update environment-mac.yml

This commit is contained in:
mauwii 2022-11-07 03:22:20 +01:00 committed by Lincoln Stein
parent 9342ad8d97
commit af62958323

View File

@ -2,12 +2,15 @@ name: invokeai
- pytorch
- conda-forge
- defaults
- python=3.9.13
- pip=22.2.2
- pytorch=1.12.1
- torchvision=0.13.1
- python=3.10
- pip>=22.2
- pytorch=1.12
- pytorch-lightning=1.7
- torchvision
- torchmetrics=0.10
- torch-fidelity=0.3
# I suggest to keep the other deps sorted for convenience.
# To determine what the latest versions should be, run:
@ -17,42 +20,39 @@ dependencies:
# CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-arm64 conda env create -f environment-mac-updated.yml && conda list -n invokeai-updated | awk ' {print " - " $1 "==" $2;} '
# ```
- albumentations=1.2.1
- coloredlogs=15.0.1
- diffusers=0.6.0
- einops=0.4.1
- grpcio=1.46.4
- albumentations=1.2
- coloredlogs=15.0
- diffusers=0.6
- einops=0.3
- eventlet
- grpcio=1.46
- flask=2.1
- flask-socketio=5.3
- flask-cors=3.0
- humanfriendly=10.0
- imageio=2.21.2
- imageio-ffmpeg=0.4.7
- imgaug=0.4.0
- kornia=0.6.7
- mpmath=1.2.1
- nomkl # arm64 has only 1.0 while x64 needs 3.0
- numpy=1.23.4
- omegaconf=2.1.1
- openh264=2.3.0
- onnx=1.12.0
- onnxruntime=1.12.1
- pudb=2022.1
- pytorch-lightning=1.7.7
- scipy=1.9.3
- streamlit=1.12.2
- sympy=1.10.1
- tensorboard=2.10.0
- torchmetrics=0.10.1
- py-opencv=4.6.0
- flask=2.1.3
- flask-socketio=5.3.0
- flask-cors=3.0.10
- eventlet=0.33.1
- protobuf=3.20.1
- send2trash=1.8.0
- transformers=4.23.1
- torch-fidelity=0.3.0
- imageio=2.21
- imageio-ffmpeg=0.4
- imgaug=0.4
- kornia=0.6
- mpmath=1.2
- nomkl=3
- numpy=1.23
- omegaconf
- openh264=2.3
- onnx=1.12
- onnxruntime=1.12
- pudb=2019.2
- protobuf=3.20
- py-opencv=4.6
- scipy=1.9
- streamlit=1.12
- sympy=1.10
- send2trash=1.8
- tensorboard=2.10
- transformers=4.23
- pip:
- getpass_asterisk
- dependency_injector==4.40.0
- getpass_asterisk
- realesrgan==
- test-tube==0.7.5
- -e git+https://github.com/CompVis/taming-transformers.git@master#egg=taming-transformers