mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
tidy(ui): remove unused graph helper
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
import { getStore } from 'app/store/nanostores/store';
import type { RootState } from 'app/store/store';
import { deepClone } from 'common/util/deepClone';
import {
} from 'features/controlLayers/store/controlLayersSlice';
import type { InitialImageLayer, Layer, RegionalGuidanceLayer } from 'features/controlLayers/store/types';
import type {
} from 'features/controlLayers/util/controlAdapters';
import { getRegionalPromptLayerBlobs } from 'features/controlLayers/util/getLayerBlobs';
import type { ImageField } from 'features/nodes/types/common';
import {
} from 'features/nodes/util/graph/constants';
import type { Graph } from 'features/nodes/util/graph/Graph';
import { MetadataUtil } from 'features/nodes/util/graph/MetadataUtil';
import { size } from 'lodash-es';
import { getImageDTO, imagesApi } from 'services/api/endpoints/images';
import type { BaseModelType, ImageDTO, Invocation } from 'services/api/types';
import { assert } from 'tsafe';
export const addControlLayersToGraph = async (
state: RootState,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>,
posCond: Invocation<'compel'> | Invocation<'sdxl_compel_prompt'>,
negCond: Invocation<'compel'> | Invocation<'sdxl_compel_prompt'>,
posCondCollect: Invocation<'collect'>,
negCondCollect: Invocation<'collect'>,
noise: Invocation<'noise'>
): Promise<Layer[]> => {
const mainModel = state.generation.model;
assert(mainModel, 'Missing main model when building graph');
const isSDXL = mainModel.base === 'sdxl';
// Filter out layers with incompatible base model, missing control image
const validLayers = state.controlLayers.present.layers.filter((l) => isValidLayer(l, mainModel.base));
const validControlAdapters = validLayers.filter(isControlAdapterLayer).map((l) => l.controlAdapter);
for (const ca of validControlAdapters) {
addGlobalControlAdapterToGraph(ca, g, denoise);
const validIPAdapters = validLayers.filter(isIPAdapterLayer).map((l) => l.ipAdapter);
for (const ipAdapter of validIPAdapters) {
addGlobalIPAdapterToGraph(ipAdapter, g, denoise);
const initialImageLayers = validLayers.filter(isInitialImageLayer);
assert(initialImageLayers.length <= 1, 'Only one initial image layer allowed');
if (initialImageLayers[0]) {
addInitialImageLayerToGraph(state, g, denoise, noise, initialImageLayers[0]);
// TODO: We should probably just use conditioning collectors by default, and skip all this fanagling with re-routing
// the existing conditioning nodes.
const validRGLayers = validLayers.filter(isRegionalGuidanceLayer);
const layerIds = validRGLayers.map((l) => l.id);
const blobs = await getRegionalPromptLayerBlobs(layerIds);
assert(size(blobs) === size(layerIds), 'Mismatch between layer IDs and blobs');
for (const layer of validRGLayers) {
const blob = blobs[layer.id];
assert(blob, `Blob for layer ${layer.id} not found`);
// Upload the mask image, or get the cached image if it exists
const { image_name } = await getMaskImage(layer, blob);
// The main mask-to-tensor node
const maskToTensor = g.addNode({
type: 'alpha_mask_to_tensor',
image: {
if (layer.positivePrompt) {
// The main positive conditioning node
const regionalPosCond = g.addNode(
? {
type: 'sdxl_compel_prompt',
prompt: layer.positivePrompt,
style: layer.positivePrompt, // TODO: Should we put the positive prompt in both fields?
: {
type: 'compel',
prompt: layer.positivePrompt,
// Connect the mask to the conditioning
g.addEdge(maskToTensor, 'mask', regionalPosCond, 'mask');
// Connect the conditioning to the collector
g.addEdge(regionalPosCond, 'conditioning', posCondCollect, 'item');
// Copy the connections to the "global" positive conditioning node to the regional cond
for (const edge of g.getEdgesTo(posCond)) {
if (edge.destination.field !== 'prompt') {
// Clone the edge, but change the destination node to the regional conditioning node
const clone = deepClone(edge);
clone.destination.node_id = regionalPosCond.id;
if (layer.negativePrompt) {
// The main negative conditioning node
const regionalNegCond = g.addNode(
? {
type: 'sdxl_compel_prompt',
prompt: layer.negativePrompt,
style: layer.negativePrompt,
: {
type: 'compel',
prompt: layer.negativePrompt,
// Connect the mask to the conditioning
g.addEdge(maskToTensor, 'mask', regionalNegCond, 'mask');
// Connect the conditioning to the collector
g.addEdge(regionalNegCond, 'conditioning', negCondCollect, 'item');
// Copy the connections to the "global" negative conditioning node to the regional cond
for (const edge of g.getEdgesTo(negCond)) {
if (edge.destination.field !== 'prompt') {
// Clone the edge, but change the destination node to the regional conditioning node
const clone = deepClone(edge);
clone.destination.node_id = regionalNegCond.id;
// If we are using the "invert" auto-negative setting, we need to add an additional negative conditioning node
if (layer.autoNegative === 'invert' && layer.positivePrompt) {
// We re-use the mask image, but invert it when converting to tensor
const invertTensorMask = g.addNode({
type: 'invert_tensor_mask',
// Connect the OG mask image to the inverted mask-to-tensor node
g.addEdge(maskToTensor, 'mask', invertTensorMask, 'mask');
// Create the conditioning node. It's going to be connected to the negative cond collector, but it uses the positive prompt
const regionalPosCondInverted = g.addNode(
? {
type: 'sdxl_compel_prompt',
prompt: layer.positivePrompt,
style: layer.positivePrompt,
: {
type: 'compel',
prompt: layer.positivePrompt,
// Connect the inverted mask to the conditioning
g.addEdge(invertTensorMask, 'mask', regionalPosCondInverted, 'mask');
// Connect the conditioning to the negative collector
g.addEdge(regionalPosCondInverted, 'conditioning', negCondCollect, 'item');
// Copy the connections to the "global" positive conditioning node to our regional node
for (const edge of g.getEdgesTo(posCond)) {
if (edge.destination.field !== 'prompt') {
// Clone the edge, but change the destination node to the regional conditioning node
const clone = deepClone(edge);
clone.destination.node_id = regionalPosCondInverted.id;
const validRegionalIPAdapters: IPAdapterConfigV2[] = layer.ipAdapters.filter((ipa) =>
isValidIPAdapter(ipa, mainModel.base)
for (const ipAdapterConfig of validRegionalIPAdapters) {
const ipAdapterCollect = addIPAdapterCollectorSafe(g, denoise);
const { id, weight, model, clipVisionModel, method, beginEndStepPct, image } = ipAdapterConfig;
assert(model, 'IP Adapter model is required');
assert(image, 'IP Adapter image is required');
const ipAdapter = g.addNode({
id: `ip_adapter_${id}`,
type: 'ip_adapter',
is_intermediate: true,
ip_adapter_model: model,
clip_vision_model: clipVisionModel,
begin_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[0],
end_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[1],
image: {
image_name: image.name,
// Connect the mask to the conditioning
g.addEdge(maskToTensor, 'mask', ipAdapter, 'mask');
g.addEdge(ipAdapter, 'ip_adapter', ipAdapterCollect, 'item');
MetadataUtil.add(g, { control_layers: { layers: validLayers, version: state.controlLayers.present._version } });
return validLayers;
const getMaskImage = async (layer: RegionalGuidanceLayer, blob: Blob): Promise<ImageDTO> => {
if (layer.uploadedMaskImage) {
const imageDTO = await getImageDTO(layer.uploadedMaskImage.name);
if (imageDTO) {
return imageDTO;
const { dispatch } = getStore();
// No cached mask, or the cached image no longer exists - we need to upload the mask image
const file = new File([blob], `${layer.id}_mask.png`, { type: 'image/png' });
const req = dispatch(
imagesApi.endpoints.uploadImage.initiate({ file, image_category: 'mask', is_intermediate: true })
const imageDTO = await req.unwrap();
dispatch(rgLayerMaskImageUploaded({ layerId: layer.id, imageDTO }));
return imageDTO;
const buildControlImage = (
image: ImageWithDims | null,
processedImage: ImageWithDims | null,
processorConfig: ProcessorConfig | null
): ImageField => {
if (processedImage && processorConfig) {
// We've processed the image in the app - use it for the control image.
return {
image_name: processedImage.name,
} else if (image) {
// No processor selected, and we have an image - the user provided a processed image, use it for the control image.
return {
image_name: image.name,
assert(false, 'Attempted to add unprocessed control image');
const addGlobalControlAdapterToGraph = (
controlAdapterConfig: ControlNetConfigV2 | T2IAdapterConfigV2,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>
): void => {
if (controlAdapterConfig.type === 'controlnet') {
addGlobalControlNetToGraph(controlAdapterConfig, g, denoise);
if (controlAdapterConfig.type === 't2i_adapter') {
addGlobalT2IAdapterToGraph(controlAdapterConfig, g, denoise);
const addControlNetCollectorSafe = (g: Graph, denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>): Invocation<'collect'> => {
try {
// Attempt to retrieve the collector
const controlNetCollect = g.getNode(CONTROL_NET_COLLECT);
assert(controlNetCollect.type === 'collect');
return controlNetCollect;
} catch {
// Add the ControlNet collector
const controlNetCollect = g.addNode({
type: 'collect',
g.addEdge(controlNetCollect, 'collection', denoise, 'control');
return controlNetCollect;
const addGlobalControlNetToGraph = (
controlNetConfig: ControlNetConfigV2,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>
) => {
const { id, beginEndStepPct, controlMode, image, model, processedImage, processorConfig, weight } = controlNetConfig;
assert(model, 'ControlNet model is required');
const controlImage = buildControlImage(image, processedImage, processorConfig);
const controlNetCollect = addControlNetCollectorSafe(g, denoise);
const controlNet = g.addNode({
id: `control_net_${id}`,
type: 'controlnet',
is_intermediate: true,
begin_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[0],
end_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[1],
control_mode: controlMode,
resize_mode: 'just_resize',
control_model: model,
control_weight: weight,
image: controlImage,
g.addEdge(controlNet, 'control', controlNetCollect, 'item');
const addT2IAdapterCollectorSafe = (g: Graph, denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>): Invocation<'collect'> => {
try {
// You see, we've already got one!
const t2iAdapterCollect = g.getNode(T2I_ADAPTER_COLLECT);
assert(t2iAdapterCollect.type === 'collect');
return t2iAdapterCollect;
} catch {
const t2iAdapterCollect = g.addNode({
type: 'collect',
g.addEdge(t2iAdapterCollect, 'collection', denoise, 't2i_adapter');
return t2iAdapterCollect;
const addGlobalT2IAdapterToGraph = (
t2iAdapterConfig: T2IAdapterConfigV2,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>
) => {
const { id, beginEndStepPct, image, model, processedImage, processorConfig, weight } = t2iAdapterConfig;
assert(model, 'T2I Adapter model is required');
const controlImage = buildControlImage(image, processedImage, processorConfig);
const t2iAdapterCollect = addT2IAdapterCollectorSafe(g, denoise);
const t2iAdapter = g.addNode({
id: `t2i_adapter_${id}`,
type: 't2i_adapter',
is_intermediate: true,
begin_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[0],
end_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[1],
resize_mode: 'just_resize',
t2i_adapter_model: model,
weight: weight,
image: controlImage,
g.addEdge(t2iAdapter, 't2i_adapter', t2iAdapterCollect, 'item');
const addIPAdapterCollectorSafe = (g: Graph, denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>): Invocation<'collect'> => {
try {
// You see, we've already got one!
const ipAdapterCollect = g.getNode(IP_ADAPTER_COLLECT);
assert(ipAdapterCollect.type === 'collect');
return ipAdapterCollect;
} catch {
const ipAdapterCollect = g.addNode({
type: 'collect',
g.addEdge(ipAdapterCollect, 'collection', denoise, 'ip_adapter');
return ipAdapterCollect;
const addGlobalIPAdapterToGraph = (
ipAdapterConfig: IPAdapterConfigV2,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>
) => {
const { id, weight, model, clipVisionModel, method, beginEndStepPct, image } = ipAdapterConfig;
assert(image, 'IP Adapter image is required');
assert(model, 'IP Adapter model is required');
const ipAdapterCollect = addIPAdapterCollectorSafe(g, denoise);
const ipAdapter = g.addNode({
id: `ip_adapter_${id}`,
type: 'ip_adapter',
is_intermediate: true,
ip_adapter_model: model,
clip_vision_model: clipVisionModel,
begin_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[0],
end_step_percent: beginEndStepPct[1],
image: {
image_name: image.name,
g.addEdge(ipAdapter, 'ip_adapter', ipAdapterCollect, 'item');
const addInitialImageLayerToGraph = (
state: RootState,
g: Graph,
denoise: Invocation<'denoise_latents'>,
noise: Invocation<'noise'>,
layer: InitialImageLayer
) => {
const { vaePrecision, model } = state.generation;
const { refinerModel, refinerStart } = state.sdxl;
const { width, height } = state.controlLayers.present.size;
assert(layer.isEnabled, 'Initial image layer is not enabled');
assert(layer.image, 'Initial image layer has no image');
const isSDXL = model?.base === 'sdxl';
const useRefinerStartEnd = isSDXL && Boolean(refinerModel);
const { denoisingStrength } = layer;
denoise.denoising_start = useRefinerStartEnd ? Math.min(refinerStart, 1 - denoisingStrength) : 1 - denoisingStrength;
denoise.denoising_end = useRefinerStartEnd ? refinerStart : 1;
const i2l = g.addNode({
type: 'i2l',
is_intermediate: true,
use_cache: true,
fp32: vaePrecision === 'fp32',
g.addEdge(i2l, 'latents', denoise, 'latents');
if (layer.image.width !== width || layer.image.height !== height) {
// The init image needs to be resized to the specified width and height before being passed to `IMAGE_TO_LATENTS`
// Create a resize node, explicitly setting its image
const resize = g.addNode({
type: 'img_resize',
image: {
image_name: layer.image.name,
is_intermediate: true,
// The `RESIZE` node then passes its image to `IMAGE_TO_LATENTS`
g.addEdge(resize, 'image', i2l, 'image');
// The `RESIZE` node also passes its width and height to `NOISE`
g.addEdge(resize, 'width', noise, 'width');
g.addEdge(resize, 'height', noise, 'height');
} else {
// We are not resizing, so we need to set the image on the `IMAGE_TO_LATENTS` node explicitly
i2l.image = {
image_name: layer.image.name,
// Pass the image's dimensions to the `NOISE` node
g.addEdge(i2l, 'width', noise, 'width');
g.addEdge(i2l, 'height', noise, 'height');
MetadataUtil.add(g, { generation_mode: isSDXL ? 'sdxl_img2img' : 'img2img' });
const isValidControlAdapter = (ca: ControlNetConfigV2 | T2IAdapterConfigV2, base: BaseModelType): boolean => {
// Must be have a model that matches the current base and must have a control image
const hasModel = Boolean(ca.model);
const modelMatchesBase = ca.model?.base === base;
const hasControlImage = Boolean(ca.image || (ca.processedImage && ca.processorConfig));
return hasModel && modelMatchesBase && hasControlImage;
const isValidIPAdapter = (ipa: IPAdapterConfigV2, base: BaseModelType): boolean => {
// Must be have a model that matches the current base and must have a control image
const hasModel = Boolean(ipa.model);
const modelMatchesBase = ipa.model?.base === base;
const hasImage = Boolean(ipa.image);
return hasModel && modelMatchesBase && hasImage;
const isValidLayer = (layer: Layer, base: BaseModelType) => {
if (!layer.isEnabled) {
return false;
if (isControlAdapterLayer(layer)) {
return isValidControlAdapter(layer.controlAdapter, base);
if (isIPAdapterLayer(layer)) {
return isValidIPAdapter(layer.ipAdapter, base);
if (isInitialImageLayer(layer)) {
if (!layer.image) {
return false;
return true;
if (isRegionalGuidanceLayer(layer)) {
if (layer.maskObjects.length === 0) {
// Layer has no mask, meaning any guidance would be applied to an empty region.
return false;
const hasTextPrompt = Boolean(layer.positivePrompt) || Boolean(layer.negativePrompt);
const hasIPAdapter = layer.ipAdapters.filter((ipa) => isValidIPAdapter(ipa, base)).length > 0;
return hasTextPrompt || hasIPAdapter;
return false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user