Mantine's multiselect does not let you edit the search box with mouse, paste into it, etc. Normal select is fine.
I can't remember why I made Lora etc multiselects, but everything seems to work with normal selects, so I've change to that.
- `isLoading` - now `true` *only* on first load
- added `isFetching` - `true` whenever gallery images are fetching
- on first load, show a spinner instead of skeletons. this prevents an awkward flash of skeletons into empty gallery when the gallery doesn't have enough images to fill it.
- removed `imageCategoriesChanged` listener, bc now on app start, both images and assets will be populated. leaving this in caused jank flashes of skeletons when switching gallery tabs when gallery doesn't have images to load
taking the coward's way out on this and just fetching 100 images & 100 assets on app start...
- add `appStarted` action, dispatched once on mount in App.tsx. listener fetches 100 images & 100 assets
- fix bug with selectedBoardId & assets tab
There was a props on IAISlider to make the input component readonly - I didn't know this existed and at some point used a component with that prop as a template for other sliders, copying the flag over.
It's not actually used anywhere, so I removed the prop entirely, enabling the number inputs everywhere.
* load images on gallery render
* wait for models to be loaded before you can invoke
Co-authored-by: Mary Hipp <maryhipp@Marys-MacBook-Air.local>
* close modal when user clicks cancel
* close modal when delete image context cleared
Co-authored-by: Mary Hipp <maryhipp@Marys-MacBook-Air.local>
- Accordions now may be opened or closed regardless of whether or not their contents are enabled or active
- Accordions have a short text indicator alerting the user if their contents are enabled, either a simple `Enabled` or, for accordions like LoRA or ControlNet, `X Active` if any are active
This caused a lot of re-rendering whenever the selection changed, which caused a huge performance hit. It also made changing the current image lag a bit.
Instead of providing an array of image names as a multi-select dnd payload, there is now no multi-select dnd payload at all - instead, the payload types are used by the `imageDropped` listener to pull the selection out of redux.
Now, the only big re-renders are when the selectionCount changes. In the future I'll figure out a good way to do image names as payload without incurring re-renders.
Every `GalleryImage` was rerendering any time the app rerendered bc the selector function itself was not memoized. This resulted in the memoization cache inside the selector constantly being reset.
Same for `BatchImage`.
Also updated memoization for a few other selectors.
Eg `useGetMainModelsQuery()`, `useGetLoRAModelsQuery()` instead of `useListModelsQuery({base_type})`.
Add specific adapters for each model type. Just more organised and easier to consume models now.
Also updated LoRA UI to use the model name.
This introduces the core functionality for batch operations on images and multiple selection in the gallery/batch manager.
A number of other substantial changes are included:
- `imagesSlice` is consolidated into `gallerySlice`, allowing for simpler selection of filtered images
- `batchSlice` is added to manage the batch
- The wonky context pattern for image deletion has been changed, much simpler now using a `imageDeletionSlice` and redux listeners; this needs to be implemented still for the other image modals
- Minimum gallery size in px implemented as a hook
- Many style fixes & several bug fixes
- The UI and UX need to be figured out, especially for controlnet
- Batch processing is not hooked up; generation does not do anything with batch
- Routes to support batch image operations, specifically delete and add/remove to/from boards
- Set min size for floating gallery panel
- Correct the default pinned width (it cannot be less than the min width and this was sometimes happening during window resize)
Add `useMinimumPanelSize()` hook to provide minimum resizable panel sizes (in pixels).
The library we are using for the gallery panel uses percentages only. To provide a minimum size in pixels, we need to do some math to calculate the percentage of window size that corresponds to the desired min width in pixels.
The node polyfills needed to run the `swagger-parser` library (used to dereference the OpenAPI schema) cause the canvas tab to immediately crash when the package build is used in another react application.
I'm sure this is fixable but it's not clear what is causing the issue and troubleshooting is very time consuming.
Selectively rolling back the implementation of `swagger-parser`.
Themes are very fun but due to the differences in perceived saturation and lightness across the
the color spectrum, it's impossible to have have multiple themes that look great without hand-
crafting *every* shade for *every* theme. We've ended up with 4 OK themes (well, 3, because the
light theme was pretty bad).
I've removed the themes and added color mode support. There is now a single dark and light mode,
each with their own color palette and the classic grey / purple / yellow invoke colors that
@blessedcoolant first designed.
I've re-styled almost everything except the model manager and lightbox, which I keep forgetting
to work on.
One new concept is the Chakra `layerStyle`. This lets us define "layers" - think body, first layer,
second layer, etc - that can be applied on various components. By defining layers, we can be more
consistent about the z-axis and its relationship to color and lightness.
Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a similar one
Only "real" conflicts were in: