""" Functions for better format logging write_log -- logs the name of the output image, prompt, and prompt args to the terminal and different types of file 1 write_log_message -- Writes a message to the console 2 write_log_files -- Writes a message to files 2.1 write_log_default -- File in plain text 2.2 write_log_txt -- File in txt format 2.3 write_log_markdown -- File in markdown format """ import os def write_log(results, log_path, file_types, output_cntr): """ logs the name of the output image, prompt, and prompt args to the terminal and files """ output_cntr = write_log_message(results, output_cntr) write_log_files(results, log_path, file_types) return output_cntr def write_log_message(results, output_cntr): """logs to the terminal""" if len(results) == 0: return output_cntr log_lines = [f"{path}: {prompt}\n" for path, prompt in results] if len(log_lines) > 1: subcntr = 1 for l in log_lines: print(f"[{output_cntr}.{subcntr}] {l}", end="") subcntr += 1 else: print(f"[{output_cntr}] {log_lines[0]}", end="") return output_cntr + 1 def write_log_files(results, log_path, file_types): for file_type in file_types: if file_type == "txt": write_log_txt(log_path, results) elif file_type == "md" or file_type == "markdown": write_log_markdown(log_path, results) else: print(f"'{file_type}' format is not supported, so write in plain text") write_log_default(log_path, results, file_type) def write_log_default(log_path, results, file_type): plain_txt_lines = [f"{path}: {prompt}\n" for path, prompt in results] with open(log_path + "." + file_type, "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.writelines(plain_txt_lines) def write_log_txt(log_path, results): txt_lines = [f"{path}: {prompt}\n" for path, prompt in results] with open(log_path + ".txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.writelines(txt_lines) def write_log_markdown(log_path, results): md_lines = [] for path, prompt in results: file_name = os.path.basename(path) md_lines.append(f"## {file_name}\n\n\n{prompt}\n") with open(log_path + ".md", "a", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.writelines(md_lines)