diff --git a/docs/contributing/LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT.md b/docs/contributing/LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT.md
index 956ef5ec03..71afb36d6b 100644
--- a/docs/contributing/LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT.md
+++ b/docs/contributing/LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT.md
@@ -81,3 +81,193 @@ pytest --cov; open ./coverage/html/index.html
--8<-- "invokeai/frontend/web/README.md"
+## Developing InvokeAI in VSCode
+VSCode offers some nice tools:
+- python debugger
+- automatic `venv` activation
+- remote dev (e.g. run InvokeAI on a beefy linux desktop while you type in
+ comfort on your macbook)
+### Setup
+You'll need the
+extensions installed first.
+It's also really handy to install the `Jupyter` extensions:
+- [Jupyter](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.jupyter)
+- [Jupyter Cell Tags](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-cell-tags)
+- [Jupyter Notebook Renderers](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.jupyter-renderers)
+- [Jupyter Slide Show](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.vscode-jupyter-slideshow)
+#### InvokeAI workspace
+Creating a VSCode workspace for working on InvokeAI is highly recommended. It
+can hold InvokeAI-specific settings and configs.
+To make a workspace:
+- Open the InvokeAI repo dir in VSCode
+- `File` > `Save Workspace As` > save it _outside_ the repo
+#### Default python interpreter (i.e. automatic virtual environment activation)
+- Use command palette to run command
+ `Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON)`
+- Add `python.defaultInterpreterPath` to `settings`, pointing to your `venv`'s
+ python
+Should look something like this:
+ // I like to have all InvokeAI-related folders in my workspace
+ "folders": [
+ {
+ // repo root
+ "path": "InvokeAI"
+ },
+ {
+ // InvokeAI root dir, where `invokeai.yaml` lives
+ "path": "/path/to/invokeai_root"
+ }
+ ],
+ "settings": {
+ // Where your InvokeAI `venv`'s python executable lives
+ "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/path/to/invokeai_root/.venv/bin/python"
+ }
+Now when you open the VSCode integrated terminal, or do anything that needs to
+run python, it will automatically be in your InvokeAI virtual environment.
+Bonus: When you create a Jupyter notebook, when you run it, you'll be prompted
+for the python interpreter to run in. This will default to your `venv` python,
+and so you'll have access to the same python environment as the InvokeAI app.
+This is _super_ handy.
+#### Debugging configs with `launch.json`
+Debugging configs are managed in a `launch.json` file. Like most VSCode configs,
+these can be scoped to a workspace or folder.
+Follow the [official guide](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/debugging)
+to set up your `launch.json` and try it out.
+Now we can create the InvokeAI debugging configs:
+ // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+ // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+ // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ // Run the InvokeAI backend & serve the pre-built UI
+ "name": "InvokeAI Web",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "scripts/invokeai-web.py",
+ "args": [
+ // Your InvokeAI root dir (where `invokeai.yaml` lives)
+ "--root",
+ "/path/to/invokeai_root",
+ // Access the app from anywhere on your local network
+ "--host",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "justMyCode": true
+ },
+ {
+ // Run the nodes-based CLI
+ "name": "InvokeAI CLI",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "scripts/invokeai-cli.py",
+ "justMyCode": true
+ },
+ {
+ // Run tests
+ "name": "InvokeAI Test",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "module": "pytest",
+ "args": ["--capture=no"],
+ "justMyCode": true
+ },
+ {
+ // Run a single test
+ "name": "InvokeAI Single Test",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "module": "pytest",
+ "args": [
+ // Change this to point to the specific test you are working on
+ "tests/nodes/test_invoker.py"
+ ],
+ "justMyCode": true
+ },
+ {
+ // This is the default, useful to just run a single file
+ "name": "Python: File",
+ "type": "python",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": "${file}",
+ "justMyCode": true
+ }
+ ]
+You'll see these configs in the debugging configs drop down. Running them will
+start InvokeAI with attached debugger, in the correct environment, and work just
+like the normal app.
+Enjoy debugging InvokeAI with ease (not that we have any bugs of course).
+#### Remote dev
+This is very easy to set up and provides the same very smooth experience as
+local development. Environments and debugging, as set up above, just work,
+though you'd need to recreate the workspace and debugging configs on the remote.
+Consult the
+[official guide](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/remote-overview) to
+get it set up.
+Suggest using VSCode's included settings sync so that your remote dev host has
+all the same app settings and extensions automagically.
+##### One remote dev gotcha
+I've found the automatic port forwarding to be very flakey. You can disable it
+in `Preferences: Open Remote Settings (ssh: hostname)`. Search for
+`remote.autoForwardPorts` and untick the box.
+To forward ports very reliably, use SSH on the remote dev client (e.g. your
+macbook). Here's how to forward both backend API port (`9090`) and the frontend
+live dev server port (`5173`):
+ssh \
+ -L 9090:localhost:9090 \
+ -L 5173:localhost:5173 \
+ user@remote-dev-host
+The forwarding stops when you close the terminal window, so suggest to do this
+_outside_ the VSCode integrated terminal in case you need to restart VSCode for
+an extension update or something
+Now, on your remote dev client, you can open `localhost:9090` and access the UI,
+now served from the remote dev host, just the same as if it was running on the
diff --git a/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusers_pipeline.py b/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusers_pipeline.py
index 6c170323cf..228fbd0585 100644
--- a/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusers_pipeline.py
+++ b/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusers_pipeline.py
@@ -422,7 +422,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
noise: torch.Tensor,
callback: Callable[[PipelineIntermediateState], None] = None,
- **kwargs,
) -> InvokeAIStableDiffusionPipelineOutput:
Function invoked when calling the pipeline for generation.
@@ -443,7 +442,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
- **kwargs,
# https://discuss.huggingface.co/t/memory-usage-by-later-pipeline-stages/23699
@@ -469,7 +467,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
callback: Callable[[PipelineIntermediateState], None] = None,
control_data: List[ControlNetData] = None,
- **kwargs,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[AttentionMapSaver]]:
if self.scheduler.config.get("cpu_only", False):
scheduler_device = torch.device('cpu')
@@ -487,11 +484,11 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
- additional_guidance=additional_guidance,
- callback=callback,
+ additional_guidance=additional_guidance,
- **kwargs,
+ callback=callback,
return result.latents, result.attention_map_saver
@@ -505,42 +502,7 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
run_id: str = None,
additional_guidance: List[Callable] = None,
control_data: List[ControlNetData] = None,
- **kwargs,
- def _pad_conditioning(cond, target_len, encoder_attention_mask):
- conditioning_attention_mask = torch.ones((cond.shape[0], cond.shape[1]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype)
- if cond.shape[1] < max_len:
- conditioning_attention_mask = torch.cat([
- conditioning_attention_mask,
- torch.zeros((cond.shape[0], max_len - cond.shape[1]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype),
- ], dim=1)
- cond = torch.cat([
- cond,
- torch.zeros((cond.shape[0], max_len - cond.shape[1], cond.shape[2]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype),
- ], dim=1)
- if encoder_attention_mask is None:
- encoder_attention_mask = conditioning_attention_mask
- else:
- encoder_attention_mask = torch.cat([
- encoder_attention_mask,
- conditioning_attention_mask,
- ])
- return cond, encoder_attention_mask
- encoder_attention_mask = None
- if conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings.shape[1] != conditioning_data.text_embeddings.shape[1]:
- max_len = max(conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings.shape[1], conditioning_data.text_embeddings.shape[1])
- conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings, encoder_attention_mask = _pad_conditioning(
- conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings, max_len, encoder_attention_mask
- )
- conditioning_data.text_embeddings, encoder_attention_mask = _pad_conditioning(
- conditioning_data.text_embeddings, max_len, encoder_attention_mask
- )
if run_id is None:
run_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(self.ID_LENGTH)
@@ -580,8 +542,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
- encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask,
- **kwargs,
latents = step_output.prev_sample
@@ -623,7 +583,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
total_step_count: int,
additional_guidance: List[Callable] = None,
control_data: List[ControlNetData] = None,
- **kwargs,
# invokeai_diffuser has batched timesteps, but diffusers schedulers expect a single value
timestep = t[0]
@@ -638,8 +597,6 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
down_block_res_samples, mid_block_res_sample = None, None
if control_data is not None:
- # TODO: rewrite to pass with conditionings
- encoder_attention_mask = kwargs.get("encoder_attention_mask", None)
# control_data should be type List[ControlNetData]
# this loop covers both ControlNet (one ControlNetData in list)
# and MultiControlNet (multiple ControlNetData in list)
@@ -669,9 +626,12 @@ class StableDiffusionGeneratorPipeline(StableDiffusionPipeline):
if cfg_injection: # only applying ControlNet to conditional instead of in unconditioned
encoder_hidden_states = conditioning_data.text_embeddings
+ encoder_attention_mask = None
- encoder_hidden_states = torch.cat([conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings,
- conditioning_data.text_embeddings])
+ encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask = self.invokeai_diffuser._concat_conditionings_for_batch(
+ conditioning_data.unconditioned_embeddings,
+ conditioning_data.text_embeddings,
+ )
if isinstance(control_datum.weight, list):
# if controlnet has multiple weights, use the weight for the current step
controlnet_weight = control_datum.weight[step_index]
diff --git a/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusion/shared_invokeai_diffusion.py b/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusion/shared_invokeai_diffusion.py
index 3fb2df8ce1..f44578cd47 100644
--- a/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusion/shared_invokeai_diffusion.py
+++ b/invokeai/backend/stable_diffusion/diffusion/shared_invokeai_diffusion.py
@@ -237,6 +237,39 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
return latents
+ def _concat_conditionings_for_batch(self, unconditioning, conditioning):
+ def _pad_conditioning(cond, target_len, encoder_attention_mask):
+ conditioning_attention_mask = torch.ones((cond.shape[0], cond.shape[1]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype)
+ if cond.shape[1] < max_len:
+ conditioning_attention_mask = torch.cat([
+ conditioning_attention_mask,
+ torch.zeros((cond.shape[0], max_len - cond.shape[1]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype),
+ ], dim=1)
+ cond = torch.cat([
+ cond,
+ torch.zeros((cond.shape[0], max_len - cond.shape[1], cond.shape[2]), device=cond.device, dtype=cond.dtype),
+ ], dim=1)
+ if encoder_attention_mask is None:
+ encoder_attention_mask = conditioning_attention_mask
+ else:
+ encoder_attention_mask = torch.cat([
+ encoder_attention_mask,
+ conditioning_attention_mask,
+ ])
+ return cond, encoder_attention_mask
+ encoder_attention_mask = None
+ if unconditioning.shape[1] != conditioning.shape[1]:
+ max_len = max(unconditioning.shape[1], conditioning.shape[1])
+ unconditioning, encoder_attention_mask = _pad_conditioning(unconditioning, max_len, encoder_attention_mask)
+ conditioning, encoder_attention_mask = _pad_conditioning(conditioning, max_len, encoder_attention_mask)
+ return torch.cat([unconditioning, conditioning]), encoder_attention_mask
# methods below are called from do_diffusion_step and should be considered private to this class.
def _apply_standard_conditioning(self, x, sigma, unconditioning, conditioning, **kwargs):
@@ -244,9 +277,13 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
x_twice = torch.cat([x] * 2)
sigma_twice = torch.cat([sigma] * 2)
- both_conditionings = torch.cat([unconditioning, conditioning])
+ both_conditionings, encoder_attention_mask = self._concat_conditionings_for_batch(
+ unconditioning, conditioning
+ )
both_results = self.model_forward_callback(
- x_twice, sigma_twice, both_conditionings, **kwargs,
+ x_twice, sigma_twice, both_conditionings,
+ encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask,
+ **kwargs,
unconditioned_next_x, conditioned_next_x = both_results.chunk(2)
return unconditioned_next_x, conditioned_next_x
@@ -260,8 +297,32 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
# low-memory sequential path
- unconditioned_next_x = self.model_forward_callback(x, sigma, unconditioning, **kwargs)
- conditioned_next_x = self.model_forward_callback(x, sigma, conditioning, **kwargs)
+ uncond_down_block, cond_down_block = None, None
+ down_block_additional_residuals = kwargs.pop("down_block_additional_residuals", None)
+ if down_block_additional_residuals is not None:
+ uncond_down_block, cond_down_block = [], []
+ for down_block in down_block_additional_residuals:
+ _uncond_down, _cond_down = down_block.chunk(2)
+ uncond_down_block.append(_uncond_down)
+ cond_down_block.append(_cond_down)
+ uncond_mid_block, cond_mid_block = None, None
+ mid_block_additional_residual = kwargs.pop("mid_block_additional_residual", None)
+ if mid_block_additional_residual is not None:
+ uncond_mid_block, cond_mid_block = mid_block_additional_residual.chunk(2)
+ unconditioned_next_x = self.model_forward_callback(
+ x, sigma, unconditioning,
+ down_block_additional_residuals=uncond_down_block,
+ mid_block_additional_residual=uncond_mid_block,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ conditioned_next_x = self.model_forward_callback(
+ x, sigma, conditioning,
+ down_block_additional_residuals=cond_down_block,
+ mid_block_additional_residual=cond_mid_block,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
return unconditioned_next_x, conditioned_next_x
# TODO: looks unused
@@ -295,6 +356,20 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
context: Context = self.cross_attention_control_context
+ uncond_down_block, cond_down_block = None, None
+ down_block_additional_residuals = kwargs.pop("down_block_additional_residuals", None)
+ if down_block_additional_residuals is not None:
+ uncond_down_block, cond_down_block = [], []
+ for down_block in down_block_additional_residuals:
+ _uncond_down, _cond_down = down_block.chunk(2)
+ uncond_down_block.append(_uncond_down)
+ cond_down_block.append(_cond_down)
+ uncond_mid_block, cond_mid_block = None, None
+ mid_block_additional_residual = kwargs.pop("mid_block_additional_residual", None)
+ if mid_block_additional_residual is not None:
+ uncond_mid_block, cond_mid_block = mid_block_additional_residual.chunk(2)
cross_attn_processor_context = SwapCrossAttnContext(
@@ -307,6 +382,8 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
{"swap_cross_attn_context": cross_attn_processor_context},
+ down_block_additional_residuals=uncond_down_block,
+ mid_block_additional_residual=uncond_mid_block,
@@ -319,6 +396,8 @@ class InvokeAIDiffuserComponent:
{"swap_cross_attn_context": cross_attn_processor_context},
+ down_block_additional_residuals=cond_down_block,
+ mid_block_additional_residual=cond_mid_block,
return unconditioned_next_x, conditioned_next_x
diff --git a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/ViewportControls.tsx b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/ViewportControls.tsx
index 5f688722de..e2bcd3a0cc 100644
--- a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/ViewportControls.tsx
+++ b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/ViewportControls.tsx
@@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ import { ButtonGroup } from '@chakra-ui/react';
import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from 'app/store/storeHooks';
import IAIIconButton from 'common/components/IAIIconButton';
import { memo, useCallback } from 'react';
-import { FaCode, FaExpand, FaMinus, FaPlus } from 'react-icons/fa';
+import { FaCode, FaExpand, FaMinus, FaPlus, FaInfo } from 'react-icons/fa';
import { useReactFlow } from 'reactflow';
-import { shouldShowGraphOverlayChanged } from '../store/nodesSlice';
+import {
+ shouldShowGraphOverlayChanged,
+ shouldShowFieldTypeLegendChanged,
+} from '../store/nodesSlice';
const ViewportControls = () => {
const { zoomIn, zoomOut, fitView } = useReactFlow();
@@ -12,6 +15,9 @@ const ViewportControls = () => {
const shouldShowGraphOverlay = useAppSelector(
(state) => state.nodes.shouldShowGraphOverlay
+ const shouldShowFieldTypeLegend = useAppSelector(
+ (state) => state.nodes.shouldShowFieldTypeLegend
+ );
const handleClickedZoomIn = useCallback(() => {
@@ -29,6 +35,10 @@ const ViewportControls = () => {
}, [shouldShowGraphOverlay, dispatch]);
+ const handleClickedToggleFieldTypeLegend = useCallback(() => {
+ dispatch(shouldShowFieldTypeLegendChanged(!shouldShowFieldTypeLegend));
+ }, [shouldShowFieldTypeLegend, dispatch]);
return (
aria-label="Show/Hide Graph"
+ }
+ />
diff --git a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/panels/TopRightPanel.tsx b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/panels/TopRightPanel.tsx
index 3fe8c49880..e3e3a871c8 100644
--- a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/panels/TopRightPanel.tsx
+++ b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/components/panels/TopRightPanel.tsx
@@ -9,10 +9,13 @@ const TopRightPanel = () => {
const shouldShowGraphOverlay = useAppSelector(
(state: RootState) => state.nodes.shouldShowGraphOverlay
+ const shouldShowFieldTypeLegend = useAppSelector(
+ (state: RootState) => state.nodes.shouldShowFieldTypeLegend
+ );
return (
+ {shouldShowFieldTypeLegend && }
{shouldShowGraphOverlay && }
diff --git a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/store/nodesSlice.ts b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/store/nodesSlice.ts
index eac272ea01..6babcf6a86 100644
--- a/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/store/nodesSlice.ts
+++ b/invokeai/frontend/web/src/features/nodes/store/nodesSlice.ts
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export type NodesState = {
invocationTemplates: Record;
connectionStartParams: OnConnectStartParams | null;
shouldShowGraphOverlay: boolean;
+ shouldShowFieldTypeLegend: boolean;
editorInstance: ReactFlowInstance | undefined;
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ export const initialNodesState: NodesState = {
invocationTemplates: {},
connectionStartParams: null,
shouldShowGraphOverlay: false,
+ shouldShowFieldTypeLegend: false,
editorInstance: undefined,
@@ -125,6 +127,12 @@ const nodesSlice = createSlice({
shouldShowGraphOverlayChanged: (state, action: PayloadAction) => {
state.shouldShowGraphOverlay = action.payload;
+ shouldShowFieldTypeLegendChanged: (
+ state,
+ action: PayloadAction
+ ) => {
+ state.shouldShowFieldTypeLegend = action.payload;
+ },
nodeTemplatesBuilt: (
action: PayloadAction>
@@ -161,6 +169,7 @@ export const {
+ shouldShowFieldTypeLegendChanged,