  "modelManager": "Model Manager",
  "model": "Model",
  "allModels": "All Models",
  "checkpointModels": "Checkpoints",
  "diffusersModels": "Diffusers",
  "safetensorModels": "SafeTensors",
  "modelAdded": "Model Added",
  "modelUpdated": "Model Updated",
  "modelEntryDeleted": "Model Entry Deleted",
  "cannotUseSpaces": "Cannot Use Spaces",
  "addNew": "Add New",
  "addNewModel": "Add New Model",
  "addCheckpointModel": "Add Checkpoint / Safetensor Model",
  "addDiffuserModel": "Add Diffusers",
  "addManually": "Add Manually",
  "manual": "Manual",
  "name": "Name",
  "nameValidationMsg": "Enter a name for your model",
  "description": "Description",
  "descriptionValidationMsg": "Add a description for your model",
  "config": "Config",
  "configValidationMsg": "Path to the config file of your model.",
  "modelLocation": "Model Location",
  "modelLocationValidationMsg": "Path to where your model is located.",
  "repo_id": "Repo ID",
  "repoIDValidationMsg": "Online repository of your model",
  "vaeLocation": "VAE Location",
  "vaeLocationValidationMsg": "Path to where your VAE is located.",
  "vaeRepoID": "VAE Repo ID",
  "vaeRepoIDValidationMsg": "Online repository of your VAE",
  "width": "Width",
  "widthValidationMsg": "Default width of your model.",
  "height": "Height",
  "heightValidationMsg": "Default height of your model.",
  "addModel": "Add Model",
  "updateModel": "Update Model",
  "availableModels": "Available Models",
  "search": "Search",
  "load": "Load",
  "active": "active",
  "notLoaded": "not loaded",
  "cached": "cached",
  "checkpointFolder": "Checkpoint Folder",
  "clearCheckpointFolder": "Clear Checkpoint Folder",
  "findModels": "Find Models",
  "scanAgain": "Scan Again",
  "modelsFound": "Models Found",
  "selectFolder": "Select Folder",
  "selected": "Selected",
  "selectAll": "Select All",
  "deselectAll": "Deselect All",
  "showExisting": "Show Existing",
  "addSelected": "Add Selected",
  "modelExists": "Model Exists",
  "selectAndAdd": "Select and Add Models Listed Below",
  "noModelsFound": "No Models Found",
  "delete": "Delete",
  "deleteModel": "Delete Model",
  "deleteConfig": "Delete Config",
  "deleteMsg1": "Are you sure you want to delete this model entry from InvokeAI?",
  "deleteMsg2": "This will not delete the model checkpoint file from your disk. You can readd them if you wish to.",
  "formMessageDiffusersModelLocation": "Diffusers Model Location",
  "formMessageDiffusersModelLocationDesc": "Please enter at least one.",
  "formMessageDiffusersVAELocation": "VAE Location",
  "formMessageDiffusersVAELocationDesc": "If not provided, InvokeAI will look for the VAE file inside the model location given above."