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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
Update documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Table of Contents
* [Web Interface](#web-interface)
* [Notes](#notes)
Go to [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original), and click "Access repository" to Download ```sd-v1-4.ckpt``` (~4 GB) to ```~/Downloads```.
You'll need to create an account but it's quick and free.
# Installation
## Option 1 - Directly on Apple silicon
@ -33,8 +37,9 @@ conda init zsh && source ~/.zshrc # or bash and .bashrc
### Setup
Set it to the fork you want to use.
# Set the fork you want to use.
@ -42,8 +47,6 @@ cd stable-diffusion
mkdir -p models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/
Go to [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original), and click "Access repository" to Download ```sd-v1-4.ckpt``` (~4 GB). You'll need to create an account but it's quick and free. Then set up the environment:
PATH_TO_CKPT="$HOME/Downloads" # or wherever you saved sd-v1-4.ckpt
ln -s "$PATH_TO_CKPT/sd-v1-4.ckpt" models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt
@ -70,10 +73,7 @@ You [can't access the Macbook M1/M2 GPU cores from the Docker containers](https:
### Prerequisites
[Install Docker](https://gist.github.com/santisbon/2165fd1c9aaa1f7974f424535d3756f7#install-2)
On the Docker Desktop app, go to Preferences, Resources, Advanced. Adjust the CPUs and Memory to the largest amount available to avoid this [Issue](https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion/issues/342). You may need to increase Swap and Disk image size too.
Go to [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/CompVis/stable-diffusion-v-1-4-original), and click "Access repository" to Download ```sd-v1-4.ckpt``` (~4 GB) to ```~/Downloads```.
You'll need to create an account but it's quick and free.
On the Docker Desktop app, go to Preferences, Resources, Advanced. Increase the CPUs and Memory to avoid this [Issue](https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion/issues/342). You may need to increase Swap and Disk image size too.
Create a Docker volume for the downloaded model file
@ -82,38 +82,39 @@ docker volume create my-vol
Populate the volume using a lightweight Linux container. You just need to create the container with the mountpoint; no need to run it.
docker create --name dummy --mount source=my-vol,target=/data alpine
docker create --platform linux/arm64 --name dummy --mount source=my-vol,target=/data alpine # or arm64v8/alpine
cd ~/Downloads # or wherever you saved sd-v1-4.ckpt
docker cp sd-v1-4.ckpt dummy:/data
### Setup
Start a container for Stable Diffusion
Start a container for Stable Diffusion. The container's 9090 port is mapped to the host's 80. That way you'll be able to use the Web interface from your Mac.
docker run -it \
--platform linux/arm64 \
--name stable-diffusion \
--hostname stable-diffusion \
--mount source=my-vol,target=/data \
--expose 9090 \
--publish 80:9090 \
# or arm64v8/debian
You're now on the container. Set the fork you want to use and set up the container:
You're now on the container.
GITHUB_STABLE_DIFFUSION="-b docker-apple-silicon https://github.com/santisbon/stable-diffusion.git"
apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install -y \
# Set the fork you want to use
GITHUB_STABLE_DIFFUSION="-b docker-apple-silicon https://github.com/santisbon/stable-diffusion.git" \
&& apt update && apt upgrade -y \
&& apt install -y \
git \
pip3 \
pip \
python3 \
# you won't need to close and reopen your terminal after this because we'll source our .<shell>rc file
cd /data && wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-aarch64.sh -O anaconda.sh \
&& chmod +x anaconda.sh && bash anaconda.sh -b -u -p /anaconda && /anaconda/bin/conda init bash && source ~/.bashrc
# update conda
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda
cd / && git clone $GITHUB_STABLE_DIFFUSION && cd stable-diffusion
@ -122,11 +123,11 @@ cd / && git clone $GITHUB_STABLE_DIFFUSION && cd stable-diffusion
# Create the environment
# conda env create -f environment.yaml && conda activate ldm
conda create -y --name ldm && conda activate ldm
pip3 install -r requirements-linux-arm64.txt
# Create the environment, activate it, install requirements.
conda create -y --name ldm && conda activate ldm \
&& pip3 install -r requirements-linux-arm64.txt
# Only need to do this once (ok twice if you decide to add face restoration and upscaling):
python3 scripts/preload_models.py
mkdir -p models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1 \
@ -139,6 +140,9 @@ Whether you're directly on macOS or a Linux container.
### Setup
# If you're on a Linux container
apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0
# by default expected in a sibling directory to stable-diffusion
cd .. && git clone https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN.git && cd GFPGAN
@ -152,9 +156,11 @@ pip3 install realesrgan # to enhance the background (non-face) regions and do up
wget https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN/releases/download/v1.3.0/GFPGANv1.3.pth -P experiments/pretrained_models
cd ../stable-diffusion
python3 scripts/preload_models.py # if not, it will download model files from the Internet the first time you run dream.py with GFPGAN and Real-ESRGAN turned on.
# if we don't preload models it will download model files from the Internet the first time you run dream.py with GFPGAN and Real-ESRGAN turned on.
python3 scripts/preload_models.py
# Usage
## Startup
@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ With the Conda environment activated (```conda activate ldm```), run the interac
Use the more accurate but VRAM-intensive full precision math because half-precision requires autocast and won't work.
By default the images are saved in ```outputs/img-samples/```.
If you're on a docker container set the output dir to the Docker volume.
If you're on a docker container set the output dir to the Docker volume you created.
# If on Macbook
python3 scripts/dream.py --full_precision
@ -177,21 +183,25 @@ dream> q
## Text to Image
For quick (and rough) results test with 5 steps (default 50), 1 sample image.
Increase steps to 100 or more for good (but slower) results.
For quick (but very rough) results test with 5 steps (default 50) and 1 sample image. This will let you know that everything is set up correctly.
Then increase steps to 100 or more for good (but slower) results.
The prompt can be in quotes or not.
dream> The hulk fighting with sheldon cooper -s5 -n1
dream> "woman closeup highly detailed" -s 150
# Reuse previous seed and apply face restoration (if you installed GFPGAN)
dream> "woman closeup highly detailed" --steps 150 --seed -1 -G 0.8
dream> "woman closeup highly detailed" --steps 150 --seed -1 -G 0.75
# TODO: example for upscaling.
TODO: example for upscaling. The -U option currently [doesn't work](https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion/issues/297) on Mac.
You'll need to experiment to see if face restoration is making it better or worse for your specific prompt.
The -U option for upscaling has an [Issue](https://github.com/lstein/stable-diffusion/issues/297) on Mac.
If you're on a container and set the output to the Docker volume (or moved it there with ```mv outputs/img-samples/ /data/```) you can copy it easily wherever you want.
If you're on a container and set the output to the Docker volume (or moved it there with ```mv outputs/img-samples/ /data/```) you can copy it wherever you want.
You can download it from the Docker Desktop app, Volumes, my-vol, data.
Or you can copy it from your terminal. Keep in mind ```docker cp``` can't expand ```*.png``` so you'll need to specify the image file name:
# On your host Macbook (you can use the name of any container that mounted the volume)
docker cp dummy:/data/ ~/Pictures
docker cp dummy:/data/000001.928403745.png /Users/<your-user>/Pictures
## Image to Image
@ -201,23 +211,26 @@ Make sure your input image size dimensions are multiples of 64 e.g. 512x512. Oth
If you're on a docker container, copy your input image into the Docker volume
docker cp ~/Pictures/sketch-mountains-input.jpg dummy:/data/
docker cp /Users/<your-user>/Pictures/sketch-mountains-input.jpg dummy:/data/
Try it out generating an image (or 4).
The ```dream``` script needs absolute paths to find the image so don't use ```~```.
# If you're on your Macbook
dream> "A fantasy landscape, trending on artstation" -I ~/Pictures/sketch-mountains-input.jpg --strength 0.8 --steps 100 -n4
dream> "A fantasy landscape, trending on artstation" -I /Users/<your-user>/Pictures/sketch-mountains-input.jpg --strength 0.8 --steps 100 -n4
# If you're on a Linux container on your Macbook
dream> "A fantasy landscape, trending on artstation" -I /data/sketch-mountains-input.jpg --strength 0.8 --steps 100 -n1
dream> "A fantasy landscape, trending on artstation" -I /data/sketch-mountains-input.jpg --strength 0.75 --steps 100 -n1
## Web Interface
You can use the script with a graphical web interface
You can use the ```dream``` script with a graphical web interface. Start the web server with:
python3 scripts/dream.py --full_precision --web
and point your browser to
If it's running on your Mac point your Mac web browser to
Press Control-C at the command line to stop the web server.
## Notes
Reference in New Issue
Block a user