fixes the test suite generally, but some tests needed to be
skipped/xfailed due to recent refactor
- ignore three test suites that broke following the model manager
- move InvocationServices fixture to
- add `boards` InvocationServices to the fixture
This PR adds the "control_mode" option to ControlNet implementation.
Possible control_mode options are:
- balanced -- this is the default, same as previous implementation
without control_mode
- more_prompt -- pays more attention to the prompt
- more _control -- pays more attention to the ControlNet (in earlier
implementations this was called "guess_mode")
- unbalanced -- pays even more attention to the ControlNet
balanced, more_prompt, and more_control should be nearly identical to
the equivalent options in the [auto1111 sd-webui-controlnet
The changes to enable balanced, more_prompt, and more_control are
managed deeper in the code by two booleans, "soft_injection" and
"cfg_injection". The three control mode options in sd-webui-controlnet
map to these booleans like:
!soft_injection && !cfg_injection ⇒ BALANCED
soft_injection && cfg_injection ⇒ MORE_CONTROL
soft_injection && !cfg_injection ⇒ MORE_PROMPT
The "unbalanced" option simply exposes the fourth possible combination
of these two booleans:
!soft_injection && cfg_injection ⇒ UNBALANCED
With "unbalanced" mode it is very easy to overdrive the controlnet
inputs. It's recommended to use a cfg_scale between 2 and 4 to mitigate
this, along with lowering controlnet weight and possibly lowering "end
step percent". With those caveats, "unbalanced" can yield interesting
Example of all four modes using Canny edge detection ControlNet with
prompt "old man", identical params except for control_mode:

Top middle: BALANCED
Bottom middle: MORE_PROMPT
Bottom right : UNBALANCED
I kind of chose this seed because it shows pretty rough results with
BALANCED (the default), but in my opinion better results with both
MORE_CONTROL and MORE_PROMPT. And you can definitely see how MORE_PROMPT
pays more attention to the prompt, and MORE_CONTROL pays more attention
to the control image. And shows that UNBALANCED with default cfg_scale
etc is unusable.
But here are four examples from same series (same seed etc), all have
control_mode = UNBALANCED but now cfg_scale is set to 3.

And param differences are:
Top middle: prompt="old man", control_weight=0.3, end_step_percent=0.5
Top right: prompt="old man", control_weight=0.4, end_step_percent=1.0
Bottom middle: prompt=None, control_weight=0.3, end_step_percent=0.5
Bottom right: prompt=None, control_weight=0.4, end_step_percent=1.0
So with the right settings UNBALANCED seems useful.
Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a
similar one
Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a similar one
Only "real" conflicts were in:
- Reset and Upload buttons along top of initial image
- Also had to mess around with the control net & DnD image stuff after changing the styles
- Abstract image upload logic into hook - does not handle native HTML drag and drop upload - only the button click upload