""" Widget class definitions used by model_select.py, merge_diffusers.py and textual_inversion.py """ import curses import math import os import platform import struct import subprocess import sys import textwrap from curses import BUTTON2_CLICKED, BUTTON3_CLICKED from shutil import get_terminal_size from typing import Optional import npyscreen import npyscreen.wgmultiline as wgmultiline import pyperclip from npyscreen import fmPopup # minimum size for UIs MIN_COLS = 150 MIN_LINES = 40 class WindowTooSmallException(Exception): pass # ------------------------------------- def set_terminal_size(columns: int, lines: int) -> bool: OS = platform.uname().system screen_ok = False while not screen_ok: ts = get_terminal_size() width = max(columns, ts.columns) height = max(lines, ts.lines) if OS == "Windows": pass # not working reliably - ask user to adjust the window # _set_terminal_size_powershell(width,height) elif OS in ["Darwin", "Linux"]: _set_terminal_size_unix(width, height) # check whether it worked.... ts = get_terminal_size() if ts.columns < columns or ts.lines < lines: print( f"\033[1mThis window is too small for the interface. InvokeAI requires {columns}x{lines} (w x h) characters, but window is {ts.columns}x{ts.lines}\033[0m" ) resp = input( "Maximize the window and/or decrease the font size then press any key to continue. Type [Q] to give up.." ) if resp.upper().startswith("Q"): break else: screen_ok = True return screen_ok def _set_terminal_size_powershell(width: int, height: int): script = f""" $pshost = get-host $pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui $newsize = $pswindow.buffersize $newsize.height = 3000 $newsize.width = {width} $pswindow.buffersize = $newsize $newsize = $pswindow.windowsize $newsize.height = {height} $newsize.width = {width} $pswindow.windowsize = $newsize """ subprocess.run(["powershell", "-Command", "-"], input=script, text=True) def _set_terminal_size_unix(width: int, height: int): import fcntl import termios # These terminals accept the size command and report that the # size changed, but they lie!!! for bad_terminal in ["TERMINATOR_UUID", "ALACRITTY_WINDOW_ID"]: if os.environ.get(bad_terminal): return winsize = struct.pack("HHHH", height, width, 0, 0) fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCSWINSZ, winsize) sys.stdout.write("\x1b[8;{height};{width}t".format(height=height, width=width)) sys.stdout.flush() def set_min_terminal_size(min_cols: int, min_lines: int) -> bool: # make sure there's enough room for the ui term_cols, term_lines = get_terminal_size() if term_cols >= min_cols and term_lines >= min_lines: return True cols = max(term_cols, min_cols) lines = max(term_lines, min_lines) return set_terminal_size(cols, lines) class IntSlider(npyscreen.Slider): def translate_value(self): stri = "%2d / %2d" % (self.value, self.out_of) length = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4 stri = stri.rjust(length) return stri # ------------------------------------- # fix npyscreen form so that cursor wraps both forward and backward class CyclingForm(object): def find_previous_editable(self, *args): done = False n = self.editw - 1 while not done: if self._widgets__[n].editable and not self._widgets__[n].hidden: self.editw = n done = True n -= 1 if n < 0: if self.cycle_widgets: n = len(self._widgets__) - 1 else: done = True # ------------------------------------- class CenteredTitleText(npyscreen.TitleText): def __init__(self, *args, **keywords): super().__init__(*args, **keywords) self.resize() def resize(self): super().resize() maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() label = self.name self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2 # ------------------------------------- class CenteredButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress): def resize(self): super().resize() maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() label = self.name self.relx = (maxx - len(label)) // 2 # ------------------------------------- class OffsetButtonPress(npyscreen.ButtonPress): def __init__(self, screen, offset=0, *args, **keywords): super().__init__(screen, *args, **keywords) self.offset = offset def resize(self): maxy, maxx = self.parent.curses_pad.getmaxyx() width = len(self.name) self.relx = self.offset + (maxx - width) // 2 class IntTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText): _entry_type = IntSlider class FloatSlider(npyscreen.Slider): # this is supposed to adjust display precision, but doesn't def translate_value(self): stri = "%3.2f / %3.2f" % (self.value, self.out_of) length = (len(str(self.out_of))) * 2 + 4 stri = stri.rjust(length) return stri class FloatTitleSlider(npyscreen.TitleText): _entry_type = npyscreen.Slider class SelectColumnBase: """Base class for selection widget arranged in columns.""" def make_contained_widgets(self): self._my_widgets = [] column_width = self.width // self.columns for h in range(self.value_cnt): self._my_widgets.append( self._contained_widgets( self.parent, rely=self.rely + (h % self.rows) * self._contained_widget_height, relx=self.relx + (h // self.rows) * column_width, max_width=column_width, max_height=self.__class__._contained_widget_height, ) ) def set_up_handlers(self): super().set_up_handlers() self.handlers.update( { curses.KEY_UP: self.h_cursor_line_left, curses.KEY_DOWN: self.h_cursor_line_right, } ) def h_cursor_line_down(self, ch): self.cursor_line += self.rows if self.cursor_line >= len(self.values): if self.scroll_exit: self.cursor_line = len(self.values) - self.rows self.h_exit_down(ch) return True else: self.cursor_line -= self.rows return True def h_cursor_line_up(self, ch): self.cursor_line -= self.rows if self.cursor_line < 0: if self.scroll_exit: self.cursor_line = 0 self.h_exit_up(ch) else: self.cursor_line = 0 def h_cursor_line_left(self, ch): super().h_cursor_line_up(ch) def h_cursor_line_right(self, ch): super().h_cursor_line_down(ch) def handle_mouse_event(self, mouse_event): mouse_id, rel_x, rel_y, z, bstate = self.interpret_mouse_event(mouse_event) column_width = self.width // self.columns column_height = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) column_no = rel_x // column_width row_no = rel_y // self._contained_widget_height self.cursor_line = column_no * column_height + row_no if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED: if hasattr(self, "on_mouse_double_click"): self.on_mouse_double_click(self.cursor_line) self.display() class MultiSelectColumns(SelectColumnBase, npyscreen.MultiSelect): def __init__(self, screen, columns: int = 1, values: Optional[list] = None, **keywords): if values is None: values = [] self.columns = columns self.value_cnt = len(values) self.rows = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) super().__init__(screen, values=values, **keywords) def on_mouse_double_click(self, cursor_line): self.h_select_toggle(cursor_line) class SingleSelectWithChanged(npyscreen.SelectOne): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.on_changed = None def h_select(self, ch): super().h_select(ch) if self.on_changed: self.on_changed(self.value) class SingleSelectColumnsSimple(SelectColumnBase, SingleSelectWithChanged): """Row of radio buttons. Spacebar to select.""" def __init__(self, screen, columns: int = 1, values: list = None, **keywords): if values is None: values = [] self.columns = columns self.value_cnt = len(values) self.rows = math.ceil(self.value_cnt / self.columns) self.on_changed = None super().__init__(screen, values=values, **keywords) def h_cursor_line_right(self, ch): self.h_exit_down("bye bye") def h_cursor_line_left(self, ch): self.h_exit_up("bye bye") class SingleSelectColumns(SingleSelectColumnsSimple): """Row of radio buttons. When tabbing over a selection, it is auto selected.""" def when_cursor_moved(self): self.h_select(self.cursor_line) class TextBoxInner(npyscreen.MultiLineEdit): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.yank = None self.handlers.update( { "^A": self.h_cursor_to_start, "^E": self.h_cursor_to_end, "^K": self.h_kill, "^F": self.h_cursor_right, "^B": self.h_cursor_left, "^Y": self.h_yank, "^V": self.h_paste, } ) def h_cursor_to_start(self, input): self.cursor_position = 0 def h_cursor_to_end(self, input): self.cursor_position = len(self.value) def h_kill(self, input): self.yank = self.value[self.cursor_position :] self.value = self.value[: self.cursor_position] def h_yank(self, input): if self.yank: self.paste(self.yank) def paste(self, text: str): self.value = self.value[: self.cursor_position] + text + self.value[self.cursor_position :] self.cursor_position += len(text) def h_paste(self, input: int = 0): try: text = pyperclip.paste() except ModuleNotFoundError: text = "To paste with the mouse on Linux, please install the 'xclip' program." self.paste(text) def handle_mouse_event(self, mouse_event): mouse_id, rel_x, rel_y, z, bstate = self.interpret_mouse_event(mouse_event) if bstate & (BUTTON2_CLICKED | BUTTON3_CLICKED): self.h_paste() class TextBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = TextBoxInner class BufferBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = npyscreen.BufferPager class ConfirmCancelPopup(fmPopup.ActionPopup): DEFAULT_COLUMNS = 100 def on_ok(self): self.value = True def on_cancel(self): self.value = False class FileBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = npyscreen.Filename class PrettyTextBox(npyscreen.BoxTitle): _contained_widget = TextBox def _wrap_message_lines(message, line_length): lines = [] for line in message.split("\n"): lines.extend(textwrap.wrap(line.rstrip(), line_length)) return lines def _prepare_message(message): if isinstance(message, list) or isinstance(message, tuple): return "\n".join([s.rstrip() for s in message]) # return "\n".join(message) else: return message def select_stable_diffusion_config_file( form_color: str = "DANGER", wrap: bool = True, model_name: str = "Unknown", ): message = f"Please select the correct prediction type for the checkpoint named '{model_name}'. Press <CANCEL> to skip installation." title = "CONFIG FILE SELECTION" options = [ "'epsilon' - most v1.5 models and v2 models trained on 512 pixel images", "'vprediction' - v2 models trained on 768 pixel images and a few v1.5 models)", "Accept the best guess; you can fix it in the Web UI later", ] F = ConfirmCancelPopup( name=title, color=form_color, cycle_widgets=True, lines=16, ) F.preserve_selected_widget = True mlw = F.add( wgmultiline.Pager, max_height=4, editable=False, ) mlw_width = mlw.width - 1 if wrap: message = _wrap_message_lines(message, mlw_width) mlw.values = message choice = F.add( npyscreen.SelectOne, values=options, value=[2], max_height=len(options) + 1, scroll_exit=True, ) F.editw = 1 F.edit() if not F.value: return None assert choice.value[0] in range(0, 3), "invalid choice" choices = ["epsilon", "v", "guess"] return choices[choice.value[0]]