maskSentControlnetAssets') },

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { getCanvasBaseLayer } from 'features/canvas/util/konvaInstanceProvider';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasMergedListener = () => {
@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ export const addCanvasMergedListener = () => {
moduleLog.error('Problem getting base layer blob');
title: 'Problem Merging Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemMergingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemMergingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -34,8 +35,8 @@ export const addCanvasMergedListener = () => {
moduleLog.error('Problem getting canvas base layer');
title: 'Problem Merging Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemMergingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemMergingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ export const addCanvasMergedListener = () => {
is_intermediate: true,
postUploadAction: {
type: 'TOAST',
toastOptions: { title: 'Canvas Merged' },
toastOptions: { title: t('toast.canvasMerged') },

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { getBaseLayerBlob } from 'features/canvas/util/getBaseLayerBlob';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addCanvasSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
@ -18,8 +19,8 @@ export const addCanvasSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
log.error('Problem getting base layer blob');
title: 'Problem Saving Canvas',
description: 'Unable to export base layer',
title: t('toast.problemSavingCanvas'),
description: t('toast.problemSavingCanvasDesc'),
status: 'error',
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ export const addCanvasSavedToGalleryListener = () => {
crop_visible: true,
postUploadAction: {
type: 'TOAST',
toastOptions: { title: 'Canvas Saved to Gallery' },
toastOptions: { title: t('toast.canvasSavedGallery') },

View File

@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ import { omit } from 'lodash-es';
import { boardsApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/boards';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { imagesApi } from '../../../../../services/api/endpoints/images';
import { t } from 'i18next';
const DEFAULT_UPLOADED_TOAST: UseToastOptions = {
title: 'Image Uploaded',
title: t('toast.imageUploaded'),
status: 'success',
@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ export const addImageUploadedFulfilledListener = () => {
// Fall back to just the board id if we can't find the board for some reason
const board = data?.find((b) => b.board_id === autoAddBoardId);
const description = board
? `Added to board ${board.board_name}`
: `Added to board ${autoAddBoardId}`;
? `${t('toast.addedToBoard')} ${board.board_name}`
: `${t('toast.addedToBoard')} ${autoAddBoardId}`;
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ export const addImageUploadedFulfilledListener = () => {
description: 'Set as canvas initial image',
description: t('toast.setCanvasInitialImage'),
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ export const addImageUploadedFulfilledListener = () => {
description: 'Set as control image',
description: t('toast.setControlImage'),
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ export const addImageUploadedFulfilledListener = () => {
description: 'Set as initial image',
description: t('toast.setInitialImage'),
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ export const addImageUploadedFulfilledListener = () => {
description: `Set as node field ${fieldName}`,
description: `${t('toast.setNodeField')} ${fieldName}`,
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ export const addImageUploadedRejectedListener = () => {
log.error({ ...sanitizedData }, 'Image upload failed');
title: 'Image Upload Failed',
title: t('toast.imageUploadFailed'),
description: action.error.message,
status: 'error',

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { makeToast } from 'features/system/util/makeToast';
import { forEach } from 'lodash-es';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addModelSelectedListener = () => {
@ -67,7 +68,9 @@ export const addModelSelectedListener = () => {
title: `Base model changed, cleared ${modelsCleared} incompatible submodel${
title: `${t(
)} ${modelsCleared} ${t('toast.incompatibleSubmodel')}${
modelsCleared === 1 ? '' : 's'
status: 'warning',

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { stagingAreaImageSaved } from 'features/canvas/store/actions';
import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addStagingAreaImageSavedListener = () => {
@ -28,11 +29,11 @@ export const addStagingAreaImageSavedListener = () => {
dispatch(addToast({ title: 'Image Saved', status: 'success' }));
dispatch(addToast({ title: t('toast.imageSaved'), status: 'success' }));
} catch (error) {
title: 'Image Saving Failed',
title: t('toast.imageSavingFailed'),
description: (error as Error)?.message,
status: 'error',

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { addToast } from 'features/system/store/systemSlice';
import { makeToast } from 'features/system/util/makeToast';
import { setActiveTab } from 'features/ui/store/uiSlice';
import { startAppListening } from '..';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const addWorkflowLoadedListener = () => {
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ export const addWorkflowLoadedListener = () => {
title: 'Workflow Loaded',
title: t('toast.workflowLoaded'),
status: 'success',
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ export const addWorkflowLoadedListener = () => {
title: 'Workflow Loaded with Warnings',
title: t('toast.loadedWithWarnings'),
status: 'warning',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { FieldType, FieldUIConfig } from './types';
import { t } from 'i18next';
export const HANDLE_TOOLTIP_OPEN_DELAY = 500;
export const COLOR_TOKEN_VALUE = 500;
@ -103,73 +104,73 @@ export const isPolymorphicItemType = (
export const FIELDS: Record<FieldType, FieldUIConfig> = {
boolean: {
color: 'green.500',
description: 'Booleans are true or false.',
title: 'Boolean',
description: t('nodes.booleanDescription'),
title: t('nodes.boolean'),
BooleanCollection: {
color: 'green.500',
description: 'A collection of booleans.',
title: 'Boolean Collection',
description: t('nodes.booleanCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.booleanCollection'),
BooleanPolymorphic: {
color: 'green.500',
description: 'A collection of booleans.',
title: 'Boolean Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.booleanPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.booleanPolymorphic'),
ClipField: {
color: 'green.500',
description: 'Tokenizer and text_encoder submodels.',
title: 'Clip',
description: t('nodes.clipFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.clipField'),
Collection: {
color: 'base.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'Collection',
description: t('nodes.collectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.collection'),
CollectionItem: {
color: 'base.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'Collection Item',
description: t('nodes.collectionItemDescription'),
title: t('nodes.collectionItem'),
ColorCollection: {
color: 'pink.300',
description: 'A collection of colors.',
title: 'Color Collection',
description: t('nodes.colorCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.colorCollection'),
ColorField: {
color: 'pink.300',
description: 'A RGBA color.',
title: 'Color',
description: t('nodes.colorFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.colorField'),
ColorPolymorphic: {
color: 'pink.300',
description: 'A collection of colors.',
title: 'Color Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.colorPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.colorPolymorphic'),
ConditioningCollection: {
color: 'cyan.500',
description: 'Conditioning may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Conditioning Collection',
description: t('nodes.conditioningCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.conditioningCollection'),
ConditioningField: {
color: 'cyan.500',
description: 'Conditioning may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Conditioning',
description: t('nodes.conditioningFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.conditioningField'),
ConditioningPolymorphic: {
color: 'cyan.500',
description: 'Conditioning may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Conditioning Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.conditioningPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.conditioningPolymorphic'),
ControlCollection: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'Control info passed between nodes.',
title: 'Control Collection',
description: t('nodes.controlCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.controlCollection'),
ControlField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'Control info passed between nodes.',
title: 'Control',
description: t('nodes.controlFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.controlField'),
ControlNetModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
@ -183,58 +184,58 @@ export const FIELDS: Record<FieldType, FieldUIConfig> = {
DenoiseMaskField: {
color: 'blue.300',
description: 'Denoise Mask may be passed between nodes',
title: 'Denoise Mask',
description: t('nodes.denoiseMaskFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.denoiseMaskField'),
enum: {
color: 'blue.500',
description: 'Enums are values that may be one of a number of options.',
title: 'Enum',
description: t('nodes.enumDescription'),
title: t('nodes.enum'),
float: {
color: 'orange.500',
description: 'Floats are numbers with a decimal point.',
title: 'Float',
description: t('nodes.floatDescription'),
title: t('nodes.float'),
FloatCollection: {
color: 'orange.500',
description: 'A collection of floats.',
title: 'Float Collection',
description: t('nodes.floatCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.floatCollection'),
FloatPolymorphic: {
color: 'orange.500',
description: 'A collection of floats.',
title: 'Float Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.floatPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.floatPolymorphic'),
ImageCollection: {
color: 'purple.500',
description: 'A collection of images.',
title: 'Image Collection',
description: t('nodes.imageCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.imageCollection'),
ImageField: {
color: 'purple.500',
description: 'Images may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Image',
description: t('nodes.imageFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.imageField'),
ImagePolymorphic: {
color: 'purple.500',
description: 'A collection of images.',
title: 'Image Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.imagePolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.imagePolymorphic'),
integer: {
color: 'red.500',
description: 'Integers are whole numbers, without a decimal point.',
title: 'Integer',
description: t('nodes.integerDescription'),
title: t('nodes.integer'),
IntegerCollection: {
color: 'red.500',
description: 'A collection of integers.',
title: 'Integer Collection',
description: t('nodes.integerCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.integerCollection'),
IntegerPolymorphic: {
color: 'red.500',
description: 'A collection of integers.',
title: 'Integer Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.integerPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.integerPolymorphic'),
IPAdapterField: {
color: 'green.300',
@ -248,77 +249,77 @@ export const FIELDS: Record<FieldType, FieldUIConfig> = {
LatentsCollection: {
color: 'pink.500',
description: 'Latents may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Latents Collection',
description: t('nodes.latentsCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.latentsCollection'),
LatentsField: {
color: 'pink.500',
description: 'Latents may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Latents',
description: t('nodes.latentsFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.latentsField'),
LatentsPolymorphic: {
color: 'pink.500',
description: 'Latents may be passed between nodes.',
title: 'Latents Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.latentsPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.latentsPolymorphic'),
LoRAModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'LoRA',
description: t('nodes.loRAModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.loRAModelField'),
MainModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'Model',
description: t('nodes.mainModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.mainModelField'),
ONNXModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'ONNX model field.',
title: 'ONNX Model',
description: t('nodes.oNNXModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.oNNXModelField'),
Scheduler: {
color: 'base.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'Scheduler',
description: t('nodes.schedulerDescription'),
title: t('nodes.scheduler'),
SDXLMainModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'SDXL model field.',
title: 'SDXL Model',
description: t('nodes.sDXLMainModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.sDXLMainModelField'),
SDXLRefinerModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'Refiner Model',
description: t('nodes.sDXLRefinerModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.sDXLRefinerModelField'),
string: {
color: 'yellow.500',
description: 'Strings are text.',
title: 'String',
description: t('nodes.stringDescription'),
title: t('nodes.string'),
StringCollection: {
color: 'yellow.500',
description: 'A collection of strings.',
title: 'String Collection',
description: t('nodes.stringCollectionDescription'),
title: t('nodes.stringCollection'),
StringPolymorphic: {
color: 'yellow.500',
description: 'A collection of strings.',
title: 'String Polymorphic',
description: t('nodes.stringPolymorphicDescription'),
title: t('nodes.stringPolymorphic'),
UNetField: {
color: 'red.500',
description: 'UNet submodel.',
title: 'UNet',
description: t('nodes.uNetFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.uNetField'),
VaeField: {
color: 'blue.500',
description: 'Vae submodel.',
title: 'Vae',
description: t('nodes.vaeFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.vaeField'),
VaeModelField: {
color: 'teal.500',
description: 'TODO',
title: 'VAE',
description: t('nodes.vaeModelFieldDescription'),
title: t('nodes.vaeModelField'),

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import {
import { O } from 'ts-toolbelt';
import { JsonObject } from 'type-fest';
import { z } from 'zod';
import i18n from 'i18next';
export type NonNullableGraph = O.Required<Graph, 'nodes' | 'edges'>;
@ -1304,23 +1305,35 @@ export const zValidatedWorkflow = zWorkflow.transform((workflow) => {
const targetNode = keyedNodes[];
const issues: string[] = [];
if (!sourceNode) {
issues.push(`Output node ${edge.source} does not exist`);
`${i18n.t('nodes.outputNode')} ${edge.source} ${i18n.t(
} else if (
edge.type === 'default' &&
!(edge.sourceHandle in
) {
`Output field "${edge.source}.${edge.sourceHandle}" does not exist`
}" ${i18n.t('nodes.doesNotExist')}`
if (!targetNode) {
issues.push(`Input node ${} does not exist`);
`${i18n.t('nodes.inputNode')} ${} ${i18n.t(
} else if (
edge.type === 'default' &&
!(edge.targetHandle in
) {
`Input field "${}.${edge.targetHandle}" does not exist`
`${i18n.t('nodes.inputField')} "${}.${
}" ${i18n.t('nodes.doesNotExist')}`
if (issues.length) {
@ -1328,7 +1341,9 @@ export const zValidatedWorkflow = zWorkflow.transform((workflow) => {
const src = edge.type === 'default' ? edge.sourceHandle : edge.source;
const tgt = edge.type === 'default' ? edge.targetHandle :;
message: `Edge "${src} -> ${tgt}" skipped`,
message: `${i18n.t('nodes.edge')} "${src} -> ${tgt}" ${i18n.t(
data: edge,

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { NodesState } from '../store/types';
import { Workflow, zWorkflowEdge, zWorkflowNode } from '../types/types';
import { fromZodError } from 'zod-validation-error';
import { parseify } from 'common/util/serialize';
import i18n from 'i18next';
export const buildWorkflow = (nodesState: NodesState): Workflow => {
const { workflow: workflowMeta, nodes, edges } = nodesState;
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ export const buildWorkflow = (nodesState: NodesState): Workflow => {
const result = zWorkflowNode.safeParse(node);
if (!result.success) {
const { message } = fromZodError(result.error, {
prefix: 'Unable to parse node',
prefix: i18n.t('nodes.unableToParseNode'),
logger('nodes').warn({ node: parseify(node) }, message);
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ export const buildWorkflow = (nodesState: NodesState): Workflow => {
const result = zWorkflowEdge.safeParse(edge);
if (!result.success) {
const { message } = fromZodError(result.error, {
prefix: 'Unable to parse edge',
prefix: i18n.t('nodes.unableToParseEdge'),
logger('nodes').warn({ edge: parseify(edge) }, message);

View File

@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ export const buildCanvasInpaintGraph = (
} = state.generation;
if (!model) {
log.error('No model found in state');
throw new Error('No model found in state');
log.error('No Image found in state');
throw new Error('No Image found in state');
// The bounding box determines width and height, not the width and height params

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {
} from '../types/types';
import { parseify } from 'common/util/serialize';
import i18n from 'i18next';
export const validateWorkflow = (
workflow: Workflow,
@ -25,8 +26,14 @@ export const validateWorkflow = (
const nodeTemplate = nodeTemplates[];
if (!nodeTemplate) {
message: `Node "${}" skipped`,
issues: [`Node type "${}" does not exist`],
message: `${i18n.t('nodes.node')} "${}" ${i18n.t(
issues: [
`${i18n.t('nodes.nodeType')}"${}" ${i18n.t(
data: node,
@ -38,9 +45,13 @@ export const validateWorkflow = (
compareVersions(nodeTemplate.version, !== 0
) {
message: `Node "${}" has mismatched version`,
message: `${i18n.t('nodes.node')} "${}" ${i18n.t(
issues: [
`Node "${}" v${} may be incompatible with installed v${nodeTemplate.version}`,
`${i18n.t('nodes.node')} "${}" v${
} ${i18n.t('nodes.maybeIncompatible')} v${nodeTemplate.version}`,
data: { node, nodeTemplate: parseify(nodeTemplate) },
@ -52,33 +63,49 @@ export const validateWorkflow = (
const targetNode = keyedNodes[];
const issues: string[] = [];
if (!sourceNode) {
issues.push(`Output node ${edge.source} does not exist`);
`${i18n.t('nodes.outputNode')} ${edge.source} ${i18n.t(
} else if (
edge.type === 'default' &&
!(edge.sourceHandle in
) {
`Output field "${edge.source}.${edge.sourceHandle}" does not exist`
`${i18n.t('nodes.outputNodes')} "${edge.source}.${
}" ${i18n.t('nodes.doesNotExist')}`
if (!targetNode) {
issues.push(`Input node ${} does not exist`);
`${i18n.t('nodes.inputNode')} ${} ${i18n.t(
} else if (
edge.type === 'default' &&
!(edge.targetHandle in
) {
`Input field "${}.${edge.targetHandle}" does not exist`
`${i18n.t('nodes.inputFeilds')} "${}.${
}" ${i18n.t('nodes.doesNotExist')}`
if (!nodeTemplates[sourceNode?.data.type ?? '__UNKNOWN_NODE_TYPE__']) {
`Source node "${edge.source}" missing template "${sourceNode?.data.type}"`
`${i18n.t('nodes.sourceNode')} "${edge.source}" ${i18n.t(
)} "${sourceNode?.data.type}"`
if (!nodeTemplates[targetNode?.data.type ?? '__UNKNOWN_NODE_TYPE__']) {
`Source node "${}" missing template "${targetNode?.data.type}"`
`${i18n.t('nodes.sourceNode')}"${}" ${i18n.t(
)} "${targetNode?.data.type}"`
if (issues.length) {

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export const initialGenerationState: GenerationState = {
scheduler: 'euler',
maskBlur: 16,
maskBlurMethod: 'box',
canvasCoherenceMode: 'edge',
canvasCoherenceMode: 'unmasked',
canvasCoherenceSteps: 20,
canvasCoherenceStrength: 0.3,
seed: 0,