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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from math import sqrt, floor, ceil
from PIL import Image
class InitImageResizer():
@ -51,4 +52,22 @@ class InitImageResizer():
return new_image
def make_grid(image_list, rows=None, cols=None):
image_cnt = len(image_list)
if None in (rows, cols):
rows = floor(sqrt(image_cnt)) # try to make it square
cols = ceil(image_cnt / rows)
width = image_list[0].width
height = image_list[0].height
grid_img = Image.new('RGB', (width * cols, height * rows))
i = 0
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
if i >= len(image_list):
grid_img.paste(image_list[i], (c * width, r * height))
i = i + 1
return grid_img
@ -2,97 +2,42 @@
Two helper classes for dealing with PNG images and their path names.
PngWriter -- Converts Images generated by T2I into PNGs, finds
appropriate names for them, and writes prompt metadata
into the PNG. Intended to be subclassable in order to
create more complex naming schemes, including using the
prompt for file/directory names.
into the PNG.
PromptFormatter -- Utility for converting a Namespace of prompt parameters
back into a formatted prompt string with command-line switches.
import os
import re
from math import sqrt, floor, ceil
from PIL import Image, PngImagePlugin
from PIL import PngImagePlugin
# -------------------image generation utils-----
class PngWriter:
def __init__(self, outdir, prompt=None):
def __init__(self, outdir):
self.outdir = outdir
self.prompt = prompt
self.filepath = None
self.files_written = []
os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
def write_image(self, image, seed, upscaled=False):
self.filepath = self.unique_filename(
seed, upscaled, self.filepath
) # will increment name in some sensible way
prompt = f'{self.prompt} -S{seed}'
self.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, prompt, self.filepath)
except IOError as e:
if not upscaled:
self.files_written.append([self.filepath, seed])
# gives the next unique prefix in outdir
def unique_prefix(self):
# sort reverse alphabetically until we find max+1
dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(self.outdir), reverse=True)
# find the first filename that matches our pattern or return 000000.0.png
existing_name = next(
(f for f in dirlist if re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', f)),
basecount = int(existing_name.split('.', 1)[0]) + 1
return f'{basecount:06}'
def unique_filename(self, seed, upscaled=False, previouspath=None):
revision = 1
if previouspath is None:
# sort reverse alphabetically until we find max+1
dirlist = sorted(os.listdir(self.outdir), reverse=True)
# find the first filename that matches our pattern or return 000000.0.png
filename = next(
(f for f in dirlist if re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', f)),
basecount = int(filename.split('.', 1)[0])
basecount += 1
filename = f'{basecount:06}.{seed}.png'
return os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
basename = os.path.basename(previouspath)
x = re.match('^(\d+)\..*\.png', basename)
if not x:
return self.unique_filename(seed, upscaled, previouspath)
basecount = int(x.groups()[0])
series = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
series += 1
filename = f'{basecount:06}.{seed}.png'
path = os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
if os.path.exists(path) and upscaled:
finished = not os.path.exists(path)
return os.path.join(self.outdir, filename)
def save_image_and_prompt_to_png(self, image, prompt, path):
# saves image named _image_ to outdir/name, writing metadata from prompt
# returns full path of output
def save_image_and_prompt_to_png(self, image, prompt, name):
path = os.path.join(self.outdir, name)
info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
info.add_text('Dream', prompt)
image.save(path, 'PNG', pnginfo=info)
def make_grid(self, image_list, rows=None, cols=None):
image_cnt = len(image_list)
if None in (rows, cols):
rows = floor(sqrt(image_cnt)) # try to make it square
cols = ceil(image_cnt / rows)
width = image_list[0].width
height = image_list[0].height
grid_img = Image.new('RGB', (width * cols, height * rows))
i = 0
for r in range(0, rows):
for c in range(0, cols):
if i>=len(image_list):
grid_img.paste(image_list[i], (c * width, r * height))
i = i + 1
return grid_img
return path
class PromptFormatter:
@ -88,24 +88,24 @@ class DreamServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
images_generated = 0 # helps keep track of when upscaling is started
images_upscaled = 0 # helps keep track of when upscaling is completed
pngwriter = PngWriter(
"./outputs/img-samples/", config['prompt'], 1
pngwriter = PngWriter("./outputs/img-samples/")
prefix = pngwriter.unique_prefix()
# if upscaling is requested, then this will be called twice, once when
# the images are first generated, and then again when after upscaling
# is complete. The upscaling replaces the original file, so the second
# entry should not be inserted into the image list.
def image_done(image, seed, upscaled=False):
pngwriter.write_image(image, seed, upscaled)
name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
path = pngwriter.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{prompt} -S{seed}', name)
# Append post_data to log, but only once!
if not upscaled:
current_image = pngwriter.files_written[-1]
with open("./outputs/img-samples/dream_web_log.txt", "a") as log:
log.write(f"{current_image[0]}: {json.dumps(config)}\n")
log.write(f"{path}: {json.dumps(config)}\n")
{'event':'result', 'files':current_image, 'config':config}
{'event': 'result', 'url': path, 'seed': seed, 'config': config}
) + '\n',"utf-8"))
# control state of the "postprocessing..." message
@ -129,22 +129,24 @@ class DreamServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
) + '\n',"utf-8"))
# TODO: refactor PngWriter:
# it doesn't need to know if batch_size > 1, just if this is _part of a batch_
step_writer = PngWriter('./outputs/intermediates/', prompt, 2)
step_writer = PngWriter('./outputs/intermediates/')
step_index = 1
def image_progress(sample, step):
if self.canceled.is_set():
self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps({'event':'canceled'}) + '\n', 'utf-8'))
raise CanceledException
url = None
path = None
# since rendering images is moderately expensive, only render every 5th image
# and don't bother with the last one, since it'll render anyway
nonlocal step_index
if progress_images and step % 5 == 0 and step < steps - 1:
image = self.model._sample_to_image(sample)
step_writer.write_image(image, seed) # TODO PngWriter to return path
url = step_writer.filepath
name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.{step_index}.png'
metadata = f'{prompt} -S{seed} [intermediate]'
path = step_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, metadata, name)
step_index += 1
{'event':'step', 'step':step + 1, 'url': url}
{'event': 'step', 'step': step + 1, 'url': path}
) + '\n',"utf-8"))
@ -171,10 +171,14 @@ class T2I:
Optional named arguments are the same as those passed to T2I and prompt2image()
results = self.prompt2image(prompt, **kwargs)
pngwriter = PngWriter(outdir, prompt)
for r in results:
pngwriter.write_image(r[0], r[1])
return pngwriter.files_written
pngwriter = PngWriter(outdir)
prefix = pngwriter.unique_prefix()
outputs = []
for image, seed in results:
name = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
path = pngwriter.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{prompt} -S{seed}', name)
outputs.append([path, seed])
return outputs
def txt2img(self, prompt, **kwargs):
outdir = kwargs.pop('outdir', 'outputs/img-samples')
@ -349,10 +353,7 @@ class T2I:
f'Error running RealESRGAN - Your image was not upscaled.\n{e}'
if image_callback is not None:
if save_original:
image_callback(image, seed)
image_callback(image, seed, upscaled=True)
image_callback(image, seed, upscaled=True)
else: # no callback passed, so we simply replace old image with rescaled one
result[0] = image
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import time
import ldm.dream.readline
from ldm.dream.pngwriter import PngWriter, PromptFormatter
from ldm.dream.server import DreamServer, ThreadingDreamServer
from ldm.dream.image_util import make_grid
def main():
"""Initialize command-line parsers and the diffusion model"""
@ -203,24 +204,40 @@ def main_loop(t2i, outdir, prompt_as_dir, parser, infile):
# Here is where the images are actually generated!
file_writer = PngWriter(current_outdir, normalized_prompt)
callback = file_writer.write_image if individual_images else None
image_list = t2i.prompt2image(image_callback=callback, **vars(opt))
results = (
file_writer.files_written if individual_images else image_list
file_writer = PngWriter(current_outdir)
prefix = file_writer.unique_prefix()
seeds = set()
results = []
grid_images = dict() # seed -> Image, only used if `do_grid`
def image_writer(image, seed, upscaled=False):
if do_grid:
grid_images[seed] = image
if upscaled and opt.save_original:
filename = f'{prefix}.{seed}.postprocessed.png'
filename = f'{prefix}.{seed}.png'
path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(image, f'{normalized_prompt} -S{seed}', filename)
if (not upscaled) or opt.save_original:
# only append to results if we didn't overwrite an earlier output
results.append([path, seed])
if do_grid and len(results) > 0:
grid_img = file_writer.make_grid([r[0] for r in results])
filename = file_writer.unique_filename(results[0][1])
seeds = [a[1] for a in results]
results = [[filename, seeds]]
metadata_prompt = f'{normalized_prompt} -S{results[0][1]}'
t2i.prompt2image(image_callback=image_writer, **vars(opt))
if do_grid and len(grid_images) > 0:
grid_img = make_grid(list(grid_images.values()))
first_seed = next(iter(seeds))
filename = f'{prefix}.{first_seed}.png'
# TODO better metadata for grid images
metadata_prompt = f'{normalized_prompt} -S{first_seed}'
path = file_writer.save_image_and_prompt_to_png(
grid_img, metadata_prompt, filename
results = [[path, seeds]]
last_seeds = [r[1] for r in results]
last_seeds = list(seeds)
except AssertionError as e:
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ async function generateSubmit(form) {
if (data.event === 'result') {
noOutputs = false;
appendOutput(data.url, data.seed, data.config);
progressEle.setAttribute('value', 0);
progressEle.setAttribute('max', totalSteps);
progressImageEle.src = BLANK_IMAGE_URL;
Reference in New Issue
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