""" Minimalist updater script. Prompts user for the tag or branch to update to and runs pip install . """ import os import platform import pkg_resources import psutil import requests from distutils.version import LooseVersion from rich import box, print from rich.console import Console, group from rich.panel import Panel from rich.prompt import Prompt from rich.style import Style from invokeai.version import __version__ INVOKE_AI_SRC = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive" INVOKE_AI_TAG = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/tags" INVOKE_AI_BRANCH = "https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/archive/refs/heads" INVOKE_AI_REL = "https://api.github.com/repos/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/releases" OS = platform.uname().system ARCH = platform.uname().machine if OS == "Windows": # Windows terminals look better without a background colour console = Console(style=Style(color="grey74")) else: console = Console(style=Style(color="grey74", bgcolor="grey19")) def invokeai_is_running() -> bool: for p in psutil.process_iter(): try: cmdline = p.cmdline() matches = [x for x in cmdline if x.endswith(("invokeai", "invokeai.exe"))] if matches: print( f":exclamation: [bold red]An InvokeAI instance appears to be running as process {p.pid}[/red bold]" ) return True except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): continue return False def get_pypi_versions(): url = f"https://pypi.org/pypi/invokeai/json" try: data = requests.get(url).json() except: raise Exception("Unable to fetch version information from PyPi") versions = list(data["releases"].keys()) versions.sort(key=LooseVersion, reverse=True) latest_version = [v for v in versions if 'rc' not in v][0] latest_release_candidate = [v for v in versions if 'rc' in v][0] return latest_version, latest_release_candidate def welcome(latest_release: str, latest_prerelease: str): @group() def text(): yield f"InvokeAI Version: [bold yellow]{__version__}" yield "" yield "This script will update InvokeAI to the latest release, or to the development version of your choice." yield "" yield "When updating to an arbitrary tag or branch, be aware that the front end may be mismatched to the backend," yield "making the web frontend unusable. Please downgrade to the latest release if this happens." yield "" yield "[bold yellow]Options:" yield f"""[1] Update to the latest [bold]official release[/bold] ([italic]{latest_release}[/italic]) [2] Update to the latest [bold]pre-release[/bold] (may be buggy; caveat emptor!) ([italic]{latest_prerelease}[/italic]) [3] Manually enter the [bold]version[/bold] you wish to update to""" console.rule() print( Panel( title="[bold wheat1]InvokeAI Updater", renderable=text(), box=box.DOUBLE, expand=True, padding=(1, 2), style=Style(bgcolor="grey23", color="orange1"), subtitle=f"[bold grey39]{OS}-{ARCH}", ) ) console.line() def get_extras(): extras = "" try: _ = pkg_resources.get_distribution("xformers") extras = "[xformers]" except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pass return extras def main(): if invokeai_is_running(): print(":exclamation: [bold red]Please terminate all running instances of InvokeAI before updating.[/red bold]") input("Press any key to continue...") return latest_release, latest_prerelease = get_pypi_versions() welcome(latest_release, latest_prerelease) release = latest_release choice = Prompt.ask("Choice:", choices=["1", "2", "3"], default="1") if choice == "1": release = latest_release elif choice == "2": release = latest_prerelease elif choice == "3": release = Prompt.ask("Enter an InvokeAI version name") extras = get_extras() print(f":crossed_fingers: Upgrading to [yellow]{release}[/yellow]") cmd = f'pip install "invokeai{extras}=={release}" --use-pep517 --upgrade' print("") print("") if os.system(cmd) == 0: print(":heavy_check_mark: Upgrade successful") else: print(":exclamation: [bold red]Upgrade failed[/red bold]") if __name__ == "__main__": try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass