## :octicons-log-16: Important Changes Since Version 2.3

### Nodes

Behind the scenes, InvokeAI has been completely rewritten to support
"nodes," small unitary operations that can be combined into graphs to
form arbitrary workflows. For example, there is a prompt node that
processes the prompt string and feeds it to a text2latent node that
generates a latent image. The latents are then fed to a latent2image
node that translates the latent image into a PNG.

The WebGUI has a node editor that allows you to graphically design and
execute custom node graphs. The ability to save and load graphs is
still a work in progress, but coming soon.

### Command-Line Interface Retired

All "invokeai" command-line interfaces have been retired as of version

To launch the Web GUI from the command-line, use the command
`invokeai-web` rather than the traditional `invokeai --web`.

### ControlNet

This version of InvokeAI features ControlNet, a system that allows you
to achieve exact poses for human and animal figures by providing a
model to follow. Full details are found in [ControlNet](features/CONTROLNET.md)

### New Schedulers

The list of schedulers has been completely revamped and brought up to date:

| **Short Name** | **Scheduler**                   | **Notes**                   |
| **ddim**       | DDIMScheduler                   |                             |
| **ddpm**       | DDPMScheduler                   |                             |
| **deis**       | DEISMultistepScheduler          |                             |
| **lms**        | LMSDiscreteScheduler            |                             |
| **pndm**       | PNDMScheduler                   |                             |
| **heun**       | HeunDiscreteScheduler           | original noise schedule     |
| **heun_k**     | HeunDiscreteScheduler           | using karras noise schedule |
| **euler**      | EulerDiscreteScheduler          | original noise schedule     |
| **euler_k**    | EulerDiscreteScheduler          | using karras noise schedule |
| **kdpm_2**     | KDPM2DiscreteScheduler          |                             |
| **kdpm_2_a**   | KDPM2AncestralDiscreteScheduler |                             |
| **dpmpp_2s**   | DPMSolverSinglestepScheduler    |                             |
| **dpmpp_2m**   | DPMSolverMultistepScheduler     | original noise scnedule     |
| **dpmpp_2m_k** | DPMSolverMultistepScheduler     | using karras noise schedule |
| **unipc**      | UniPCMultistepScheduler         | CPU only                    |
| **lcm**        | LCMScheduler                    |                             |

Please see [3.0.0 Release Notes](https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/releases/tag/v3.0.0) for further details.