- remove UI-specific state (the enabled schedulers) from redux, instead derive it in a selector
- simplify logic by putting schedulers in an object instead of an array
- rename `activeSchedulers` to `enabledSchedulers`
- remove need for `useEffect()` when `enabledSchedulers` changes by adding a listener for the `enabledSchedulersChanged` action/event to `generationSlice`
- increase type safety by making `enabledSchedulers` an array of `SchedulerParam`, which is created by the zod schema for scheduler
There are some bugs with it that I cannot figure out related to `floating-ui` and `downshift`'s handling of refs.
Will need to revisit this component in the future.
- responsive changes were causing a lot of weird layout issues, had to remove the rest of them
- canvas (non-beta) toolbar now wraps
- reduces minH for prompt boxes a bit
Implement `dnd-kit` for image drag and drop
- vastly simplifies logic bc we can drag and drop non-serializable data (like an `ImageDTO`)
- also much prettier
- also will fix conflicts with file upload via OS drag and drop, bc `dnd-kit` does not use native HTML drag and drop API
- Implemented for Init image, controlnet, and node editor so far
More progress on the ControlNet UI
This may cause minor gallery jumpiness at the very end of processing, but is necessary to prevent the progress image from sticking around if the last node in a session did not have an image output.
Some socket events should not be handled by the slice reducers. For example generation progress should not be handled for a canceled session.
Added another layer of socket actions.
- `socketGeneratorProgress` is dispatched when the actual socket event is received
- Listener middleware exclusively handles this event and determines if the application should also handle it
- If so, it dispatches `appSocketGeneratorProgress`, which the slices can handle
Needed to fix issues related to canceling invocations.
- Update the canvas graph generation to flag its uploaded init and mask images as `intermediate`.
- During canvas setup, hit the update route to associate the uploaded images with the session id.
- Organize the socketio and RTK listener middlware better. Needed to facilitate the updated canvas logic.
- Add a new action `sessionReadyToInvoke`. The `sessionInvoked` action is *only* ever run in response to this event. This lets us do whatever complicated setup (eg canvas) and explicitly invoking. Previously, invoking was tied to the socket subscribe events.
- Some minor tidying.