- updated environment-mac.yml #932
- use the upstream GFPGAN library now that issues with color-changing fixed
and facial recognition improved #905
- preload_models fixed to download additional models needed by gfpgan
- Added support for pyreadline3 so that Window users can benefit.
- Added the !search command to search the history for a matching string:
!search puppies
[20] puppies at the food bowl -Ak_lms
[54] house overrun by hungry puppies -C20 -s100
- Added the !clear command to clear the in-memory and on-disk
command history.
- img2img confirmed working with all samplers
- inpainting working on ddim & plms. Changes to k-diffusion
module seem to be needed for inpainting support.
- switched k-diffuser noise schedule to original karras schedule,
which reduces the step number needed for good results