- For single image deletion, select the image in the same slot as the deleted image
- For multiple image deletion, empty selection
- On list images, if no images are currently selected, select the first image
The selection logic is a bit complicated. We have image selection and pagination, both of which can be triggered using the mouse or hotkeys. We have viewer image selection and comparison image selection, which is determined by the alt key.
This change ties the room together with these behaviours:
- Changing the page using pagination buttons never changes the selection.
- Changing the selected image using arrows may change the page, if the arrow key pressed would select an image off the current page.
- `right` on the last image of the current page goes to the next page
- `down` on the last row of images goes to the next page
- `left` on the first image of the current page goes to the previous page
- `up` on the first row of images goes to the previous page
- If `alt` is held when using arrow keys, we change the page, but we only change the comparison image selection.
- When using arrow keys, if the page has changed since the last image was selected, the selection is reset to the first image on the page.
- The next/previous buttons on the image viewer do the same thing as `left` and `right` without `alt`.
- When clicking an image in the gallery:
- If no modifier keys are held, the image is exclusively selected.
- If `ctrl` or `meta` are held, the image's selection status is toggled.
- If `shift` is held, all images from the last-selected image to the image are selected. If there are no images on the current page, the selection is unchanged.
- If `alt` is held, the image is set as the compare image.
- `ctrl+a` and `meta+a` add the current page to the selection.
The logic for gallery navigation and selection is now pretty hairy. It's spread across 3 hooks, a listener, redux slice, components.
When we next make changes to this part of the app, we should consider consolidating some of the related logic. Probably most of it can go into a single listener and make it much simpler to grok.
Don't like this UI (even though I suggested it). No need to prevent the user from interacting with the search term field during fetching. Let's figure out a nicer way to present this in a followup.
If the currently selected or auto-add board is archived or deleted, we should reset them. There are some edge cases taht weren't handled in the previous implementation.
All handling of this logic is moved to the (renamed) listener.
We only need to show the totals in the tooltip. Tooltips accpet a component for the tooltip label. The component isn't rendered until the tooltip is triggered.
Move the board total fetching into a tooltip component for the boards. Now we only fire these requests when the user mouses over the board
- Simplify the gallery layout
- Set an initial gallery limit to load _some_ images immediately.
- Refactor the resize observer to use the actual rendered image component to calculate the number of images per row/col. This prevents inaccuracies caused by image padding that could result in the wrong number of images.
- Debounce the limit update to not thrash teh API
- Use absolute positioning trick to ensure the gallery container is always exactly the right size
- Minimum of `imagesPerRow` images loaded at all times
This is one of those unexpected CSS quirks. Flex containers need min-width or min-height for their children to not overflow. Add `minH={0}` to gallery container.
When a model install is initiated from outside the client, we now trigger the model manager tab's model install list to update.
- Handle new `model_install_download_started` event
- Handle `model_install_download_complete` event (this event is not new but was never handled)
- Update optimistic updates/cache invalidation logic to efficiently update the model install list
Create intermediary nanostores for values required by the event handlers. This allows the event handlers to be purely imperative, with no reactivity: instead of recreating/setting the handlers when a dependent piece of state changes, we use nanostores' imperative API to access dependent state.
For example, some handlers depend on brush size. If we used the standard declarative `useSelector` API, we'd need to recreate the event handler callback each time the brush size changed. This can be costly.
An intermediate `$brushSize` nanostore is set in a `useLayoutEffect()`, which responds to changes to the redux store. Then, in the event handler, we use the imperative API to access the brush size: `$brushSize.get()`.
This change allows the event handler logic to be shared with the pending canvas v2, and also more easily tested. It's a noticeable perf improvement, too, especially when changing brush size.
This required some minor reworking of of the logic to recall multiple items. I split this into a utility function that includes some special handling for concat.
When the model in metadata's key no longer exists, fall back to fetching by name, base and type. This was the intention all along but the logic was never put in place.
It doesn't make sense to allow context menu here, because the context menu will technically be on a div and not an image - there won't be any image options there.
Note about the huge diff: I had a different version of pydantic installed at some point, which slightly altered a _ton_ of schema components. This typegen was done on the correct version of pydantic and un-does those alterations, in addition to the intentional changes to event models.