If `reactflow` initializes before the node templates are parsed, edges may not be rendered and the viewport may get reset.
- Add `isReady` state to `NodesState`. This is false when we are loading or parsing node templates and true when that is finished.
- Conditionally render `reactflow` based on `isReady`.
- Add `viewport` to `NodesState` & handlers to keep it synced. This allows `reactflow` to mount and unmount freely and not lose viewport.
Refine concept of "parameter" nodes to "primitives":
- integer
- float
- string
- boolean
- image
- latents
- conditioning
- color
Each primitive has:
- A field definition, if it is not already python primitive value. The field is how this primitive value is passed between nodes. Collections are lists of the field in node definitions. ex: `ImageField` & `list[ImageField]`
- A single output class. ex: `ImageOutput`
- A collection output class. ex: `ImageCollectionOutput`
- A node, which functions to load or pass on the primitive value. ex: `ImageInvocation` (in this case, `ImageInvocation` replaces `LoadImage`)
Plus a number of related changes:
- Reorganize these into `primitives.py`
- Update all nodes and logic to use primitives
- Consolidate "prompt" outputs into "string" & "mask" into "image" (there's no reason for these to be different, the function identically)
- Update default graphs & tests
- Regen frontend types & minor frontend tidy related to changes
This is probably better done on the backend or in a different way. This can cause steps to go above 1000 which is more than the set number for the model.
Seam options are now removed. They are replaced by two options --Mask Blur and Mask Blur Method .. which control the softness of the mask that is being painted.
There was no check at all to see if the canvas had a valid model already selected. The first model in the list was selected every time.
Now, we check if its valid. If not, we go through the logic to try and pick the first valid model.
If there are no valid models, or there was a problem listing models, the model selection is cleared.
multi-select actions include:
- drag to board to move all to that board
- right click to add all to board or delete all
backend changes:
- add routes for changing board for list of image names, deleting list of images
- change image-specific routes to `images/i/{image_name}` to not clobber other routes (like `images/upload`, `images/delete`)
- subclass pydantic `BaseModel` as `BaseModelExcludeNull`, which excludes null values when calling `dict()` on the model. this fixes inconsistent types related to JSON parsing null values into `null` instead of `undefined`
- remove `board_id` from `remove_image_from_board`
frontend changes:
- multi-selection stuff uses `ImageDTO[]` as payloads, for dnd and other mutations. this gives us access to image `board_id`s when hitting routes, and enables efficient cache updates.
- consolidate change board and delete image modals to handle single and multiples
- board totals are now re-fetched on mutation and not kept in sync manually - was way too tedious to do this
- fixed warning about nested `<p>` elements
- closes#4088 , need to handle case when `autoAddBoardId` is `"none"`
- add option to show gallery image delete button on every gallery image
frontend refactors/organisation:
- make typegen script js instead of ts
- enable `noUncheckedIndexedAccess` to help avoid bugs when indexing into arrays, many small changes needed to satisfy TS after this
- move all image-related endpoints into `endpoints/images.ts`, its a big file now, but this fixes a number of circular dependency issues that were otherwise felt impossible to resolve
- make the `SDXLConcatLink` icon match existing colors in light mode
- make the link toggle button accent color when active (its not super obvious but at least there is *some* visual difference for the button)
* add upper bound for minWidth to prevent crash with cypress
* add fallback so UI doesnt crash when backend isnt running
Co-authored-by: Mary Hipp <maryhipp@Marys-MacBook-Air.local>
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ X] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ X] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [X ] Yes
- [] No
## Description
This PR adds NSFW checker and invisible watermark fields. The NSFW
checker takes an image input and produces an image output. If NSFW
content is detected, the output image will be blurred and a "caution"
icon pasted into its upper left corner. A boolean `active` field
controls whether the checker is active. If turned off it simply returns
a copy of the image.
The invisible watermark node adds an invisible text to the image,
defaulting to "InvokeAI". To decode the watermark use the
`invisible-watermark` command, which is part of the
`invisible-watermark` library:
$ invisible-watermark -v -a decode -t bytes -m dwtDct -l 64 ./bluebird-watermark.png
decode time ms: 14.129877090454102
Note that the `-l` (length) argument is mandatory. It is set to 64 here
because the watermark `InvokeAI` is 8 bytes/64 bits long. The length
must match in order for the watermark to be decoded correctly.
Both nodes are now incorporated into the linear Text2Image and
Image2Image UIs, including the canvas. They are not implemented for
inpaint currently.
The nodes can be disabled with configuration options:
invisible_watermark: false
nsfw_checker: false
or at launch time with `--no-invisible_watermark` and
feat(ui) use `as` for menuitem links
I had requested this be done with the chakra `Link` component, but actually using `as` is correct according to the docs. For other components, you are supposed to use `Link` but looks like `MenuItem` has this built in.
Fixed in all places where we use it.
- fix github icon
- give menu hamburger button padding
- add menu motion props so it animates the same as other menus
feat(ui): restore ColorModeButton
chore(ui): lint
feat(ui): remove colormodebutton again