Release/v3.2.0 (#4766)

## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

Release v3.2.0

## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [X] Yes
- [ ] No, because:

## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No

Need to update prompting docs 

## Description
3.2.0 release version

## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
This commit is contained in:
Millun Atluri 2023-10-03 11:59:19 +11:00 committed by GitHub
commit b19572199f
No known key found for this signature in database
11 changed files with 944 additions and 622 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
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<body dir="ltr"> <body dir="ltr">

View File

@ -13,14 +13,15 @@
"reset": "Reset", "reset": "Reset",
"rotateClockwise": "Rotate Clockwise", "rotateClockwise": "Rotate Clockwise",
"rotateCounterClockwise": "Rotate Counter-Clockwise", "rotateCounterClockwise": "Rotate Counter-Clockwise",
"showGallery": "Show Gallery", "showGalleryPanel": "Show Gallery Panel",
"showOptionsPanel": "Show Side Panel", "showOptionsPanel": "Show Side Panel",
"toggleAutoscroll": "Toggle autoscroll", "toggleAutoscroll": "Toggle autoscroll",
"toggleLogViewer": "Toggle Log Viewer", "toggleLogViewer": "Toggle Log Viewer",
"uploadImage": "Upload Image", "uploadImage": "Upload Image",
"useThisParameter": "Use this parameter", "useThisParameter": "Use this parameter",
"zoomIn": "Zoom In", "zoomIn": "Zoom In",
"zoomOut": "Zoom Out" "zoomOut": "Zoom Out",
"loadMore": "Load More"
}, },
"boards": { "boards": {
"addBoard": "Add Board", "addBoard": "Add Board",
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@
"githubLabel": "Github", "githubLabel": "Github",
"hotkeysLabel": "Hotkeys", "hotkeysLabel": "Hotkeys",
"imagePrompt": "Image Prompt", "imagePrompt": "Image Prompt",
"imageFailedToLoad": "Unable to Load Image",
"img2img": "Image To Image", "img2img": "Image To Image",
"langArabic": "العربية", "langArabic": "العربية",
"langBrPortuguese": "Português do Brasil", "langBrPortuguese": "Português do Brasil",
@ -80,6 +82,7 @@
"load": "Load", "load": "Load",
"loading": "Loading", "loading": "Loading",
"loadingInvokeAI": "Loading Invoke AI", "loadingInvokeAI": "Loading Invoke AI",
"learnMore": "Learn More",
"modelManager": "Model Manager", "modelManager": "Model Manager",
"nodeEditor": "Node Editor", "nodeEditor": "Node Editor",
"nodes": "Workflow Editor", "nodes": "Workflow Editor",
@ -110,6 +113,7 @@
"statusModelChanged": "Model Changed", "statusModelChanged": "Model Changed",
"statusModelConverted": "Model Converted", "statusModelConverted": "Model Converted",
"statusPreparing": "Preparing", "statusPreparing": "Preparing",
"statusProcessing": "Processing",
"statusProcessingCanceled": "Processing Canceled", "statusProcessingCanceled": "Processing Canceled",
"statusProcessingComplete": "Processing Complete", "statusProcessingComplete": "Processing Complete",
"statusRestoringFaces": "Restoring Faces", "statusRestoringFaces": "Restoring Faces",
@ -133,6 +137,8 @@
"bgth": "bg_th", "bgth": "bg_th",
"canny": "Canny", "canny": "Canny",
"cannyDescription": "Canny edge detection", "cannyDescription": "Canny edge detection",
"colorMap": "Color",
"colorMapDescription": "Generates a color map from the image",
"coarse": "Coarse", "coarse": "Coarse",
"contentShuffle": "Content Shuffle", "contentShuffle": "Content Shuffle",
"contentShuffleDescription": "Shuffles the content in an image", "contentShuffleDescription": "Shuffles the content in an image",
@ -156,6 +162,7 @@
"hideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced", "hideAdvanced": "Hide Advanced",
"highThreshold": "High Threshold", "highThreshold": "High Threshold",
"imageResolution": "Image Resolution", "imageResolution": "Image Resolution",
"colorMapTileSize": "Tile Size",
"importImageFromCanvas": "Import Image From Canvas", "importImageFromCanvas": "Import Image From Canvas",
"importMaskFromCanvas": "Import Mask From Canvas", "importMaskFromCanvas": "Import Mask From Canvas",
"incompatibleBaseModel": "Incompatible base model:", "incompatibleBaseModel": "Incompatible base model:",
@ -203,6 +210,81 @@
"incompatibleModel": "Incompatible base model:", "incompatibleModel": "Incompatible base model:",
"noMatchingEmbedding": "No matching Embeddings" "noMatchingEmbedding": "No matching Embeddings"
}, },
"queue": {
"queue": "Queue",
"queueFront": "Add to Front of Queue",
"queueBack": "Add to Queue",
"queueCountPrediction": "Add {{predicted}} to Queue",
"queueMaxExceeded": "Max of {{max_queue_size}} exceeded, would skip {{skip}}",
"queuedCount": "{{pending}} Pending",
"queueTotal": "{{total}} Total",
"queueEmpty": "Queue Empty",
"enqueueing": "Queueing Batch",
"resume": "Resume",
"resumeTooltip": "Resume Processor",
"resumeSucceeded": "Processor Resumed",
"resumeFailed": "Problem Resuming Processor",
"pause": "Pause",
"pauseTooltip": "Pause Processor",
"pauseSucceeded": "Processor Paused",
"pauseFailed": "Problem Pausing Processor",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelTooltip": "Cancel Current Item",
"cancelSucceeded": "Item Canceled",
"cancelFailed": "Problem Canceling Item",
"prune": "Prune",
"pruneTooltip": "Prune {{item_count}} Completed Items",
"pruneSucceeded": "Pruned {{item_count}} Completed Items from Queue",
"pruneFailed": "Problem Pruning Queue",
"clear": "Clear",
"clearTooltip": "Cancel and Clear All Items",
"clearSucceeded": "Queue Cleared",
"clearFailed": "Problem Clearing Queue",
"cancelBatch": "Cancel Batch",
"cancelItem": "Cancel Item",
"cancelBatchSucceeded": "Batch Canceled",
"cancelBatchFailed": "Problem Canceling Batch",
"clearQueueAlertDialog": "Clearing the queue immediately cancels any processing items and clears the queue entirely.",
"clearQueueAlertDialog2": "Are you sure you want to clear the queue?",
"current": "Current",
"next": "Next",
"status": "Status",
"total": "Total",
"pending": "Pending",
"in_progress": "In Progress",
"completed": "Completed",
"failed": "Failed",
"canceled": "Canceled",
"completedIn": "Completed in",
"batch": "Batch",
"item": "Item",
"session": "Session",
"batchValues": "Batch Values",
"notReady": "Unable to Queue",
"batchQueued": "Batch Queued",
"batchQueuedDesc": "Added {{item_count}} sessions to {{direction}} of queue",
"front": "front",
"back": "back",
"batchFailedToQueue": "Failed to Queue Batch",
"graphQueued": "Graph queued",
"graphFailedToQueue": "Failed to queue graph"
"invocationCache": {
"invocationCache": "Invocation Cache",
"cacheSize": "Cache Size",
"maxCacheSize": "Max Cache Size",
"hits": "Cache Hits",
"misses": "Cache Misses",
"clear": "Clear",
"clearSucceeded": "Invocation Cache Cleared",
"clearFailed": "Problem Clearing Invocation Cache",
"enable": "Enable",
"enableSucceeded": "Invocation Cache Enabled",
"enableFailed": "Problem Enabling Invocation Cache",
"disable": "Disable",
"disableSucceeded": "Invocation Cache Disabled",
"disableFailed": "Problem Disabling Invocation Cache"
"gallery": { "gallery": {
"allImagesLoaded": "All Images Loaded", "allImagesLoaded": "All Images Loaded",
"assets": "Assets", "assets": "Assets",
@ -624,6 +706,8 @@
"addNodeToolTip": "Add Node (Shift+A, Space)", "addNodeToolTip": "Add Node (Shift+A, Space)",
"animatedEdges": "Animated Edges", "animatedEdges": "Animated Edges",
"animatedEdgesHelp": "Animate selected edges and edges connected to selected nodes", "animatedEdgesHelp": "Animate selected edges and edges connected to selected nodes",
"boardField": "Board",
"boardFieldDescription": "A gallery board",
"boolean": "Booleans", "boolean": "Booleans",
"booleanCollection": "Boolean Collection", "booleanCollection": "Boolean Collection",
"booleanCollectionDescription": "A collection of booleans.", "booleanCollectionDescription": "A collection of booleans.",
@ -633,6 +717,7 @@
"cannotConnectInputToInput": "Cannot connect input to input", "cannotConnectInputToInput": "Cannot connect input to input",
"cannotConnectOutputToOutput": "Cannot connect output to output", "cannotConnectOutputToOutput": "Cannot connect output to output",
"cannotConnectToSelf": "Cannot connect to self", "cannotConnectToSelf": "Cannot connect to self",
"cannotDuplicateConnection": "Cannot create duplicate connections",
"clipField": "Clip", "clipField": "Clip",
"clipFieldDescription": "Tokenizer and text_encoder submodels.", "clipFieldDescription": "Tokenizer and text_encoder submodels.",
"collection": "Collection", "collection": "Collection",
@ -641,7 +726,8 @@
"collectionItemDescription": "TODO", "collectionItemDescription": "TODO",
"colorCodeEdges": "Color-Code Edges", "colorCodeEdges": "Color-Code Edges",
"colorCodeEdgesHelp": "Color-code edges according to their connected fields", "colorCodeEdgesHelp": "Color-code edges according to their connected fields",
"colorCollectionDescription": "A collection of colors.", "colorCollection": "A collection of colors.",
"colorCollectionDescription": "TODO",
"colorField": "Color", "colorField": "Color",
"colorFieldDescription": "A RGBA color.", "colorFieldDescription": "A RGBA color.",
"colorPolymorphic": "Color Polymorphic", "colorPolymorphic": "Color Polymorphic",
@ -688,7 +774,8 @@
"imageFieldDescription": "Images may be passed between nodes.", "imageFieldDescription": "Images may be passed between nodes.",
"imagePolymorphic": "Image Polymorphic", "imagePolymorphic": "Image Polymorphic",
"imagePolymorphicDescription": "A collection of images.", "imagePolymorphicDescription": "A collection of images.",
"inputFields": "Input Feilds", "inputField": "Input Field",
"inputFields": "Input Fields",
"inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection": "Input may only have one connection", "inputMayOnlyHaveOneConnection": "Input may only have one connection",
"inputNode": "Input Node", "inputNode": "Input Node",
"integer": "Integer", "integer": "Integer",
@ -706,6 +793,7 @@
"latentsPolymorphicDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.", "latentsPolymorphicDescription": "Latents may be passed between nodes.",
"loadingNodes": "Loading Nodes...", "loadingNodes": "Loading Nodes...",
"loadWorkflow": "Load Workflow", "loadWorkflow": "Load Workflow",
"noWorkflow": "No Workflow",
"loRAModelField": "LoRA", "loRAModelField": "LoRA",
"loRAModelFieldDescription": "TODO", "loRAModelFieldDescription": "TODO",
"mainModelField": "Model", "mainModelField": "Model",
@ -727,14 +815,15 @@
"noImageFoundState": "No initial image found in state", "noImageFoundState": "No initial image found in state",
"noMatchingNodes": "No matching nodes", "noMatchingNodes": "No matching nodes",
"noNodeSelected": "No node selected", "noNodeSelected": "No node selected",
"noOpacity": "Node Opacity", "nodeOpacity": "Node Opacity",
"noOutputRecorded": "No outputs recorded", "noOutputRecorded": "No outputs recorded",
"noOutputSchemaName": "No output schema name found in ref object", "noOutputSchemaName": "No output schema name found in ref object",
"notes": "Notes", "notes": "Notes",
"notesDescription": "Add notes about your workflow", "notesDescription": "Add notes about your workflow",
"oNNXModelField": "ONNX Model", "oNNXModelField": "ONNX Model",
"oNNXModelFieldDescription": "ONNX model field.", "oNNXModelFieldDescription": "ONNX model field.",
"outputFields": "Output Feilds", "outputField": "Output Field",
"outputFields": "Output Fields",
"outputNode": "Output node", "outputNode": "Output node",
"outputSchemaNotFound": "Output schema not found", "outputSchemaNotFound": "Output schema not found",
"pickOne": "Pick One", "pickOne": "Pick One",
@ -783,6 +872,7 @@
"unknownNode": "Unknown Node", "unknownNode": "Unknown Node",
"unknownTemplate": "Unknown Template", "unknownTemplate": "Unknown Template",
"unkownInvocation": "Unknown Invocation type", "unkownInvocation": "Unknown Invocation type",
"updateNode": "Update Node",
"updateApp": "Update App", "updateApp": "Update App",
"vaeField": "Vae", "vaeField": "Vae",
"vaeFieldDescription": "Vae submodel.", "vaeFieldDescription": "Vae submodel.",
@ -806,7 +896,7 @@
"zoomOutNodes": "Zoom Out" "zoomOutNodes": "Zoom Out"
}, },
"parameters": { "parameters": {
"aspectRatio": "Ratio", "aspectRatio": "Aspect Ratio",
"boundingBoxHeader": "Bounding Box", "boundingBoxHeader": "Bounding Box",
"boundingBoxHeight": "Bounding Box Height", "boundingBoxHeight": "Bounding Box Height",
"boundingBoxWidth": "Bounding Box Width", "boundingBoxWidth": "Bounding Box Width",
@ -819,6 +909,7 @@
}, },
"cfgScale": "CFG Scale", "cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
"clipSkip": "CLIP Skip", "clipSkip": "CLIP Skip",
"clipSkipWithLayerCount": "CLIP Skip {{layerCount}}",
"closeViewer": "Close Viewer", "closeViewer": "Close Viewer",
"codeformerFidelity": "Fidelity", "codeformerFidelity": "Fidelity",
"coherenceMode": "Mode", "coherenceMode": "Mode",
@ -857,6 +948,7 @@
"noInitialImageSelected": "No initial image selected", "noInitialImageSelected": "No initial image selected",
"noModelForControlNet": "ControlNet {{index}} has no model selected.", "noModelForControlNet": "ControlNet {{index}} has no model selected.",
"noModelSelected": "No model selected", "noModelSelected": "No model selected",
"noPrompts": "No prompts generated",
"noNodesInGraph": "No nodes in graph", "noNodesInGraph": "No nodes in graph",
"readyToInvoke": "Ready to Invoke", "readyToInvoke": "Ready to Invoke",
"systemBusy": "System busy", "systemBusy": "System busy",
@ -875,7 +967,12 @@
"perlinNoise": "Perlin Noise", "perlinNoise": "Perlin Noise",
"positivePromptPlaceholder": "Positive Prompt", "positivePromptPlaceholder": "Positive Prompt",
"randomizeSeed": "Randomize Seed", "randomizeSeed": "Randomize Seed",
"manualSeed": "Manual Seed",
"randomSeed": "Random Seed",
"restoreFaces": "Restore Faces", "restoreFaces": "Restore Faces",
"iterations": "Iterations",
"iterationsWithCount_one": "{{count}} Iteration",
"iterationsWithCount_other": "{{count}} Iterations",
"scale": "Scale", "scale": "Scale",
"scaleBeforeProcessing": "Scale Before Processing", "scaleBeforeProcessing": "Scale Before Processing",
"scaledHeight": "Scaled H", "scaledHeight": "Scaled H",
@ -886,13 +983,17 @@
"seamlessTiling": "Seamless Tiling", "seamlessTiling": "Seamless Tiling",
"seamlessXAxis": "X Axis", "seamlessXAxis": "X Axis",
"seamlessYAxis": "Y Axis", "seamlessYAxis": "Y Axis",
"seamlessX": "Seamless X",
"seamlessY": "Seamless Y",
"seamlessX&Y": "Seamless X & Y",
"seamLowThreshold": "Low", "seamLowThreshold": "Low",
"seed": "Seed", "seed": "Seed",
"seedWeights": "Seed Weights", "seedWeights": "Seed Weights",
"imageActions": "Image Actions",
"sendTo": "Send to", "sendTo": "Send to",
"sendToImg2Img": "Send to Image to Image", "sendToImg2Img": "Send to Image to Image",
"sendToUnifiedCanvas": "Send To Unified Canvas", "sendToUnifiedCanvas": "Send To Unified Canvas",
"showOptionsPanel": "Show Options Panel", "showOptionsPanel": "Show Side Panel (O or T)",
"showPreview": "Show Preview", "showPreview": "Show Preview",
"shuffle": "Shuffle Seed", "shuffle": "Shuffle Seed",
"steps": "Steps", "steps": "Steps",
@ -901,24 +1002,39 @@
"tileSize": "Tile Size", "tileSize": "Tile Size",
"toggleLoopback": "Toggle Loopback", "toggleLoopback": "Toggle Loopback",
"type": "Type", "type": "Type",
"upscale": "Upscale", "upscale": "Upscale (Shift + U)",
"upscaleImage": "Upscale Image", "upscaleImage": "Upscale Image",
"upscaling": "Upscaling", "upscaling": "Upscaling",
"useAll": "Use All", "useAll": "Use All",
"useCpuNoise": "Use CPU Noise", "useCpuNoise": "Use CPU Noise",
"cpuNoise": "CPU Noise",
"gpuNoise": "GPU Noise",
"useInitImg": "Use Initial Image", "useInitImg": "Use Initial Image",
"usePrompt": "Use Prompt", "usePrompt": "Use Prompt",
"useSeed": "Use Seed", "useSeed": "Use Seed",
"variationAmount": "Variation Amount", "variationAmount": "Variation Amount",
"variations": "Variations", "variations": "Variations",
"vSymmetryStep": "V Symmetry Step", "vSymmetryStep": "V Symmetry Step",
"width": "Width" "width": "Width",
"isAllowedToUpscale": {
"useX2Model": "Image is too large to upscale with x4 model, use x2 model",
"tooLarge": "Image is too large to upscale, select smaller image"
}, },
"prompt": { "dynamicPrompts": {
"combinatorial": "Combinatorial Generation", "combinatorial": "Combinatorial Generation",
"dynamicPrompts": "Dynamic Prompts", "dynamicPrompts": "Dynamic Prompts",
"enableDynamicPrompts": "Enable Dynamic Prompts", "enableDynamicPrompts": "Enable Dynamic Prompts",
"maxPrompts": "Max Prompts" "maxPrompts": "Max Prompts",
"promptsWithCount_one": "{{count}} Prompt",
"promptsWithCount_other": "{{count}} Prompts",
"seedBehaviour": {
"label": "Seed Behaviour",
"perIterationLabel": "Seed per Iteration",
"perIterationDesc": "Use a different seed for each iteration",
"perPromptLabel": "Seed per Image",
"perPromptDesc": "Use a different seed for each image"
}, },
"sdxl": { "sdxl": {
"cfgScale": "CFG Scale", "cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
@ -1066,6 +1182,210 @@
"variations": "Try a variation with a value between 0.1 and 1.0 to change the result for a given seed. Interesting variations of the seed are between 0.1 and 0.3." "variations": "Try a variation with a value between 0.1 and 1.0 to change the result for a given seed. Interesting variations of the seed are between 0.1 and 0.3."
} }
}, },
"popovers": {
"clipSkip": {
"heading": "CLIP Skip",
"paragraphs": [
"Choose how many layers of the CLIP model to skip.",
"Some models work better with certain CLIP Skip settings.",
"A higher value typically results in a less detailed image."
"paramNegativeConditioning": {
"heading": "Negative Prompt",
"paragraphs": [
"The generation process avoids the concepts in the negative prompt. Use this to exclude qualities or objects from the output.",
"Supports Compel syntax and embeddings."
"paramPositiveConditioning": {
"heading": "Positive Prompt",
"paragraphs": [
"Guides the generation process. You may use any words or phrases.",
"Compel and Dynamic Prompts syntaxes and embeddings."
"paramScheduler": {
"heading": "Scheduler",
"paragraphs": [
"Scheduler defines how to iteratively add noise to an image or how to update a sample based on a model's output."
"compositingBlur": {
"heading": "Blur",
"paragraphs": ["The blur radius of the mask."]
"compositingBlurMethod": {
"heading": "Blur Method",
"paragraphs": ["The method of blur applied to the masked area."]
"compositingCoherencePass": {
"heading": "Coherence Pass",
"paragraphs": [
"A second round of denoising helps to composite the Inpainted/Outpainted image."
"compositingCoherenceMode": {
"heading": "Mode",
"paragraphs": ["The mode of the Coherence Pass."]
"compositingCoherenceSteps": {
"heading": "Steps",
"paragraphs": [
"Number of denoising steps used in the Coherence Pass.",
"Same as the main Steps parameter."
"compositingStrength": {
"heading": "Strength",
"paragraphs": [
"Denoising strength for the Coherence Pass.",
"Same as the Image to Image Denoising Strength parameter."
"compositingMaskAdjustments": {
"heading": "Mask Adjustments",
"paragraphs": ["Adjust the mask."]
"controlNetBeginEnd": {
"heading": "Begin / End Step Percentage",
"paragraphs": [
"Which steps of the denoising process will have the ControlNet applied.",
"ControlNets applied at the beginning of the process guide composition, and ControlNets applied at the end guide details."
"controlNetControlMode": {
"heading": "Control Mode",
"paragraphs": [
"Lends more weight to either the prompt or ControlNet."
"controlNetResizeMode": {
"heading": "Resize Mode",
"paragraphs": [
"How the ControlNet image will be fit to the image output size."
"controlNet": {
"heading": "ControlNet",
"paragraphs": [
"ControlNets provide guidance to the generation process, helping create images with controlled composition, structure, or style, depending on the model selected."
"controlNetWeight": {
"heading": "Weight",
"paragraphs": [
"How strongly the ControlNet will impact the generated image."
"dynamicPrompts": {
"heading": "Dynamic Prompts",
"paragraphs": [
"Dynamic Prompts parses a single prompt into many.",
"The basic syntax is \"a {red|green|blue} ball\". This will produce three prompts: \"a red ball\", \"a green ball\" and \"a blue ball\".",
"You can use the syntax as many times as you like in a single prompt, but be sure to keep the number of prompts generated in check with the Max Prompts setting."
"dynamicPromptsMaxPrompts": {
"heading": "Max Prompts",
"paragraphs": [
"Limits the number of prompts that can be generated by Dynamic Prompts."
"dynamicPromptsSeedBehaviour": {
"heading": "Seed Behaviour",
"paragraphs": [
"Controls how the seed is used when generating prompts.",
"Per Iteration will use a unique seed for each iteration. Use this to explore prompt variations on a single seed.",
"For example, if you have 5 prompts, each image will use the same seed.",
"Per Image will use a unique seed for each image. This provides more variation."
"infillMethod": {
"heading": "Infill Method",
"paragraphs": ["Method to infill the selected area."]
"lora": {
"heading": "LoRA Weight",
"paragraphs": [
"Higher LoRA weight will lead to larger impacts on the final image."
"noiseUseCPU": {
"heading": "Use CPU Noise",
"paragraphs": [
"Controls whether noise is generated on the CPU or GPU.",
"With CPU Noise enabled, a particular seed will produce the same image on any machine.",
"There is no performance impact to enabling CPU Noise."
"paramCFGScale": {
"heading": "CFG Scale",
"paragraphs": [
"Controls how much your prompt influences the generation process."
"paramDenoisingStrength": {
"heading": "Denoising Strength",
"paragraphs": [
"How much noise is added to the input image.",
"0 will result in an identical image, while 1 will result in a completely new image."
"paramIterations": {
"heading": "Iterations",
"paragraphs": [
"The number of images to generate.",
"If Dynamic Prompts is enabled, each of the prompts will be generated this many times."
"paramModel": {
"heading": "Model",
"paragraphs": [
"Model used for the denoising steps.",
"Different models are typically trained to specialize in producing particular aesthetic results and content."
"paramRatio": {
"heading": "Aspect Ratio",
"paragraphs": [
"The aspect ratio of the dimensions of the image generated.",
"An image size (in number of pixels) equivalent to 512x512 is recommended for SD1.5 models and a size equivalent to 1024x1024 is recommended for SDXL models."
"paramSeed": {
"heading": "Seed",
"paragraphs": [
"Controls the starting noise used for generation.",
"Disable “Random Seed” to produce identical results with the same generation settings."
"paramSteps": {
"heading": "Steps",
"paragraphs": [
"Number of steps that will be performed in each generation.",
"Higher step counts will typically create better images but will require more generation time."
"paramVAE": {
"heading": "VAE",
"paragraphs": [
"Model used for translating AI output into the final image."
"paramVAEPrecision": {
"heading": "VAE Precision",
"paragraphs": [
"The precision used during VAE encoding and decoding. FP16/half precision is more efficient, at the expense of minor image variations."
"scaleBeforeProcessing": {
"heading": "Scale Before Processing",
"paragraphs": [
"Scales the selected area to the size best suited for the model before the image generation process."
"ui": { "ui": {
"hideProgressImages": "Hide Progress Images", "hideProgressImages": "Hide Progress Images",
"lockRatio": "Lock Ratio", "lockRatio": "Lock Ratio",
@ -1128,6 +1448,8 @@
"showCanvasDebugInfo": "Show Additional Canvas Info", "showCanvasDebugInfo": "Show Additional Canvas Info",
"showGrid": "Show Grid", "showGrid": "Show Grid",
"showHide": "Show/Hide", "showHide": "Show/Hide",
"showResultsOn": "Show Results (On)",
"showResultsOff": "Show Results (Off)",
"showIntermediates": "Show Intermediates", "showIntermediates": "Show Intermediates",
"snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid", "snapToGrid": "Snap to Grid",
"undo": "Undo" "undo": "Undo"

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
__version__ = "3.1.1" __version__ = "3.2.0"