The node polyfills needed to run the `swagger-parser` library (used to dereference the OpenAPI schema) cause the canvas tab to immediately crash when the package build is used in another react application.
I'm sure this is fixable but it's not clear what is causing the issue and troubleshooting is very time consuming.
Selectively rolling back the implementation of `swagger-parser`.
Themes are very fun but due to the differences in perceived saturation and lightness across the
the color spectrum, it's impossible to have have multiple themes that look great without hand-
crafting *every* shade for *every* theme. We've ended up with 4 OK themes (well, 3, because the
light theme was pretty bad).
I've removed the themes and added color mode support. There is now a single dark and light mode,
each with their own color palette and the classic grey / purple / yellow invoke colors that
@blessedcoolant first designed.
I've re-styled almost everything except the model manager and lightbox, which I keep forgetting
to work on.
One new concept is the Chakra `layerStyle`. This lets us define "layers" - think body, first layer,
second layer, etc - that can be applied on various components. By defining layers, we can be more
consistent about the z-axis and its relationship to color and lightness.
The TS Language Server slows down immensely with our translation JSON, which is used to provide kinda-type-safe translation keys. I say "kinda", because you don't get autocomplete - you only get red squigglies when the key is incorrect.
To improve the performance, we can opt out of this process entirely, at the cost of no red squigglies for translation keys. Hopefully we can resolve this in the future.
It's not clear why this became an issue only recently (like past couple weeks). We've tried rolling back the app dependencies, VSCode extensions, VSCode itself, and the TS version to before the time when the issue started, but nothing seems to improve the performance.
1. Disable `resolveJsonModule` in `tsconfig.json`
2. Ignore TS in `i18n.ts` when importing the JSON
3. Comment out the custom types in `i18.d.ts` entirely
It's possible that only `3` is needed to fix the issue.
I've tested building the app and running the build - it works fine, and translation works fine.
Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a similar one
Only "real" conflicts were in: