Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a similar one
Only "real" conflicts were in:
- Reset and Upload buttons along top of initial image
- Also had to mess around with the control net & DnD image stuff after changing the styles
- Abstract image upload logic into hook - does not handle native HTML drag and drop upload - only the button click upload
`openapi-fetch` does not handle non-JSON `body`s, always stringifying them, and sets the `content-type` to `application/json`.
The patch here does two things:
- Do not stringify `body` if it is one of the types that should not be stringified (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#body)
- Do not add `content-type: application/json` unless it really is stringified JSON.
Upstream issue: https://github.com/drwpow/openapi-typescript/issues/1123
I'm not a bit lost on fixing the types and adding tests, so not raising a PR upstream.
*migrate from `openapi-typescript-codegen` to `openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch`*
`openapi-typescript-codegen` is not very actively maintained - it's been over a year since the last update.
`openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch` are part of the actively maintained repo. key differences:
- provides a `fetch` client instead of `axios`, which means we need to be a bit more verbose with typing thunks
- fetch client is created at runtime and has a very nice typescript DX
- generates a single file with all types in it, from which we then extract individual types. i don't like how verbose this is, but i do like how it is more explicit.
- removed npm api generation scripts - now we have a single `typegen` script
overall i have more confidence in this new library.
*use nanostores for api base and token*
very simple reactive store for api base url and token. this was suggested in the `openapi-fetch` docs and i quite like the strategy.
*organise rtk-query api*
split out each endpoint (models, images, boards, boardImages) into their own api extensions. tidy!